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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. sorry, my influences tell me tenchi should die. and i agree. i son't mind tenchi in tokyo, but really, that ayeka slut is such a priss. anyway, wow, a GITS series... hwat's it about? i mean, where can it go? that's like making a princess mononoke movie, where can it go?
  2. well, i dont know what section this would go in but otaku lunge.. that comic is just dandy, though ive heard it a bit too much, no? there's other variations, like "look at these" as it shows a rather, er, busty wo,an. anyway, happy birthday, what are you, 13?
  3. wow, QA qill ood rant about mainstream and DBz... not that i know her, ive just notice it... anyway, ya, ive never seen the frieza battle, but i heard it spans 26 episodes. wow. what more can happen in a battle than figtin? do they just show them fighting for every episode? oy. anyway, i like hamtaro, i guess...... but one thing i hate is people who consider that batman show on CN anime. there's no way. oy.
  4. hey, th orbits of planets vary from eachother, so planets, (which would be the planets with life etc.) on the other side of the sun would've been noticed, cause earths rotation would either be slower or faster by some amount of time/space. of, course, the difference could be very small....... but really, the chances of ther being a proto/pseudo earth on the other side of the sun is small. of course, i definetely believe in aliens, it's impossible that they don't exist.
  5. >doesn't know who herman is< right....... also, i'd be whasshis name....... ya know.... i don't....... um.............. ya, im done.
  6. ya, i have the IY manga....... yeah naraku is girly..... well, i rented angel sanctuary. again. i only own one anime DVD and one anime VHS, and i rent the rest or watch at other people's house....... yeah,im cheap. so we know. as a villian, Rosiel is a good villian, but doesn't have a whole TON of depth. not a lot of villians have a ton, so it's not that bad.
  7. wow, you guys would definetely make fun of me, but i only have pgotoshop tryout. i suck, ut i made one for my friend and she actually used it! heh!
  8. yeah, peace out aries. who would you be, in a graphic design perspective?
  9. we don't have an anime friendly community, so usa anime fans stick together. but of course, i feel sorry for 1st graders who watch teletubbies and cocky 1st graders make fun of them... my chinese teachers kid went through that..... anyway, some of my friends say to me "anime is stupid" and i say "so?". they say "well, why do you like something that's stupid?" me:"well, you like spongebob, and go to hell if you find that a witty show with intellectual depth.". and they shut up.
  10. i dont think that aliens care about earth, so you're probably right, semjaza azazel. of course, you are locked in a room with a ferret. anyway, aliens are probably too busy with their own busines too care, and i think we should do the same, rescue our corrupt and war-torn planet that is slowly dying before we care about spending our money to go th mars... what's the point? fix up here, then we can relocate or whatever if we fail. we gotta do our best. oh, i guess by now you realize im a peace loving child with the flowers in my hair. FLOWER CHILDREN UNITE! hippies get annoying cause they just joined together cause they had the same poilitical views, though they wouldn't do much about it. of course, there were TRUE hippies who did do something about it, but then the bad hippies came cause being a hippie was cool...... oy... pkay, on topic, aliens most likely don;t care, and if they do, they wouldn't ant our crappy planet in this form... unless they're used to a depleted ozone layer.:freak: :freak:
  11. well, an anime normally becomes mainstream because it's quality. the next step is finding it's marketing potential. then cutting, dubbing, and screwing with it to make it "suitable" for the american audience. of course, japan airs these uncut and hase about %100 fewer murders, sexual harrassment cases, etc. i guess america is already corrupt, and have enough computer games to blame violence on.... we need a major re-decorating, ya know. we need to die and put ourselves together again.... of course, im off tobpic, so.... see ya!
  12. yeah i know, but you're also respected, and respectable, plus yer kind! come to think of it, i wouldn't be you... just kidding! i actually don't know aymore. everyone here rocks.... i still want to experience the weird school system of NoodleZ.... it's so wonky...... marfy.....pop taaaaaarts.....
  13. well, where i live, here are some VERY commonly mispronounced words: Ask: "ax" Water: Wooter Appreciate: Ah-PRISH-ee-ate" Saw: "Saaaawl"(shudder) anyway, i ive in delaware county in PA, and for some reason everyone but a few exceptions say a least one of those incorrectly.
  14. "I change to fit in with the group I'm with" so says mist. i know that if you read the rest of the post you'll understand that she's not saying " i hide being myself to fit in", but i know some people do. but, addressing that, how does that affect waht you do when you're alone? oh, and i dont know who i am also, so... don't feel alone! im always changing! one day ill be a goth, next a preppy person. well, never those, but ya know what i mean.
  15. not much, but the video game was made before the CCG, so Flame Swordsman isn't a fusion, etc. but it can't be so different. but there are probably fewer monster/magic cards than in the CCG.
  16. yeah, thinking that we're the only planet with life forms is like when we thought that the sun revolved around us, as did the other stars and the planets... it'd be that bad. of course james, there's no chance that we're the only life forms. i have a pet rabbit, so...:) anyway, i think you meant that if we were the only PLANET with life forms, so, in response to that, i mentioned that it was impossible for there not to bet less than 50,000 other planets with INTELLIGENT life, much less life at all, so that solves that question. more stars than grains of sand on earth? how do we know that? no one counted our stars and our grains of sand, so.... but still, that's an amiazing thought...>_< im gonna be up all night thinking about it!
  17. Genkai


    yeah, they cost $9 for me. but i bought my share before metal raiders. i bought at least 6 and about5 metal raiders... okay, maybe more LOB. my friend has bought 23 packs of metal raiders, and has bought a kaiba and two yug decks. but not one LOB.... i don't know why....
  18. okay... i'd be aries cause hes so goodat banners! yay! anyway, yeah, i guess it'd be cool to be mist, she's nice...
  19. wow, someone else has DDS! yay! okay, why get a power up for winged beast? there arent a whole lot of good ones... or does it power up fairies? i have a first edition one, but it's not in my deck, no way.
  20. what does it matter how old he is? it's not that hard to spell something wrong. anyway, i hink a lot of people believe in aliens. a lot of them are very intelligent, too.
  21. er, is power rangers still on? i watched it when they were still in the colorful leather suits with white diamonds on them, and when there was the first PR movie... heh! if i still liked power rangers, that's something id only do alone! no offense, but...
  22. wow.... i love bootlegs, but there sort of enigmatically hidden, so it's hard to find them..... how did you find your lovely little site? it was a site? just curious wouldn't go there or anything, ya know, just, ya know...;)
  23. Genkai


    i hav read and own the first two chobits manga, and, though there is another chobits thread, i will continue... I LOVE CHOBITS! CLAMP'S SECOND CUTEST ANIME!
  24. NOT SEEN ANGEL SANCTUARY, AMIBOSHI? IVE WATCHED IT FOUR TIMES IN THE LAST THREE DAYS! and of course, i did the special feature..*counts on fingers*..about 4 times for each one... yeah naraku's cool... apparently IY is coming out here on november 15th! and the rumor goes that adult swim has taken it in...D'OH!
  25. YAY! ME WANT TRIGUN! anyway, a GITS TV series? wow. anyway, what would they replace? the shows on AS are popular, except no one stays up watching tenchi or anything, but..... i don't know how they would cut three of their quality shows.. okay, so i spend the hour after CB watching SNL, but i know that the shows on then are popular too..... but tenchi must DIE. NOW.
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