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Everything posted by Krademon
Spose I'm different. I got a twin brother richard. We get along great and are really close, I think it would be hard without him in my life. I spose i got lucky. And yes we do fight on occasins but thats just family. I've been with him almost every day for over 16 years. So I guess I don't know what its like to have an annoying little\big sibling. I'm happy with mine.
yea, I know what its like to hold it in, I do the same and pretend it doesent bother me. But at night when you look at your own thoughts its like, I never realised I thought that way... But on suicide. Don't. Whats the point of spending your whole life growing and learing and affecting others and then killing yourself. It won't solve the problems, but it does stop them from getting better, you can't do anything when your dead. You cant tell people you love them, you cant talk with your friends, you cant eat your favorite food. 'Life is strength, this is not to be contested. you live, you affect your wold' Jhon Irecnicus But the thing is, suicide is just the easy way out. Life has alot to give. Alot of happy things, so dont quit. You dont know what you might miss out on.
Well, I haven't actually had any experience but have heard alot about it. We have a apintball center here in Canberra and it's about $30. So not THAT expensive if you do it once a month and have a job. But here's the icing on the cake. There is a large paintball place in queensland. How large you ask? Well the campaigns last for a week, yes a week over forests streams and plains. Though no littering or leaving cannisters around. So if you and some friends go to paintball every month and then in december or something go on a campaign it's...*does math*. $530 per annum. Really most people spend more than this on the internet and movies every yead. Think about it.
Well my last forum site crashed majorly and I really liked posting in one. I was searching high and low and found some really creeped out ones. I've been watching my local cartoon network cheeze tv since I was 5 and still do. They started with stuff like Garfeild and Inspector Gadjet and eventually got in the Anime. They now show Digimon, DBZ, Beyblades, Sailor Moon, Zoids (Chaotic and others), Transformers and spongebobsquarepants. Soon i got a likeing for the anime style and looked for a Digimon forum, sure enough OTAKUBOARDS.com poped up and hey hey, I'm still here arent I. So there we go.
Firstly...Wow lotsa feedback and high level thinking. Really impressive you lot. I personaly don't have a religion and base my knowlede of the world on science and theories. I know not if there is a god but don't eliminate the fact that there could be. We ARE sentient beings and you are correct, we make our own choices. Yes, if so there wouldn't be much point to haveing conciousness. And on the fact that we are just a bag of neurons in a sack in a shell supported by bones, muscles and sinue, and 40 inches from the concrete. I too have contemplated about the fact that if we are pure chemistry and physics (which we probably are, just amazingly complex. Note: no one has figured out conciousness yet) than there isn't any afterlife and there is no point existing for no reason, but who wants to sit, starve, dehydrate, sleep and get poked with a stick until we die just because we gave up. Thats not a very good work ethic now is it. So the way i see it. There may or may not be an external force controlling our lives. But I think I'll look before crossin the freeway, instead of leaving it up to fate to stop me gettin splattered.
Hmmm. good point. Yes I beleive to an extent that good actions are rewarded but i'm not sure. I must say I prefer to follow my conciounce and the good in my heart, but the nasty in power still seem to hold sway over the weak innocence. But hey lets be optomistic. There gonna be smote, there gonna be smote good.
Who should be responsible for the moral education of a child?
Krademon replied to ChibiV's topic in General Discussion
An apple never falls far from the tree, jet all social interaction build upon our personality. I read on a bus poster once. "the first five years...shape the next fifty" So therefore any social stimulus is assimilated and hardwired. So kids...don't...watch...telitubbies! You'll start talking funny. -
No, just my usuall mind wondering thoughts. Ever been cubed? My cube is on a corner. That means i'm in the cloud and boy is the air thin up here.
I'm sure that most of us have received some sort of chain mail quoting.. "if you don't send this to 20 or more people you will never find love..." Well I say Bull S***. We are concious human beings. We make our ow choices and live our own lives. You can't be cursed by an e-mail, letter or potions. These are just electrons and chemicals (no matter how bad it tastes). I beleive that we may have a destiny, a life to which we can attain if we make the right decisions. If there was fate than why do we think? And don't plant a hitch hiker on me. I'd really like to hear your veiws on this topic.
Well i've lived in canberra my whole life (and YES it is the capital of Australia no matter what some encyclopedias say). I've been to the islands of Vanuatu, Neumea and Lifu. Melbourne, Sydeny and numerous other auzzie cities but I reckon Canberras the best. It's one of the only truely planned cities in the world, this may sound like a barren landscape for a populations but it's quite spacious and greeny. We have the parlimentary triangle. Parlament house has heaps of skylights and all of the major buildings were beautifly designed. There's the eagle pillar, a gift from you americans after wwII, so thanks on that one. We have lots of parks, statues, sculptures. Three major shopping centers (which is good for it's size). And you can catch a bus anywhere in canberra for one low fare. So that's *some* of the reasons I like Canberra. And there's no traffic jams even in rush hour.
