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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. Death Metal to me is "GROWL GROWL MUMBLE MUMBLE SSSSHHHOOOOOUUUTTTT GROWL SATANISMYMASTER GROWL GROWL". But I may be wrong. I mean, here must be some goot metal I don't see the difference between dark and death metal. And black metal. Jeez, so many names.
  2. Oh God. Everytime I hear the title I think about somebody saying "DUDE, YOU TOTALLY GOT [b] S-E-E-E-E-E-R-R-R-R-R-R-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B]". A few of my brothers' friends said they went to see it. It was filled with mostly adolescents sporting Roca Wear and Remember Tupac jackets who shouted repeatedly at the screen. Popular was the classic "I KNOW YOU DIDN'T HE NAAAASSSSSSTY!" and "***** IDA SLAPPED THAT G!!". Is this the target audience that makes a movie get ranked #1? Anyway, now I HAVE to see this movie. I'll probably die laughing, but still. I mean, seriously, if you don't see that movie, you'll get served. A milk shake. That's better than yours. Sorry.
  3. There's no possible way anyone can convince me that this was an accident. Why the heel would he reach over and pull that off if that wasn't the intention. It has publicity stunt written all over it. Janet has an album coming out in a month or two.
  4. Let It Be is among the greatest albums ever made. Discuss. -- Do you really think I'd leave you with only that? Anyway, I absolutely love The REplacements, and I was surprised to find that no one had made a thread about it. Well, I guess I might as well just compy and paste the Allmusic description, since it's pretty long and I couldn't possibly remember all that... The Replacements initially formed in 1979, when Paul Westerbergjoined the a garage punk band formed by brothers Bob (guitar) andTommy Stinson (bass) and drummer Chris Mars . Originally, the band was called the Impediments , but they changed their name to the Replacements after being banned from a local club for disorderly behavior. In their early days, they sounded quite similar to Hüsker Dü , the leaders of the Minneapolis punk scene. However, the Replacements were wilder and looser than theHüskers and quickly became notorious for their drunken, chaotic gigs. After they built up a sizable local following the Minneapolis label Twin/Tone signed them. Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash , a sloppy hardcore collection, was released in 1981 but failed to make much of an impact on the national scene. It was followed the next year by the Stink EP, which followed the same pattern as the debut. It was the band's second album, 1983's Hootenanny , that first garnered the band attention and helped build their fan base. On Hootenanny , the group started playing around with other genres, adding elements of pop, straightforward rock & roll, country, and folk, although sometimes the eclecticism was ironic. Hootenanny set the stage for Let It Be , the band's critical and artistic breakthrough. Released in 1984,Let It Be showed that the band had successfully expanded their musical reach and that Westerberg had grown considerably as a songwriter; he was now capable of pop like "I Will Dare," full-throttle rock & roll, and introspective ballads like "Answering Machine." Critics and fellow musicians were quick to praise the band, and they developed a large underground following. The buzz was large enough to convince Sire to sign the band in 1985. The Replacements' first major-label album, Tim , was scheduled to be produced by Westerberg 's idol,Alex Chilton , but the sessions fell through; the album was produced by former Ramone Tommy Erdelyi. Upon its release in 1985, Tim garnered rave reviews that equalled those for Let It Be . Though the band was poised for a popular breakthrough, they were unsure about making the leap into the mainstream. As a result, they never let themselves live up to their full potential. The Replacements landed a spot on Saturday Night Live , but they were roaring drunk throughout their performances andWesterberg said "*****" on the air. Their concerts had became notorious for such drunken, sloppy behavior. Frequently, the band was barely able to stand up, let alone play, and when they did play, they often didn't finish their songs. The Replacements also refused to make accessible videos -- the video for "Bastards of Young" featured nothing but a stereo system, playing the song -- thereby cutting themselves off from the mass exposure MTV could have granted them. After the tour for Tim , Bob Stinson was fired from the band, allegedly for his drug and alcohol addictions. The Replacements recorded their next