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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. wow, next time i see that ill look for it.
  2. ouch. losing gate guardian is tough.... um, i'd have to say when i got my lord of d. combo in my first hand with mountain. i wiped out my opponent in two turns, using blue eyes and seiyaryu. it was sweet. another time was when i used my millenium shield/death destruction virus/reverse trap/ring of magnetism combo to dewfeat my opponent.
  3. well, i sent an email to my entireaddress book about my ujournal, and my mom got it..(D'OH!!!) she turned all worry mom... sigh....
  4. it's definitely band GEEK... sheesh... band dork... sounds like your saying band ork.band geek all the way. sheesh.
  5. er, i draw... a lot. well, besides anime, im into diving and fencing, and i do tai chi and stuff... i dunno. i'm in chorus and i play trombone. yeah.
  6. i think the cxyber caommando cid have one, but many of the ACTUAL guns have been edited out. of course you don't notice it, they're not there!!! in ET, the new one, the edited out guns and put it walkie talkies....:rolleyes:
  7. well, im very interested in anime, but it's nice to just be able to talk, or to talk about other things too.
  8. as am i, you're not alone... anyway, i think that sometimes you register here for one purpose, and then find yourself into other things. like, i came here for anime and used to spend all my time in the anime lounge, but i use the liuge and gaming and art etc. more and more....
  9. guys, ya GOTTA support it in america, no bootlegs... man... just causei bought bootleg angelic layer...that's not out here...
  10. just got one, its ujournal.com/~genkai_yyh, i think...*shrugs*
  11. professionally, i can't, but i like to sing and a lot of people in the high school get to go to france adn stuff. i like that aqua song, but, er, i don't know the tune so i can't sing it loudly through the streets^_^
  12. it is. i hat to go into philly to see it... i didn't get to see it again tonigt though...sigh.... anyway, im seeing it again next week, so they say...
  13. coke. duh. but the real stuff is diet-rite. such good cola. i bought a big *** thing of pepsi blue once. it had about 4 servings... it was like, 120 g of sugar. i took like, three sips and then gave the rest to my cousins. it was good, but... i dunno.
  14. just finished some ramune and yan-yan... mmm... i COULDN'T find the soda candies... probably cause i can't read japanese or chinese... dammit........anyway, i need a pic or someting grumble... not gona go back to chinatown for like a month, but i got enogh pcky for a while.. though i only got two bottles of ramune, one for my girlfriend, one for me... their only like, 7 ounces, plus all the stuff that comes out after you pop the marble... yeah... i forgot to buy white reabits, but i almost got an awesome wooden sword.. i also got kung fu slippers for my tai chi and kendo staff, and some chinese coins for my i ching.. anyone else a messed up hippi like me? tai chi and i ching.. you kno it...
  15. ill finsih a bit better... i had to run before... ah yes, so she comes back to find her parents as pigs, so she runs off, and is found by the boy, haku. halu tells her that if she can cross the bridge to the bathhouse without taking a breath, she won't be seen, but right before she finishes the bridge, she takes a breath. she is seen, so haku helps hide her and tells her she HAS to get a job or else she'll be turned into an animal. she goes to see this dude with a lot of arms who tells her to see yu baba about the job. yu baba is very reluctant but in the end lets chiori work for her... she makes chihori change her name to sen, and that's how yu baba controls you, by taking your name. haku tells sen to remember her real name no matter what. so chihori gets a job at the bath house. her first job is to clean this big tub, but then a big, muddy, disgusting customer, whom everyone thinks is a stink spirit, needs a bath, and chihori needs these bath tabs to get water. a mystrious black thiung with a mask gives her a bunch of them, and she starts to attepmpt to clean ithe big disgusting blob. in the end, it turns out that it wasn't a stink spirit, but it was some sort of river spirit. the river spirit gives sen a little black fuzz. next, there's some bits when sen sees her pig-parents, then she finds out haku can turn into a dragon. then the mysterious thing that gave her bath tabs turns out to be very, er generous with gold, and ebveryone is giving him food while yubaba is out. eventually t becomes huge, but the only thing it REALLY wants is to see sen. there's more, but im not telling cause you all have to see it. SUPPORT IT HERE IN AMERICA!!!! DONT BUY TOO MANY BOOTLEGS!!!! WE NEED TO SUPPORT MIYAZAKI HERE!!! or wherever you are if your not in the US.
  16. yeah, it is funny, like when the edited out the gun pointed at pegasus' head by bandit keith and made it a finger...classic there really is no good reason to edit out the guns, because yu-gi-oh! is for everyone in japan too... i dunno, we're just a weird country O.o
  17. well, the band instructor probably knows what he is doing, but he must be stressed!
  18. going to chinatown today.. will get sda candies... they have them at some websites too, but ill probably just get some today... course, i m SO broke, it's not funny, i have like, $7 and i want some yan-yan and ramune.... then maybe some white rabbits and soda candies...ive seen the ramune ones, i think... has anyone had Qoo grape drink?
  19. wow.. heated discussion..... i don't know why this came to mind, but there was a collection od ghost stories put to gether by roald dahl(though his books were magical, he really wasn't a very nice person), and his introduction pretty mich said "men can do everything better than women except for write ghost stories" uh...... no. the thing about races can have some heated discussion... but yes, i think that sometimes a race, minority or majority, will get the upper hand in something because of their race or ethnicity or whatever. my 3rd grade teacher was prejudice, though she taught against it. she was also sexist. her name was jessica. she thought girls weresupposed to be pampered and should have lower standards, that jews were better than eevryone else(we had a very mixed bag of religions, we had muslim, christian, 2 african religions, and shinto), etc. she would throw hannukah parties and celbrate yom kippur and stuff(she was fired later on). i dunno why im saying this.. anyway, im gonna keep my eye on this thread...
  20. to answer juu's question: i've never had japanese soda candy... and what's deribab and cocodasu or whatever? im confused... im going to have to pull a ryan and go eat everything too.. especially pumpkin fudge...*runs off* 20 mins. later: okay.... going into the city today to get some ya-yan and ramune... to bad im broke... ill take some of my brother's money... he's an idiot... did i say that out loud? no, i wrote it down, phew....O_O.....
  21. uh........... stupid toys... every polly pocket thing ever... thre a a jillion, but i cant think of even one ight now... don't you hate it when that happens?
  22. kay, here we go.. please, this will probably sound stupid, but it's really genius.. Chihori is a girl moving to a neew place.. On their way to their house, she and her parents stop to look at an abandoned theme park. t hey find some food, and they start chowing down, but chihori is afraid to... oops, i gotta go... well, here's the rest crammed into one sentence: her parents turn into pigs so she has to work at a bathhouse for gods under the strict rue of an evil witch, and blah blah blah... someone else will give you a better summary..
  23. Genkai

    TP1 packs

    well, there aren't a whole lot of official tourneys, so.... they're hard to get your hands on..
  24. yeah, i don't think a whole lot of people really know
  25. malik is the most evil..... very twisted, that one..
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