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OOC: I really feel that this RPG needs to come to a close. I'm sorry to people who still want to play, but I'm going on a leave for a funeral, and I'm afraid I won't have time to continue the RPG. Neo followed the black cat to it's final location, the entrance to Zion. Why had it been there? All of a sudden an image of a familiar figure appeared. It was Agent Smith.... "Hello Mr. Anderson. It's good to see you." Neo could hear his voice through the deck. As soon has he did, he came rushing out of the ship in the cold desert. He looked over at the unreal figure and wondered how any of this could be possible. He knelt and threw up. A quick recovery was made, and Neo got back on his feet, glancing over at the stern man once again. "How..." Smith: "You'll never escape our power Neo. You're weak, and powerless to do anything against what we have over you people. You'll never escape our pit, you'll just keep falling, like the scum that you are. Did you really believe that you are 'The One'? Such a thing to laugh at....The Matrix will ALWAYS have you Mr. Anderson. There's no point in resistance." Neo: "What the hell!!??! This...this...can't be...Morpheus showed me...The images, our ship, the people-" Smith: "All but figures in another realm pulled over your eyes. You see why technology is stronger then man? Do you see the irony of how machine was made to improved society of man, and yet lead to it's downfall? You've wasted your time here, and with that crew..." The rest of the crew gathered behind Neo. They couldn't believe their eyes of the sight. Smith spoke his story again, and soon the other members caught on to what he was saying. Cat: "My god..." Smith: "Now if you will, give me the access codes to Zion." Neo, jerked his head up immediately from his strain of anxiety. He had an angered look on his face. Without another thought, he ran and charged at the Agent. The image disappeared. Locke: "That thing will kill us...get back into the ship!" Neo: "No. He made his mistake. He wanted access codes to Zion, a place by his logic shouldn't exist." Neo looked over at his shoulder, and tore the rag covering it. He asked Locke to hand him a knife, and he did so. Neo began mutilating himself by cutting a single line down his shoulder. With his other hand, he reached in and grabbed the smallest nanochip. "The Metacortex building, remember? A plan to keep us down from our goals." He angrily through the chip on the ground. "This will never stop us. Remove this from your minds. It was planted in us when we were in the Matrix." A sigh of relief came from many. [i]Two weeks later, about a month before Reloaded[/i].... "It's time Neo. We must enter The Gate. It holds the key to our victory..." said a familiar voice, that of Morpheus. "What? Some kind of device...Or something that I can make implode or destroy?" replied Neo. "No Neo. Every computer has its programs to store information. I believe that Machines have found a way into Zion...And there's only one person to stop him. Unfortunately, he is being heavily guarded by virii programs..." "I think I could handle it. So who is it?" "The Keymaker." To be continued...In The Matrix: Reloaded. May, 2003.
OOC: No, no cat ONBOARD. It's outside, and this plays into my plot... "A cat? What the hell...?" Neo seemed confused to see a cat sitting outside of the ship. How could that be possible? A message arrived for Neo on the monitor. [I]"Follow the black cat..."[/I] "It...It can't...can't be... This can't be good." The ship was now leaving broadcast depth, following the trails of the mysterious black cat.
Neo awoke from the Construct. He sensed something.... He couldn't believe his eyes. He looked over at the window of the ship and saw a cat move by twice. "What the hell? It can't be..." Neo got nervous and ran to the control deck.
Neo looked at each recruit able to perform such feats, such power. They have almost mastered the Matrix, but there was something still to come. Something Neo couldn't possibly ever break. He was scared of the actual truth. Lies and deceit still come from the real world. "You two, come with me."
"Cheating is something we need. Cheating is always an advantage." Neo looked over at the recruits. "Hope you're all ok." Neo signaled Cat to load another program. "Have I told you why I have brought you here?" Neo began to float in front of the crew, in a meditating position. "Have you any reason to fear the Matrix?" Neo picked up his pace and began to zoom straight up. A voice echoied eerily, "Your limits can be surpassed..." The white walls began to change into green code. Then in a blink, each of them was locked in their own trap. "You can move beyond this. Now do it!" One had multipled agents, another closing stone walls. Neo hovered above, a stern look on his face. He thought to himself, [i]If only they realized how important this is...They have the potential.[/i]
"Not too shabby. I see you've learned from my mistakes...," Neo said, grinning. "You're beginning to surpass your limits. But that doesn't mean you're special just yet," said Neo. Neo recovered, looking back at the crumbled wall. He turned back to Locke, and got back into a Jeet Kune Do stance. "Again!" Neo came at Locke with a barrage of lighting fast kicks. Two of them were blocked on both sides of Locke's body, but the last landed in his gut, sending back a few feet. He stood there, holding his front. Locke jumped forward, moving towards Neo in the air, while sending 3 kicks, one after another. Neo jumped backwards, in the same direction, blocking each with the stroke of his hands. As Neo landed on the ground, a split second before Locke, he tampered with his new super speed and appeared behind Locke, in stance, with a fist right to his head. "Now what?"
