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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. Spirited Away just won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature.... I don't know how many times Anime has won in that category here in the US, but do you peope think it's a big step for anime in the U.S.? Or not? I don't know how it will effect the amount of people watching an ime, but I think it sort of shows how anime has grown in the U.S.... What do you people think?
  2. Hmm... I want to say that if the manga is published here in the U.S. and widely syndicated, it's probably not that unknown... sorry ^^.... Like, Shaman King is very widely known, ad it is in Shonen Jump. Same with One Piece, etc. I'd say.. Gene Fusion or maybe...uh, Iron Wok Jan are published in the U.S., but VERY hard to find.. Especailly Gene Fusion....
  3. Solitaire, you will soon feel the might of the wholesome half of otakuboards... But I'll spare you. Sushi, who said your parents were alchoholics? I think it's time you told us what decision you made,Sushi..
  4. Well, I've only posted here once, but just quoting this place to my friend makes for awesome discussion (12 pages) about all this.. I think ma ny of you are close-minded, and some the oopposite.. I think Sushi left on a good note, s ince people were only shunning him(pretty much)
  5. Hmm... I would just tell NAat you don't want to get involved, and say thet she needs to figure it out herself.. That's all I can say..
  6. You have my support for film! I hope you get accepted wherever you apply(Brooks, right?)!@ computer sciences you can sort of fall back on during your spare time, I think you should definately choose film I hope you post some scripts or something! That'd be really cool to see what you're working on.
  7. Wow.. You fave a lot more of that stuff than I do, and I'm one of the most popular kids in school..I'm not sure what you have and haven't done. So far, I''ve picked up that you haven't had intercourse, but you've had oral sex. You've done marijuana but no other drugs. You life the life of a newborn RAVER... a And you enjoy it. If that's your life, it's your decision...
  8. Has anyone else seen this movie y Yoshitaka Amano? I luurrrvvve this movie! The art is cool, and the animation style is so weird...yet cool. The thing is, you have to be patient. The ending sequence is about 5 straigh t minutes of zooming out. And there's barely any dialogue... But I liked it nonetheless.
  9. Hmm.. Love is love, as long as it's not one sided, I think it's okay.
  10. In america? Cinderella, by Junko Mizuno... It's been out for a while, but it's hard tyo find and no one really knows about it..
  11. I want to see this before and after thread... I'm neither early or late.. *shrugs*
  12. *doesn't read thread beyond 1st 3 posts* I've been thinking the same, thread-wise. But people-wise, I dunno. It doesn't feel as family-ish as when I first came here... Hmm. I still like the seriousness of our boards.. No " I lke pie" threads or "in this thread you are a pirate thereads" (though they are genius), like on other boards.
  13. Hmm.. Whatever.. I think that's normal, I guess. How old did you say you were?
  14. Yeah, I fence! My instructor is an olympian(Pixi Roane)! I love it. I suck at epee, but I rock at saber... I don't think I'm as good as Solo Tremaine....hmm... *shrugs*
  15. 8? Aggh.. My friend was pregnant last year. She was 11. She did not abort, nor give it up for adoption. She said she couldn't live with it. So she still has her(the baby).
  16. Mitch asked whether we wqould be comfortable with our lips touching the skin of a dead friend.. my response: (a) Skin? Why would you eat the skin with all that good meat? Skin is dirrrrrty! (b) who said anything about eating a friend? I wouoldn't eat a friend unless it was... actually, I wouldn't... I don't tink.. I would rather die than eat one of my good friends.......but I dunno how I'd feel if I was starving.
  17. Hmm.. I've never heard of much christian bashing..\ yes, I'm tired of all bashing in the world, but I've not seen much on this boards.. but as this board grows, I guess many types are coming here... maybe some are prejudice.(or perverts.. the othr day I saw that someone had signed up under "Heavy Cock..banned, or course..)
  18. Welcome, but I would reccomend reading the rules, and uh.. Just as a head's up, this thread will be losed. I'm not a mod though.. though sometimes I play mod without realizing it... heheh.
  19. Seeing as I am too lazy to read this whole thread, I will say that, in my opinion, it's okay to eat another human as long as you don't murder them(well, at least not for the sole purpose of eating them....^o^)...yeah
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]Well... I live in Downtown-ish San Francisco, and we have 66% Asian people living here. Sooo... Japanese isn't extra-curricular. [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] >< That rocks so hard I can't take it. Well, our high school has the most insane band insturctor ever. He has night rehearsals, afternoon rehearsals, and morinin rehearsals. Afternon rehearsals, to him ,are more imortant than anythign else., Have to make up a test on a band day? X-Nay. Of course, band his huge at our school. 1/4 of the school is in it. ><
  21. well, I think it's very sad if he really is trying to kill himself. But i dunno if he realy will kill hjimself. I think tht's the thing he might be lying about, and that the thing about the sister might be true. [b]might[/b]. man, i'm gonna feel bad if this is true. does anyone know harry in real life?
  22. W007! I'm sittin down for some robotech during giant robot week!! what time will they be?
  23. for all we know, that was hary's way of leaving OB with a bang. also, many of us said that if it was true:______________ and if it wasn't: _________ most of us didn't say just the latter.
  24. Wll, I strong;y dislike the dub job (showron? SHOWRON???? AGGHH!! IT'S SYAORAN!!!!!) I have all of the manga that tokyopop released ( CCS 1-6, CCS: Master of the Clow, 1-3), and it was my very first manga!! it was the first tim eI liked an anime series and was aware that it was because I liked anime( or something). I kildy liked digimon, moster rancher, and pokemon, but not in an "anime" way(or something)...yeah.. it's so great....
  25. I ca't tell if you're seeking attention testing us if we believe you, or f it really happened. If it is the first one, you'rve lost my respect. If it is the second, then it's an interesting test, but it's at the risk of your credibility. If it is the third, I am deeply sorry and wish the best for you and yor family.
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