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Everything posted by Genkai
Hmm. you said at most a day and a [b]half[/b], so they should be done a 8:50 tomorrow morning.... Or else you will forever be known as a LIAR!!! I mean, uh... hee hee... \ Actually, take yer time.. we can wait.. Or can we..?
*watches clock tick* we're waiting. They must be done by 8;50 tonight Eastern U.S. time, as that is when you posted and said it'd take a day... *taps watch*
What is this "patience" you speak of? Seriously, I was suggesting he split it up, so instead of waiting a week for all of them, we'd wait half a week for half the batch, and another half a week fo' the next!
Avast ye! WQe need more cards now!!! mke like, 2 groups of hthem or something. So half of them Now and half after that or something. [strike]Stop slacking[/strike]
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Genkai replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
Um.. where people talk? HE was just talking...... And the heads don't move.. Um....Okay, heads aren't always moving... -
0_0 I'm not the only one with a QA Love file? PIRO DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!!! I mean.. ahem.. If he doesn't have a love file for you, then.. hehehe... Anyway.*stares Gavin down...* I'm waiting....
Sheesh, I said I wasn't sure.. Why would I go off and do research on an anime that I see as asi-asi? Anyway, I'm excited about Rorouni Kenshin, [strike]even though some of it's at [url]http://www.toriyamaworld.com[/url][/strike], anyone else? Whee!
I do Kung Fu and some other martial arts, so I fight in hat sense, but the kind of fighting you speak of is wrong, imho. If someone tries to pick a fight with me, I [b]try[/b] to get out of it, but it can't always happen. Then I just defend myself until the person backs off. Hopefully I won't have to hurt them. I've only gotten into two major fights in my life. One time, I was in 4th grade and some 7th graders tried to pick a fight with a few of my friends and me. We had 3 4th graders, 1 5th grader, and 1 6th grader..There were were 5 7th graders.. But [b]all[/b] of us did some form of martial arts for at least 2 years, so we defended ourselves and got away, The other time my. er, opponent wasn't so lucky., They were really persistant and had landed one really good punch on my cheek. It was just us behind the school, and I was [b]pissed off[/b], so I kicked his ***.. Then helped him up and helped him home since I felt bad... I hope I don't have to get into anymore... It's becoming more common now though, since people are getting cockier and cockier... So it'll become harder...oy.
NO!!!! How did you know aout my Secret Queen Asuka Love File?? I mean, tehy all know about my secret Juu Love file, but.. NO!!!! *glances around*......*ahem*.. well, uh...right... I know whatcha mean with the exams and stuff.. Hee hee... You have like, 40 cards to make.. But I guess yer gettin the hang of it now...
I would, but I have no scanner. I've only gotten a chance to post one drawing on the boards, and that wasn't HNG.. Gaah... If I get a chance, I'll use a friend's scanner or something!!! Anyway, I'm on the beginning of Vol. 13!! GAAH!!!! ONLY 4 BOOKS LEFT!!!! Well, that are translated.. :bawl: Anyway, there's a huge HNG Web Ring, there're some good sites.. Hey, Mztik_Gohan10, we should play Go online sometime, but I don't have the right requirements to get online play... ^_^ I don't onwn a Goban, I just play on my computer.... *shrugs*
I love this manga*glances at sig*. It got me into go,...... istarted this topic about a month ago, no one replied.. :bawls: Anyway, I do a lot of fanart for it. I am in the middle of the 10th volume. EWveryone, I suggest you read this manga. [strike]Download it at [url]http://www.toriyamaworld.com/hikago/[/url] because it is so good...[/strike] EDIT: HeeHee. I'm home sick today, and I'm reading HNG like it's nothing! I'm at the beginning of book 12 now!! Woohoo! I can't wait to buy the anime series!! Anyway, I now realize this is my favorite manga of ALL TIME. Yuppers, it topped Akira, and CCS(my first manga, for those who don't know)!!! [COLOR=royalblue][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=4]SO GO READ IT![/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
Classic anime, of course. I like the manga too.. ^ volumes, over 2000 pages of violent, drug filled, bloody, insanely...[b]insane[/b] goodness. *drools* It's the only manga my brother likies. e hates pretety much all anime, except for that. I've never seen the whole movie... AND NOW THE NEW, SPECIAL SUPER EXTRAVAGANT SOUND VERSION HAS COME OUT!! W007!!! *ahem* Yeah. I'ma buy that.... :bluesweat
Um, they couldn't put Inuyasha in, as it wasn't in Shonen Jump, I dun think... Anyway, I read, I think on theOtaku, that Rorouni Kenshin (Samurai X) will come to Shonen Jump U.S. as Soon as Summer 2003!!! ^________^ Shaman King is coming in Issue #3, and that will complete the manga lineup in SJ U.S. For a few montha, probably longer.