"You're here. I want to see what you are capable of" Suddenly the white room became a classic dojo. Their clothing had changed into Gi's and a sparring match was about to go on. "Let's do this."
Neo walked up to the injured one. "Agent...Why didn't you call me Locke?" Neo knew it was time to tell him. "I guess you realize that was just a warmup for my [i]special recruits[/i]. I'm going to be honest with you; everybody in this ship has hte potential to become like me. What you've demonstrated today is that you aren't ready for that yet. You haven't actually mastered your true capacity. When you get fixed up, come with me into the contstruct" Neo walks away into his quarters. He eats another grueling bowl of slop and begins to meditate in silence.
Neo had set the last bomb into place. The timer was to go off in about 40 seconds, disclosed locations for all. Neo superhumanly runs towards the exit and makes sure everybody is there....
[i]There is no spoon[/i] Neo flew past an endless stream of bodies and buildings, knowing that none of it actually exists. He began seeing endless flowings of the same quantum miasmic green code. "A disturbance...," Neo whispered to himself. Suddenly, after a long distance of flying, Neo dropped himself back to the ground. However, the ground didn't respond as it should...It become jelly-like, and Neo just bounced right off of it as he hit the ground and landed. As he walked past the people, none actually took notice of him. He was only about 4 blocks away from the building now, and he knew some agents would be fast on his tail.
"This is a mission not attempted before. We are going to have to destroy a place in the Matrix, probably very crucial. Knowing you guys, you'd think I would be able to make in implode or some ****, but I need your full support.." Neo said. Neo then motioned to the team a bag filled with explosives and high powered fire arms. A voice came from the team: "What are we destroying?" Neo closed his eyes and a flash back of one moment... [i]"You believe that the rules do not apply to you. Obviously you are mistaken"[/i] "The Metacortex building," replied Neo, "is not a place where some of us wrote data. We wrote code for the Matrix. Destroying this place will set some things back, giving us enough time to do bigger things. Now remember, stay off the highway at all times. It's suicide; a playground for agents. Be on the look out for any new typed Agents. You encounter an Agent, call me. If you feel you can handle it, then do so. Remember, the Matrix is a computer. The rules CAN be bent. Some broken." Neo put on his sunglasses. He looked straight up into the air, and motioned the team to go. And away he flew...
Is this still open? 'Cause I'd be glad to play the cajun:) Name: Vallier Thompson Age: 28 Nationality: British Gender: Male Powers: All forms of kinetic charging, card playing, acrobatics Bio: Val grew up mostly in the high rolls, but much prefered a simple life. His longing for the perfect life sometimes brought him to depression, or anger with his family. It was at that point he began showing a prowess in making objects explode. He harnessed his power, and kept it secret from everyone he knew, in order to continue his life. He had many talents, including professional fencing, martial arts training, card playing, gambling, and gymnastics. As an adult, fully educated and quite the charming person, Val decided it was time to leave his life of luxury, and pursue something he could call his own. He currently wanders the world. Description: Tall, short messy looking black hair, red eyes. British accent. Notoriously handsome and articulate. He is rather on the intelligent side, with a playful lifestyle. Laissez le bons temp rouler!