album as a trio in Memphis, TN, with former Big Starproducer Jim Dickinson . The resulting album, Pleased to Meet Me , was more streamlined than their previous recordings. Again, the reviews were uniformly excellent upon its spring 1987 release, but the band didn't earn many new fans. During the tour for Pleased to Meet Me , guitarist Slim Dunlap filled the vacant lead-guitarist spot and he became a full-time member after the tour. Two years later, the band returned in the spring of 1989 with Don't Tell a Soul , the Replacements' last bid for a mainstream audience. The band had cleaned up, admitting that their years of drug and alcohol abuse were behind them, and were now willing to play the promotional game. Don't Tell a Soul boasted a polished, radio-ready production and the group shot MTV-friendly videos, beginning with the single "I'll Be You." Initially, the approach worked -- "I'll Be You" became a number one album rock track, crossing over to number 51 on the pop charts. However, Don't Tell a Soul never really took off and failed to establish the band as a major commercial force. Defeated from the lackluster performance of Don't Tell a Soul , Paul Westerberg planned on recording a solo album, but Sire rejected the idea. Consequently, the next Replacements album, All Shook Down , was a solo Westerberg record in all but name. Recorded with a cast of session musicians as well as the band, All Shook Down was a stripped-down, largely acoustic affair that hinted at the turmoil within the band. Chris Mars left shortly after its fall 1990 release, claiming that Westerberg had assumed control of the band; he would launch a solo career two years later. The Replacements toured in support of All Shook Down , with Steve Foley , formerly of the Minneapolis-based Things Fall Down , as their new drummer. Neither the tour nor the album were successful, and the Replacements quietly disbanded in the summer of 1991. Tommy Stinson formed Bash & Pop the following year; in 1995, he formed a new band called Perfect .Dunlap released a solo album in 1993. Bob Stinson died February 15, 1995, from a drug overdose.Westerberg began a solo career slowly, releasing two songs on the Singles ("Dyslexic Heart," "Waiting for Somebody") soundtrack in 1992; he also scored the film. He released his debut solo album, 14 Songs , in the summer of 1993 to mixed reviews. Paul Westerberg 's second solo album, Eventually , was released in the spring of 1996" There ya have it.
  5. Ugghh... Refer to the latest issue of The American Prospect to see everything wrong with the NCLB act. I'm too lazy to type it all up right now. Anyway, I haven't read the whole speech (where could I get my hans on it? Google news hasn't helped..) I heard what he said about marriage.. And I don't see logic in it. Naturally, there is no logic to the idea of banning Gay Marriage. Who is it harming? WTF? Steroids? I don't understand why he would mention that.... I love how he made about one millionth of the references to WMDs as he did last State of the Union..... Anyway, I would have moe to say if I could read th ewhole speech, I've only read responses to it.
  6. Alright, I don't fell llike replying to anyone in particular, but it's all about the person in my opinion. When you're ready, you're ready. Just buy come condos. I've been doing it to see cashiers' face expressions since I was 9.
  7. Okay, from what I'v heard, it works like this.. A below average school gets less funding than one that's above average. In intelligence that is. I don't see how that works. If they get less money, they have less money to pay teachers, to get equipment.. How the hell is that helping the school? That might even shut down the school, leaving all of those children behind! I thought we weren't leaving them behind!!! WTF? That's my understanding, but,uh, I'm stupid, so... I don't know if I've got it down correctly.
  8. Hmm.. I actually like uzu better than MELISSA. *shrugs* But then again I don't like Porno Graffitti ALL that much.
  9. Some people were talking about it at lunch today 0_0 Strange. \ Anyway, they made it sound hilarious, so I plan to pick it up sometime...
  10. I watched it for the first time in the past few weeks (not sure exactly when..), and I really liked it. It wasn't tedious at all to watch, the kind of movie you absorb in until somebod speaks and shakes the whole world because nothing exists but the movie. Edward was such an amazing character, I can't imagine how the character could be any better. I especially love the line "And then she took me to the back where she took all of her clothes off." and the nonchalant responses from the family. Classic.