What goes up a pipe down, but not down a pipe up? Smoke, as in a smoking pipe (like popeyes). Too bad that isn't the answer but it is correct to the question. *note* the PIPE may not be a drain pipe.
FULLY SICK MATE! I got a picture for the evangellion:death & rebirth movie which has a red swirly thing like that. I like it alot. Good job
This is a great little number of one of my *I feel like drawing something like...* Moods. This time I wanted to draw a armored figure (I'm good at them). So here it is. I created the name after a look at the digimon section of the borads but it wasn't really for that though the head is a later addition. The name means wolfmonster in japanese.
I haven't pmed you with this soo. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to Domon Happy birthday to you *pleases don't kill me* My birthday's on the 8th of october and so is my brothers. Yes I am a twin and no were not identicle. I have a friend which people think is my brother instead of richard. Oh well. Best wishes
I have been labeled as open, weird, stupid and shameless. I'm really quite smart and probably use my crazy exterior to hide my nerdiness (yes I collect warhammer, read infobooks, play the computer and use the internet...hmmm...not that different from everyone else). But I like it because I'm constantly happy! I talk like a d******d in rral life and don't really care how it affects others because i'm not that stupid. Though I do talk more intelegantly on the net. So you guys know more the real me. Aren't you special.
*blink..blink* I think I'm jealous... 4.5 for this one! It's very good, do you practice much? I can draw armour really good but don't have much luck with DBZ style. How long did it take you? ....Am I babbling again?:babble:
[SIZE=4]BOOHYAAAA!!!![/SIZE] *does a little dance* YAY, other 40K Fans. YES i collect and YES I collet space marines. I've been collecting for...umm...7 YEARS now, that's almost half my lifetime. I have a 2100 point ULTRAMARINE army and a 800 Point custiom army called the Dread legion, a recently descovered colony of space marines. My friends collect Eldar, Imperial guard, Tau, Space marines and ....CHAOS. Which my brother collects and hasen't been defeated in an entire year. Too bad he quit WH. Thanx for this post. If you want me to give you some history on the dread legion and some special characters feel free to ask.
Ooooooo...Puuurdy. A very nice picture but I must say that the hair could really use some lighting as it looks too much like a block of black color. Other wise keep up the neat work rating: 3.5 \ 5
Yes money is good. But is it really something you want to give a guy that's about to go back to Japan?
That unability to move is called drem paralasis. It is actually a state you're body enters everynight and why you can have an operationand not roll over.Dream signs are a good way to become lucid: DREAM SIGNS: Clocks time will change Ie. 4:00 than 11:30. you just look than look again. You can't read. Or actually scentences and words change all the time. Starange stuff, like a pink elephant. The way to use these is to look for them all the time during the day. Like if your watch alarm goes off than do the time check, set it for an hour. And always ask yourself "am I dreaming", don't answer it just ask it in your head. When lucid (fully lucid) you can. FLY:induced by climbing invisible steps in the air, jumping hight or just taking off. SUMMON: Make objects appear. INCORPREAL: Walk through walls, usually end up in a new place. VISION: you can see infinitely and everything is clearer. SHARED: dream with others, dunno if it works. If you start to go lucid and "feel" your control slipping than spin close your eyes and spin, grab onto something tight or rub your hands together. I'll post some helpful sites later.
I've seen worse eves. One with a theuf girl on a bilding with eyes each almost as big as her head. Now THATS! creepy:eek:
He's a boy. He's 16. He like to read comic (yes that's how he said it.)
Well I'm fifteed and it's about 4degrees. Maybee thats cause it winter. Nice poem, I'd give it 8\10. It's got a truthful ring to it though. We've been doing life metaphors in class so here's on. Life is a bookshelf. There's always something you haven't read. Kinda sad but true. I think I'm defeating the mood of this thread soooo. Life is like a strawberry It tastes nice.:p
Alright. We've got a couple of excange students from Japan coming to my school for about 3 weeks. I'm a buddy to one and have been thinking of getting him a going away present that's kinda australia. I could always get a plush koala or kukaburra or sumfin but I thought he might think that a bit lame. so got any Ideas? quote: Help help help HEEEELLLPPP!.(probably wasn't needed but It'll put a smile on ya face:D )
Ahhh spawn. Daemons, Massive guns and cybernetic gorillaz. I've read a few but my friend had alot...than cut them up and made a massive spawn cuppoard door for his room. I LOVE garfield comics. I have heaps of the theme series (IE. I hate mondays *don't we all*e.t.c), Mini books, collectable books and a 1992 christmas edition. Heaps of plush ones. (sitting in a musty old box) and probably even more stuff. I read mad's at school but yes.. there not reallyreal comics. Oh..Oh! And I have a garfield grabby thing of my touchlamp!:blush: