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Everything posted by Xekor

  1. Criminals. Particularly, those who break into homes.
  2. First of all, Gackt isn't a "band". He's a solo artist, who left a "band", by the name of Malice Mizer. Kickass? I don't think he is anymore. I preferred him in his MM days. As for DLQ, I'm split. I used to really adore their music, until I really dove into visual kei. To be honest, they're not that great. While they will get much praise, they're really all about the looks. And compared to some of the other bands in the industry, they're nothing special. Finally, it irritates me to no end to hear someone call someone else an "otaku". It's an insult, and is used in horrible situations. But, I'll "ignore" the "ignorance", and realize you're blindly using the term, guessing it means a person who is interested in Japanese culture, etc. Gah? *pissy*
  3. Yes. ^_^ One of the great American cartoons. Whenever I can catch it on Noggin, I'll watch it. You have to have a twisted sense of humor to really appreciate the show.
  4. [i]Name[/i] - I created it. Somehow I associated it with the universe because it started with an "X". That made me feel futuristic in a sense. Cool? No. Do I like it? Yes. [i]Banner[/i] - Mana, from the now disbanded group "Malice Mizer". I've always admired the way he carries himself on-stage and off. I also find him to be musically diverse, and consider him to be an idol.
  5. Oh, that's nice. But you're a little late on the L'Arc~en~Ciel fandom.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B]I would be Queen Asuka, she's nice to every one amd mostly everyone likes her. No surprise that no one wants to be me, I'm annoying and I spam to much :( [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think you're annoying at all. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure the [i]only[/i] reason people haven't mentioned you is because they don't know you. People don't know me either, thus, my name doesn't appear on the list. Don't be upset about it. ^_^
  7. Xekor


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zidane11 [/i] [B]I drive in traffic and I'm only 13. Pretty cool. But it's not like I'm the best in the world.It took me a really long time though. [/B][/QUOTE] And you, my friend, are the reason many are afraid to take to the road.
  8. Xekor

    Game Network

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]and whats with the presenter battina? all she does is freaking blink all the time, and she looks like shes on drugs.... [/B][/QUOTE] That is probably why her name is [b]Bat[/b]tina.
  9. Xekor


    I think people who are learning to drive should be shipped to Italy, and left to learn how to drive. I'm sure when (and if) they came back they wouldn't be scared of the road.
  10. I also am confused as to how you define "goth" music. A lot of the visual kei artists I listen to perform music with a goth [i]flavor[/i] (if you will).
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Well, I never took a computer class because I never had to, I'm perfect. I type with all the right fingers perfectly all the time and type 345 words per minute. I've never made a typo or spelling error in my life, I am a God. Worship me. [/B][/QUOTE] *Worship, worship* [b]James[/b] - I don't think your post quality has anything to do with [i]how[/i] you type. I think it has everything to do with you not being the typical internet moron. O_o
  12. [i]now sega have confirmed that there is indeed no subscription method to play online, you will just have to connect to your ISP and off you go, excellent, just as I thought.... [/i] And how official is this? Being an extremely large fan of PSO, and the Phantasy Star series in general, I'm extremely excited about the new areas and character classes. I just hope Episode 1 & 2 doesn't turn out like the first installment: cluttered with illegit players.
  13. Xekor


    I adore books of a biographical nature. My favorite book would be [i]Falling Leaves[/i], which was written by Adeline Yen Mah.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B][img]http://www.seaworld.com.au/entertainment/images/rides_waterpark_image.jpg[/img] That slide scared that crap out of me when I went on it. It feels like you're just falling down from the top......guess that's why it's called the Free Fall Slide. :drunk: Buuuuttttt, that's not the only water slide I've been on. But it's the biggest. [/B][/QUOTE] That looks terrifying. It also looks too steep to be comfortable.
  15. Neptune, because like Uranus, she was willing to sacrafice herself for her mission, and her voice actress is so extremely talented.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B]Blind Game Again Gravitation OVA Opening Blind Game again kanari kireteru Doll itsuma demo kawaranai yoru o buchikowase zawameku kaze ni meguru raito(light) ga oto o tatete kioku tobasu kitto shiranu hazumonai yuwaku kokoro o midasu kimi no beis ja nani mo nokosezu yoru ga akeru mada mienu shuuchaku wa genkaku Don't Let me Down itsumo kobiteru dake Cry for the sun nani mo mie yashinai jibun no naka de dare ga sakebu ? Blind Game again kanari kimeteru Doll todokanai yume naraitsu nugi sutero Drastic Game a Game kanari kireteru Doll itsuma demo kawaranai yoru o buchikowase nagareru namida habikoru uso ni jibun o somete yume o nisu sora ni mau haiiro no jounetsu Don't Let me Down kitto kitsu kyashinai Cry for the sun kimi to kowaretai ze subete o moyasu toki o tomero Blind Game again shiketa hitomi no Doll imi mo naku namida nagashita yoru ga akeru Drastic Game a Game tomeidake no Doll dokoma demo kawaranai yoru o buchikowase Blind Game again kanari kimeteru Doll todokanai yume naraitsu nugi sutero Drastic Game a Game kanari kireteru Doll itsuma demo kawaranai yoru o buchikowase [/B][/QUOTE] Yay for Gravitation! ^^
  17. [b]Gravitation OAV[/b] | [i]Shining Collection[/i] __________________ [size=1]Garasu no bedo ni toraware no motion Tesaguri de shukujo wa kamikudaku Soliday na tail de midara na hane collection Himei hodo mujaki na yoruga hoshii Yuuutsu no borode odoru jiyuu to uso ni tsuda nukare Moroku maichiru puzzle kono shihai kara tobitate Kiss shining hitomi ni kuchizukete Toke dasu hanabira mo jama ni naru Make me shining irozuku shigeki no hate ni Kagayakihajimeta maboroshi Shikai wo nukedashita panorama no dimension Kanpeki na gitai wa tada furueru Cheap na shokushu wa mitsu wo motomeru reaction Tsumetakutemo hiwai na kimi ga mitai Nanairo ni moteasobu waki-da-shita kairaku no umi Kage ga fuchidoru game kono sekai kara uchinuke Kiss shining kodoku wo katashidori Karamaru koukai ga kuu wo kiru Make me shining chirabaru kokoro no hahenra Mabushiku sugisaru kibou ni Ta-iki wa somaru akaku nureta yubisaki ni habatakenu chou no namida Subete wa suna ni naru shining, make you cry Kiss shining hitomi ni kuchizukete Toke dasu hanabira mo jama ni naru Make me shining irozuku shigeki no hate ni Kagayakihajimeta maboroshi Please don't cryin' kodoku wo katashidori Karamaru koukai ga kuu wo kiru Make me shining chirabaru kokoro no hahenra Mabushiku sugisaru kibou ni[/size] - [b]English[/b] [size=1]the motion of imprisonment in a bed of glass that is first broken by the fumbling of a lady a loose collection of feathers with a tail of soliday that almost screams the innocence desired at night dancing through freedom and lies in the mood of depression fragile puzzle pieces that break away from this course Kiss shining, we're kissing in my eyes Melting away even the flower petals in our way Make me shining, changing into the most exciting colors That first shone in a vision the field of view excels the dimension of panorama a perfect mimesis that can only tremble a cheap touch whose reaction is to look for secrets you want to see them even if they are coldly obscene a sea of gushing pleasure that alters the colors of the rainbow that strikes into this world adding shadows to the fringed game Kiss shining, imitating loneliness Cutting into space with entwined regret Make me shining, fragments of my scattered heart A radiance that surpasses hope Red soaked fingertips dye the atmosphere with fluttering butterfly tears And all is turned to sand... Shining, make you cry Kiss shining, we're kissing in my eyes Melting away even the flower petals in our way Kill me shining, changing into the most exciting colors That first shone in a vision Please don't cryin', imitating loneliness Cutting into space with entwined regret Make me shining, fragments of my scattered heart A radiance that surpasses hope[/size] Although it isn't my favorite song, it certainly has grown on me. n_n