  11. Yay! Go me for copying off of Semjaza'a idea! Actually, I was just looking at Semji's and thought about Pitchforkmedia's top singles list, and decided that we should make our own. But, I'll take my images from their site, hooray! Please have reasons for why you chose them. No lists (i.e. #1.-- #2.--#3.--) without reasons. Oh, and please, no lyrics unless they're short . No one's gonna read them all, and they're annoying to wade through. Me favorites (Top 12, for me), now! [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/02.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#1 Crazy In Love -- Beyoncé[/b][/SIZE] [/center] You think I'm crazy(IN LOVE! Heh, I'm funny)--I like Beyoncé? Yes, I do, and so do you. Somewhere inside you, you love her loud brass background, her heartwarming "uh-oh"s and her insanely catchy chorus. [b] Crazy In Love[/b] is a natural chart-topper, it's irresistable. What else can be said? Oh yeah, and Beyoncé's weird robot walk is cool too. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/05.jpg[/img][SIZE=3][b]#2 Move Your Feet -- Junior Senior[/b][/SIZE] [/center] Junior Senior's insanely catchy [b]Move Your Feet[/b] is and amazing beginning for a great band. I first heard it when they performed live on a show covering each day of the Glastonbury Festival. The single became a hit and later my brother and I deemed it and "Crazy In Love" Our official Theme song for the summer. The song's "Don't stop DON'T STOP don't stop the beat I can't stop CAN'T STOP can't stop the beat I won't stop WON'T STOP won't stop the beat a GO!" chorus begs for dancing, but the call is heard when Junior's Michael Jackson-esque singing style declares "EVERYBO-O-O-DY! A-MOVE YOUR FEET AND FEEL UNI-I-I-ITED, O-O-OHH!". This song is impossible not to dance to, much less sing along to. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/12.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#3 The Way We Get By -- Spoon[/b][/SIZE] [/center] Britt Daniel's voice is displayed perfectly in this song, is it's the greatest voice in indie rock today. I remember sitting in my flat in London, slipping in [b]Kill the Moonlight[/b] and dancing sort of boredly to [b]Small Stakes[/b] When [b]The Way We Get By[/b] came on, I went insane. I found it SO danceable! Not only that, I love the lyrics, which describe an empty life that, at the end of the day, seems very bare. The piano and bass accompany the singing so well, it's just, well, amazing. AMAZING. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/06.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#4 Me and Giuliani Down by the School Yard (A True Story) -- !!![/b][/SIZE] [/center] Along with The Rapture, !!! (pronouced Chk Chk Chk, or any other one syllable sound repeated 3 times.) attacked the NYC scene with there addictive disco-punk-pop-funk mayhem. Although I personally can't understand the lyrics, apparently it's all about how uptight politicians should dance, which, in all honesty, is true--in my mind, Everybody needs to dance. Although long, [b]Me and Giuliani Down by the School Yard (A True Story)[/b] never gets old, and captures you with it's electronic beats and sounds. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/01.jpg[/img][SIZE=3][b]#5 Hey Ya! -- Outkast[/b][/SIZE] [/center] Although, sadly, Andre 3000's single(and whole album, sadly) [b]Hey Ya![/b] is devoid of rapping, it brings together all music fans. People of all creed, of all groups, of all images, come together under this one chart topping song. The irresistable saying 'Shake it like a plaroid pitchah" makes for great dancing, while the video's Ed Sullivan setting is quite entertaining to watch. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/08.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#6 Milkshake -- Kelis[/b][/SIZE] [/center] Whether you like hip-hop or not, the saying "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like, "It's betta than yours", damn right, it's betta than yours, I could teach you, but I'd have to charge" , from [b]Milkshake[/b],will be stuck in your head for days. The verses are sung ncely, but it's really just this chorus that will have you hooked. Some may remember Kelis as the multi-colored afro girl who scored a semi hit with [b]I Hate You So Much Right Now[/b]. She's still the same person, but suddenly she doesn't seem quite as weird ^_^ [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/38.