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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. well, i guess leaving is always tough...... but you're tuff too! im sure you'll get through.....do some things you love, go outside at 3:00 AM and look at the stars(but don't think the wrong way as you do, causethe stars can brighten or frighten), and cry your friggin eyes out till you can't anymore.
  2. I LOVED PRINCESS MONONOKE! The end wasn't confusing, and it wasn't bad. they did get togther.....kinda..... they were in love, if that's what you mean. AND TREE THINGIES ARE SO CUTE!
  3. wow, violence here, solidsnake! I love my dad......seems weird to you, i guess...... i beat the shat out of my brother. that's fun...... anyway, sorry SuperSaiyan, i said i THOUGHT you were a cold hearted b*stard....seems like you think you are though...
  4. well, ppl always got mad at me for ONLY reading manga, so i got what one of my friends considered the ONLY essential comic book to have. Watchmen. So good.
  5. football? you said you hated athletics!:) anyway, magic club was big, died, and then recently became big again. it boomed all of a sudden in the last week of school! heh! for some reason, afterschool is the one and only to place to ask someone out....but everyone but annoying dumb popular people are in a club, so no one but them have a date! heh!
  6. Genkai


    IDEA ALERT! have your friends talk to them...it doesn't have to be face to face, but you could use a phone, or be the moderator!:) anyway, i think if your parents talked to your friends about it, they would understand.
  7. i agree vegeta rocker..... if someone ants to be a dbz obsesser without any knowledge whatsoever that anime is so much better than that, let them. but really, why is the name otaku so important? i don't think of it as an insult or a comliment. i just think otaku+anime fan.. im not what most people call an "otaku", but i have te word in my benner! i know that in japan it means anime "geek", or someone who is obsessed, or someone who knows a lot about anime, or someone who loses a social life because all they care about is anime, and i could go on about what otaku is taken as. but really, why care if you're an otaku or not? if you like anime, so be it, don't make a goal or anything of being a huge fan so you can call yourslef on "otaku". enjoy ehat you're enjoying, and if you become what is considered an "otaku", so be it.:)
  8. wow, im so happy that there's an intelligent and reasonable thread. i myself am an american. I agree w/ what Mnelmoth is saying. But it sounds like he is saying that ALL americans are arrogant and ignorant. Not so, says I. My brother awakened me to the problems with america, and raised me to recognize them. 9/11 was an awakening to many, but not all. Also, these are't the only problems. Other problems were not "revealed" on 9/11. In my little town, the owner of the local ice cream shop went off to fight cpitalism. My mom's best friends was an anti-racism attorney. a lot of people think the government is corrupt, which i don't think is true. But i agree that our country could be so much better if the government had made some better choices. Half of the intellignt people out there are freedom fighters, ya know? So, addressing this thread, you are correct, Mnelmoth. But you left out a few things about america that could go with the thread title. Thanks to everyone who has viewed and replied to this thread and made intelligent and agreeable points.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]I personally hate Wiccans no matter who they are, it is the one religion that I will not accept. . [/B][/QUOTE] i was so proud of this thread until this.....sigh.... anyway, im SOOOOOO SORRY PANNYCHAN! but didn't you tell them that you were actually going to be an ATHEIST? that's what you said before! anyway, im so sorry......... your parents are ignorant..... you should maybe try talking to someone else who has a large part in your life....... of course, you can't read this, but if anyone is in touch w/ her... i can't believe that a christian person would do that.....they should respect all religions, they're taught to. i dunno where pannychan's parents came up with the idea that all religions but theirs are bad, unless they're a southern klansman or something...... im a christian/buddhist, and i accept everyone...and im only twelve...
  10. well, i don't care how sick or twisted it is, i like it! yay! o' course, i want the manga, but i don't speak japanese, so...
  11. 1-5 NO 6. NONE 7.NO 8. YES well, you can see that im very learned in japanes!:p
  12. whoops...yeah, monsters.... ritual monsters are cool, cause they're normally REALLY powerful....just read the little paragraph..
  13. well, they're still rare, and friends could use them when in unofficial tourneys...o' course, no one who wasn't a serious (and tourrny) plaer wouldn't spend over $100 on a card, and most people follow the tourny rules.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \?~NoodleZ~?/ [/i] [B][size=1] What grade is Intermediate High? Like is that 7th and 8th grade? That is called Junior High where I come from. And how is that fair huh? 8:45??? AHHH!!! I used to have to be at school by 7:45 and I think I have to this year. Ahh. noooo...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] 7:45?!?!?!? WOW. I WOULD kill for that....we have to be there at 7:00, and my bro goes at 6:00! the only reason it's so early is because after school is used for clubs....(football, Magic, Art,, sports, baseball, etc.), and everyone hangs out w/ friends for an hour and a half and take the late bus....
  15. we wish it was less...truly, we do..
  16. nor does poor me.......but wow, a whole school..
  17. tomorrow? i still have a month... okay, noodleZ? you have a "gifted and talented" class? what do the non-"gifted and talented" kids do while you're there? i would love a gifted and talented class where we watched videos and stuff, we just have accelerated math, and that's pretty much it....we had acc. reading in sixth grade, but my class was the last year...the thing is, they weren't fun, they were just calsses that pushed you too hard.....IRRs....UUUGGGGHHHH! well,i guess that's it..but wow, tomorrow...sand diego got in school a week ago or something, according to "kaibas girl"...
  18. sounds harsh aries...no sweatshirts on a winter day? how cold does it get where you live? i don't really mind cold, i wear sandals, shorts, and t- shirts in the snow, but i know that ohter people care, so........... but i guess uniforms do have their small benefits, it's just that they're openly trying to make us drones by stopping individuality, and uniforms will normally be the first step.
  19. welcome....... are you saying you're new to yu-gi-oh AND the boards or just the boards? wll, obay the mods and follow the rules, and make some friends while you're at it! yeah, i'd really like to get my hands on some non-KidsWB ygo..... so spread the info! we all want to know!
  20. yeah, monster reborn works on ANY monster... you reborn it from the graveyard.... it says so on the card..no questions asked. you don't need to tribute or fuse for special summons.
  21. YAY! ANGEL SANCTUARY! Gotta find translations online............... anyway, im too cheap to buy the dvd, so....
  22. i agree defcon, but really, give em a break...i'm sure some unkown force is making them wear stuff like that..besides, they're they're own individuals, so maybe that's just how they dress... there was a bit of chat here about dressing different for the sake of being different, so i thik that that's the "different" you're thinking of, and that the people who dress "dumbly" also have their own style...:)
  23. whoa......deep..... so, i guess you're feeling better? that's nice........... i guess maybe i should try waking up early....or not..........
  24. i dunno about uniforms....that's just trying to stamp out individuality at school, and i think we're all against stamping out individuality, now aren't we?
  25. hm...I don't think it' makes it look old... hmmm...... okay, i have my handay dandy animerica with me... it says DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh! are examples of the "popular anime properties". a special "Issue Zero" of the magazine will be on sale at this year's San Diego Comic Con Internation, August 1-4, 2002.... it says more info in the next issue! well, today's august first, so you have three days to hop on a plane and get Shone Jump!(or Kaiba's Girl could just stroll on over! she's the only san diego person here, i think...)
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