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Everything posted by Genkai
........ ............ BELLE PEREZ - HELLO WORLD IS SUCH A GOOD SONG!!!!! AGGGH! I doubt any of you have heard it, but if you have, you're laughing at me right now. But it's so good. Also, I love Eve's music. Though I am kinda embarrased when friends find "Gangsta B*****s" on my computer.
I really enjoy The Dismemberment Plan's music. Emergency and I is a really good album. My favorte songs of theirs are "The City", Come Home", "The Jitters", and "You Are Invited". For those of you who don't know, TDP is an indie rock band who recently broke up. They;re hated by some indie/alt rock fans, but loved y others.. *shrugs*.... Opinions?
Meh, sorry. I meant on the members' list. Do you know what I mean? The[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/memberlist.php] list [/url]of all of the OB members, it has their username, site, amount of posts, etc. I was just thinking there could be a link the their MyOtaku if they have one. I know that they have them under their avatar and location, but I think it'd be easier to simply go to the memberlist and find them than half to search for them, go to one of their posts, etc. Shoulda been more clear, sorry.
I was just thinking that maybe, if it would fit , you could also include a button linking to the members' MyOtaku. I thought of this because more than once I've gone through the members' list for a while to find someone's MO(if it's different than their normal, OtakuBoards username), then to realize it's not there. I'm not sure if it will fit, but hey, it's a "Suggestions" forum! :)
Wow, we get wuite a lot of these topics, don't we? Well, I haven't replied to one for quite a while, so, yeah. I live it Swarthmore Pennsylvania, though I spend plenty of time in Philadelphia. I lived in London for the past summer, and I like to think I had a home there.. Yeah...
Hmm... Well, I'll make this a short post. I feel no need to make a covenant with others, as I already am in one with Jesus. When I raise my hand in greeting, there is no scar. In the way I act, the way I communicate towards others, I hope that others will see that I am in covenant with Jesus. Not by a self-inflicted scar
Singing is one of my passions, much more prevelant than some of my others. I sing Tenor 2 or Bass 1 in my current chorus, but I don't really have a part in the Christian band I'm in, JesusFysh.... I have both a rock voice, and a chorus voice, and that voice that you'll find in...um... Christian Rock bands (you know what I'm talking abotu).. I don't have one of those broadway voices, 30's voices, or Poop vibrato yeah-ye-e-a-h kind of voices... Am I the only one that think that different people have voices that fit into these categories? Anyway, I love singing, I'm in two choruses at school( which is, um, all of them...), and the JesusFysh... I love being in both of them, though I don't really like the music the chorus instructor picks... I enjoy singing them, though, because I work on my voice and I get better.
Put it simply: Just because you are thin doesn't mean that you are necessarily healthy.
I.. Love.. Soda Candy.. They.. Is ... Teh.... God.... *dies* Soda Candy is the best candy in the world.. They're hard to find, because in most Japan Towns and China towns, if oyu ask for Soda Candy, they'll bring you to the soda corner. I found some though, and I'm addicted now. They're mostly made by Kusagai, the company that makes Ramune, a great drink.. Anyway, I also like Ju-C thingies.. They come in little tubes.. Also, my 2nd favorite is those Mushroom shaped candies.. So good.
Hmm... Some branches of bordrs have a smal manga section up there, and any given Large HMV should have a small anime section... Meh. London really is the best place to find that stuff though, unless you wanna pay s&h on amazon.co.uk or something...
China is only "officially" communist. None of the citizens are really all that unhappy, since they're not really bad communism right now. You can easily live off of 400 USD there. Really. I don't think them changing to democracy wil change much there, except maybe the TV,. Which 9/10 times is women dancing and singing about how much they love China, or members of theparty dropping their ballots into a box. for five hours. Of course, if you watch it too long you eventually begin to think that China IS the best nation in the world. Sheesh. Okay, so maybe it wouldn't change nothig, it would make for better-i-ness.. But mad capitalism isn't all that great for that huge a country like that.. Or something.. All I can say is saying "setting over 1 billion people free" is a ibt stretching it?it's not slavery or anything. Just a lot of poverty.