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#7 Fix Up, Look Sharp -- Dizzee Rascal[/b][/SIZE] [/center] "OOOOOOOIIIIIIII!!!!" Shouts Dizzee Rascal, a british UK Garage (similar to hip-hop in image, and slightly in sound, but the music is more techno-y, with heavier beats) artist, shouts at the beginning of [b]Fix Up, Look Sharp[/b]. The "Oi", slang for "hey" or "Yo", will have you hooked. Sometimes I just play those few seconds and nothing else, because the Single, as amazing as it is, still isn't quite as cool. The chorus, though, is also addicting, though it's hard to tell what he's saying under his strangely squeaky voice and heavy British accent. As a rap fan, I can honestly sasy that this is the best song of the year that can be considered rap ([b]Hey Ya![/b] has no rapping...), though it is truly garage. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/11.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#8 Fight Test -- The Flaming Lips[/b][/SIZE] [/center] The alternative stylings of The Flaming Lips on the album [b]Yoshimi Battles The ink Robots[/b] are personified in this song, the story of a man who avoided fighting, and regrets it. By the end of the song, in Wayne's words, the man finds that "to surrender to every conflict without a challenge, he finds, is worse than getting beat up." The sounds of [b]Fight Test[/b] are pleasing to the ear and the chorus is fun to listen to. The words, too, are very easy to understand... Which is good. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/17.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#9 Pass That Dutch -- Missy Elliott[/b][/SIZE] [/center] Undeniably catchy( in that to sing along you only really need to know 3 words.."pass that dutch"..), [b]Pass That Dutch[/b] is one more genius song that Missy has under her belt. The musical genius has produced another one of her delectable hip-hop tracks, with funky beats and meaningful (and not-so meaningful) lyrics that one can sing along to. Her voice in unmistakable, and pleasing to the ear. I love Missy. I should put this higher, now that I think about it. But I don't want to makesome chain where I have to change the numbers on all of them.. So..yeah. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/10.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#10 The Seed 2.0 -- The Roots featuring Cody Chestnutt[/b][/SIZE] [/center] Although it ogt massive play on soft rock stations, it's still a gerat song. [b] The Seed 2.0[/b] is not The Roots' best song, but is amazingly catchy. Cody Chestnutt, though he prefers to stay away from the mainstream, does a great performance while The Roots provide, well, everything else. And,of course, when it's over , you say to yourself.. "DAYUMN I LUH ME SUM ?UESTLOVE!" [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/22.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#11 12:51 -- The Strokes[/b][/SIZE] [/center] Okay, okay, The Strokes always sound the same, but you gotta love this song. Sorta new wavy, catchy, and filled with weird lyrics("We could go and get 40's/ **** going to that party,"), [b]12:51[/b] isn't necessarily a party song, but is the sorta song you wanna listen to late at night. While you eat tofu. [center][img]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2003/singles/31.gif[/img][SIZE=3][b]#12 Mundian to Bach Ké (Beware of the Boys) -- Panjabi MC featuring Jay-Z[/b][/SIZE] [/center] This track by our favorite indian artist, Punjabi MC, got major club play during the year 2003. Yes, this might be only because of Jay Z, but might it also be because everyone needs some middle eastern beats to dance to once in a while? I think so. What a great funky beat. too bad Ihaven't been hearing it around lately.. *tear drop* Anyway, [b]Mundian to Bach Ké (Beware of the Boys)[/b] Is a great dancing song that's gotten everybody hooked at one point. