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  1. Well, I had this problem also. I called in and they told me to switch "Diagnostics" on, I did that and did everything he said, but nothing worked. I had to send mine in, even though it was over 6 months (I couldve swore it was a 1 year warranty) they are going to do it for free anyway. :) I still have to pay for shipping though *sobs*
  2. I personally like DuelofFates best. StealthFalco is great too though. Overall great pics, I have something to look at now. :)
  3. Kazuya, I think Twinzam meant that it was directed towards kids. It took me 3 months to beat Mario 64. Prooving it isn't easy, but he never said it was easy, he just said it was directed towards children.
  4. Vash done by a Power Ranger??? *shudders* I need some asprin.
  5. I just bought Beserk: War Cry yesterday. I recomend it to just about everybody. Except for people who throw up easy. Lets just say that it is graphic.
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