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Everything posted by Genkai
paint shop pro? i wish i had that, knew how to do .gifs , knew how to do anything....i would need a large pile of books...
What does your sig/avator/user name mean?
Genkai replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in General Discussion
WHAT A GREAT THREAD!!!!!!!! anyway, my avatar has no meaning, it was just one of the options... I'm just dumb and don't know how to do a custom one, though I wold...... my name, Genkai_yyh, is because one of my emails is [email]genkai_rules128@yyhmail.com[/email]...or maybe it was [email]genkai12@yyhmail.com[/email]...whatever, that's cause genkai is my fave yyh(Yuyu Hakusho for da REAL NEWBIES) character... Vegitto4 made my banner, which consists of dos pics of genkai that where on a card, and it says "the sleepiest otaku ever" cause i never get sleep and when i do i sleep for almost a whole day! well, maybe not that long... -
OHHH MAN! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( i know that doesn't help, so i wann tell you something.. YOU HAVE US! anyway, at least you have your sisters to use as a shoulder to cry on.... think of it this way: 1.You didn't like your dad(or so you say..), and he's out of the picture! You'll also be ab;e to see him when you want too, but he wont be on your back 24/7! 2. Your parents wouldn't do this unless it was for you best interest. It might hurt know, but years from know you'll look back, and say:"Wow. My parents are happier now. So am I!" 3. Your getting it ot of your system! Crying is good for you! If we didn't I think faith in humanity would disappear... 4. You're not wallowing in your sorrow all aone and isolating yourslef from others, you know that others will understand. 5. Pain has to go away, and the sweet feeling of friendliness, happiness, and trust will return. What goes up, must come down... I REALLY HOPE I HELPED! I FEEL YOU! NO PITY HERE! JUSY SYMPATHY/EMPATHY! much hope for your well being, a caring user!
dag! sweet! do more! but i know that's not all you want. i think maybe trying the first two with shades of red, orange, and yellow w/ the blue/white would look cool!
er.......no idea, g/s/b...all i know is that bakura is even more evil than we thought!
Okay, I know some of you are only informed about the American TCG, but in Japan there are these cards the GOD CARDS, that are so powerul they've been banned(well, for official duels). they are all ten stars, which is normally 2 tributes, but the gods are 3. the god cards are 3 cards, god of oblisk 4000/4000 god of osirisX000/X000(determined by the amont of cards in your hand, 1000 per card. everytime your opponent summons a monster, that monster takes 2000 damage as long as God of Osiris is up on the field) and god of ra ????/????(Ra's Attack and Defense are equal to the total attack and defense of all three monstes sacrificed to summon it. You may bring you life points to 1, Ra gains an attack bonus equal to the number of life points you've sacrificed. Pay 1000 life points, kill any monster on the field.) i just wanna know what you all think about these cards, if it was right to make such powerful cards, though banned, and how one can counter them, besides easy things like Raigeki, Dark Hole, or (if they're the only card on da field) fissure. anything else anyone wants to say about them is cool too.
oh, and the god cards are awesome, but they're banned in tourneys, so even for practice or w/ your friends you can't if your a tourney player, or you'll learn to love those cards too much..
yeah, yugi beats pegasus, frees the souls, and bakura runs off and somehow beats down on pegasusu(who was too dumb to put BAKURA into a card and steal his Millenium Ring), and yugi's grandpa is all old, etc. etc.
Anime Yu-Ghi-Oh Forbidden Memories (Fusion Combos)
Genkai replied to Cloud_Strife's topic in Otaku Central
you could find this out on fansites, but.... most fision combos are good fusion combos! there's always GG, but that's really hard to get... -
pot of greed costs a lot, but it's good.... get it! exodia! of corse, you'll need a way to buy the cards... oh, and to get the cards in the game you can also just pt them in your side deck...5 TURNS! THAT'S ALL IT TAKES!
BEWD and Seiyaryu
er....CB...Most ppl get it...it just confused me.... but all of some animes are confusing, but only because they're complicated nd my feeble mind can't understand them!
Anime How did THIS get here? oh well. What are the mellenium items?
Genkai replied to Darkened Skye's topic in Otaku Central
well, there the scales(not dragon scales sort, like, weighing scales) because they showed a brief pic of them in the US, but that's all i caught... anyway, Pandora and Seeker have teo of the other ites, i think... It is also said that the one who has the god cards and the millenium items will be more powerful than any person in the world... -
wow.....that's DEEP for some toons... the poetry of the simpsons...nice ring to it! The Ballad of Dexter's Lab.... I HAVE IT! THE BEAUTY OF BABY BLUES!
er... Mztik_Gohan10-- i doubt that AG(heh! silver!) has never been defeated.... so, i can't speak english? have you looked at your sn lately??:p no hard feelings, dont get mad.. i think that that could be considered spam, seeing as it didn't relate to the topic and you didn't quote..... hmm..... i guess maybe you can get away w/ it cause yo're a friend to a moderater!:P just kidding. anyway, Yugiohrealms.com looks like it's made by the same people as this site, and works like it, and some people are willing to auction BEUD there too, in the neutral ground forum
HEY! THESE STRUCTURE DECKS ARE DEFINETELY NOT COMING OUT AT THE SAME TIME AS MAGIC RULER! They do exist in japan, and can be bought online or in a store that has them, but that's rare. Maybe in a year or so, i heard about that, but you could keep dreaming if you want..
yeah, i know that the manga is out, but the anime i don't know....i think i've seen it around, but subbed, not dubbed.
any amount of star chips(as long as you have one/more), but i guess the guards would be suspicious if you waltzed on in w/ 10 star chips...but hey! anything goes!
yeah, i knew it existed, and SciFi's Anime department-ish thing gave it an F, claiming that the show was a "half-hour commercial" and that he felt sorry for any parent whose child enjoys this series". but, whatever f*ck them! anyway, it's true that it is in japanese.
There's already a HS thread here, but whatever...here goes.. AAGGHH! I'VE SEEN SO MANY ADS FOR THAT! i haven't seen it except for some clips/ previews from that company...forget what it's called......it seemed ok... whatever!
hey, many of us cant play the japanese games, cuz, mmmm...WE DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE! SO DON'T ACT ALL SUPERIOR, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW IVE BEEN PLAYING YGO SINCE IT CAME OUT AND HAVE RANKED 2ND IN MY TOURNEY SPOT! SO BLEH! BEUD has not come out, and premium packs have not come out in english. there are ways to obtain a japanese card of it, or the set(3x BEWD, 1x BEUD, 1x Polymerization), such as auction sites and stores that sell japanese cards.
mmm....where can you read wish? i speak no japanese, so i'm pretty much in a bad position for reading/seeing the good stuff in japan... yeah, how would misaki afford all that? i think someone gave her money for when she went up to her aunts hose...i dunno... i just tlove the SD art....EEEE!
yeah,playing AL would rock, but it would get the better of me. My money would just not exist anymore!:) yeah, i guess the cuteness is cuz of the weird shyscology of the characters! the most mature character is that little 4-year-old! :):) and Icchan is a 6-year-old at heart, mind, and anything else you can think of besides age! the aunt is kinda immature too! O.o I just love the weird art (^^^^) hands are so cute, and the twirly arms and feet are adorable!!! i'm the only one in the world(okay, my school and friends)who thinks so, but whatever! you don't expect that from CLAMP..... Yeah, well, also, i've been WAITING FOR WISH! and it's-a-comin'!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!