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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. it is not a sin to be gay. sheesh. i'm christian, and ive never heard anyone but stupid bigots saying it's a sin to be gay or do homosexual acts, but i know you arent bigots. that sucks they thought you did drugs..... man, well at least you were off the hoook.. but id be afraids to ta go to school tooo/.
  2. imho, it is wrong, and ill say it.. why not?^^' well, now some americans wont be saying "we're being picked on by bombers, etc.", as more and more foreign countries have simllar problems... 180 dead, 300 injured...:' (
  3. "nightmare on pubert st."? O.o the fourth frade videos were really to stop us laughing wehn someone said sex, but that was unsuccesful. the 5th grade videos were actually informing.... then 6th grade was too much information.. i never want to hear the words vas deferens again.
  4. hm... i dunno if the anonymity of it all is "fun"..o_O uh, right, if he wants to knw what others look like, and they're willing to let him know, then where's the problem? and as he said, people dont take it seriously. sorry if im a"rguing at you"lol. no hard feelings.
  5. 108 words per minute??? we learn to type real good in 6th, i can only get 70.... lol yeah, drugs span throughout all the schools, ut i was just saying that's the "health" section in 8th grade.. still, sex ed in 9th?? it's not like we start puberty when we're 15... sheesh. by then some of us(mainly two of my most.. weirdly friends) would be killing yourselves in fright.. it's better to learn early. we did in 4th grade... lol, that's probably why half of my friends' conversations involve sex... anyway, our sex ed. teacher was really funny, though strangely eccentric.. she was, and still is, very cool. she's my homeroom teacher this year... shes kewl. she's also doing the african american celebration.. an d im in it, though i m not black..O.o she's cool.
  6. uh..... age: 12 height:5 something.. im taller than most people in my grade, like, 5'6 or summat eyes: bluey green hair: brown weight: uh... above average. occupation: slave to james and adam interests: anime....sleep...anime... drawing, writing, girls, making radical political statements with a lambchop puppet, eating pop tarts. fav. anime: um. that'sd be my first anime, CCS. other: uh..........................i need more sleep.....
  7. whuddya mean faded out of it? of what? dragon champoin IS a good prize. it SELLS for a 100 bucks. might nt be worth that, but some people are stupid enough to do that.
  8. god, i hate being broke.....--____-- i hate it so much...... i love the LOB picture, its so much cooler than the starter deck ones and the show one. god, must get to target... sell so cheap there....
  9. we had the videos in 4th and 5th, sex ed. in 6th, and stuff about drugs in 7th. next year is like, excercise or something. how to stay fit or wahteever... there's a sex ed. break between 6th and 10th grade.. then in thenth grade your sitting there putting a condom on a wooden dildo after 4 years of being unfamiliar with sex besides the man show, lol. yeah, it's pretty screwed up.
  10. thursday, frankoo berry mush. that was pretty easy. okay, here's one. what has it got in it's pocketses? i cant find my copy of the hobbit.. >.< okay, um.. oh yeah!!! what becomes smaller as you put more in it, and bigger as you take out of it? very easy.
  11. oh god... more of this stuff.. more grief, sadness.. god... it's so....................................... oh god. sorrry, i just hate to think about this. it's so sad. *sigh* man, sad sad sad.................:bawl: *sniffle*.
  12. wut does megamorph do again? in DDS it's one level plus. and wut's maha vailo? it's a pretty crappy card if i remember correctly.. which i probably dont.. oh yeah, and macedavis, uh, watch for double posting.
  13. ew, that must suck... well we dont play where other people can see us really, so we dont have that problem.. yeah, a few of my friends like it, but we dont like., TALK about it cause everyone else hates it. sometimes we will at lunch, but really, why talk about something that other people dont weanna hear? yeah.
  14. oh. my friend got the lord of d one and thought he was getting a blue eyes.. but he got a b skull in the packs and a SORL, so he was okay lol.