I dun think there's a limit, but I would say everyone should lay off a bit, he has a [b]lot[/b] of cards to make.... Waitaminute...... Asuka's gonna try to kill me for saying that.. Again... YEAH!!! MORE CARDS!!! GAVIN'S A SLACKER!!! or something...
Those topics could lead to discussion. Asking that wouldn't get any real discussion, probably just people trying to top the other on how long they've gamed. Also, this is the wrong forum. A whole section of the boards is devoted to gaming. The lounge isn't part of it. Now that you undertand, this topic has a good chance of being closed too. But that's not my job. Remember to read the rules....:lecture: Also, "Pop Goes Your Brain" has been closed as well...yeah...
Yeah, a ton of people do that. I'm "friends" with about everyone in my grade, but I'm sure at least o few of them don't consider me a friend, or don't like me. My [b]closest[/b] friends probably don't though.. I trust them a lot.. Plus they don't talk about anyone else behind their backs in my presence, they're not that kind of people. I guess it really hurts when you walk in on someone you thought liked you or you trusted talking trash about you.... *shrugs*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]See, I don't think she's [i]hot[/i], being a girl and all, I just think she's pretty. ^_^ Like QA said, especially in the manga. She's much more mature and I think more elegeant and everything. So from a guy's view, maybe she isn't HOT, but I just think she's pretty. ^^ [/B][/QUOTE] Um.. I think she's pretty [b]hot[/b] in that tight blue suit.. ^^ Also, how come osome people think that Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War is hot? I don't think so, but it's just the sketchy style of the artr hat does it, or something... It makes it so.. Well, unattractive..Y'Know?
$70 is an okay price, it goes for $150! Why not trade him Mirror Force? I would.... Anyway, it would be nice to have a Mechanicalchaser to say as yrour sig card,.. Since they're oh so rare ^_^ [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Topic, please? this is getting to be a major problem in this forum. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR] 0_0 Sorry..
Mai from YGO is got. Anzu (tea) is NOT. Eww.... Kagome?? I dunno. I'd like to add that the techie girl from Chance Pop Session is pretty hot.
I think the techie one is the hottest/cutest.... Simon,.... heehee. If only we threw a Simon into Chance Pop Session.. ^^
Well, it's not really a competition or anything, but it's a funny idea... Yet we have no guy with an almost fro, a girl who can't sing but wins, or a black girl.. Wait, Kevin, you don't watch american TV, do you? *shrugs*
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Genkai replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
I just duel at home. Or you could justgo to your backyard or something if you crave that crisp air with a hint of pie... Don't ask... Anyway, there are plenty of places yo can duel besides school. -
Yeah Aries, w007!! Gravity Bind!! Um, Hyper lives on the west coast.... You might be thinking of Ryan or maybe AG(I dunno if it's AG) Yeah, AG's sig card is Tyrant Dragon too.... ^^ Oh well..... Mechanichaser sells for a lot. I wouldn't pay all that money...
Ryan, your card is on Page 4 if you're using 20 posts per page in your options. You must have missed it.
[img]http://sleepy.punkgirl.org/pyramid_head.jpg[/img] Is that it? I'm just searching google image search, heh heh... or is it this? [img]http://www.gamespy.com/top10/october01/halloween/06.jpg[/img]