You can get Shonen Jump US in various places in the UK, mostly comic book shops. Do you live in London? That's the only city I'm familiar with and the only Anime magazines I could find there were in a nice little comic book shop on Charing Cross road in Leicester square, on the same block as a corner chinese bakery with delicious banana red bean curd pastries, I forget what it's called.. But they had Anime insider, which is a slightly mainstream but still okay anime magazine with over 50 DVD reviews in each issue.
I like some yaoi pairings, just because the characters go really well together, and are ujust good pairings. Just cause their both guys doesn't mean they can't get together just like a fan might want a guy and a girl to. I especially like Naruto/Sasuke, and I like Hikaru/Akira. And kinda Yuki/Kyou. Sorta. I like to pretend they're not related. :p
My favorite technique is probably Sexy no Jutsu.. I mean, mmmm.. SEXAH! Plus it's funny. heh. Character? Both Gaara and Sasuke are so cool, and Sasuke is like a human orgasm, I swear. I swear, he turned me bi or something, because he's like the sexiest thing ever. I've only seen a bit of the anime, and read a lot of the manga... I really don't like the Wave saga, but Haku ownz0rs, so it's okay. Yeah..
Huh, one of you said Michiganders.. Is that what peple from Michigan are claled? I just say Michigan---ions.. or something... Michiganerians... Michigandese. Why don't we just call you Michis?
I have absolutely no idea what I am.. Just a mutt, I guess. o_0 ..... I don't think it's all that important.. I think I have some Italian and some venezuelan in me.. I think.. maybe..
I just don't understand..what would you do? I 've been to Black Clubs and Asian Clubs with friends and we just hang out... o_0 It's not a big deal, clubs based on race is normally an excuse to hang out afterschool or something. At lest, in my experience it is.
Hmm.. I'd just like to point out..Someone said go to Shinjuku on a sunday for JRockers paradise?If you go to Shinjuku on a sunday, you will see businessmen and probably porostitutes looking for business men.. And a few shoppers.. And a big crosswalk. I think you are talking about Karejuku, which is where people crave attention and dress up all goth-y like. Sounds fun, and on sundays it's even more filled with people like that. Fruits is how many people refer to them, but some people got all original and decided to write it FRUiTS or something.. I dunno.... I just think they're all really sexy. Normally.
Yeah, God Bless Allmusic.com for my introduction to Sonic Youth.. And my brother.. And Banana Yoshimoto.. So many positive reviews or people who liked them or something along those lines, I just had to get into them. They simply know what they are doing and how to do it. I think that Sonic Youth has and never had any desire to be ultra popular. They're in it for the music, and that's it. They never need to be on MTV or whatever, they just like being Sonic Youth.. I dunno, something about them makes me think they would do what they do no matter what. I love long songs?prolongs the greatness.. Even if the musical orgasm is over, I'm still ready for more, y'know what I mean? Okay, maybe that was the wrong analogy.
I absolutely love their music. My friend introduced me to them, and I assume he found out about them through FLCL. I, personally, think this is the best band that is originally japanese, that I have ever heard. They have such a great sound, and I love the singer's whiny-but-awesome voice. Hooray. My favorite song is "Our Love and Peace"....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GuardianStorm [/i] [B]Sorry Drix. Luna meens moon on spanish. Diana is the greek goddess of teh moon and the hunt. And as for reall spells, we do control teh weather. Atleast, I know I do. Thats how I earned one if my witch names, Stormwind. I can do stuff with teh wind and stop it raining. THough it does take time, and lots of paitence. And i dont despise any christians, for the one who said that all wiccans hate christians. And a majority of the wiccans are nice. All the ones I know are. I am, my mom is, my bro is(okay, in magic related), my bffl, her mom(her mom worships Maat.) Not all of us are so called Satanists. [/B][/QUOTE] Anything will happen if you wait long enough. Call for winds? It's gonna wind SOMETIME. Plus, anything you do to the weather might have a negative effect on someone. What ever halpand to the spell coming back tenfold? Or is that only with bad intentions... Anyway, for every wiccan stopping the rain, there's one trying to start it. It doesn't work that way. If every other 12-year-old wanted to join in your weather spells, they oculd. Something's bound to happen. Then you have magical powahs! [QUOTE][B]The Power is used only as need dictates. [/B][QUOTE] If this is so, how do you learn "the power" How do you practice your spells? It's not needed to learn "the power" Also, when does need dictate controlling th weather? Never. The weather has always worked in the past.
