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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Yes with swords of DS and a Malevolent Nuzzler you have him 4750. Its easy to get its aTK past BEWdD. You can do it in one turn. [/B][/QUOTE] well, ax of sepair would be better/.
  2. *hops in wagon* I'M IN!!!*putters off to orgy* yeah, people ARE trying to outdo eachother... but that doesn't matter, ARIES IS BACK!!! YAY!!! um, well, maybe there are people who dont really know people on the boards, so theyll tell theyre secrets, and it wont matter cause you wont know what im talking about.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psychotik [/i] [B]If I could go back in time I would kill William Shakespeare and the lady who wrote to kill a mocking bird before they could write a single word, I would also take back the most technologically advance items I can find and give it to the people of the past, so when I come back technology would have surpassed its cirrent level. Reverence-out>> [/B][/QUOTE] why would you kill them? first of all, killing is not cool imho, and they are brilliant authors, especially the TKAMB person.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Some people think that the Swastika (symbol used by the Nazi's in WW2) should be banned. .[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] HOW would you ban a swymbol again?? [QUOTE][i]originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia[i/] [B]I believe that it is actually one of the Native American symbols FOR peace. And yes, the arm things point the different direction in the "peace 'swastika'".[/b] well, apparently they bith are. MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY chinese paintings and writings and stuff have the backwards swastika, a symbol of buddhism even YYH ha it. there's a ninja in the genkai tournament that has it on his head. not in the show, but in the manga and possibly the japanese unedited show. but yeah, the nativbe americans used it too, i think.
  5. well, uh... Ryan's is the same answer to the other switch one. but the easier answer is to:open the door. test each light.
  6. uh, YYH, that wasnt that nice.. she IS a newb, like you were about a week ago. we all posted topics that didnt make sense/werent allowed when we were newbs..even YOU did. uh. no comment on any of these... you dont wanna know.
  7. wel, i dunno if these are allowed aeither, but..*shrugs* i like everyone here, but the only people i IM often really are gokents, NoodleZ, and Juu. but i like everyone.
  8. younger version? didn't you know he IS hugh?? :rolleyes: i dunno..... how do you know you masturbate more than us? i doubt it.. unless you planted a camera on a guy for a day, you probably ouldnt know..O_o
  9. I don't really like the Swastika, because it WAS a symbol of the Nazis, and WAS USED as a symbol of hate, among other things. Well, let's see, it's VERY hard to ban something that is a symbol. the more peaceful swastika is the one in buddhism, but in that, the "arm" things are facing a different direction. im not outraged, i just dont think it can be done. i mean, it is historical. though it is most famous for its history of hate...
  10. well, i dun see why youd bring them to a dance, but.. my friend got their serpent's knight dragon stoledn, and then a kid sowed up with one at school the next day. we asked him where he got it and he said he had had it for months... give-away right there. so he got it back. thats funny, DFL. heh. i wana try that.
  11. "girls intimidate me"? that's a secret? girls intimidate EVERYONE, on some level, and that's not really something to keep secret..O_o
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B]I wrote 4 poems last night. [/B][/QUOTE] 4??? IN ONE NIGHT??? wow........that's.....wow.. it takes me days to right ONE if it really means something to me. O_o anyway, i like some, i dont like some... i dont like the "judgemental" one at all... i not sure why. it seems like you did it pretty fast. i dunno.
  13. my first language was english. we are required to learn another language in middle school, so we can pick german, french, or spanish. i don't know why they dont kick out the german for something that more people speak. like CHINESE. i'm taking spanish, and im going to live in guatelahara(i'll miss you guys) for a few weeks in the summer so i can learn spanish. i take chinese at the college, and i know about 70 words of zulu..O.o um.... i know how to say baka in japanese....baka. yeah. that's about it. ikben das fenster.
  14. i dunno. it seems kinda sketchy. i saw the first one about a kajillion times on ABC, it was pretty funny. im not going to se eit, maybe ill watch itwhenevr ABC feels like showing it..^_^
  15. waait, NoodleZ and KA_13... when do ou have LUNCH? 1st period:science, between 80-100 2nd period: math acc.:between 95-100 3rd period-gym: ive been out a lot becaus eof being sick, and i got off the hook when i was in school, so i dunno. 4h period:lang. arts: easiest class, 95-100 5th:LUNCH(ya know, that thing..where we EAT...) 6th: spanish90-100 7th-wood/computers/sewing/foods(interchangable throughout year). in computers, 90-100, in wood, we started last week, but everyone gets an A 8th: Soc. Stud:85-100 yeah. last year i was doing better. i got all 95 and higher. btw, those are just my guesses. they dont tell us. we just get interims, wchich are ony comments that we get halfway through each marking priod. we havent finished our 1st MP yet, so we havent gotten our report cards yet.
  16. yeah, but hw often do you get to watch one? it's like, 1 out of 4,965 times of anime watching sessions. O.o since three is a lot, but did you speak japanese when you were 5? cause there most likely wasnt a lot of anime around when you were three....16 or 17 years ago. anyway, that still is a hell of a lot of anime... I wihsh i could say i have 1/100 of that....but i dont. i have 3 anime on VHS, 9 on DVD, i've seen 2 in theaters, and altogether ive seen a lot, though i dont know how many. about 50 or 60 anime. Im getting another DVD today... Im very broke.. Manga on the other hand...I've pretty much read every manga in borders. ive read a bit of manga online that was translated with scans(i cant stand without scans). I've also read manga ive found in other places. i love manga. its so much cheaper than DVDs. wow. that's still a lot of anime to see in a life time.... especially when you're about 19 or 20(right?)
  17. It's not that they only appreciate you, youre their ROLE MODEL. I think being one person's role model is a big accomplishment.....and you have 2.
  18. I see that this thread has become an in-depth conversation about masturbation....O_o anyway, I guess we're al pretty honest, because a lot of people have shared secrets. but PEANUT hasnt, even though he said he would. Don't try o avoid the subject.....
  19. yeah, sorry if i seemed harsh ^^'.. i know, it's okay.
  20. we studied anthropomorphism and behaviorsts last year in a special group with doctor comey(i felt smart to be in there), and i totally think you should ALL read when elephants weep if you're interested.
  21. well, iu accidentally bump the girl i babysit in the head with a toy or something a lot, and i feel bad, but it's ok. it's an accident/
  22. i live in swarthmore, Penssylvania, t=ont the outskirts of philly. very historical. i love the college, i live across the street from the south entrance. that's enough to sustain you.
  23. pojo is often uinreliable, but that's pretty obvious anyway..imho. i mean, there's al this stuff about the pharoah's secrets, how yugi thinks getting the god cards are the key to finding them, etc. i still dont really understand..wtf are the memories?? i havent seen much of the battle city and farther etc., so...
  24. i love the manga..... ive only read the first 3 vols, but..~(XD)-|-<
  25. duh i put you on NoodleZ. you're the man...^_^ wow, im on someone's list.......noodlez rocks... he plays trombone, which automatically makes him kick....... plus he put me on his list, and is really cool.. im IMing him right now, lol.
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