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Everything posted by originalimp

  1. akuji: amazing..... truly.... god shes beautiful* he was thinking aloud not noticing
  2. akuji: you alway had a lack of respect for wemon * looks to kagome* im sorry because of all the fighting we really havent been introduced my name is akuji motamuri whats your
  3. akuji: leave me be fool! * he walks on his digimon as well he is evil right now if you cnat tell by the dark ring choker
  4. ooc: yeah we could but why dont you be shippo ill fill you in akuji found inuyasha and wanted to fight but wouldnt with kagome there so inuyasha and the gang explained the hole process with naraku and now there eating fish
  5. akuji: * he hands one to kagome * so are you and inuyasha an item
  6. akuji: *opens a bag on his bag and theres large smoked fish* one of my hands has posion smoke the other just smoke this is why i want teh shards to be a full demon and not need these stupid prayer beads
  7. akuji: * hands over twenty* the other seven will be recived after the death to this naraku
  8. akuji: i assume you are after the shards as well inuyasha still want to become a full demon?
  9. akuji: then do you mind if i joing up with you and aid in his death
  10. akuji: inuyasha what to you mean * sheaths his sowrd
  11. akuji: you wouldnt guess who freed me totosai
  12. akuji: * draws his sowrd and it transforms like the tetsugai just looks diffrent * i shant use my smoke if there here inuyasha
  13. akuji: munk fox demon and miss please leave i do not wish to kill yee
  14. ( btw naraku did it if you guys read you should no that
  15. sorry shippo lets just rp ok*smiles*
  16. akuji: isnt it obvius the person you were rein carnated from kikyo
  17. akuji: revenge im going to take his life understand miss?
  18. akuji: 50 years ago inuyasha pushed me in the cursed lake while it was freezing i was frozen solid while he was free to steal the jewel and the love of my life!
  19. akuji: i wont let kikyos reincarnation be a pawn in your plot to rebuild the jewel beside youll never be able to get my shards inuyasha
  20. akuji: still i made a promise id protect her forever so i must keep her from you you traitor
  21. akuji: kikyo you dont rember me.... ( 27 total*) no matter i assume inuyasha has tanited you brain i sahll free you form his spell * throws kagome a fume mask like the one that sango wears
  22. i dont care besides you posted more lets rp akuji: * he sees inuyasha from a distance* inuyasha! * dashes up to the group* you die now * he looked to kagome* kikyo you trravle with this filthy demon who betrayed me but i cant kill you..... just inuyasha
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