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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. Heh, I didn't like the character designs that much, especially all those UGLY clothes.. Well, it's supposed to be coincidentsal, I guess. I mean, 3 girls meet and they all wanna be a pop star... 1/2 the girls in the world wanna be a pop star (exaggeration), especially at a POP CONCERT...... So... yeah.... Anyway, I'm ashamed to say I'll probably buy al of the volumes of this giiiirrrrrllllyyyyt anime. The girl that they saw, Reika, didn't have big lips at all, I dun think.... Anyway, I agree, it's good they kept it subbed. h
  2. Eee!! i have no idea how to play magic.. oh well.. It's be cool to play this ponline or something, but you'd need someone reeeeaaaally good at web stff to do it I gues.. Or someone who had the time.. Anyway, I can't wait to see son of genkai.. His ATK/DEF doesn't have to be that good, as long as you keep that awesome effect and he's better than my card >.<
  3. I've gotta make up for my old weak card.. ^_^ Name: Son of Genkai Magic Type: Thunder Type: (Fro )Plushie Picture : Attachment Effect: Fro Grow : (Flip Effect)Saps half of an opponents attack and ads it to it's own, works for one turn
  4. Gaah!! I just watched the DVD that came in with newtype, and I have to say, this intrigues me. nothing revolutionary aobut it, but I wanna see how it ends.. Gaah!!! I don't want to be caught with a schholgirl anime, but I must!! Waah......? Anyway, anyone else seen this series,Good/bad?
  5. I have a huge library of manga. Er, forest pixie? All manga are graphic novels, but not all graphic novels are manga, got it?n Graphic novels are novels that use pictures to better convey the image, and word bubbles for diaouge, and that's what manga is.. And there is no word "mangas", the plural is just "manga" Sorry, I'm a know it all sometimess...... Anyway, of COURSE I read manga. Especially the super cheap tokyopop ones.. ^_^
  6. It's so true.. the eyes....THE EYES!!!! ^_^ Yeah, iut's old and old, 6 frame per second animatiuon isn't that popular..... Oh, the nightmares....^^h
  7. I agree James. There are any other ways to have access to anime.. The anime channel is coming, etc., and it [b]is[/b] remarkable that CN shows [b]any[/b] at all.. Would you rather it show none? Well, yeah.. I can't put it as well as James did. I haven't heard this anywhere else yet, so I'm not sure that I will sign... Hmm... Anyway, it'c CN's job to [b]supply[/b] what the people [b]demand[/b], so, if you all really feel strongly aobut it, then maybe you have a chance, but it seems the people want more CB. I love CB.... And there are many people who are just getting into anime, and CB can show just how great anime can be the first time watching it. But Inu Yasha can do the same, some may argue. It's true, but it's not QUITE so unique. Though I wish they got rid of soething [b]else[/b] besides Inu.. I'll think before I sign..
  8. Yeah, that always works.. I made a few manga-strips caled diary of an otaku.... It was funny....
  9. Genkai


    I LOVE naruto! I've only seen a tad of the anime, and read only the amount of the manga in shonen jump so far, but with my shonen jumpsubscription.. Anyway, I go to many a naruto fan site, and I just love the art and the story... Can't beat that..b
  10. Except for Newtling or whatever, I am the worst card in the game... wtf? Oh well, I'm happy with the equip/attribute or watever cards, I'm assuming it's played like YGO or something?
  11. Yeah..My Dad STILL in't sure what YGO is..oy.... D_M, MONSTER RANCHER KICKS ***. Isit still on? I used to watch that, like, religiously..
  12. Whee!! I already have the starter cards in japanese, and since it's the WORLD tournament I can use 'em!! Not that I could get in0, but if I did, That 13-year-old girl from HK Would beat me down anyway. ^_^ Anyway, It's good Promos are legal. I have about 5 in my eck ^______^
  13. Um...JalepeƱo soldier(engl. Bean Soldier)..^_^ Oh, and Millenium shield.. I love it.,..
  14. 80 opponents? I really am bad at D.D.M. as far as I can tell, as I don't undrstand it that much.. But I'll probably get this.. ^_^
  15. They are very weird rulkes.. I've gotten used to constructing 40-card decks since I have DDS, but attacking monsters in your hand etc.... It's kinda beyond me.. G.D. Ryoko, you could probably beat [b]me[/b] with BC rules... ^^ Probably, I haven't tried... Anyway, how'd it go today, with that kid? Didja beat him?
  16. I don't really understand how people build deck's around BC rules.. I mean, I've heard of that, but I dun understand it.. I dunno the BC rules thaqt well anyway, besides outting your cards at stake etc...*shrugs*
  17. Well, normally it deends on what kind of manga you like, because you'll probably know most about construction of a mnga of that style. If you like romance, try that, if you like action, try a samurai story or a modern story with a martial arts master or something..If you like coedy, try your hand at that.. Knumsayin?
  18. The manga art is hard to read.. Uggh... But some of the episodes are secretly directed my Miyazaki!!!! And so was Castle of Cagliostro..
  19. Poked him as a child.. That's an originl idea ^_^. anyway, maybe it'd have more success if it waxs more widespread.. WHY it was so short-lived in the US is a mystery to me.. ^_^
  20. Genkai


    I have seen it often at blockbuster, but it doesn't look ALL that great. Trigun????? 0_o;;;; No. Anyway, it's gotten mixed reviews, I don't think I'l be renting/buying this anytime soon, but maybe some other time I'll scrounge up 5 bucks and rent it, or, if the College anime club shows is sometime, maybe.
  21. Everyone always gives it so much praise, but it never seemed all that great. I've hard a ton of good reviews, but it's not [b]that[/b] great, in my opinion... It's cool it takes place in America though..^_^ I don't get that channel, but somehow I've seen GC anyway..
  22. Genkai

    Shonen Jump

    DEFINETLY NARUTO!!!! That is, in the american Jump. Hikaru no Go is by far my favorite manga. Anyone know when the 3rd issue comes out? I got my 2nd one delivered Xmas Eve, so it should be in about a week, no?
  23. My opinion : Usagi is UGLY Also, for some reason, newtyper thing's that Sakaki from Azumanga no Daioh is "hot in any outfit", but frankly, her body structure is so weird, I think she's really ugly.. Anyone else agree?
  24. discountanimedvds.com, of course!!! TheOtaku's sponsor!!!!!! [strike] but it's cheaper at [url]www.animeniacs.org[/url][/strike]
  25. Um, well, VR, if ya did't know, later on in the manga, [spolier]Harumi and Kira become good friends[/spoiler] The ex is kinda pathetic. If I was in her situation, I probably would've given up by now, but she gets all bitchy and whiny and is so persistant, knumsayin?
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