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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. mist is moving, so she hasnt had time to be online lately. info courtesy of juu. so many pages, and no ne has said me....u.u then again, i wouldnt say me. oh, and i misws aries....... aww... he was the best.
  2. yeah, how have you seen that many AND owend them?? ive only heard of about 200, and i knew there was at least 2,000 or 3,000, but not just below 7,000.. much less anyone who has seen them... how do you own that much? how do you know you've seen exactly that number? do you keep track? where do you put all that anime?? wow..O.o
  3. still, peanut, you havent told us your secret yet.......so...:therock:..what is it??? of course girles masturbate. we all know it. and im 12. :rolleyes: lol.
  4. when i was new to OB, in mid-july, there were a few people who i respected oh so much, and still do. aries-f'sho. he was and is the man. mist- I think she was the second person who i ever saw post or something. She's so nice and interesting, but strongly ipinionated.. kind of. juuthena- I've always really liked juu but i never really reached out to her until about 2 or 3 weeks ago, and weve been iming eachother ever since^_^. NoodleZ: I dunno. I met hinm in his thread about his parents divorcing, and i had a cool converation with him. he's been my fave OB prson so far, but not really a role modell whatever.... uh, there's more.... oh yeah, QA, because.. well i dunno. Cera.Soldid Snake( i forget whatever name he has now). Rick hunter(one of his threads was my second ever. not post, thread.).. yeah.. oh and did i say james? i love james...*hits himself for sucking up without reason* Flashy!!! I LOVE YOU FLASHY!!!! *cough* get-me-into-OBBII*hack*replace-neil*cough uh.. yeah. i hate yuhe_cong1. but she's never posted and never will, so...
  5. hmm/.. this is DEFINETELY a clone of the things youd never hear on ygo... yeah, this'll probably be closed.. i guess.. but maybe not.. maybe AG will leave it unnoticed..
  6. yeah in didnt know TN was gay for a bit either...*shrugs*. yeah. btw, i agree with TN that it's hard to find a guy here who DOESNT masturbate WAY too much.. lol.
  7. :therock:......... well this is getting weird.. now ya see, the thought that maybe my parents no all my sevrets is scary........of course, maybe they read my mind.....O.o my brother came back and i killed him again..
  8. i dunno... i dont thing "kissing" counts as sexual activity.. and i think oral fits in there with sex. but yeah, there is a difference. i shouold HOPE no one here makes the same mistake as your brother..
  9. dude, how young are you???? sexual activities and sex..... wuzza difference? are you like, talking about going to an orgy and not haeving sex???? i guess that's an activity..,loli
  10. that's the ticket. socialism might be great.. if humans were perfect....l
  11. CHINPOKO MON CAMP!!!! that was an awesome episode.... of course, i have no problem making fun of anime.. not people who like anime, but anime... i mean, dont YOU want to be the greatest CHIMPOKOMASTER LEVEL 17 EVER???p
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]You're like... 12.... tsk... [/B][/QUOTE] :therock: and? :rolleyes: it's not like we had sex.. if that's what you're thinking.....uh..no.... otherwise, i dont see how there's a problem with me being 12....:whoops:
  13. AAH!!! I NEED CHOBITS 3!!!! *bawls hysterically* animerica is my fave magazine, and my stores STILL dont have the new issue, the november one.. the october halloween one was good, but i want more... i wasnt satisfied.. i never am, am i? DIT: well, i just bouight newtype. it's huge, and worth the 10 bucks. i didnt get the DVD though, ill call the company about that.
  14. omg anime lover... sigh... i have a HUGE secret from my friends and anyone who remotely knows me. my friend yuhe is the ONLY person who knows.. until now!! it cant hurt to tell you!!!!!! i already said this osmewhere on Ob i htink though...lol.. anyway, i liked this girl that me friend had liked for 5 years and she liked me. okay. if to people like eachother, things happen... eh? so, i never wanted to lose my friends trust, but.........u.u... well, you get it. i haent told my friend but i will. it was brief.....U.U got that outta my system..... and......... I LOVE MONIQUE!!!! inside joke here...... oh and i killed my brother...... and your brother.
  15. well, "dwon with communism" is a strong statement., the communist idea isnt bad. it's what it's twisted into. socialism is a great idea, it just never works... imho
  16. wut do you mean "yes, genkai_yyh"? did i say something to you i dont remember? O.o
  17. desbreko: yo!! another jonathan in the hood!! wll, your jonathOn, but it's all good... i feel tall.....^_^
  18. well, ive never tols someone i liked them without asking them out or them liking me...... but a lot of girls have told me that they liked me and i've either went out with them, or i have told them i didn't think'd work out. BELIEVE ME, we don want to hurt your feelings, but we wouldnt have een trou to ourselves if we had led you on. really. i hope you people who hae been turned down understand.
  19. i have the codes for BSD and DM girl.. one sec... bsd: 11901678 dm girl: 38033121 if you need more codes, tell me what monsters.. most magic cards don=t have acode that works, so be sure it's in the game if you ask me about a magic or trap, k?
  20. your 13 and your in high school? scotland is cool...... ya kilt wearin, haggis eatin bagpipe-player.. must kdding lol
  21. one: no. neither. YES you have to ribute for toon monsters. why wouldnt you? they kick. noting says they dont require a tribute.
  22. yeah. was ut official???? i never have entered a tourny.. ainly xcause there's none in my area really.. lol.
  23. it's also in the joey strarter, which came out bootleg in my mall..in english..*grins evilly*
  24. LK knos wuzzup.. gma 4ever lol. I want to read some, but havent just yet. it's sad.. 66 is pretty early, but with lung cancer, hmm... it was probably like going to sleep after a very tiring day.
  25. oh, you probably know, but my name is jonathan... that's my name, dont wear it out.
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