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the list of Genkai's Top Singles Of The Year!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B]...it's actually decent if you listen to it enough. [/B][/QUOTE] It's true, I did not like this album at first, but the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me. I'm gonna do a top 3, since most of the albums I bought this year were not from this year, and I should get to some homework. In no particular order...... [center][img]http://www.crunchy.dk/images/Frog_026a.gif[/img] [SIZE=3][b]D-d-don't Stop The Beat -- Junior Senior[/b][/SIZE] [/center] When I first bought [b]D-d-don't Stop the Beat[/b], the Cashier told me "The second you put this CD on, your house will be one non-stop dance party... Well, non-stop until the album ends.". I smiled and said "I know." Junior Senior's insanely catchy "Move Your Feet", quite possibly the best single of the year, was the beginning of my amazing journey through Junior Senior's Music. I first heard it when they performed live on a show covering each day of the Glastonbury Festival. The single became a hit and later my brother and I deemed it and "Crazy In Love" Our official Theme song for the summer. Although I am too lazy to do a song-by-song analysis, this album is easy to dance to, even if you don't know how (a la moi), catchy, and unique. Each song is in similar fashion, though individual in it's own theme. But kids, it has a parental advisory for a reason. [center][img]http://www.ugo.com/channels/music/features/radiohead_hailtothethief/images/radiohead_1.jpg[/img] [SIZE=3][b]Hail to the Theif -- Radiohead[/b][/SIZE] [/center] I'm not really a Radiohead fan. To me, they always seemed like "Let's be depressed in as many ways as possible!". This album, when first listened to, nearly proves this, but after more and more listening, I found that That's not what [b]Hail to the Theif[/b] is about ( I haven't picked up any other Radiohead besides The Bends since, so I'll keep it to the album..). I examined the lyrics and found that Thom Yorke really [i]is[/i] a genius, or close to it-- I thought it was really annoying when Radiohead fans drilled this saying into my head until listening to [b]Hail To the Theif[/b]. Of course, I can't deny that it is depressed and sort of creepy. Thom Yorke's moaning and groaning seems abrasive (am I using this word correctly?) on the ears at first, but I became completely absorbed in Yorke's voice after the first few listens. The bleepy bloopy background sounds surprisingly don't get old, and I'm told that there's way more in other Radiohead albums, so don't worry that the music is completely electronic. The actual instruments being hearable is a plus, too ^_^. [center][img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000AGWFX.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/img] [SIZE=3][b]Speakerboxx/ The Love Below -- Outkast[/b][/SIZE] [/center] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [b]PLEASE list reasons as to why you like the release and why you feel it should even be included in a list. Something more than two sentences would be nice as well. [/b][/QUOTE] Sorry... I will say just this: If you do not own [b]Speakerboxx/ The Love Below[/b] , get it.
  13. Genkai

    Hot Hot Heat

    I was really into HHH for like a week, and I got their CD and listened to it twice and got bored. Most of their songs sound the same, and it's sorta harsh on the ears after a while. *shrugs*
  14. Genkai

    Big Fish

    Oh, Manson would be a wonderful Wonka. I love the colors in big fish, but I absolutely adore the coloring of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Halloween town is black and white, and light sources are orange,whereas christmas town uses bright and rich colors, and the "real" world has all pastel colors for the houses, and they're all the same shape. I love it, though I wish we could've had a peek into the other worlds. Is it true that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will be entirely black and white? This is a rumor (RUMOR!) that I heard, but I've heard nothing saying that it's UNTRUE, so...