OOC: Not to be offensive, but what the hell are you guys talking about? We're in the Construct right now, not the Matrix...That's why there is a Smith. TRAINING. By the way, don't take those Matrix editing codes too far. No one can really "edit" the Matrix code, unless they were integrated into the code itself. Neo rose before the Agent program. Smith sends a hard roundhouse to Neo's side.... But Neo is already a good 8 feet in the air, he comes back down with a drill kick to Smith. The kick connects and sends a blur of red and broken glass everywhere. As Neo lands back on the table in the teahouse, Smith comes at him with 3 consecutive kicks in the air. But Neo IS faster. He came up in the air and blocked all three just as quickly. "Jeet Kune Do," whispers Neo. Neo begins relaxing his body. He flips around to the wall and grabs a "Way of the Dragon" model of nunchuka. Neo swings it violently with trademark Bruce Lee grunts to back. The Agent has somehow managed to get himself a broad sword. "SCWWCTH!" The sword swings and Neo was almost severed. The program just became much harder... Neo threw his nunchucks knowing they were not enough. He grabs 2 katanas, and like a tornado of death spins. Smith, reaching his hands out sees that the tips of his fingers are no longer there. And now, so is his hand........ Smith looked down at his hand in awe, seeing nothing. And as he looked up, a kick going straight to the throat made him cough blood. The program was over and the white construct appeared. "Everybody, grab your gear. I just had my warmup. Get ready, WE'RE GOING IN."
OOC: Yeah, loading program, construct, same thing. I've watched it like 20 times now. So when I say loading program, it's just a synonym Neo entered an old Japanese tea house. His eyes opened and his head lifted from the table. A wall of katanas and swords decorated the left side. Neo was wearing his trademark black trenchcoat and nice oakely shades. Before him stood Agent Smith.
[i]Neo sat and pondered at the control deck. He was in deep focused and decided it was time[/i] Thinking to himself... "How do I go about destroying the Matrix? I can't believe Morpheus would believe me to be the one, and yet there are more..." He looked down at the hovership, and the strangest thing appeared... He thought he saw a big hole in the ship, but at second glance was gone. He shook off the feeling of being disoriented, and over the intercom he spoke: "People, we're going into the loading program. Caterpillar, be prepared to load us up." Neo saw that the Agents were trying to edit the Matrix code in order to keep Neo out. He needed to act quickly, and the first step to success was training.
"****!" Neo shouted All the crew went to the control deck of the ship. Morpheus was nowhere to be seen.... Neo had to take this one. Trying to sound confident, he told the operator: "Turn off all power, and charge EMP" After dozens of times doing this, it's positive Neo could do it again.... "Oh, and get that [i]other[/i] fighting machine off the loading program....squiddies heading in fast..."
[i] Earth, Year: 2199 A single ship zooms past the scorched desert of the real. It's only been 4 months since Neo discovered his "abilities." As of late, he was being transfered to another ship in order to learn more of basic operation in the real world. Little did he know, that the other freed minds are potential chosen ones... He was shocked when Morpheus gave him the first news of this ship. Neo sits quietly at the counsel and stares at the Matrix code... [/i] "Ka is 9...," whispers Neo, "and reverse ka is .9" He struggles to keep up with the quantum miasmic code flowing across the screen.
Ok, I guess I'm starting up this thing now. You can play out some NPC's if you feel the need, and I guess I will be playing the Agents as well. Good luck!
Maybe a couple more and I'll start the game...Does anyone want to be an agent? 'cause you can do that too.
[i]Have you ever had a dream you were so sure was real? How would you tell apart the dream world...and the real world? You've unearthed the rabbit-hole. But you're not finished. Dreams don't only come in singles...They come in double dreams...triple even. So you've awaken from the Matrix. What if you aren't done escaping yet? Welcome to the darkest reaches of your mind[/i] This RPG takes place in the real world, and the Matrix. Characters are allowed reality bending powers. Players will live and work on a ship called "Monounium" This ship is special, though. Each crew member has just been selected recently, and each have been selected because they have the potential to be the one. Keep in mind the character's won't know this until later. The rest of the plot will be explained as we go on. I will play Neo, the first "ONE" The rest of you will need to make up unique characters. Remember, all the ones you make have the potential to be the one. Sample: Alias Name: Neo Age: 28 Expertise: Hacking, programming, combat training, weapons training Bio: Selected by Morpheus, the first in the line of "CHOSEN ONES"
SPOILERS BELOW Has anybody managed to beat Sephiroth? This guy is one tough cookie..Even with Aeroga and Curaga he killed me in two slashes of his sword.
The music is pretty effective, being that is the same person from Legend of Mana. Pretty hokey, but good. Plus, I can't believe all these big named stars voice acted for this game!:eek: David Boreanaz: Squall(Leon) Mandy Moore- aeris Lance Bass:rolleyes: as sephiroth And many many more!
I was thinking of reserving one, but I find that I don't need to anymore. I thought FFX would see fast, but there were a bunch of copies on the first day.
Red eyes, hands down my favorite card.