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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. you won't believe this but.... EQUIP! I have a pretty much beatdown, but almost ALL of my magic cards are equip. of course, i have SODS and monster reborn and change of heart and stuff..... i should buy a yugi deck though..... get soul exchange, etc.
  2. well... i'd take my proventil, spray it in his eyes, grab the bottle, smash it, and slash him, then stuff him down my neighbor's chimney, take the presents, and keep the reindeers, 'cept for the punk *** rudolph.:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  3. i would a) ask "is hell THAT bad?" to make sure this was something bad. b) ask god if he had any chores he wanted me to do, free of charge. c) pull out a swiss army knife, plunge it into his finger, throw away the knife and whip out some band-aids.... wait, maybe i shouldn't attack god....:mrt:
  4. Eyes. Perspective. Viewpoint. That's it. They are martyrs. They are honorable. They aren't martyrs. they aren't honorable. We can't know if it was honorable. Of course, that's not what this thread is about, it's about our opinions. If you look in the people who crashed into the WTC, yes. if you ae looking through George w. bush's eyes, no. etc. anyway, i think that they were not honorable, because this pretty much means that they are honored my me. hell no. to mist: well, i think that a martyr in general is a respectful title, but context context context.:whoops:
  5. oh yeah, this is sad. i watched TVLand for 4 hours straight one day. seriously. how sad is that? and i missed my people here so bad. yeah, i said it before. ugghh....so long..... SO HAPPY IT'S BACK? *goes into ed mode.....* Faye Faye! Spi Spi~~~!
  6. and a happy birthday to you too! i realized that one of my favve summer foods besides watermelon iiiiiiss........ buttered corn on the cob! yay!
  7. yeah, i had this weird dream that Aries was dancing around juu with pencils, but his head was really big, cause tat's the only thing i see in his picture. then he jumped on that old computer he has in the background of his pick and turned into a hawk and picked up juu, who, for somereason turned into Duo God Of Death. this was the day after my second viewing of the pics page. today was my third!
  8. yeah, once i was in a car while it was overheating. we stopped it, right before it, er, would've blown up. of course, that car got sold.,
  9. ah yes........ it's so good..... the ultimate... okay, yes! god, im always like, I WANT A CUSTOM AVATAR, BUT THERE AREN'T ENOUGH THREADS THAT I CAN POST A REAL REPLY TO TO GET POSTS! of course, how can you tell how many pixels it is, and on what program do i make a custom avatar so thet it can be, er, what's a ma callem. oh well, i'll just do that thing where i request one.
  10. happy birthday, i guess. anyway, seeing pumpkins reminds me how far away i am from my birthday.....sigh.... BUT I LOVE TOASTING PUMPKIN SEEDS!!!
  11. well, i'd half to say witty phantom. of course, his real japanese name is death satan greater demon. maybe i identify with injection angel. besides the fact that she does drugs, im like her. i ad 3000 points to my atk.! wait, hmm..... i think i would half to say emergency rations and hungry burger.. im hungry all the time. but jalapeƱo soldier is close behind.
  12. id steal my neighbor's female gnome, and give her some roses to give to george. hopefully he'd fall in love and forget about me and focus on cheating on Laura Clinton!:freak:
  13. I DONT KNOW, BUT IM HAPPY THAT I SUBSCRIBED! anyway, all i know is that it hasn't come out here yet, and that it's promo....well, duh.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyan_monkey [/i] [B]Would anyone be so kind as to explain the plot/storyline of Neon Genesis Evangelion to me? I've only seen a few episodes so far. [/B][/QUOTE] ah.,.. well, i don't know a WHOLE lot about it, but... well... hmm... i dunno, other people could tell you. i spent a few months learning to pronounce it. i said ee-VAN-juh-lawn, ee-van-GEL-ee-awn, ee-van-JEH-lee-awn, and finally to eh-ven-GEL-ee-awn.
  15. okay, i understand AG. cool beans. yeah, HS is right, blue eyes doesn't SUCK. there are just better cards out there. they glorify blue eyes and dm in the show so much, it can't help but have a fan base, right? yes, tyrant dragon and barrel dragon ARE better, but blue eyes doesn't suck. i used to think blue eyes was awesome, but i'd never put BEUD or BEUKD/MODKnight in my deck. waste of 2 polymerizations, the chaos soldier ritual AND the chaos soldier, three blue eyes, etc. to get that monster out. it's like putting GG in your deck, because there are a million ways your opponent can stop you from getting it out. and once you DO get it out, if you do, there are a lot of ways to kill it, from mirror force to simply equipping a card on up, ya know? all you need is SODS, Heaven's Horn(i forget the name, but you know what im talking about), a field card, and maybe more equip cards and a reinforcements. for a more powerful monster. [COLOR=tomato][SIZE=3]THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT MANY PEOPLE WANT THIS CARD CAUSE THEY LIKE BLUE EYES, OR THEY THIK IT WOULD BE A GOOD CARD IN THEIR COLLECTION! (it is a parallel rare, right?) I think AG is right that getting BEUKD/MODK on the field will fail and is a waste of time. bleh. :)[/SIZE] [/COLOR] anyway, im liking this thread. heated discussion.
