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Everything posted by Krademon
Thanks for the feedback. It's not my best peice and I sketched it in a short time so not much fix ups. I got the idea off one of my friends who drew a sushi chef asking the same thing. And I see what you mean with the elbow, but hey. Here's to improvement :D
I drew this after a PM battle with one of my friends.
Now that's a spiffy picture. No mess no fuss and it even has good timing! Always important in comdey ;) Do you think a darker door would work well?
I quite like the way Anime of this sort tends to have very imaginative characters and theories. Like the soot spiders or the pig curse. Very imaginative.
If it happened round my parts and I had the time I would do a full on creepy jack-o-lantern suit. Get some wood or metal and create some arm and leg extentions, rags or streamers over some clothes, a jack-o-lantern head( paper mache not real....ewww) with light in the eyes and go and scare the hell out of some people. I think I'd prefer that over the candy. But then I'm just evil :devil:
Did I give you some inspiration wondershot? ;) \Nicely done and I agree with the simplicity helping 8.5\10
Abstrac is controling ones emotions? No for me at least. Probably more of an expression of a felling, idea or emotion. And has anyone actually taken classes on abstractism or are you like me and like wording things correctly so it reads like a science paper :P Anyway, about God having created everything it does explain lots of things about the complexity of evolution and such but not why there are leftovers. Anyway if you can imagine then you can convert memories into thoughts and pictures. This could be what abstract thought is, as humans seem to be able to do this process quite well.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fate [/i] [B][color=teal]Maybe I'm weird... I've never had the chicken pox or flu-ish stuff before. The problem with me is that I'm so vulnerable to diseases that I have to constantly be on guard because I'm always sick with a cold or a fever. My immune system is so terrible, a flu could kill me if I'm not treated carefully. My mom says I do it to myself because I hardly eat. No nutrition.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I hate to break it to you but she's right. poor nutrition leads to the body lacking energy and has to pull it from other systems. And low body temperature also flunks out your bodys systems so that bugs can get past your immune system. The best way to improve an appetite is to exercise, if you can find a way to go for a jog or walk to work\school or take a run to the shops now and again or go to the gym. Something that combines in with your schedule so your not waisting any time. As they say Tomorrow is the greatest escuse of today, so avoid having to make one and fit it in with what you've already got.
"Who would want to be your friend, nobody like you!" - Gollum "Nope not listning" -Smeagoul "where would you be without me?!" -Gollum "Nope" -Smeagoul I quite liked this bit. And the synthian ofr Gollum was really well done. The actor that did the movements for gollum also did the voice so the actors for the other character had no trouble realcting realisticly. And can you remember what gollum saye when they are camping in the swamp? Something like "You cannot see what lies ahead when moon is gone and sun is dead" ?
Yes lazertag is very different. Mainly because it's indoors and you don't actually have little balls of plastic or air pellets whizzing past your ear. Also in lazer tag you tend to ahve to keep both hands on your weapon, hit specific points on a person and dodge alot of scenery. Paintball is more active and dngerous. You can get hurt pretty bad if you don't keep you mask on (Like Evolved_Dragon pointed out). But you have alot more versatility because you can hit any part of your opponents body , bar the head, and use natural terrain to your advantage. Up in Queensland Australia they have campaigns. They last a week and littereing with your paintball cannisters is strickly prohibited. At the end of each day you arrive at a safe house for food, showers, drinks and rest. Your clothes are checked and if you have been mortaly 'wounded' you have to sit the next alf day out untill you can 'respawn'. It usually has two teams of about 20-30 people and costal about $200AUZ (about $320US). Sounds like really good fun bit I gotta wait one more year before I can give you guys a full breifing ;)
True about all that. Abstract thought can derive from an awareness of self and therefore and awareness of ones surroundings. So once on is aware of their surroundings they can speculate about what is beyond those confines, and the confines of self. So really human potential, chaos theories, futurists and art are all a form of abstract thought. Even mathamatics is abstract in the way that one has to find a way to solve a solution that may not be obvious at first. Thus infinity is an abstract way of thinking about the beyond, the world that exists beyond out mental or physical confines. And if you have ever really studied (or made) abstract artwork you find that each section, part and element of that peice has a train of though with it that either emulated an idea, felling or fact. For instance I made a creative peice for a creative presentation where I used red to signify anger. Though in nature red is a symbol of danger and poison using abstract though we can make red into an angry color. Probably because peoples faces flush hen they are angry and blood is red the fact is that humans make that connection to a color in many different ways even though it derives from natural instincts. Red = passion, anger, danger. And abstract thought can express this with images.
Well the worst diseases I've had were measels and a really nasty case of the flu. As for being close to dying my brother and I were born 3 months pemature. There is a sort of stick film inside your lungs that keeps them shut while your in the womb and gradually degrades as you mature. Well mine haden't degraded enough and my lungs wouldn't open. The got a tube and puffed them up but punctured the side in the process and had to fix that up too, so you could say my bad experiance came in right from the start. But I'm healthy not I hope :)
Excelent job. Did you use two different kinds of pencil for the eyes and the rest? I haven't had time to do some drawings 'cause I was bored', it's the best way to get shmick artwork. So don't be too worried about getting something to do :P 8\10 As for the bulma pic I got a though through my head as soon as I saw it, "heh, that's cute". I actually like the fact that it's a bit crosseyed. And with the hair it kinda looks like a siamese cat. 8.2\10 Be happy. I usually don't rank many images above 7.8
Well I want ot be a game\movie moddeler (3D) and my character sketches tend to be a little too sketchy. So don't worry it's quite good :)
I agree with the font change for what the dude says but the chick is fine if you can't re-do it. And the poctures are REALLY well drawn. Did you draw them or just cut and paste them with a scanner?
