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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. well, i think the ideal anime has action, fantasy, mysterious and well developed chars, and no target audience(risky, but it couldn't be ideal without this). also, everyone knows it has to be original. but my idea is about the same as yours, but magic isn't a "must have" for me. i love chobits, no magic there!
  2. no, i meant that that's around the time they would ANNOUNCE the release of a structure, f it was to come around the new year. but i doubt they will, cause they announced pharoah's servant, and that is coming aout around then.... not much hope.... try a year before structures...
  3. good for you...... if it's sword of deep seated, that returns to your deck, but sword of dark destruction is diff.
  4. pokemon. i don't watch much anime (ive only SEEN trigun, FY, EVA, MKRE, Princess Mononoke,Ninja Scroll, DB,DBZ, YYH,CB,Hamtaro,Digimon,YGO, Boogipop phantom, angel sanctuary, esca), but i read a TON of manga, so the worst manga ive ever read... POKEMON AGAIN! then there's dragon knights, which had a grat plot, but went os so wrong... and boring... took me 3 days to read it! probably will keep buying it anyway! oh, andpeach girl... SO SHOUJO! too shoujo, even for a shoujoliking boy! like me! oy...
  5. yay! shonen jump is coming!*searches ebay for issue 0 released at comic-con* tyhe first one is about yugisolving the millenium puzle, and him becoming friends with Jourrougi or whatever and Honda(well, joey and tristan for american viwers, im just a big...i dunno....), about this big bully at school, etc.
  6. BEUKD plus PUKED(?????) = the Blue eyes ultimate dragon pimp of the holy order of the warrior beast in the sect of the almightily powerful supreme vomiting red dragon! 9000 ATK POWER, 8000 DEFENSE POWER, 12000 PIMP POWER(i dunno..) BEUDPOTHOOTWBITSOTAPSVRD(above)+ mystical elf= the female Blue eyes ultimate dragon pimp of the holy order of the warrior beast in the sect of the almightily powerful supreme vomiting red dragon!!!!! YAY!!!! 10000 ATK! 9000 DEF! 20000 HOOKERS!(jk, don't take this seriously...) yeah, i realized that beukd sounded like puke, welll.....you know what happened...
  7. yeah, you can never be too careful!
  8. there are other ways of getting an "adrenaline rush". period.
  9. wow, sorry AL. that sounds like it was pretty weird with your dad trying to avoid paying. but now you're happy with your stepdad, right? yay! i love happy endings*sob*
  10. i'm afraid that dorothy's not the mole on the mole 2, cause that'd be weird, and i'm also afraid of: infinity you otakuboards.com cheese with worms.
  11. er, hey, how did you(or QA, whatever) get the chobits anime, amibasuki? fansubs? heh. well, im glad you chose to get the ajpanese sub--WHAT? $30?!? WHERE!!!!! NEED! A NORMAL SINGLE DVD COSTS THAT MUCH!!!! *slams head into desk*
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \?~NoodleZ~?/ [/i] [B][size=1] We also had team but we had them in fifth grade. There were five. Then in sixth grade we had the same thing but they are called pods. Now in seventh we switch classes all around the school.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] wait, by teams and pods, do you mean, well, classes? like, w/ the same teacher all day? that sucked.... but you changed classes in sixth grade, right? or do you mean that in seventh, everyone in the grade are one team sort of, so you could be with anyone in your grade? im confused..... anyway, how many kids are there in your grade? we have around 370.
  13. well. dark sage is a card, and ive seen it, but i know not where, and im too lazy to do anything about that...*sigh*
  14. if what's dubbed, relinquished? i dunno... hmm.... i don't think so, but ya never know...
  15. yay! that'd be awesome, but upper deck/konami would have announced that... or they will by oct. 1st ??
  16. window? what? yeah, exodia would be awesome, but why is the school going to get that?
  17. i think P.Seto has the last... ??? i dunno. anyway, the millenium "tauf" is called the orb here, i think.
  18. hm.. i always thought ppl with the items all turned yami before they knew how to control it, so peggy and key-man must've learned how to control it quickly.
  19. *sigh* we all now in our self- conscious that it'll be a while before any structure/new starters will come out, or else konami would've announced it.
  20. yeah, it's pretty weird, but which duel are you talking about? in the beginning he wants to draw yugi to the tournament to prove that, but at the tournament he HAS to duel anyone who makes it to the castle.
  21. sorry man, but we have a WHIIIILE
  22. well, most people are confused.... why? they never say ;)
  23. word, i listen to songs that are sad too.... blues rock...
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