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Everything posted by Genkai
Oy, someone said something about SLEEP in the summer? WHY??? y ou have all this time to do stuff, why sleep if you know it won't matter the next day? sheeeeeeeeesh. Wow, I'm going to be really bored after the first few weks because there won't be anyone there that I know.. THANK GOD FOR THE INTERNET.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]It's better lately than it was a few months ago.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] THANK GOD! I remember that. Anyway, I really don't think that'd do much for the boards, there are all ready whole boards for that... So..
Pooh. I get out June 16th.. It's a MONDAY and it's a HALF DAY.. like anyone but e is gonna go.. I'm not allowed to miss any more school or my parents will be arrested.. Yup, that's it..
*Is reminded* I'm goign to get my 5th HP book in England!!! w00t!!!! Too bad I can't stand with a sword in frot of the theaters for "Pirates of the Carribean" and stop Orlando Bloom from stealiong all the good women on Earth...Hahahaha... BUt sadly, I don't believe PotC is coming to England...*sniffles*
If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be? Otakuboards? I don't know what could be better. At first I was thinking maybe a spanish version, but thet's be near impossible with having to translate things and suff.. Though a spanish theOtaku.com would be kinda cool, hahaha.Maybe some standard computer features that'd be sorta.. random.. like a calculator..... on OB.. ahhahaha.. If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be? Oooh... Oekaki forum... or.... Debate.. Can't decide..... But I already have a Debate forum to use on AEB, so OEKAKI! Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? (ie: closer fan art links, contests, etc) Yes Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards? No. Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? (ie: shared moderators, scheduled chat events etc) Yup. Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards? (ie: do you feel that we need more spam control or less? Or are we just right?) Mmm... Just more... I think the rules need to be enforced more... If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way? No... *sniff* I don't have a cell pone. Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins? Smaller and higher Quality. Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? (if you had to choose only one option) Completely original if I could only change one, but to be honest I'd like to have both... Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB? (in other words, do you seek out Mods/Category Mods to help you when you are unsure of a rule or something like that) Yeah, but I do't have many problems... Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? (such as language restrictions, conflict resolution between members, strict blocking of sexual imagery, etc... - this question is aimed primarily at parents and members over 15 years) Yes. Sounds like you're really aiming for changes for the better, eh James? We all appreciate what ya do..
What are your plans for the summer, eh? By this time of year most people know what they're going to do for most of the summer. I personally am going to England(I live in America, for those of you who haven't figured that out yet) all summer. London to be precise....... Well, not all summer, but a good 2 months of it....I'll miss my peoples, but oh well...
Hmm... Well, I don't remember my first kiss, probably on a dare when I was little, but I can still remember my first REAL kiss, with feeling... And my first kiss with a guy... Who was your first kiss? Girl:Laura Guy: Cliff How old were you? Girl: Oh, early 12... I think, maybe 11 Guy: very recently.. But I'm still 12.. late 12 How was it? Girl: Romantic Guy: Fun What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc) Girl: We were sitting outside on the 4th of July and we said we'd kiss eachother when the fireworks started.. And.. we did. Guy: He was sleeping over at my house, and we were watching TV and I asked CLiff if he'd ever kissed a guy, and he said no but he'd like to and then I kissed him ^^. What was your Worst/Best Kiss? Best: my first kiss with Laura Worst: the way my girlfriend kisses... But I still love her!
Anime How do you feel about the Mainstreaming of Anime...
Genkai replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Hmm..... I'm also afraid parents migth think it's a fad and dislike it, or even worse, kids using it as a fad and then tossing it out until it's not col anymore.. Hmm -
Being a HUGE Donnas fan.... I can only say... Kick some more ***.
HJas anyone else had this problem? I did the code(without the spaces between "colr" and the brackets): [color=red ] TEXT [/color ] When I looked in my sig to check that it worked, I found that it hadn't changed color at all, but that there was no code with a mistake or anything to be found... Help..?:D
Anime How do you feel about the Mainstreaming of Anime...
Genkai replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Believe me Kent. We try. But they don't want to hear it. With "new" shows like Kenshin and YYH around for the kids, maybe there is hope, but they only want to listen to CN, which is mainstream. Let's pray that this mainstreaming will lead them out to better things... But Let's also pray they don't ruin good series with bad dubbing and major editing. By the way, why do many dislike DBZ as it is popular now? The Dubbing. The editing. The merchandising. THAT'S why. Not because it's popular. -
I've had long conversations about love, whetehr it's okay to have sex without love and vice versa, and what it is. Neither of us could describe it. Do you thinki that maybe love is something you just know what it is , whether you've had it or not? That's what I think...