  18. Actually, the title was "Rose Red", and when I rented the movie, it came with two tapes. I enjoyed the movie, and found the character development to be refreshing. The set they created for the movie was unbelievable.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]I no longer go to water slides due to an event that left me mortally afraid of them. I flipped over the side of one once. [/B][/QUOTE] That's horrible. Just out of curiosity, were any charges pressed?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I have a pretty funny story that only has a little to do with fashion, but I didn't want to start a thread about it. As many of you know, I am a assistant manager at Structure and I also used to work at Abercrombie. I am the only straight manager and one of the four (out of 16) straight employees, which doesn't bother me because all the people I work with are really cool (this is just a little background info that will be useful if you actually read my post). Anywho...(gosh that is catchy, I am going to have to start ignoring Anna and Queen Asuka's posts, I keep on wanting to use anywho...darn trend setters)...I was working today, when this scrawny 18 or 19 year old guy comes in. I approach him and try to do my job and sell him some clothes, here is the conversation that occured. Me: Welcome to Structure, what brings you to the store today? Kid: Nothing. Me: Well, just to let youy know we got a bunch of new stuff in for fall... Kid: I don't shop here, I'm not gay. Me: Excuse me? Kid: I am not a "bleepity bleep" (the words he used are a little harsh, so I censored them) Me: What does being gay have to do with wearing clothes from Structure...I am not gay, but I don't appreciate your language. If you don't want to shop here feel free to to leave. Kid: I ain't goin nowhere! I want to talk to a manager! Me: I am the manager on duty right now, and you should be thankful of that, because the other two would have probably sent you to the hospital. By the way what is your problem with homosexuals? Are you afraid to admit to yourself that you find men attractive... why do you have to bury your true feelings behind hatred? Why don't you just come out of the closet? (By this point, the kid was furious, and he probably would have taken a swing at me if I wasn't three inches taller and forty pounds heavier then he was). Kid: "Bleep" you man! I work at Abercrombie, I am gonna go over there and get my friends and we are gonna kick your "bleepin bleep" when you get off of work. Me: (as kid walks out) Okay, have a nice day, I get off at six, I'll see you in two hours. So, at six o'clock, I walk out of the mall, and guess who is waiting, my favorite customer, and about six of his friends from Abercrombie, along with three girls (also from Abercrombie). Unknown to him, four of the guys were my really good friends (from when I worked at Abercrombie) and I dated one of the girls for a while. Kid: Lets see you talk "bleep" now! Dan: Dude, thats Charlie...why do you want to fight Charlie? Kirb: Josh (kid's name), you are going to get your "bleep" kicked...you better apologize. Me: You guys know this "bleep"? Kirb: Yeah, he said some big guy was messing with him, and told him that he was going to beat the "bleep" out of him. Josh, Charlie isn't big. Jill:(ex-girlfriend)Josh, you are such a dingus (yes, she said dingus), I can't believe you were going to fight Charlie. What happened anyway, Charlie, why would you pick on Josh? I tell them the same story I tell you. Dan: Josh, you "bleep"...do you have a problem with gay people (Dan is Gay)you "bleep"! Kid: No, man that isn't what... Josh didn't get to finish, because Dan caught him with a nice hook to the jaw (Dan is huge, 6'3, 215...all muscle) and then was on top of him. We pulled Dan off of the kid, but as we pulled him off he said the funniest thing I have ever heard... Dan: You are one lucky "bleep"! Lucky that you fell butt down you discriminating little "bleep"! Anywho...(did it again) I thought it was a funny little story, maybe the funniest thing that has happened to me in a long time...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's disturbing. It's amazing how rude kids are in public. I'm sure you wouldn't see him walk into the store and be openly discriminatory against someone of another color. How obnoxious. What are parents teaching their children? -_- As for my fashion sense, I would like to dress in a flamboyant manner. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to do so.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]This isn't the first time I've moved my head back and forth... ohh.. lol... that was a bad joke.... [/B][/QUOTE] 0.o; How you managed to pull sexual meaning from something so innocent, is beyond me. Have a cookie.
  22. I would recommend [i]The Violinist of Hameln[/i] to those interested in expanding their musical horizons as well. ^^
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