I have an Idea. Can one of you nifti moderator peoples post up a thread for anyone who made a second user login so it can be deleted. (mine's Aurack cause this one wouldn't log in for about a month)
Nice hair. Good skin shading. The ear looks unfinished and messy. Good chin and lips, looks grumpy. All in all nicely done. 7\10
I thought no-life actually came from posting a massive number of posts in a short time. Like 2000 in a month or two? Anyway it's no prob being a newbie. I don't even worry about it. I've been a newbie for over a year because I left posting for a long time and have only come back recently. Respect on the boads dosent come from ammount of posts, it's the quality of your writing. My problem is I think too fast for my hands and tend to have speeelings mastakes :P
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emancipist [/i] [B]you're just taking the easy way out. because you cant discover the scientific solution, you turn to religion. dont get me wrong i believe in god. but that isn't the point now. [/B][/QUOTE] First I'm not religious and am actually using it as an example of ways that people used to constrain the concept of infinity in ye old days. What I'm trying to say is that it is actually impossible so far (perhaps we will get a nifty person one day) for us to actually visualise infinity. And that science has come up with a way to use infinity in mathamatics and physics without actually having to write it out (because you cant).
Agreed that it can't be as good as the book was. But the first two are good and maybe they will do a good job, give them two and a half hours.
Went to see this movie on thursday. For some reason it just flopped. Fell over. Dies. Lost it. Hammered ect ect. At least in my oppinion. I'm not sure about anyone else but the reveiws didn't like it much either. The worst part was the camerawork and sound. The movements were blurry and the sounds were screechy. Come of the effects were good though. The invisible man was probably my personal top scoring effect and yes I know it's been done before but you havent seen the back of their head with something on their face (looks creepy) or one in the snow. All in all the effects were not too bad. The story was kinda....dilute? IU'm not sure if this is because it was a movie from a movie from a book but it left too many loose ends. From me 3\10
Personaly I'd like to get into one of these feilds. I like 3D effects in movies because they're polished and spirry looking. I like games because you get to tell a story and have fun ect. But with the advancements in technology Games would be a really good industry to get into because it's highpay and they are getting better looking. But movies might lead into something else more interesting like holographics if we're lucky. Sigh. What feild do you like\find interesting and what area do you think would be best for me if I like the shiney looking ones but also like coding\telling a story...and having \ making fun.
Well yeah sure we know what infinity is, and how it works. But we can't actually imagine infinity because our minds just cant understand such a concept. Our perception of ideads is directly affected by what we have experianced. Out knowledge of two or red or hot is given by experiance. Because we cannot experiance infinity we cant actually understand it. Just the concept of it. And as for what infinity looks like? Well it dosent. You cant see infinity cause it don't go anywhere, it dosent stop so you cant see it. Look at a picture of space, or a black peice of cloth in a dark room. That's about as close to seeing infinity as you can get nowdays (the future maybe but probabaly not in out lifetime).
Ho ho here's a good one. I just read a new scientist magazine article on infinity. Very interesting stuff. On the effect of human mind, infinity is ONLY human. People think what's bevond the clouds, beyond space. Animals don't need or do thinks so abstractly and therefore don't think about infinity. And also infinity was also created for mathamatical purposes, not just for headaches. Here's one.... A theory about how the anchients used to do curves was thought to be using an sided object they could then use the sides as guidelinges to draw a circle (ignoring the fact that they probably used two pegs and a bit of rope). For instance a square on the inside of a circle gives you 4 points to workl off. Not too precise though. Now add a side and change it into a pentagon. Ahh..much more circular. Add another. Now by looking at this process we can see that the more sides we add to an object where each pint that the sides meet is at the same radius the shape will become smoother and more circular (works best with the shade inside the circle not outside). So if we keep adding sides we will eventually reach a point where the shade is indestinguishable from a circle. And if we keep adding sides -> infinity then we get a circle. Now a cirl only has one side you say? Well yes. If you keep adding things (for instance 1\2 + 1\4 + 1\8 ....and so on even untill + 1\1024 then the sum you get will eventually be with this number 1023/1024. But even if you go on forever the result is 1. Exactly 1). So using this logic we can say that is the sides of a shape heep increasing we will eventualy reach infinite sides..or 1 side. So there, a circle really does have 1 sode because it has an infinite number of sides :P Now that was kinda put together from an article in New Scientist (27 september 2003) and the fact that I'm studying calculus in my Math class. And did you ever notice that the big questions in math are always answered yes and no? Does a circle have 1 side? Yes (1 side) and no (Infinite sides). If you got seriously confused by that don't worry. It is impossible for the human mind to comprehend infinity we just give it a value that works and don't try too hard to go beyond that.