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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. I think you'll make lot'sof riends, everyone always does. But is the different country like, a different language speaking country? Anyway, the first day you will be nervous as hell.. The rest of that wek you wqill still be self consdcious.. Bit son you will relax, and will make real friends. ^_^ BTW, teachers are the same everywhere. They're either good or bad. Keep in touch with yer old friends too, you dont wanna lose them.
  2. General Awards Overall Member of the Year: Juu Honorable Mention:Sara Male Otaku of the Year: Transtic Nerve Honorable Mention: Shyguy Female Otaku of the Year: Juu Honorable Mention:Sara Most improved Member of the Year:Um.... Rico Honorable Mention: Anna Thread of the Year: Animes, that aren't well known! Honorable Mention:Your REAL name??? Silliest Thread of the Year: LIL Me T.T - Juuthena Honorable Mention: OBBII - Flashy Funniest Member: Transtic Nerve Honorable Mention: DeathKnight Silliest Username: Jesus Chicken Honorable Mention: J_!&'s username, Jinz - somethingsomething - 17 Member most likely to be here in two years: PiroMunkie Honorable Mention: Yu Yu Hakusho! Avatar of the Year: Semjaza Azazel's Bill Cosby Honorable Mention: Shyguy's current one. Signature of the Year: All of Sara's Honorable Mention: Aries' are always good. Best Otaku Couple: Piro and QA Honorable Mention: Juu and Bryan! Best looking Otaku: Juuthena, hands down. Honorable Mention: Sephiroth Otaku clique of the Year: War Against No One Honorable Mention: ju's Buddy List ^_^ Best Newbie: Cyko Honorable Mention: Kenji Best Oldie: Transtic Nerve Honorable Mention: Sephiroth Best Otaku-Related site: Adam's Angels Honorable Mention: Otaku-Pike.. has all of them, ^^ Most likely to become a Staff Member:Kenji Honorable Mention: Juu Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Mitch Honorable Mention: Heaven's cloud Writer of the Year:Mitch Honorable Mention: --- Role-Player of the Year: Dunno Honorable Mention: -- Brawler of the Year (sparring): Lalaith Ril Honorable Mention: Mist Role-Playing Game of the Year -- Honorable Mention: --- Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year: Juu Honorable Mention:Final Flash Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Huh? Honorable Mention: -- Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: (Best Anime member overall): Rick Hunter Honorable Mention: Queen Asuka (have you seen that picture of her room??) DragonBall Guru: Gokents (as far as I know.. I don't browse that forum..) Honorable Mention: Transtic Nerve Digipeep of the Year: GinnyLyn Honorable Mention: Calumon_lover/luver (not sure how it's spelled) Gundam Member of the Year: Duo Max Honorable Mention: -- Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Hypershadow Honorable Mention: Altron Gundam, I guess.. But he was never there... *shrugs* Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: Sephiroth (5 days of tekken!! :bluesweat Honorable Mention: -- Nintendo "Mario" Award: -- Honorable Mention: --- The Sony Award: Crazy White Boy Honorable Mention: -- Xbox Gamer of the Year:-- Honorable Mention: -- PC Gamer of the Year: -- Honorable Mention:-- Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Kinetic Honorable Mention: Vegitto4 Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): QA Honorable Mention: I only posted once, so I wont nominate myself.. So.. 1/2 Shinobi and 1/2 Nomad... Best Spriter: -- Honorable Mention: -- Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year: Break Honorable Mention: Desbreko The Chocobo Award (Final Fantasy): Break Honorable Mention: Sniglefager Liberty City Award (Grand Theft Auto): NeoCactuar Honorable Mention: Final Flash Mushroom Kingdom Honors (Mario): Desbreko Honorable Mention:Semjaza Azazel PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Lady Katana Honorable Mention:Zanarkand Abes The Triforce Award (Zelda): Desbreko Honorable Mention: Vampire D (*shrugs* I pulled a random name.. He posted pretty often, I giuess...)) That took a while.. I dont visit nearly enough forums.. phew
  3. Wouldn't I die anyway? I mean, I'd save all these people, I guess. That's what everyone else said.. What would pushing a button do? Destroy the threat while killing me at the same time? Duh.
  4. Where can I dl it? at the YGO site? meh. This has become a battle city thread, hasnt it? lol
  5. Genkai

    Flaming Lips..

    ^^ Cibo Matto!!! FOOD CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^___________^ Anyway, I can't wait to get Zaireeka!!!! The music is soft, yet still punky, and rather obscure.. WHEEE
  6. Whee, Thanks Ajeh! Anyway, I'm renting OUATIC 2 this weekend.. WHEEEE
  7. Genkai


    I agree. I wouldn't have sat through the whole thing without the comedy... Well, actually, I probably would. Anyway, I think that the comedic parts were supposed to dominate or at least rival the other, serious parts.. They balance eachother out, knumsayin?
  8. Genkai


