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Everything posted by Genkai

  1. yes, it exists, though not in the american cards.... a card similar though not the same is Germ infection.. as for the lamp, it isn't a magic card and does noting for la jinn, but it is part of a fusion, i forget what...roaring ocean snake, i think
  2. well, i guess you do now!! anyone else have anything to say?
  3. no bakura isn't the next enemy, i mean, there are four other items out there! there's malik, seeker and pandora, etc etc
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=gold][size=1] I start school August 12th and Orientation is August 6th. I'm ready to go back, suprisingly though.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] WHAAAT????? wow, this is just an example, i mean, what's up w/ you, nuchlear? been in school for a while? when did you get out, may 1st???? god, i got out june 20th....god, i have to go back sept 1st...that's not even three months....grrr.....:p
  5. YAY! ESCAFLOWNE MOVIE IS OUT! ONE WEEK NOW! I NEED MONEY TO BUY IT!:( anyway, escaflowne is a great mix of sort of magical girl with legendary swords, etc. The box set though, wow....im always broke, so i couldn't buy andy box sets....ever..... if you have the money, i say, why not? but buy the movie first!!! the movie sounds so cool! that, or watch it at a friends house or something to see if you really want it..
  6. Genkai


    er, i forget which ones.... well, seeker and pandora are posessed by malik, and they are like henchmen before malik is "released"....O.o
  7. well, when iI shop, it's either w/ friends or w/ my parents, and my parents always give me the oney to buy them...so i buy what i want and if someone suggests something and i want it, im not going to try to defy anything or whatever....anyway, I guess i don't really care about style now, so, whatever....im still clinging to my cargos O.o.....now, reading this thread, im wondering when clothes turned into a form of self expression......maybe w/ elvis...:p well, aries, the straight answer is that they shouldn't but in....whatever they say can go into your earhole, but nobody should force you or anything...
  8. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! THE DRAGON CHAMPION? WOW! but i really want to know, why are you still/already in school?O.o;; so, gotten any more star chips? when and where do you duel, lunch? is this an elementary/middle/high/other school? which one?
  9. Genkai


    Whaaaaa......? that was incoherent, random, and "Raditz" is DBZ... this thread will probably be closed in not ime, no offense..
  10. yeah, so many mangas to read on the internet, so little time... anyway, i guess we cn't know where CLAMP is going w/ this, because there's not much to go on.... who's your fave char? i like icchan and the little girl...
  11. ill make a mental note of that, i thought he was just a cold-hearted b*stard or something.....:p by the way, how do carniverous plants work? we learned about their eating process in third grade..mm......... so i guess after finding almost 40 posts made you happy again? i cant help but try to comprehend how fast you got over this....mmm... :p
  12. never heard of i t...but i checked it out, ids it really worth it?
  13. Genkai


    ALL FIVE! it would be cheap if you didn't....anyway, ive bought so many LOB(15 packs!) tha the next pack ill get will probably make me have all the cards!!!! to get the pieces means scouting....look on Yahoo! auctions, ebay, yugiohrealms.com's neutral grounds section, etc., till you find them for about 2o bucks each...it can be done, trust me...
  14. yeah, im going into the 7th grade too, and our teachers rock, but woldn't like me sleeping...my grades would go from A to F in one marking period if i did that more than 10 times.....\ sometimes ill get moody(yeah, i know i sound like a girl...next thing ya know ill be telling people that i feel bloated, and if this shirt makes me look fat...which it does..), and ill go insane without sleep. ill see some random girl the next day and ask her out or something crazy like that, even if i wouldn't ever go out with them.... weird...
  15. Genkai


    hm... i personally have heard nothing but good things around online and anywhere else!
  16. i just read(well, read a few days ago) in Animerica that shonen jump will start coming out in the U.S.!!! in english, i mean.... at some sort of anime conventio, there will be a special "Issue 0". it will include hits such as yu-gi-oh, and hopefully*crosses fingers* YYH!!! well, maybe not:( anyway, read about it in Animerica, though someone will probably post more specific info on this thread sometime...well, i'm hyper and excited, even though a couple minutes ago i was depressed!!!! peace!!!!
  17. wow! i guess you can just move on from this.... takes me a while...but i guess you're right! what can ya do? it must be for the better, eh? carnivorous plants, eh? wonky....
  18. most of them are communication things, but they are all just thought of as powerful, and, as i said before, one who obtains the god cards and the millenium items is invinvible...
  19. er....i feel left out, how pathetic>:( im such and idiot.....i hate myself...:(:( what is this thing you speak of?
  20. subtitled? what? where did you get that? legally, or Cough*hack*il*cough*legally*grunt/??? i'd like to know....
  21. pulling them in middle school? i would love that, but i would die, and my grades would slip...... i couldn't watch tv or movies or my parents would get mad, but my brother pulls them and plays music with his door closed, and i can feel the bass bumping....i would actually pull one tonight, like i do in the SUMMER, but my AC broke so im sleeping in my dad's room, and i need light to read, plus my dad would get mad at me...
  22. Genkai


    pandora or seeker, i think...they both have millenium items, i think...
  23. wow, if i took another hit like that id be down for weeks..... it's good to here that you are feeling better...that's really good....as long as you aren't isolating youself ! you're a strong 12 year old, eh?
  24. sorry for the caps, im just insane.... plus im depressed and cynical today, look and my other posts....mope this, mope that... anyway, i guess we all want to know the prize, but school in july? i don't get it....and when do you duel?
  25. it's good, but you should have chosen darker colors....
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