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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. nothing here... but even when i did, it didn'ty ALWAYS show up, but i didn't mind.. i miss it..
  2. er.......right, here's a question! what happened to that little box at the obttom of threads that you can put your reply into? i don't like having to wait for the reply page o load, and then being subscribed to the thread.... if you just want to quick share your view, and don't want to be subscribed, it was nice just to be able to use that... so, PLEASE get that thing back, it's SO much better than our only option now..; :angel: :devil:
  3. er, here's a problem, though it may sound stupid.. are there any teas that'll help with breating problems or a respiratory infection, or when asthma is giving you trouble?? also, when finding the volume of a cylinder, is the formula *Xr(squared)Xthe height or is it different? i have a test tomorrow, so...
  4. DON'T go ragging on yu yu hakusho as being too mainstream..even if it is.... i was a fan BEFORE CN, so pleh.... anyway, yeah, inu-yasha will probably get fan bases like DBZ or something, but more if it became primetime..... SIGH.... well,the DVDs are coming out in november for those of us willing to spend money... obviously i am, i bought landlock......yeah...it was cheap, so... so..I LOVE INU YASHA!!!! Course, idon't know much about it. bought the first volume, but all of Rumiko's stuff is so expensive...oy..
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Get out my Summoned Skull with Witch of the black Forest. Usually by then I have Yami, which powers up me deck (fiend/spellcaster) by 200. So Skull is at 2700 (ATK). Dark Energy boosts it up 300 so now it is powerful as BEWD attack wise. Sword of Deap-Seated for 500. Black Pendant for another 500. Malevolent Nuzzler is 700! Not to mention Axe of Despair whic is the highest at 1000!!! so now my Summoned Skulls ATk total from all the magic cards a bonus of....5700 ATK points. i have two skulls and plenty of counter traps (7 tools, Mirror force) making him Indestructable. [/B][/QUOTE] you can't very well have plenty of counter traps if you filled your magic and trap field with equips, now can you? right.. anyway, if you equip ring of magnetism to a biggie, then play reverse trap, watch your opponent's monsters die!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! of course, no one really has a reverse trap in their deck. not much room, no?
  6. man, we cant even get our permit till we're 16 1/2....................... so your not missing much where we are...:(
  7. yeah, it's good to know people re-registered after the crash.... anyway, did the boards have a different domain in the beginning? was it just forums.theotaku.com or something??? im confused.. anyway, keep the stories coming....^_^
  8. gappy sweet sixteen!!!! get some presents and a car, and bust a move!! anyway, yeah.. if you get a lot of money, cut me in...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Blehh.. I remember how I got here like it was the day before yesterday. I originally found [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] searching on [i]Yahoo![/i] for stuff about DragonBall Z/GT. I stuck with that for a long time. I believe during that time I looked at the boards here, but they looked too confusing so I payed no to attention to them. Then while looking through the fanart after a while, I took to the style that is Topaz. I emailed her complimenting her on her art, she returned the email thanking me, and asking me if I had AIM while leaving her screen name just incase I did. I replied back with my screen name just so she knew that if I spoke first she'd know who it was. So we became pretty good friends, a memorable one in my mind, and she happened to be a member of this board at the time. One day she asked me if I was a member, and I said "No". So she kind of walked me through it. My first EVER Otaku screen name was kind of a flop, the account didn't seem to work. So I had to re-sign as a member under a different name (which most of you remember as pyrodragon13). And I've been here ever since. I think I came in either near the middle or end of Version 1...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] NOW THAT'S A STORY!!! i dunno.... i really like the stories... even the ones like: i found this site while searching for pokemon.. it's cool to know, ya know?
  10. i read this and promised id reply after dinner, but... no, i didn't... it's a good idea, but if we have a question about homework, it'll take a while to get answered, and life's problems normally get answered through their own threads.... i dunno...
  11. you guys can go online and surf in computers??? cool... yeah, a lot of people found out throu theotaku, but i found theotaku from ottakuboards.... i dunno... i didn't visit the otaku till about the week before the otakudown...
  12. yeah, munkee, what's up with the whole having to sign up again thing? anyway, i want to hear more... i want to hear from more people who have achieved "Otaku" rank or higher. they must've been here a WHILE...
