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Everything posted by Genkai
Some of you might remember this comic about the idea that everyone's out to get them that some wiccan have: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=390453[/img] This is not to say I don't like wiccans as a whole. I have several friends who are wiccan. I have noticed, though, that many wiccans feel that everyone's trying to oppress them and that they're right bout everything and are better than you because you are any other religion?especially christian.
I am me, and I am the most famous person in the world. So I know a famous person. Me.
I kinda wanna go to Amherst (big dreams, I know, but,not to brag, I AM smart...), but I haven't been to the campus.. I hope it's a lot like Swarthmore! I live in Swarthmore, PA, you know, that top ranked college? Yeah. I LOVE it here, and every year I make new friends from the college... The people are great, and the campus is to die for! I wish I could go here, but then I'd be near my parents, and getting away from my parents would be so good... Maybe if they move.. But then I wont get the benefits of my Dad being a professor, if he didn't work here anymore.. Hmm.. New Question! [b]How many of you are thinking about taking a gap year? Have any of oyu done so?[/b] Just curious, because I've been thinking aobut taking one to travel...somewhere..
Can someone say "Slow Country"? I love that song! i liked their song the fiirst time I heard it. I played it for all my friend's and they HATED it.. Until a week later when they saw it on MTV.. Yeah Deltron 3030
I personally think you're looking way too deep into a comedic cartoon...
Man, we got SCHOOL OFF TOMORROW! Yeah Philly being slightly in the way! We have a tad of drizzle and some wind.... XD As long as we don't lose power tomorrow, I'm excited!
The one it the top right corner looks exactly like a picture I've seen in gundam wing photos?and I don't even like that series..o_0 Perhaps it was based on that character? Anyway, your style is very DBZ-ish, though you did the hair justice... Keep up the good work..
I plan to be what some people call a polyglot?someone who speaks more than 5 languages. I already have my list. I am already learning spanish for the 3rd year and Chinese for the second... I've started slowly learning ktakana by translation romaji into katakana.. in the form of songs... Yay me. I also want to learn icelandic because of it's beautiful language(not a lot of people like it, I LOVE it...), and because of my slight obsession with their music (Bjork, Mum, Sigur Ros..), German, and possibly cantonese or taiwanese, since I'm learning Mandarin now. Also, arabic and afrikaans...
..... ... Uh... Yeah.... I never really drink at parties, because I'm in the company of others, and I'm not GREAT at holding my alchohol.... I'm 13, and I now it can't be good, but I enjoy a few sips of some strong stuff every onec in a while. Just b myself, because, well, because it's realxing?I don't get drunk though, I find that to be a terrible feeling, but some wine(my parents are okay with a few sips) really does the trick with me after a stressful day. When it's late at night and I'm tired, I'll mix a small gin and tonic, if my parents have gin.. I don't like REALLY strong drinks like vodka, but I'd say I drink a small amount of alchohol about once a week, and I personally think I'm pretty responsible...
I hate their music.. It's just? uggh. I first heard a GC song about 4 years ago, and everytime they've had a hit since (about twice, though they seem to have actually gotten somewhere this time), I try to like their sound but I can't... I also dislike people who think that their music is punk. It's not. The members of the band dress "punk", but their music is not.... it's pop/punk, a form of punk that is much lighter and more commercialized to what I like to call the "TRL audience"....
Er, I only really cry when I listen to or sing modern religious songs, like those by Sonicflood and stuff.. And that's only sometimes.. I don't normally cry.. Oh, and whenever I hear about Lady M's son.........God bless her.
Well, I've never read the manga ranslated in any other way besides Naruto (a mixture of japanese and scanlations), and Shaman King (mostly japanese, only the first volume), but I know the names of the stuff they've changed.. But, yeah, I guess it's better for the English fans, I just don't like it. I seriously hope they keep the go slang though (yose, nigiri, etc.)
SASUKE KU~U~U~U~U~N!!!!!!!!!!!!!`:love: Holy ****, that's good, but it's true, he is a ***** to draw, because of his serious manner and stuff.... Your ability to change styles amazes me in every way... you are truly great!