  15. interesting method of learning japanese.. i read animerica and get really mad at borders and suncoast cause they NEVER stock the new one until 2 weeks after it comes out!!! the november one came out on friday, but NO, borders doesn't have it.T_T not kewl. i wish i knew how to speak korean. well, if i spoke jaanese, that'd be helpful too, so... oh well, im still stuck on learning chinese....
  16. i saw it on the streets of the city today, but we couldnt stop cause i had to catch a train.. i think it was cheap, but i didn't get to see... i think it was only 15 bucks, and it wasnt bootlegged. sigh.... well, WHD kicks. HOW can you own it and not watch it??? i watch things the second i get them. O.o so strange to me.
  17. newtype??? i didnt hear of it till this thread, but i went to the site.. 90 bucks to subscribe, 10 bucks an issue..... :rolleyes: seriously. um ,i wouldnt really think of subscribing, or probably buying the mag before i glanced through it.. it didn't sound like anything more than animerica, possibly less. for ten bucks you can get a tokyopop "uthentic" manga....
  18. whao.. it's seriously LOB? are they kidding us? that'll jack down the prices a few notches, very mean to those of us who got an LOB blue eyes in their FIRST PACK and havent tried to sell it yet....--__--;;; are you sure it's lob? shouldn't it be like, TIN-001 or something??? O.o
  19. no non e in my grade likes YGO, just 6th graders. oi. so we dont get a shance to duel. but i wouldn't bring my deck to school, lol.
  20. wut do oyu mean you got 3 the blue eyes and teh black skull or whatever? are those the cards you got in tins? whoa..
  21. well, my friend saw a joey starter, in english, at the mall and my friends gave gotten the tins.. the tins are the bomb, because they're 5 packs for 16 bucks, plus an exclusive card. it's 2 blue eyes packs, 2 metal raiders, and 1 magic ruler..... i cant wait to get one, but im so BROKE!!! oi.. the joey starter.. i dunnpo if it's legal, but apparently it's either come out or this store got it's hands on it. well, does anyone have a tin/joey starter???
  22. tell the moderators about a site they dont run?? lol. why isnt it a thread for me to ***** and complain??? awww... well, i agree with him that upper deck will be what kills YGO here in america.. so sad... the locator works.. 1 out of 70 times i try it..... the site really has no useful info whatsoever. they barely ever update they're news section, and the f.a.q. isnt very good. i heard it was near IMPOSSIBLE to get through to them after you sign up to get them to tell you about making your store a duelist center or whatever. anyway, there's bios on the site.. BIOS??? on the site for the CARD GAME???? it's yugioh-card. com for god's sake!!! their "training" is just the rule book.. te site is completely useless. i found about 2 things that i might've been mildly interested in there. that's just my opinion, but it's a strong one.. or not, whatever..lol. wqell, thank you for listening to my ramblings..
  23. yeah. plus, i doubt itll come to any stores near me, except maybe quakerhead. i think it's easier to spare 10 bucks a month than 90 at once. ya know?
  24. aww. i missed tokyopop.. smile was supposed to be good, and i dont mind reading shouojo, soo.... anyway, newtype is EXPENSIVE. i duno if it's worth it. but i heard it comes with sample dvds and stuff, so... hmm. thinking whteher or not to subscribe.
  25. dude, that was like a 3-sentence paragraph...O_O... anyway, i have had a similar problem. there's this girl i really liked and i only told ONE person(who i actrually told tonight) about it and.......oh wait a minute........ she's on these boards now....... eep, better shut up.. okay, well, who cares, one of my friends likes her too and has liked her forever. i had wanted to ask her out SEVERAL times, and she came up to me to ask me out but then shy backed down. the problem was, i would feel REALLY bad dating my friends 1 and only crush ever.... so im kinda glad she didn't ask me out becausse i would rather give up happiness with her than lose my friend's trust... but, this annoying girl isn't your friend..... and it's completely her fault no one will go out with her, so ask him out NOW, get it over with, and youll be okay. you dont have anything to lose by asking him out, but you DO have something to lose by not asking him out. so, go for it. and try to punctuate next time, lol. just kidding.
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