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Everything posted by Bass

  1. Well this is quite a hard choice. But I will have to go with 0083, I just like it.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]adding more to the wing series just wouldn't work, all the gundam's were destroyed, lets keep it that way.... [/B][/QUOTE] I agree, the only plot they could was that someone rebuilt the gundams, I seriously don't think that would be much of a story. I still would like to see Heero and Zechs again, but that is just life! :)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]The games I looking forward to are: Devil May Cry 2, Sonic, Red Faction 2, Armored Core 3, Robotech, Megaman X7, Zone of the Enders 2, Socom, MGS2: Substance, Xenosaga, and FFXI. Thats basicly it from what I can remember off the top of my head. Of course I have other games on others systems too, its just that it really sucks we have to wait to at least Fall to play these games. :( [/B][/QUOTE] Yea, you just about said it for me. But does anyone know if the Sonic game will feature Chao raising? My friend has a GC and I am hooked on raising Chao. I really hope so!! Also, what is up with being able to skateboard in MGS2: Substance? Sounds kinda stupid to me, some of the screenshots looked OK though.
  4. Bass

    RE online

    Monthly costs? That will put a bump in my income. That is what parents are for. :)
  5. Have you ever noticed how all of the good games for sony, and countless other companies were just good? Nintendo's good games were always addictive. I have played the first pokemon game I got (blue) for 78 hours. That is alot. Unfortuanatley SSB. doesn't have a timer thingie because I bet it would be at least 1000 hours. Yes, I buy other systems and play other games, but Nintendo's are all so addicting. What are the most addicting games you have, and how much do you play them?
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