  13. REALLY?? wow... where'd you find that out?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I read alot of this manga and I know the series is done by the same lady that does Vampire Princess Miyu. I liked Juline and I read it in either Tokyo Pop or Smile magazine, I cant' remember. I never was interested in it enough to go out and buy the graphic novels, but I still love the series and everything. I just thought the artwork could have been better. It was too light for my tastes. Not enough detail, I guess...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, the art sometimes seemed incomplete.... you know, like she wouldn't finsih the head of one of her characters or something like that.... but i love it nonetheless...
  15. hmm... it seems that searcing for DBZ and Digimon are the best ways of finding OB....heh heh..... anyway, i think it's time we gather round and here some stories from people who have been here a while...:whoops:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B][b]PLEASE READ BEFORE VOTING!!![/b] In the weakest/strongest points thread many people have listed themselves as smart/intelligent. Which prompted me to think upon it for a moment, and I thought it would be a good idea to conduct an experiment. Just a fun one. :D Make your vote [b] and then[/b] take an IQ test [url=http://www.testcafe.com/iqtest/]here[/url]. Although you have to register, its hassle free and quick (12mins). It looks professional enough so I guess it should be 'relatively' accurate. Still, with only T & F options, I wouldn't rely on it completely. I mean I scored 159! :eek: WTF? You can post how your voted and what you scored on the IQ test was, or you can just post one or the other, or post neither. :D ;) [/B][/QUOTE] hmm... i gotta 159 on the first test...not bad for a 12 year old...
  17. my friend got a mag ruler secret rare in a pack. i lent him the dime that got it for him!:D anyway, it was serpent knight's dragon, 1st edition, that card that rex used against joey. i have these questions: a)what's the other MagRuler secret rare b)how much is serpent's knight dragon worth? c) is serpent's knight dragon a card only found in retail packs, like Gaia the DC? i know we're all jealous, but can someone answer these questions?
  18. well, i guess you learn something new every day...OtakuWar..... anyway, i wonder if anyone found this place without meaning to find an anime site... like, they searched google for someting unrelated to anime and found a post in the lounge or something, and he signed up.....whatever, keep the stories coming!!! i want to learn some theotaku history, ive only been here for so long, no?
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=blue]I forget in which version I registered, but it was in the middle of the "Great Otaku War." I think it was v2, but it might have been earlier than that. *scratches head* Blast my horrible long-term memory![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] great otaku war??? now i REALLY feel like a newb compared to y'all v2 veterans... what was the "great otaku war?"
  20. My fave amrican ccg combo: well, naturally, the Lord of Dragons Combo. just play flute of summoning dragon while you or your opponent has lord of d. on the field and you can have your best monsters romping around, immune to trap hole and such. My fave japanese ccg combo: i like my Death Virus thingamajigger(to lazy to remember name. aka, crush card) and Millenium Shield combo, normally played with that card, the magnetism ring or whatever. by the time they get a card strong enough to defeat 3000(orless, with agnetism ring) def, i'd probably have killed a lot of their monsters, cause if i had magnetism ring, they'd HAVE to attack it and die, no? if i didn't have magnetism ring, there's still the initial attack on the monster. my Death Virus goes with it, and the attacking monster would die too, cause it'd need a heck of a lot more than 1500 to destroy it. of course there are effects, etc, but whatever. of course, that's pretty much my ONLY japanese combo that i use often.... even though there are better ones. if you don't understand what i just said, PM me. hope you enjoyed!:toothy:
  21. hair is da bomb. that's all there is too it..... Final Flash, you KNOW what's up!but your hair will go faster if you trim about a half inch off every month. it will stimulate the hair to grow. anyway, my hairs not just long enough to put behind my ears and have it stay there, OR put it ALL into a ponytail, so it's tough to play sports. can't really see, and sometimes ill blink on my hair... anyway, long hair an either guys or girls is cool. that's all.
  22. yes, i agree with james, the IRA have shown signs of receeding, and attacks would lead to rioting and more violence.:(
  23. WHY DO YOU ALL SAY BLUE EYES?? i mean, i like it too, but there are SO many better cards. I like blue eyes, but not enough to say that he's my favorite,"hands down".SIGH.......:confused:
  24. there's that list in animerica like, uh, 4 mos. ago, but they got a few things wrong.yeah, i do read animerica AND anime invasion, cause they're the only anime magazines out here, so don't go hatin.... if you have better ones, let me know...:sleep:
  25. all of you are like "oh, i have a boring story...", but i like hearing all this. i just assume like, oh, they magically appeared on OB and here they are. it's good to know how you CAME to OB.
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