Anime How do you feel about the Mainstreaming of Anime...
Genkai replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I am against the mainstreaming of anime because more "pop series" like DBZ are created and all these little kids who think they know what anime is watch it and claim to be the number one anime fan. It gets annoying after a while...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh... Ohmigosh... That.. That's exactly what I was gonna say. I could rant on and on and on about children at my school who think they're hardcore anime fans because they read the DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh sections of Shonen Jump in the store. I said "Oh, so you like dubbed anime, I guess?" Them: "What other kind of anime is there? I don't take japanese... Stupid." Me: *explodes* -
I have a question. Well, a few What is love? Is it possible to describe it? AHve you experienced love? And no, not relationships in Middle School and High School that are just for...fun.. y'know? I mean, sort of like you woulor you would wish that your time with them woud last forever.... I think you can only fall truly in love once, and that God only put on person on this earth for you to love. And I mean as in romantic love, not love like you love your parents... Yeah... Anyway.... this is NOT the same topic as the "Whats up with boys?" topics etc.. Th is is about LOVE... But go ahead and close it if you see fit, mods!:D No dirty talk, you sly dogs:devil:
I don't like it... I had one online relationship, and that was even with someone I had met but lived many a lightyear away. I think part of it is that we long for a certain physical aspect, from looking into eachother's eyes and holding hands to making out and having (dare I say it hehe) sex. Also, it's soothing to know there's someone you can trust that you're with, and you can never be assured of that online. But I think there are SOME exceptions *stalks Juu*...*online*...*or something*.....
It is a truly good movie. I think it's the only Studio Ghibli film not produced or directed by Hayao Miyazaki, and it's still amazingly realistic, sad, and isn't afraid to be frank. It's and insanely good movie.. I atched it agian last night too... Woohoo.. Go and buy.. The new DVD has a special features disk that's filled with fun goodies.
I now have all the flaming lips CDs except for Zaireeka.... They're AWESOME!!! I really like Transmissions From The Satellite Heart.......... Great CD, go buy!!! Aww, man, I've become probably one of the most hardcore Flaming Lips fans (besides my brother) around these days...... My favorite band forever...
I don't think nudity should be a problem if children don't se eit. That's what My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, CatNapped!, Kiki's Delivery Service, Kimba the White Lion, and billions of others are about.. Kids.. So anime isbn't really all that dirty.. People are just misled by the jillions of anime that are made up of rather bustful bustiness bustalicious busts. (I'm sorry, I'm just reminded of bust pudding, hahaha)
I have a poster on my wall... And I feel magnetically drawn to it somehow, though my brain tells me I don't like the plot.. I still crave it for some reason, because I don't get enough romance manga/anime.. But I don't want comedy with it, o i don't know if this is what I want..
How did I KNOW this thread would turn to Masturbation???? Oy. Also, I like to teach people... Like, not as in a tutor sorth of thing... More like.. I dunno.. For instance I had a long conversation wihth my ittle cousin and we just taught eachother things we had learned about l;ife.. Also, I've been helping teaching Tai Chi at the community senter... It's like a natural high.. But it's not really expressing myself, I guess..
I'm wondering, how do some of you express yourselves? I'm probably going to get a lot of through music and through drawing and through writing, which is fine, but I'm relly looking for something unique..... I espress myselves thoruhg photography, I guess...
I love a warm bed, I love having a girl to love (6 month Anniversary soon...^^ No comments please), I love having a brother, and I love music in my lfe... I dunno, I just got back from a Halo party and I'm a tad dazed....
I th ink it sounded awful and only fun for beginners and fans of the dub anime and nothing else. Though that's just my opinion, hahaha. REally, I don't think I would've enjoyed it at all, and the main attractiopn was where the little kids learned to dul, and th "arcade" shouldn't consist of ONE GAME..... I dunno.... The Tour wasn't meant for people like me, that's all I can say.
MOO!! I RETURN TO THE YGO FORUM! I've been telling people from the start there'd be no Time Wizard, but they wouldn't listen, *sigh*. Well, If I ever have money(which I doubt will ever hapen), I plan to buy that... After I get enoguh money for the Y and K structures..
I read part of the first manga, I think an anime version might be weird to watch... I really like the manga though, so I'll probably buy this. I hope bandai does a good job with it...