Poo.. I wished they let us carry backpacks around school, it completely sucks carryin 4 1 inch binders and 3 textbooks around, and not being able to go to my locker (it's way out of the way).. Most people can't go to their lockers anyway, since we have 3 mins beteen classes.. what's really effed up is that the high school CAN carry backpacks around between class, and they have FIVE MINUTES between classes?what the f?
You'd be surprised... They do change lines about 80% of the time, oftentimes you'll see the other translations adn think of it a much better than the other stuf.f.. Name changing, I mean mostly in naruto... I mean, Doppleganger? I doubt Naruto could even say that ("Doppula-what?") Ninja Centerfold? Would it hurt them to say no Jutsu once in a while? I hope Rock Lee straightens them out... Oh, and the book is acutally coming in November, though it will premier in SJU in January (weird huh?)
XD I love everything involving Pepito in Squee!............. Ahh, I cracked up over that one for, like, an hour. I love ironies. They're so much fun to find and point out.... And when you sy this, everyone's like "Hmm.. like what?" And I can't think of one off of the top of my head. But they're everywhere. What fun!
This is the best movie of all time, in my humble opinion. The claymation is amazing, the stories, the music, the characters, and, best of all , the art.... This all makes for great paraphonalia(spl?), and I absolutely love collecting the beutiful items found on eBay and at Suncoast, not to mention other fine retailers.....
This is, in my opinion, the greatest manga ever made. The story both follows and deviates from the shonen sport.game norm, has perfectly developed(and matchable...) characters.... The game is interesting, though you wouldn't think so. It's genius. It's coming to Shonen Jump USA in January, so look out for it.... Especially look out for the bad translations, names being changed, and kids who think they are the biggest fans ever for reading 2 chapters ^_^
m... I didn't like the name changes, or Yoh's voice, though they go Manta's almost perfectly. I didn't like the "I will be the the SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~I~I~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Theme song... eee.... For the fox box, they did an okay job...
Hmm.... I actually like some Yaoi pairings, like Hikaru and Akira pf HNG, and Naruto and Sasuke... not to mention Legsy and Gorny from LOTR... I do't think they're often jokes.Normally stories.. And sometimes they're really well written, with other storylines besidedes to male characters being togehter...*shrugs*
Okay, this is gonna sound SOOOOOO weird... I'd like to go to a place of infinite nothingness for maybe a day... All I would do is think over whatever'sbeen happeing in my life, and ponder things about, well, everything..... When there's nothing around you, I'm sure lots of things will pop into your mind..
So your saying you think your ancestors should've been slaves? And that people who come over to the United States, or any other coutry that is not their own, whould be forced into painstaking 18-hours a day labor, and be suscept to whippings, beatings, and rape, all because of their origin, which can't be helped? And what about people who are born in the US? Should they have to pay a lifetime of this for freedom for not themselves, but children which they haven't had yet? There are still illegally smuggled shildren who go through that today, and you think that everyone should have to do that? Every single soul in the United States, and all other countries except for the few where life was suspected to have begun, has ancestors who migrated at one point.That means that almost everyone in the world would become slaves until they had children. Wow, looking back on this post, it looks very rushed and stuff... Because I was just furious at this idea.... Sorry if it's a bit confusing..
Hmm... If it ever doesn't work for me I just drag it up to the url bar and it'll load... Hmm... Well, I've slaved finding good image hosting service, and I can find anything really good.... So I dunno.... Hmm... Okay, you're vice president! edit: Okay, everything's working 'cept one thing?How come the blocks of text have a white background? And what can I do about it?
Hmmm... i think I did everything right, but now there's a big blue border around it with a white background instead of the background pattern.. Does anyone know if pitas won't use background patterns or something?
Um, I have a teensy question. How can I make a pattern as my background on my [URL=http://zoomy.pitas.com]blog[/URL] ? I've tried < body background="Image URL" > bud without the spaces between the text and the ... Look at my blog and you'll see it's not working except on the image, on which it already was. Anyone spot the problem?