I'm okay with it as long as the students don't HAVE to do it. Or use that book. If they wanna pray to whoever or whatever, they can have thos eminutes, or if they don't, they can doodle or something. They shouldn't have to use that strictly Christian book, though.
About the wicca/witchcraft thing.. Isn't this what the topic was called? Wicca and Witchcraft? And it's true, I, as a christian, want as many people as possible to live a life loving and learning from Christ. I'm trying to teach the gospel to as many people as I can so that they may lead a happier life. I'm not trying to FORCE you to believe, but I am trying to help people to believe. Anyway, wiccans often feel this way to, that they are preaching the right thing or something, but they also do this degrading thing. Like they're better than you, and doin't want to socialize with you becase you're not wiccan. Anyone else noticed this? *glances at comic*
Gackt isn't a band. He is a member of a band. Who also has solo albums. Anyway, nudit, but no pubic hair? So they just..shaved? Sorry.. Anyway, lots oe perverts, and they're much more focused on younger, 11-16 aged girls. Yeah... Yeah, but I've heard not to be loud.. Like, don't talk, and don't take up..room.. or something.. According to my friend, they'll jus tshrink back when you come on to a train or whatever, and when you talk they'll cover their ears. An you smeel like meat, you mety meaty american. Yeah, they dont' like westerners' smell..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]No, Genkai, we just dislike the fact that Christians mutilated us then moved on as if nothing happened, leaving us to be the outcasts of society and feared by most. There are still many that try to oppress us and many of us have had some kind of hatred attack against us for being Wiccan and not wanting to become Christian. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow. This thread is beautiful. Lenghty, well composed, and on topic posts that relate directly to the topic at hand and express opinions and facts in a civilized manner. I'm tearing up. *slow claps* Anyway, you are NOT the outtcasts of society? know why? Because socity as a whole isx to large for people to make generalizations like that. Are you outcasts in the western and mainly christian society? No. You aren't unable to get jobs because you're wiccan. You aren't seperated from other people in groups. Get over yourself. Anyway? most of the "witches" from the witch trials throughout Europe by christians were not practicing wiccans. I'd say that of all the men and women killed for witchcraft, maybe 10 of them were "witches" who practiced wicca. was it wrong to kill people for what you thought were their beliefs even if they weren't? Yes, it was wrong. Does that mean we don't regret it? Of course, as a croup of people, Christians hope nothing like that will happen again. Are we ostracizing wiccans? Do people fear them? No. Do people come up to those of you wiccans on the street and shout "WITCH!!! BURN HER!!!" and then a crowd of people appear with torches and you are burnt on the stake? Yes. Yes, that happens everyday. And you're next. :rolleyes: Anyway, there are still people out there trying to oppress you? It probbaly goes a tad wee bit like this. Oppressors: I think I'll go oppress some wiccans Wiccans: AHHHHHH!!!!!!! We're so oppressed! Oppressor: Muahaha! No. NO. This doesn't happen. Find me some oppressors if oyu're still being oppressed. I'm serious, if anyon'e oppressing you, it's yourself... It semes like many wiccans want to be oppressed. Because that's cool, man, no one likes me, I'm so weird and different. Yay. Woo, sorry, for the jumping topics. Speaking of which, maybe I'll go out jumping wiccans. They're so fun to oppress. :toothy: