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Everything posted by Genkai
So.. Me bopping my head th the soothing sounds of Utada Hikaru could get me in trouble..? Or how about headbanging to Rammstein? Any of this taking place in a pub?? Grr. I think anything banning something involving the arts is wrong... But, it happens U.U
I'm not gonna say much, just my humble opinions.. I don't think I'll ever smoke, but ya never know, do ya? I DON'T loke it when people smoke around me. I don't think people under 18 shou ld smoke(glances at The One...*whistles*)
Hee Hee. I speak in l33t speak in real life... ^^ But, well.. so does largo.. hehe.
I live near philly, but I go into the city all the time.. I've seen gang was, stabbings, once someone tried to sell me marijuana... It's not that big a deal anymore, sadyl.. This is what the world has come to, where this is normal... U.U
Kinda a spamm topic, but it depends.. in some states it is 16, in others it's 14, and in others I believe it can be eighteen... I don't even know what country you live in, so.... ^^
Good job silent death!!! Okay, since you aren't gonna make the cards anymore, or at least for a while, could you tell us if yer gonna make the site to play them on....?
Hmm... I bet most of what I would have to say has already been said, but... I really dout it's terrorism, so no one say it... -_- Anyway, it's been on the news all morning.... Apparently, Israel's 1st and on,ly astronaut was on there, and there were 7 of them n the thingy altogether... Well, as I said, whatever else I have to say has been said...
Sheesh, I was ust kidding.. I' m kjust bad at being sarcastic online, since you know, yeah. Anyway, If I wasn't so lazy, I'd take up the card making.. te hee hee... Get QA to do it, lol. I think Iposted more than 50 times in this thread, lol
:bawl: You suck. Well, you can't help it. Get a mod to close this thread or delete or something, I guess... Or get someone else to make the cards!
MIST IS BAAACCCCKKKK!!!!! WHEEEE!!! Anyway, I say get it through a frind.. Then you don't have to confront him personally, and maybe watch him get his feelings hurt, if that's the case.. It might be kind of embarrasing if doesn't like you though, that'd be weird, lol.
Gavin!!! Where are theeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??????????????????????????? Seriously, you were like " Oh, about a day" a week ago... It's okay if you dont have em for a while, but don't lie to us!!\ lol
Cry yer eyes out once in a while.. I dunno rent a sad movie.... Still sounds like it's been a rough year, this one'll be better, I promise. I'll give ya a cookie if it's not. ^^
Harry's right. If you let it go on, he might think you like it.,. Easiest way : Get a friend to tell him. ^^
Still no cards!! Don't give up hope, Asuka!!! There's still all of your fanboys!!!! w007!
Go to [url]http://www.usgo.org[/url] i think it is, and there's a place that says learn go.. Or you could find a .local go salon. there's locaters at that site or something like that.
Hee hee... So, how them cards comin'?
I'm not proud to say that I whoop'ed some Sixth grader's *** today.. Now don't get all mad at me cause he's littler than me, cause he's not. He's a year older than me, but hes been held back a few times ^_^. Anyway, yeah... Fighting's bad.. I felt bad afterwards.. yeah
Oh why?! The horror!! You EVIL BABOON!!! I need that last drop, and I need it soon! Givve it to Deedlit? You maniacal fool!! Being mean to me is REALLY not cool.When does this dreaded disease pass on by? Hopefully at least before I die! Good god, what's happenin'? Can this be true? I think it is going, but first I will sue! Small Claims court, here I come! For money, jewelry, gold and then some! you'll be sorry, gavin you messed with me!!! For what you did, it will not come free! OH damn.. The rhyming disease is gone. Now I can't sue you. *****.
Kenan was funny on all that... Noew they ruined it... I think I know how people who watched SNL with the original cast feel about the current cast, since I grew up with the origianl all that cast, and now... *sigh*.... MY Dad says I look like a Squire..
When will you finish, these cards you're creating? We know you're aware we're impatiently waiting! Thank god I'm okay in all other threads!!! Or else this disease would eventually spread! I better not post oo much in this here topic. Or else I would make other members oh so sick!
Good God, oh no! You've passed it to me! How annoying to rhyme, oh how i want to be free! It sucks a whole lot that your computer does hate you, it does very well to infuriate you. to sleep? at an our so bright and so early? I guess lack of sleep is making you surly(?). The night is still young, I'll bet you're awake, making things that arent's cards, you cold hearted fake! just kidding, but you made me so sick! And so now I must start prodding you with a stick(*prods*) great scott man, just hurry up with the cards! I know you are working, but work really hard!
Hmm.... 1. Find out if she's really going to boot camp (if the answer is no then the rest don't apply). 2. Make sweet love to her while you can. 3.Say "Bye" forever...or not. 4. Start doing drugs and rolling with gangs. 5. Get sent to the same boot camp 6. Make sweet love to her down by the fire 7. Get sent home for above step. 8. Life goes on. Naw, just kidding. Seriously, I don't think you'd never see her again, especially if you think you love her(And youre what, 11? :rolleyes: right..). You would find her, and you don't stay at boot camp forever.....
*points accusing finger* I think you LIE!!! I think youre making EXCUSES for not having the cards!!!!! Back in reality, that sucks. Oh well. Work....
Kickass series right there. It was my 2nd or 3rd manga.. I love it. There's only 4 volumes, so getting into won't put a huge dent into your pocket, and for a slip cover etc., that's pretty cheap, though it IS tokyopop.. Anyway, I highly recommend it.. Thouugh what's weird is, if you want to read it chronologically, you'd read it in this order: Vol. 3, vol. 4, vol.1, vol. 2... It's cool they changed it..I read them 1-2-3-4, and I thought it was better that way!!! Go out.. and BUT IT!!!!!!!! Wheeee. One of my fave mangas of all time.
Whee! The first episode??? It get's waaayyy better later on.. very exciting. But downloading the manga is illegal, [strike]though you can find the manga at [url]http://www.toriyamaworld.com/hikago[/url][/strike] Also, here's the fanart. I know it's bad, and the picture is cutoff, and it scanned diagonally.. I know I know.. But you asked for it.. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=343998[/img]