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  1. in a few posts ive read they talk about dark aeons, what/where are they??
  2. hey im having a lot of trouble trying to dodge the 200 bolts of lightning to get Lulu's crest or sigil or whatever it is. can anyone help me with this??
  3. i might be wrong i dunno but from what i hear you only have to pay the $50(??) dollars for the game, $40 for a modem thing for the PS2 and in japan they had a $10/month cost to play but i heard they might not have that in the US. if anyone has heard different id love to know because that $10/month could stop me from gettin the game
  4. ok i just got yuna's nirvana completely powered up and ... of course i love it. but im jsut wondering, does anyone know what ability things the other ppls weapons have??
  5. i finally beat him (b4 i read these cuz i havent been online in a while) but i did have to do work. i got anima and the magus sisters and i just had to use the magus sister's overdrive and some attacks and he died really quick...now im stuck on jecht or braskas final aeon, wutever u wanna call him. but thanx for the help anyway!
  6. at the end (almost) of FFX you have to beat both arms and then the core of sin. then he flys off or whatever, but when you go to fight him again his overdrive can kill and aeon and all your party in one hit what do i do to stop this!! please help
  7. ***spoilers*** (im not sure if there really is but just to please everyone i decided to put it) when i faught lady yunalesca i cast hastega on everyone (i think it was yuna, tidus, and auron) and had yuna cast holy on her which really helped and on her 3rd and last form i used all my aeons in overdrive. hope that can help anyone.
  8. jamez

    RE online

    ive heard about the new resident evil online for PS2 but all ive read never said much about what the game is gonna be like. if anyone has any info id love to hear it. THANX!
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