  16. YAY! CANDY CORN SEASON IS HERE! RING THE BELLS!:D :D and now we must mourn for the end of watermelon season...:bawl: of course, after candy corn season is clementine season, we can look forward to that!;) but it will be a while till our favorite berries and cadbury eggs come back in late spring....:( does anyone have favorite foods from the seasons? cause im sitting here, home sick form school, eating a handful of candycorn, thinking "gosh, it's candycorn season! *cough*" well, this is weird, and i don't think many people have much to say on this..... but, yeah, anyone? you know you have at least one fave food that only comes round for a bit each year...... yeah.
  17. well, i didn't realize that i posted on this until i read EVERY LAST POST and saw that mine was there. okay, well, as i said, i have these friends that like anime, and they're also the only anime fans in the school along with me: one(1)"the girl who read the Sailor Moon manga(yes, ALL of it), and likes anime style." three(3) hardcore anime fans one(1) "girl who knows what we're talking about though she doesn't really like anime, though she has a batsmaruu plushie." one(1) kind of anime fan, but doesn't really like it, just likes dubbed stuff and owns akira. two(2) people in the grade ahead of us who like anime and are kickass artists well, we are REALLY hated on sometimes about anime. once this crew and i were talking and we were pretty much alone, no one in about a 40-foot radius except for a "popular" kid who had just come out from eating and was heading over to her friends as she passed by us. my friend Yuhe(that's YOO-hah) said "Kamui" and you won't believe what she said. It proves how anime-prejudice my school is, but also how ignorant they are. here it is; "WHY DON'T YOU ****IN FREAKS STOP TALKING ABOUT ****IN GOKU OR ELSE YOU CAN GO BACK TO JAPAN AND DANCE WITH THE PIKACHUS!" well, first of all, i don't talk about goku, dance with pikachus, or come from japan. well, here's the good part. since there was no one else there, we just stared at her loathingly, and then burst out laughing........ doesn't feel quite so popular now, eh? YAY!
  18. "martyr".... yes, in theory, they were martyr. but say " the people who hijacked planes and ran them into two buildings symbolic of what america stands for are MARTRYS, GODDAMMIT!" Well, you could cut out the caps and "godammit", but still, the word "martyr" demands a respect, and i don't have respect for those men. now, er, im not the most, er, how do you say, patriotic among us, cause in my opinion, the american government is corrupt, but still, we the people are not.
  19. FACADES FACADES FACADES. i mean, raging hormones what can you do? sometimes lying's the easiest way to ease in to a date..(ex: me: "i don't really know if i like you(LIE #1), but do you wanna just try(LIE #2) it out? I mean, there's not much to lose, is there?(LIE #3) I mean, it's only one date(LIE #4)....")...... anyway, impressing someone is best before you get to know them. well, not MORALLY, but whatever...
  20. beautiful ladies? the beautiful ladies skip school. anyway, i hate school now. it goes so slow. when i get back in the rythm, ill be okay. some people onthe oards got in or got out in JULY! weird..... i mean, they got out in like april, or got in in like january, but really.i got back to school a week ago. school in august sounds crazy to me. summer in may sounds crazy.
  21. CB once made me almost do it. yes, it was real folk blues pt. 1 and 2. it was 4 a.m., and i had watched it two hours earlier. i drank a lot of tea. i watched a candle melt. and then i opened a drawer and just stared at one of our steak knives. i was really close. i talked a bit about this in the saddest moments of anime thread, i just couldn't take it. i was crying and i just looked at the knife. i grasped it in my sweaty hand, i wasn't sure if i believed that i would do it. then i thought of all i had to live for, and how ****in selfish it would be of me. if i dont wanna live, i should help other people to live life to the fullest, right? and everyone would be so sad. that was the moment i realized people cared about me. so, at 12 years old, i went down that road and turned back. i still have those little under-thoughts of it, but that's all. sigh...... yup. :|
  22. i didn't know it was down for a while, i was crashing with a few cousins and when i finally went online i was like ok, whatever, a week isn't bad. well, a week passed. and another. then when the FAQ came on i read it twice. everyday. i worked, got money, and spent it at best buy, my new fave placefor anime. i LOVE excel saga, it's me fave, saw VHD again,etc. i drew more, and i loathed going to school. i saw my friends again. came back from vacation, finally. read my manga library again, though im not done. halfway through "juline". I LOVE JULINE, IT'S SUCH A GOOD MANGA! oh, and the girl that's not bakuya and isn't juline is hot. can't remember her name now... anyway, school started last week, but i was sick yesterday and the day before... that happened last year... anyway, what's up with images? oh, and i can't change myu profile, y not? oh well, it'll work out......
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] I don't really consider myself a mainstream junkie...I'm not even really sure what that [i]is[/i], but anyway... When Spike died, I was pissed. They wasted a perfectly good character. (Who happened to look [b]very[/b] good with a flared collar and a gun...) *Goes into dream-like state*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] i don't know why, but i CRIED when spike died for like a WEEK. i was SO depressed for a week. the real folk blues just....i dunno.....it takes a LOT to get me to cry, like most guys my age, but this....i dunno, i just wanted to crawl up and die. there really didn't seem a reason to [b]live[/b] after seeing that whole ordeal.... i got over it though.
  24. look, AG, i TOTALLY respect you, and EVERYONE knows that you're the BEST duelist here, in every way. you did a slammin, kick *** job with the YGO section on theotaku.com, but really. about 90% of us are newbies. who play the american game. yes tyrant dragon is a kick *** card and no one should trash it. EVER. but please, don't hate on the newbies. PLEEZ?:freak:
  25. RED? they're always brown, seriously.
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