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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. yeah, don't buy it unless it's subbed and it's a season coming out REAL later.,.... well,3rd season and up won't be out for a while, so...
  2. Genkai


    well, AG? anyway, i don't know who the second season will be...i cant match enemy with season.... i think that the enemies in the one when they travel to egypt are the ones i said before, but i don't know if that's 3rd or 2nd season...
  3. well, your friend was cheating, leave it at that! anyway, ongrats on becoming an otaku! yay! two days ago you had 900 posts, i mean.... anyway, what's the bad ritual card you were talking about, G/S/B?
  4. not new year, they would've announced it.
  5. i think all countries are ahead of the US. France, Canda, England, etc. anyway, you could always check the listings for then online, they normally have summaries.
  6. i tried and failed. couldn't find it. would you be willing to sell, SSvegeta? you realize ill probably PM you about this...
  7. yay! a new person who'll hopefully use the YGO forum 24/7! *goes of singing "24/7" i a sing-song way...*
  8. Genkai


    yeah, but raigeki co$t$ $o much!
  9. i wont waste our time by whining about how long it will take for kaiba structure.
  10. YAY! well, we play without ploy cards cause we're cheap...i don't have the cards for any of my fusions anyway!
  11. yup. mine too. *Eyes get shiny at pic of Takahashi-sama*
  12. i forget everything i ever learned about malik, axcept im pretty sure big malik is a guy.
  13. ahh...... well, i play the same people, and that's two people. i always win against one, and do both against the other..... you're good, AG. you're also condescending!;)
  14. yeah.... it'd be mean to the newbies, but there really were no newbies 'cept joey. all of them got invited my peggy cause they were the best.
  15. right, in the news section? din't find it... *searchs again*
  16. yeah! *looks at pic of nives killing people..... slows down and drools, looking at hot girl from MKRE* anyway, peace..... answer the questions about in depthness and stuff too...... im trying to make this least like a "fave" thread as possible!
  17. Genkai


    yeah, she did, but now her parents are not comfortable with her friends, though they will allow her to hang with them... i think..
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Why sell GTDC? its a good card. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. money 2. the fusion is tough 3. people don't want to use, they want to keep it in mint condition.:toothy: :toothy: :drunk: :excited: :cross: :sleep: :laugh: :devil: :flaming: :tasty: :wigout: :love: :therock: :nervous: :worried: :whoops: :mrt: :box: :excited: :freak: :butthead: :angel: attack of the smilies.
  19. so i've noticed! :toothy: :tasty: anyway, it would stink if everyone though a messed up, and therefore rare, card is counterfiet..
  20. oh, HS, Altron likes to brag about how he knows more about yu-gi-oh! TCG/CCG than we do.... he's really mean about i, too.... he callt us bako, ya know..... seriously, he could be nicer to us newbies...
  21. i dont think a plot twist is necessary. comedy is good, but not too much unless you're watching the anime PLANNING to laugh your head off. in-depth and well made chars ar the key.
  22. what's up w/ this loving of sephiroth! ROSIEL! ROSIEL! oh, sorry... anyway, i really don't think peggy from YGO id that in depth, so, i gues who i think is the most in depth would be.... dunno...... word, it's vicious! maybe not, whatever...
  23. yeah, but it'd also cost them money, and it would take forever. fans would get bored by their 35th Yugi deck(i swear, i have a friend who bought 6 yugis and 5 kaibas! for tradin an selling.....), no?
  24. it'as the evolution of great moth, the evolution of petit moth, evolution of cocoon of evolution. in Dark Duel Stories, if you lay Cocoon of evolution, it evolves into great moth,and the next turn it turns into perfectly ultimate moth. 3500 attack.
  25. MODC? cool..... sounds awesome... what is his ATK/DEF
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