  15. Meh, I saw it once and loved it, but every thime I see it again I like it less and less. It's the kind of movie one gets tired of really really fast.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][b][size=1]Uh said the lady to the man she adored And the whores like a choir All night and everything She's tired This is the sound that your mother makes when the baby breaks We're chained we're chained we're chained we're chained[/b] I love The Pixies.. Anyways, I am not part of a choir or anything, but when I am alone and listening to music, I sing quite often. I also hope to be a singer-songwriter when I grow up, if that happens. It's doubtful...but you never know heh. Singing is fun.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] How can one [i]not[/i] love the Pixies? You know, they're beginning touring this April, I believe(Hoorah!). I sing when I'm alone as well, but it's embarrassing when I start belting out the chorus or something and someone comes into my room... *shrugs*
  17. I feel like i had a lot more friends on here when I first signed up, or, well, around then. I signed up July 2002, though I had never been on a message board before and I was realyl annoying.. I matured a bit after that month's downtime and I had a few people who I talked to regularly on AIM. Somehow that's all drifted away and since there're so many people on this board now, it seems harder to make friends. Sort of counter intuitive, huh? I think the only reason I prefer the good ol days to this one is that I feel a wee bit lonelier now... *teardrop*
  18. General Awards Overall Member of the Year:Queen Asuka Honorable Mention: James Male Otaku of the Year: Shy Honorable Mention: Transtic Nerve Female Otaku of the Year: Queen Asuka Honorable Mention: Juuthena Staff Member of the Year:Charles Honorable Mention: Funniest Member: Wrist Cutter Honorable Mention: Transtic Nerve Most Opinionated Otaku: Poisontongue Honorable Mention: Member most likely to be here in two years: Transtic Nerve Honorable Mention: Best Newbie:Artemis Honorable Mention: Best Oldie: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Most likely to become a Staff Member:Artemis Honorable Mention: Favorite Banned Member: Zeh (I have no idea what he did, heh) Honorable Mention: Most improved Member of the Year: Genkai Honorable Mention: Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention: Silliest Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention: Random Awards Avatar Award: (Best Avatars Overall) Genkai Honorable Mention: Signature Award: (Best Signatures Overall) PiroMunkie Honorable Mention: Best Location: (Best Specific Location) Honorable Mention: Best Otaku Couple: QA and Piro, of course. Honorable Mention: Best looking Otaku: Honorable Mention: Otaku clique of the Year: Honorable Mention: Best MyOtaku: Honorable Mention: Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Honorable Mention: Writer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Orginal Story of the Year: Honorable Mention: Role-Player of the Year: Honorable Mention: Brawler of the Year (sparring): Honorable Mention: Role-Playing Game of the Year Honorable Mention: Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Honorable Mention: Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: (Best Anime member overall) Honorable Mention: .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: DragonBall Guru: Honorable Mention: Digipeep of the Year: Honorable Mention: Gundam Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Honorable Mention: Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Nintendo "Mario" Award: Honorable Mention: The Sony Award: Honorable Mention: Xbox Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention: PC Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Honorable Mention: Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Honorable Mention: Best Spriter: Honorable Mention: Series Otakus Series Otaku Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Square/Enix Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Honorable Mention: The Triforce Award (Zelda): Honorable Mention: Meh, I'm kinda lazy. *shrugs*
  19. Genkai

    Big Fish

    I absolutely loved this movie. Of course, I had to fake seventeen to get in (and failed twice, stupid Ritz Theaters and their "rules"), but it was really, really, really fantastic. I loved every it of it, except for parts of the ending. I loved the french wife. ^_^
  20. Heh, I don't remember what my first kiss ever was.. I think it was in 1st grade, and, uh, with another guy. My first kiss with a girl was in 6th grade, and she was alright. I've been 'a kissin everybody ever since ^_^.
  21. MY brother and I were isolated in a foreign country together for two months. We're tight. ULTRA tight.
  22. Unfortunately, although I live in a very liberal area, some teachers have used an anti-PDA rule, rarely if ever enforced, to use as a form of bigotry. I've seen teachers walk by straight couples making out without batting an eye (hell, a seventh grader performed oral sex on one of her peers IN SCHOOL and IN A HALLWAY once, and they didn't get punished, as far as I can tell. Maybe a suspension..), but when to boys hold hands, that'll get you detention, and anything farther will be suspension. This is only a problem with one or two teachers though, and I hug and hold hands with guys and girls all the time and haven't gotten into trouble. *shrugs* My opinion? Meh, who cares. If there's nudity or sex involved, I think that should be restricted, and I think making out between classes is a bit unruly (save it for Lunch), but holding hands and hugging and kissing is all okay in my book.
  23. I'm 13. I'm not worrying. I'm confident.
  24. *shrugs* I had a friend once who went in for a 6-week dye and it never came out until she got it re-dyed, but I've never gotten it done myself.
  25. Well, I got my iPod on sunday, but we had to out and get some of the system requirements and a ton of stuff happened, so I only really started using it today. Since that's 200 bucks more than my parents normally spend on me, no other presens shall be given to me.
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