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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. I think he was beaten just because the mother thought it ws embarassing and rude that he threw up...
  2. Well, 200 posts.. 10th most posts in the lounge.. 0_0 Hey muetank, how's this? It's pretty much a pyramid.. [img]http://members.empowering.com/yodels/cosmo/pyramid.jpg[/img]
  3. EEEE PLUM!!~! AND IS THAT MEI LIN? EEE!!! I am getting an Asuka's Army card in my deck, no doubt about it! PPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM
  4. Whoa, thisw thread is approaching it's 200th post, and it's still crazily thriving. Anyway, DW, are you gonna close off the requests for a while or something, causse you have a ton of work ahead of you, and, including Humble Bumble Farms, you'll need some time to do them.. 0_o edit:Yack, I can't post fast enough!! This thread is popuklar..
  5. Umm, actually you can edit it back in, but just replty again with it after this post or something.. Bu what if ya don't have a dice, HyperShadow?? Huh? Didja think about THAT?? *takes more spaz pills* So sorry.
  6. Right, the Excel Saga girl, Misaki. She's hot, though she tries to kill Watanabe, Sumiyoshi, and that othr guy all to often... Kinda a turn off. I jst don't see what's so hot about Usagi.. Euggh.
  7. Hee Hee posting fast is FUN, duh. SHE GAVE YOU A WHOLE PLATE OF HAPPY COOKIES!! And yer not making the cards yet? BTW, I love that you do't care if the plushies kill me... :rolleyes: *bribes asuka with a signed copy of "Plushies of the World" and some random anime-related thing...* Please don't kill me.. I didn't do anything... Fight the war against Gavin being slow in making his cards!!! Yarr!!! *takes more spaz pills* ] Again, sorry.
  8. Well, the older you are, the werider it is to play YGO. I mean, you, Kinetic, and yer friends probably get made fun of more than 4th graders because you're 5 or 6 years older than them, n o? But it's true, we all have our own things. But why get made fun of and like YGO when you could just not duel at school or whatever?
  9. I guess so.. The rich girl didn't know how to dress either. I liked the tech crew girl though.. I thought she was hot ^^ Well, the dress the normal, non rich non tech girl wore to the concert with that little ymaca/bow thing on her head was her maid or whatever(that old lady), but that pink one is just.. NO. LOL
  10. Well, DW sure is replying a lot, at the same time as working on his website, RIGHT?>? *points accusing finger*OR IS HE LYING?!?!?!?!?! MAYBE HE'S JUST REPLYING AND REPLYING, AND OT DOING ANY WORK AT ALL, HUH???? YEAH!!! WE'RE ON TO YOU, GAVIN!!!! *takes spaz medicine* Sorry 'bout that, but really, hurry up with Asuka's cards before she sicks her plushies on me and you.
  11. No theme? WTF??? *SINGS HUMBLE BUMBLE THEME SONG ANYWAY* What does the kiss of death do, though, QA?
  12. now I can see it.. It's, um, interesting.. I'm awaiting the website's creation. *makes up humble bumble farms theme song in his head* Hum hmm hmmmmm......
  13. Um.. they're still red Xs gavin. ' When I dragged the Xs to the Address box, it seemed that the URL wasn't found or something. Meh.
  14. I [b]HATE[/b] people like that. I was abused as a child as well, but not to an EXTREME point like this. Nowhere NEAR death. IUn the article, it kept saying thsat he looked like a normal kid, etc., but that doesn't matter. I am a normal kid, but I was abused. For all we know, the kid could have been beaten countless times.
  15. Um... I feel so.. loved..... *Joins QA's side to avoid being killed again...(especially by the plushies... I heard THEY kill you the second time she wants you dead.....)* YEAH!!! MORE CARDS!!!!! W007!!!!
  16. Well, once you get there and through that first week, you'l be fine.. You'll still be able to talk to people online and via phone, so I think you'll be fine.
  17. Well, he already made a couple dozen, QA!!! Seriously, give him a break to go do more work.. HeHe. In the meantime, come up wth more cards or something, lol.
  18. Thanks again, DW!!! Anyway, Humble Bumbles Farm? Kick ***.... ^_^ Anyway, I'm glad tyhat you and Asuka etc. are coming up with these ability cards, they are mad stylin'. ^_^
  19. REally? I didn't notice the lips.... *shrugs* Anyway, it's true that it's better than girls in revealing outfits, no matter in what situation they are, but that main character girl, the one on the cover and stuff, could've at LEAST worn a stylish dress at ONE point in the movie.. They were all 1920's the entire time... And that pink one she normally wears, I dunno... A [b]plain[/b] dress might've done it..
  20. I LOVE YOU!!! SON OF GENKAI KICKS MAJOR ARSE!!!!!! Anyway, I canot WAIT to play this.. -^_____^- What a genius idea.. IT's gerat that you're putting all this time into these cards.. It's so awesome..... HeHe the ruffly dress.....
  21. Cool.... I guess signature card means a card you're known for using and loving, but I'm not sure.. So pretty much, I'm asking for cards that you are known for using a lot and that you can make poewrful or something.. I dunno.. AAgain, Tyrant dragon, w007!
  22. Do you have a signature card or deck? FOr instance, Altron Gundam's signature deck is his fire deck, which I dun think he's ever lost with. Yugi's signature card is his Dark Magicican. My sig card is the Tyrant Dragon.. What's yers? O dun really have a signature deck out of all of my decks..(there's only 2 english and 1 japanese.. ^_^)
  23. Huh, you all are lucky, because I have never gotten lucky errors in whih I got all rares or anything... Once I got a metal raiders card in Pharoah's Sevant, that's oit. Damn.
  24. It's true. It's be bad if your parentw actually TRIED to insult your anime.. Alsoi, my brother, when he first saw a YGO sign at a store, as a joke, he yelled "YU JI OHHHHHHHH!!!". It wasreally funny.
  25. "Dad, it hurts so much..."..... Wow, that is really sad.. I get realllllly angry when I hear about drunk drivers.. Oy.. I can't stand it.... Anyway, I'm so sorry, everyone.. I'm glad we can all cope with eachother's help... It's been ore than a month now, but I still think about how POINTLESS HER DEATH WAS. Some people say that her death wsa not in vain, but really, it was. There was NO REASON for her to die, and no good came of it.
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