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Everything posted by Eternal

  1. This games looks indeed very fun and plot intriguing. I'm in it for Squall...Squall can take anyone out. :D Anyway, does anyone know where I can find the footage with their voices in it? I've tried, but have only come upon trailers with music...
  2. Name: Lei Wulong Age: 47 Fighting Style: Various techniques based on the 5 forms Country of Origin: China
  3. Is it too late to join? If not, I pick Prince Elias, brother of Princess Sally Acorn. He's real, but if you're not familiar with him: Name: Prince Elias Good Animal:Whatever Sally is Appearance: Almost like Sally, but more upright posture, manlier hair and wears blue jacket all around, carries blades on his belt Personality: Noble, truthful. A hero Bio: Also in line to the throne after Sally. Elias does what he can to save the world Abilities: Carries two Xena-like blades for each hand. He is incredibly agile and strong, but not as fast as Sonic.
  4. [i] The opposing forces are clear: good and evil. Welcome to a world where these sides become distinct, when the average citizen becomes more then he bargains for; super heroic, or super villianous. Dive straight into Hyperion City, the metropolis of all. You have been granted powers- use them to your advantage. Suit up, and take charge, cause this is about to get heavy[/i] Simple plot: Villians drive the game Requierments: Name Alias Age Weight and height Powers Bio Weaknesses Simple rule: No god characters please. Also, no characters with stupid weaknesses like "he can go insane and kill more people" or "he cries for 10 minutes, so that's when he's vulnerable" or the dreaded "he's just like human with powers but can be shot"
  5. ultima, flare and double cast works miracles
  6. As for different Pokemon, I'd say Vaporeon with ice beam, bubblebeam, surf, and hyperbeam.
  7. [color=indigo][size=5]VERY BIG SPOILER!!![/size][/color] It's controlled, I believe, by either Yu Yevon or Jecht, Tidus's father. Jecht is Sin, the final Aeon and Guardian of the Summoner Braska. [color=indigo]Added a spoiler warning. If you're going to post something like that, please put a spoiler warning at the start of it, so you won't spoil the plot for people. - Desbreko[/color]
  8. That's way too much money....way too rich for my blood..
  9. Aww, that's too bad. I really wanted to see what would become of Tidus. You guys know that in one version, when Tidus wakes up, he swims up, but instead of getting cut off, he pokes his head up and says "SPIRA?" Indicating that he may still be in Spira
  10. Eternal


    Fox does a lot of things people don't like...
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