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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. well, four dvds can't mean i'd have to spend a ton, which i would if i liked it, no matter ow many maybe ill check it out...
  2. wow...when i first got itno anime, i looked for a good manga in borders...i picked out wol 1 of FY and liked the art...wrote down the name "mysterious play" and yu watase, and wondered why itsaid "fushigi yugi " on it..i asked y friends about "the mysterious play about a billion times before i ssaid anything about "fushigi yugi", and then they burst out laughing at me...:( well, i had a big FY phase and hated miaka, but never did i buy the manga or dvds or anything FY.weird.i just surfed the web.....
  3. weird.....well, it's 1:54 AM now.....word... i will probably sleep a couple hours tonight, but wake up early, like 10:00, cause i'm meeting my friend online at 10:30! ugghhh.....i dont even feel tired....
  4. yeah, i guess if there is either sex or bouth sexes, there will be war...if there are no sexes, we would be boring...if there were no people, well, you kno..
  5. yeah, i think the convention is in CA...
  6. hm...would anyone care to explain Perfect Blue? i watched half an epp at a friends house, and then hear about it everywhere and see it around every once in a while, but no one takes the time to tell me wht it is!
  7. Genkai


    word....i guess it isn't closed.anyway, it's "general anime", and i don't know how the mod system works here...........anyway, i agree that i think that's what he's asking..... but what was "Imao?"??? or "Whoops sry I checked my mail too late and i made this. Lol"?????? and what about the ovie thing? maybe she's trying to get through to this "Imao" person...how out a PM?
  8. i went to florida...we stayed at a golf resort, but we lf, so people sort of looked down on us.... eff them though, i yam whaddi yam!
  9. well, fox has/had some quality programming, but esca was way outta theit league.. i still reccomend trying it out a bit before you buy it, but if you REALLY liked it when tou saw it, then be my guest...seems like the majority wants you to!
  10. mmm... no idea, though it seems to be a cult classic..though most animet seems like it's one of the most confusing animes ever, too...
  11. soory HS, but not for a long, long while....write to upper deck/ konami for details, but really, it can't be less than 10 months...
  12. i love sleeping too!(hence the text in my banner....though i don't consider myself an otaku...) it's only !:07, the night is young....
  13. Genkai


    yeah, it's just crazy! i can't wait till shonen jump comes here!(see my thread in general anime!).. well, i think i'lldo some research on the enemies..i likt this thread......
  14. wow, i KNOW peple don't like me for me.....so i just bear with it till i find someone who does!
  15. er, well......bakura's evil spirit can't be taken out that easily...plus we don't know if souls really can be destroyed in the graveyard, since no one's ever was....so really, kazuki takahashi must not have thought of this..... of course, im confused because bakura wasn't dueling, so why'd he become yami bakura all of a sudden? doessight of any millenium item turn him into yami bakura? O.o
  16. word...that's crazy, what did you do that w/? psp 6?
  17. wow, why don't we seperate the last page or so of this thread and call it hot topic...sheesh....never even seen one, much less been in one or bought something there!lol:p well, i think i'll probably pull one tonight, cause school doesn't start till sept.1st and i'll get my sleep cycle correct on the last week!:)
  18. getting kaiba's exact deck will be tough and expensive...plus, beatdown decks like his can be weakened easily, so why not get a personality deck?!
  19. yeah, taht happened to me yesterday! i got all mean on the boards and my self esteem was low...i wondered about the infinite universe, the existential world we live in, which contradicts yet welcomes nihilism, that promotes a hardcore commercial paradox in which we thrive and spawn.....all that....but just think of all you have and all you love....
  20. yeah.....i agree, you need to have a different outlook on life....what's cool is that you meet up with people who also have different outlooks than most, but not the same as you.....maybe that's why me and my group of friends isolate ourselves and then yell at eachother over a random issue(i.e. how to eat a pizza backwards and if it's really that easy). of course, i think being you're own person can mean making your own clothes..well, not LITERALLY, but i mean that you can make you're own genre of fashion.. then again, you could buy normal clothes and mke them your own, like me.....(i.e. taking black shirt, faded cargos. cut out the word "marfy" out of cargos, sew/iron into shirt. iron stickers with higlighter on the t-shirt in the hole in the "a" in "marfy")...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1] Sorry to "Burst your Bubble", as they say, but I'm not nuchlear. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] er, what i meant was, that you were an example of messed up school cycle, but that nuchlears was just sort of out of this world...wonky... oh, and five o'clock? what? wow....*newfound higher respect for mist* yeah, english rocks, but our teachers call it "language arts".....:therock: i'm still moping about getting back into school....my social life is better without school punks w/ attitude.....whatever.......plus there's no time to do anything at school....i'm completely booked in the summer w/out school, and only 3 hours of camp...O.o of course, school just makes me have fun making my teachers annoyeds at me for not caring but still doing well:p
  22. er, there's lists somewhere around, but im not sure... but FINALLY, RITUAL MOCTERS! PRAISE THE LORD!
  23. to learn more about atheism in an enjoyable way, and to give yourself a new perspective on the "Authority", read the "His Dark Materials" series, by phillup pullman...it's really the amber spyglass that does it...
  24. er, you're thinking of blue eyes WHITE dragon....the one you find in a booster deck looks different, my friend got it in his first booster! anyway, the BEUD really isn't that hard to get if you want it(japanese, of course). just go on ebay!:)
  25. i think i would wish for true love for everyone, which would lead to world peace and a general understanding.... um, im pretty sure kami was almost killed, but he wasn't, so i dunno...
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