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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. wel, yeah.. tere's already an inu yasha thread. ive noticed you've done stuff lie this a lot, but your a newbie, so your ff the hook. just MAKE SURE YOU READ THE RULES. kay. right, see ya!
  2. yeahm you're right. being gay wasn't the matter. but we're TAUGHT these things by teachers in 6th grade for us, so we're supposed to be MATURE about it. that math teacher trying to get him "banned" was completely stupid. like, i mean, we hevae a whole CLASS about sex. so what's wrong with a math teacher saying that. well, i guess it was TOTALLY off topic, but you cant ban someone for going of topic. can you? anyway, for all we know, maybe it wasn't as serious as it seemed. maybe someone ASKED him if he was gay. ryan, you said it yourself that he "looked gay"*cough*stereotyope*hack,so is it that unusual that he answered a question? so maybe that didn't appen, but it's possibel whoever told you about that was exageratin or something, ryan. i dunno. anyway, i am AGAINST the idea of banning a teacher from teching for that. i mean, really. opinion has change3 rom last post. oh, and sorry with all the spelling arrors last post. i was rushing.
  3. that was funny. i dunno what the funniest part was. i guess anything with the big baby.mini-mouse-ish thingy was cool. yubaba's sister is so cool. wouldn't you love to have her as a grandmother?
  4. om not a part, but ive been to the site. it's so unorganized. its a piece of crap. the locator for duelist tournaments sucks to. just my opinion, though. Edo thinks so too.
  5. sigh..... okay.. jopussen is my sn. there.
  6. it SCARED you? dude. i mean, the sperm thing was ot there, but just telling another calss that he was gay.. dude, not kewl.um, i wouldn't casre if my teacher was gay, in fact one of my friend's PERMANENT teacher was gay. well, our school is in a ver y ccepting community. is your school sstem full of country hicks, ryan? lol. anyway, i think people SHOULD be perfectly okay with a gay teacher. but a gay teacher who tells you about how he had a baby with another guy... i dunno, sketchy indeed.
  7. ya know, some one mentioned that you fear that no one reads it. well, whoopo dee do, what am i fearing? a few people have talked to me about it, and they've read it, BUT I WANT THEM TO PUT COMMENTS!!! AAAUUUGGGGHHH!!! i dont care if all the comments are from 1 person, i just wna tthem. 1 comment would make me leap for joy
  8. mr. maulk: i dont think ors have the same answer... uh, cause.... yeah.
  9. it's about models i genral, so this is okay. um...................................no, i cant say i have ever had this problem. i cant say that this is going to be the most succesful thread, and, as AL said, this will causedry discussion. oh well, you have me in your sig, VR, so great.
  10. yeah, i know what you mean. i have you and shadow, but i dunno the other board people, so...
  11. well, we have standard testing stuff. i hate it. it sucks. last day was today though. EVERYoNE BUT US GOT TO SLEEP IN!!!!! AAHH!!! bt we got to miss 4 classses, that was sweet. oh well.
  12. i saw some WEIRD show at 10 o clock on wed. in MA.. i was at my grandma';s house.. it was like, blackberry something or something.. O.o
  13. a few weeks? wehn did u start school? whoaO.o
  14. um, c_l never said she was going to throw her life away. what if her fiance has a very stable job, is intelligent, and is commited, while she is about to finish school, and has thouroughly thought this through? well, i guess it's too late to give my opinion, but yeah, we dont really know the circumstances welll enough. WOULD she be throwing the circumstances away?
  15. eee!! here's my favorite uh.. oh yeah!!! there's a couple, a man and a woman, and they were driving in a car. the man stopped to get gas, and told the woman to lock all the doors, close all the windows, and make it impossible to let anyone in. then she had to search every inch of the car to see if there was anyone there(there wasn't). she did this successfully. the man went in to the gas station and got in an argument with the manager. he eventually was forgiven, but he had t do some work casue he had exploded his burrito in the microwave and done some damage. he thought that his girlfriend would be fine, and since she was kind of sleepy, she might take a nap. the work took even longer than he thought. he came outside, and went to his car. the woman was dead, there was a stranger in the car. what happened? i probably left something out that could make multiple answers, but there's only one that i now of that isn't like"someone broke in anyway" or"she didn't spot the burglar inder her seat" or something.
  16. i dunno, i think animelover and gokents are acting like think they know DK, which i don't claim to, but thet you are judging him. that he's hiding on the web, that, he wouldn't normally say that, all assumptions. um, there's a practice that some zen monks do(yeah, im a china freak, so what?), which is going, in their mind, to the point right before you are killed. when you hear the sot, se the dagger, etc. etc., you get the iedea. it is said that if you go to this poin tin your mind, and feel the fear, the bliss, whatever it is, you will not be able to fear anything. apparently it's frickin hard. ive thought about the feelings, and what they must be, but obviously, that's not all it is. that's just to back DK up. i DONT agree with DK, but that doesn't mean he is a bad person. it's possibel that your assumptions are true, but for all we know, he could be goddam serious about thinking murder is no wrong. seriously. oh well, that's my ramblings. okay then.
  17. oh my god, reading jokes and watching the amzing race!!!! HEAVEN!! lol, just kidding. so, um, what happened after you told the teacher to shut the **** up? are you in detention or something?
  18. hm... tension..... he's right you know, animelover.... it is a matter of opinion. and it seems you are trying to force YOUR opinions on him.he said that he thinks the serial killer is awesome. he didn't say anything about your situation. it is possible that, under the circumstances you mentioned, he would no longer have this opinion, but, maybe he would. maybe right after he was shot he would say "I LOVE YOU, PERSON WHO SHOT ME!!!!!!!!!" i mean, really. ou never said you thought he wouldn't, but from the first sentence, "let me give you a situation, my friend", i think i know what kind of voice your saying that in. this here, is PURELY MY OPINION. heh. oh, and congratulations, if you werent a mod, you'd be a member!!! YAY!(not sarcastic, mind you)
  19. i dunno... um, this is a grat way forlike, internet stalkers......O.o n, im paranoid....
  20. character decks aren't always serious though, in the card game, they mgight not work quite as well as in the show... yeah...
  21. T_T um.... deathknight is messed up..... oh well, i still think he's cool. um, the tarot card thing scares me. it's just creepy. it could've been a prankster.i guess.
  22. yeah, for a lot of opinions on this, ty the thread that tigervx wass talking about. it's in the anime lounge. anway, you have a common problem. but really, if you try to hang out with her and she snubs you, dont hang with her. if you try to hang with her and she lets you, try not to talk about anime,. i mean, i don't like to talk to someone about something i dont like. try that.
  23. WAA!! just talking to juu.. sounds like ittll be fun this year. still depressed.. yay, lady katana is!! add you to my list!!!(of people to kill... just kidding) um yeah, its foredaddy, neil, juu, deathknight, etc.
  24. dammit. it sux. i guess it figures, i haven't been here very long and my application sucked. but now i hate myself. oh well, who cares. :bawl: this sux. really. oh weel, i guess i wont be able to enjoy big brother if i mope all hte time. GO JUU!!!
  25. sorry about the spamming, i know....oh well.. didn't get in.. juu told me on IM, then i quck went to check my PMs and, no... but i guess i wont be restiricted.. i was preparing by spending a lot of time in all the forums, lol.. anyway, this should be dun, and juu has my full support.. of cours,ei only know about threee of the people who got in.... sigh. what can you do.
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