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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. in japan or here? because in japan there are over 100 i think, but here they will soon have ^% on air, but not on DVD or VHS
  2. wel, good point lady katana. it's not that im not happy about my educatoin, but i just don't wanna go back for a while. i can't change it, im just whining!
  3. Na-na-na-na-nana Na-na-na-na-nana Nananananaaaaaaaaa oh, right.... uh..... i hae most of my songs on cd, but it CCS is different than CC, and CN CC and WB CC might be different from ITV CC, so, can't really help you unless you like listening to syaron sing like a girl! well, i can't really help you with that either......
  4. well, we're here to help! peace.
  5. bahamas?cool. i wish you only the best!
  6. yeah, well, apparently saying things like that does help! yay! he's all better! anyway hot head, your dad almost got divorced twice? :(
  7. word... sounds crazy, but i read about it(perfect blue) a bit in animerica, and that's, uh, not what it's about... it sounds like hentai, is it La Blue Girl? ive never seen it, but it's the only hentai ive heard of, and it has "blue" in it...
  8. i don't talk to friends about what i "going through". most of my friends are girls...well, about half. but most of my school friends are girls. and i DEFINETELY don't talk to my brother about ANYTHING except for who we like, but by then we're normally already going out w/ them! heh! well, i guess i could see your point. having a brother and a sister would be cool...... but it would suck having a younger brother, i don't know how my brother stands it :) older brothers are good role models!:p atually, i don't conciously look up to my brother, but subconciously im sure i do.
  9. wow, 4 schools! that would make life more stressful for me, like, if you were in 4th grade, you'd be like "wow! only three more schools to go!" well, actually, we sorta have four schools, but that's cause the kindergarten is a totally seperate school. actually, last year, they move one of the kindergartens to the same building as 1 of the elemntaries, but it's still considered a diff school. our system: kindergarten(2 schools in the school district) elementary school(3 schools in the school district): grades 1-5 middle school(I in the district): grades 6-8 high school(1 in the district): grades 9-12 do you have the same people in all schools? in our district, it's weird, cause you could go to one kinergarten and either not see a kid in another kindergarten till middle school, or you could split up with your best friend ever, or you could go to the same elementary, or whatever... but it's awesome going into middle school cause there's about 250 new people to meet in your grade.
  10. it's not worth it.... girls you can talk to...boys you can fight with...what's lonely about being the only boy? i mean, with sisters you see the other point of view... i think
  11. :D i have all the CCS music! yay! i like groovy the best.... but there's one where syaoran sings!
  12. mmmmm good point liamc2..... i think refugees really need to be trated for...they wouldn't try to escape their old country if they weren't already in harsh conditions..
  13. all my friends can draw. icant. they're very patronizing and condescending....it'sa annoying..they're so goodthat they take classes at a college in philly.... and i suck...it's just that they go parade their art, then i show them mine, grab it, fix it, and give it back to me. i want to learn, but they think they're doing me a favor because they think ill go and show it to people and ill get compliments...that's not what i want, i want to learn... anime is pretty much all i draw, but im better at drawing normal people, cause i have more experience in that...im just expanding my horizons...
  14. mmm.... i wish i had a sister too.....my brother has no heart and likes to kick my big bouncy exercise ball(which i wold never use for excercise) while im balancing on it and ill fall and die and then beat him up!:) random tangents again...
  15. well, go on an' ask her! heh! anyway, we call it middle school....what grades are in your "junior high"? we have 6,7,8, in our middle school.. when i was first going into middle school i couldn't go anywhere without my parents saying "jonathan's going into middle school now...BIIIIIG step..." which, in itself was annoying, but then another adult would ask me if i was nervous and i'd say "no." and they'd act like thay didn't hear me."oh, don't be nervous...you know, in my day, we called it junior high, and we only had 7th and 8th grade, and blah blah blah".... whoa, don't i love going off on random tangents!
  16. mmm....... well, do you have a good relationship w/ your sisters?
  17. my all time favorite is RBHS Makenai de...Kataomoi
  18. we don't ever have to take reading again, but i wanna take english lit. inhigh school ad an elective....you guys all have electives in high school, right? you might not call it the same thing, but it's when you choose 2 classes you wanna take out of about 20 and then have to take 6 others, and your choces and amount of electives you can have gets greater.... it would suck if you were FORCED to take classes till college...
  19. AAAHHH........ word, we can't do anything but stand around after school w/out getting a detention... so, all Pre-AP, eh? we don't have AP classes or anything... in 6th grade we have acc. math and acc. reading. in 7th we have acc. math and IMP(integrated math program). i was in both in ^th grade, and was put in IMP, but i didn't want stress or too much work, so i requested a drop to plain acc..... ill be in IMP the year after though...no escaping! we don't even have reading after 6th, it merges with L.A. and we get new specials (i.e. woodshop, sewing, etc.)
  20. yeah...i couldn't beatup my dad either...... but i wouldn't want to.
  21. man, i like your cousin...lend me some dough! jk... anyway, how much is the box set? im also gonna go on google to look up this seemingly interesting anime.
  22. Genkai


    yeah, but giant growth does 3x, doesn't it? maybe not.... and if it's 2x, BEUD would be 16,000...not that i have a problem.. not much could beat equipped god cards, but most people are tourny ppl, so they can't have the god cards in their deck...
  23. Well, yugi does that a lot. Which time? He's done it thrice, i think!
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