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Everything posted by Yoshimitsu

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] of course you will, lol.... now sega have confirmed that there is indeed no subscription method to play online, you will just have to connect to your ISP and off you go, excellent, just as I thought.... [/B][/QUOTE] No online fees! :excited: *kicks dreamcast repetedly* DIE! Why did I ever subscribe to you. *pulls out notepad* Reason 27 to but a GCN: No subscription fees for PSO. God, I need a Gamecube now! :toothy:
  2. I have, and I must say it is one of the greatest animes of all time. :) I have only seen the first OVA though. *cries*
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] Just look at Kingdom Hearts on PS2. You can never judge a book by its cover.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly, I for one am a ps2 owner, and currently don't own a GCN. But do I think it is kiddie? No I don't. I am actually considering mowing lots of lawns for a GCN. You know you want something when you are mowing lawns in San Antonio,Texas during the summer. Eh, I am getting off track now. There are plenty of "kiddie" games on ps2 and X-Box, and there are plenty of "mature" games on the GCN. Even those that are "kiddie" on the GCN are better than alot of the "mature" games I have played. :)
  4. Cowboy Bebop is an anime that now comes on CN at 10:30 saturday nights. This saturday there will be a marathon. Cowboy Bebop is a story about 2 bounty hunters (spike and jet) hunting bounty heads all across space. The story gets a little more intracite but that is the basic idea.
  5. I mainly write the anime, and make charactor descriptions. I send them to a friend to be drawn. I currently have 26 pages on a manga book we are working on. ^_^
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pyro_kai [/i] [B]mmmmmm akira........mmmmmmmmm fire:flaming: mmmmmmmm smiley face with lipstick :smooch: [/B][/QUOTE] mmmmmmmmmmmm, SPAM. I am new and I already know the rules, you should read them sometime. As for Akira, it was one of my first anime and just bluntly awesome. I love it! I recomend it for everyone. ;) Edit - First of all, pro_kai I didn't realise mmmmmmm, meant mmmm yummy! at first. Sorry, I may be a kid, but that still doesn't give you or anybody else for that matter to shut-up.
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