    There's religious parts in almost all anime................... Well, more often then not, but normally not in kids' anime.... 'But yeah, I agree that there are some religious parts in it.
  9. Whee! Thanksa, Sunde!! Yer 1st post was a great one!!! But there's no Trigun Maximum anime yet, though, right?
  10. I agree. He is just Vash, and he only is serious when he finds it necessary, knumsayin? It is funny how it seems like he's a wuss when he throws them off like that/.. HeHe
  11. I guess we all agree vash has got it goin' on.......? I always thought his coat might be hard to cosplay..but ot as hard as his hair..
  12. I have read all of the ones that have coume out in the US I hate masao!!!! he's this gay kid that really likes Rei, but [spoiler] He's all like "I NEED TO KILL KIRA TO GET TO REI!! And there was this one kid he killed who was his friend.. And he's like "I don't want the kind and caring Rei. I want the dirty, violent rei.." He like, wants to strap REi down and do him...:rolleyes:[/spoiler]
  13. Um........... I dunno how many people like the show... I thought it was ok.... Though I saw only a smidgen
  14. This opne isn't all that funny.... Only the beginning is.. Meh. I'm jopussen.. KatyKatKitKat: hi jopussen: Hi. My pants attack kitties. jopussen: lol jopussen: So... KatyKatKitKat: uh ok jopussen: *does jig* KatyKatKitKat: u seem active KatyKatKitKat: VERY active jopussen: 0_o you're stalking ALAN RICKMAN!!!!!!!!! jopussen: How'd you know?????????? 0_o jopussen: *does jig* KatyKatKitKat: yea... KatyKatKitKat: ok jopussen: I have a confession to make. KatyKatKitKat: uh, ok jopussen: I killed your boyfriend. jopussen: The other one. jopussen: ^_^ KatyKatKitKat: wat other 1? KatyKatKitKat: wait wat? KatyKatKitKat: who? jopussen: *glances around* *points accusing finger* You know who!!!!!!!!! KatyKatKitKat: AHHHHHHHHHHHH! ur confusing me jopussen: it's that weird one... KatyKatKitKat: im soooooooooooooooo confused!!!! KatyKatKitKat: who r we tlkin bout? jopussen: I killed him. Yes, I killed Harry Potter ^_^ KatyKatKitKat: ok KatyKatKitKat: thats fine with me jopussen: *does jig* Had to get that outta my system... Now, seriously.. KatyKatKitKat: i never liked him jopussen: So.. KatyKatKitKat: ok jopussen: ^_^ jopussen: How're you? KatyKatKitKat: fine, i guess jopussen: Good........ KatyKatKitKat: ok jopussen: w000000000000000000000007 jopussen: wrong IM ^_^ KatyKatKitKat: k jopussen: So..........Clifff.........is yer boyfriend. KatyKatKitKat: yes jopussen: word. He's my home-dog-g-peep-hood jopussen: So, didja like the bahtmitzvah? KatyKatKitKat: yea.... KatyKatKitKat: sure KatyKatKitKat: yes jopussen: You know what are weird? Oranges. I mean, it's like, this squisy ball wish sections with a rough orange substance around it, and we EAT them. KatyKatKitKat: well, they taste ok so y not eat em? KatyKatKitKat: i mean a lot of candy look strange KatyKatKitKat: but candy is very good jopussen: Well, milk is weird too. KatyKatKitKat: so is orange jusice with lots of pulp jopussen: I mean, seriously, who wants to drink stuff that comes out of some dangly things under a cow? KatyKatKitKat: but cows are cool! jopussen: Yeah, but think of drinking milk as like, squeezing a liquid you know nothing about into yer mouth from a cow's utter. jopussen: *does jig*
  15. I wanna read I feel sick... Devi is my favorite, though short-lived character, besides HNB. Piro- You realize that all of the things you said about Jhonen's stuff is...................what he WANTS it to be.. Hehheh.
  16. Yeah, it's great how the OAV, anime, and games are all meant to be used simultaneously(sp?)... I think it's a great idea.
  17. Shinzo was verry short-lived ion America.... It had a random name.. and now it has been replaced by some random Shuichiro Watanabe thang....I think..
  18. Yeah. vash can be very funny and very serious... Anyway...They do tell you about how he got the boun ty on his head, I think.. but I haven't seen the whole series, so.;.
  19. I also like Knives' hair..
  20. Genkai

    Flaming Lips..

    Have any of you heard "Zaireeka"? It's this crazy 4 disc thingy the lips made that are made to be played simultaneously, but you'll never hear the same thing because you can't start at the same time each time.. Sounds crazy, and it's only 25 bucks at borders. w007.
  21. I'll order it from discountanimedvd.com or whawtever, the otaku's sponsor. It's true, in the beginning of february, .hack//SIGN will be on CN at 4 or something. DAMN.A They're going to lkil;l it, and there will be moronic fanboys who know nothing. Unless it fails... hmm..
  22. Meh. This isn't an entry, but oh well Rei(friend's random gothy japanese girlfriend): Yo. Me: Whassup? Rei: Yer mom. Me: WHACKAWHACKAWHACKA My pants are singing. Rei: Wanna become lesbians? Me: I'm a guy... Rei: ..and? Me: ¬_¬ That makes it kinda hard to be a lesbian. Rei: Oh. LOL. Just Kiddin. Rei: But seriously nowm let's have sex. Me: Damn, I need kiwis first. Rei: I knew it. The whole thing was a joke, she wasn't serious at all, for those insasne people who don't realize that. Not that Rei isn't hot.. But i have a girlfriend. ^_^
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]*coughs* Genkai, are you feeling alright?? Dora the Explorer.....0_o Now I like Rocko's ML but Spunky??? As a nickname, yeah, I understand that.....but still....0_o I do know a girl whose name is Mouse....0_o But you know, I bet my ideas for names are quite strange to some people too so..... Like I said before!! [/B][/QUOTE] STOP MAKING FUN OF MEEEEEE! :bawl: :twitch::bash: :bash: YOU WAIT TILL DORA THE EXPLORER RULES THE UNIVERSE! she'll be after [b] you [/b] first, if you keep that behavior up...:nope: HAIL DORA THE EXPLORER!!!!:wave: :beer: Sheesh. Like you should talk about wierd names.. :p I dun think I would name any of my kids with a Japanese name unless I was living in Japan. :toothy: : Heh heh, I'm not really conna name any of my kids those names, except maybe Rocko.
  24. Cyko, your face is the most beautiful thing on this earth I made a 3d model and I stare at it for hours everyday.I made a poster, and lamenated it. I decorated my locker with your face.
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