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Zenkai Powa

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Everything posted by Zenkai Powa

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B] [color=teal]Where did you hear that Son Goten-san was six at the beginning of the Buu saga? It never told otherwise. :) However, in the Tournament, Goten was announced to be seven.[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] If I remember correctly, Using the Daizenshuu's year of birth for Son Goten he would be around 6 initially. And by the time of the tournament he had reached 7. But that [b]is[/b] based on the theory that Son Gokuu boinked Chi-Chi during the 10 day break before the Cell Saga(which was probably started by a doujinshi). In my opinion I think it happened before the Artificial Humans came. It would be more pratical since Son Gokuu was searching for the Dragonballs a couple of those 10 days. And if Son Goten was 7 the entire Buu Saga. I'll go research it some. EDIT: I looked and it has Son Goten listed as being born in 767(the year of the Cell Saga.) And the start of the Buu Saga as being 774. So he would be 7. According to the dub the Artificial Humans appeared on May 10th 767. If he was indeed concieved during the 10 days before the Cell games(sometime during the end of May) he wouldn't be born until Feburary or March. Which could mean he would be six during the beginning of 774. Yet by the time it picks up during what appears to be the fall(since school was starting) he would indeed be 7. OK I'm confused so I will stop there.
  2. According to the Viz translation of the manga, Oolong: "Say...[i]um[/i]...A wish like, 'beat up those saiyans and save the Earth'....probably wouldn't fly...Would it...?" Shenlong: "That is an impossible request. I was made by a god. I cannot grant a wish that surpasses the power of a god." I see this to mean that since Kami-Sama didn't have the necceasary physical abilities to defeat the Saiya-jin's, Shenlong couldn't. Yet his other wishes are equal to casting a magic spell. Bringing people back from the dead or granting immortality for example.
  3. After watching the "Cooler's Revenge" DVD(in all three languages) it is pretty obvious to me that FUNi chooses to do what they do. All trying to make it sound "cool." The Japanese translation is spot on. Except for the fact they did some mild editing for words considered "bad" here(ex. saying Kuso is crap instead of the more literal s***). The spanish dub is closer to the Japanese than the english dub also. And the problems with it are actually from a "languauge barrier" as you put it. And that's only because when translating spanish into English you run into stuff that we [i]use[/i] to say. Like we don't say "I call myself..." or "What do you call yourself...", we say "My name is..." or "What is your name..." etc. Yet it only has a few screwed up interpretations. It defy's all logic of a problem with translation. The majority of the VA's are bad. Some are o.k. but overall they are bad. I get tired of hearing people who sound like they are trying to take a dump or have something stuck up their ***. And especially the macho super hero voices. What pisses me off the most is all the "extra" characters with wierd accents. Faulkner is completely incapable of making music that suits the mood of the show. And the movies are just sad. Do I really need to hear that godawful rap and rock which totally doesn't go with the scene?
  4. Son Goten was 6 at the beginning of the Buu Saga. Supposedly 7 by the time the Tenka Ichi Budoukai started.
  5. I'm orginal/subbie. I only watch Dragonball Z on the International Channel. I refuse to watch that poor excuse of a dub that CN airs. I buy the movie DVD's and watch the Japanese versions with subtitles. To me the main thing is dialouge. The Japanese dialouge is superior in nearly every aspect. The problem is Dragonball was aimed toward the 12 and up crowd in Japan(about 13 and up here). FUNi dummied it down so it would hold the attention of the average 7 year old. But the problem is the Japanese are more mature. Americans are sheltered generally until they are 18. And then there is the stereotype that cartoons are for kids. Yet when one shows blood or something everyone goes crazy and say kids shouldn't be watching that sort of stuff. Go figure. Another big thing for me is name changes. Pointless name changes. Just because Kuririn is pronounced close to 'Krillin' doesn't mean it has to be spelled like that. It's more like 'Kulilin' anyway. And other stuff like "Tienshinhan". They could have said Tenshinhan. Pikkon is another stupid one. Paikuhan is perfectly fine for a VA to say. And it isn't like the names are hard to say or remember(children can after all remember all 251+ Pokémon.) There are others like Burter( instead of Butta or Burta), Frieza(instead of Freeza or Freezer), Cooler(Instead of Coola). Lastly corny jokes, horrible music, poor VA's all really ruin the experience for me. That's why I prefer the Original w/ or w/o subtitles.
  6. It's a plot hole. Kaio-Sama himself said there was no way he could take Son Gokuu back to earth. And I believe that he didn't teach any of the others the Kaio-Ken because they didn't need it. They were training for recreational purposes(well except Piccoro-San). And they did say they wanted harder training than Son Gokuu, not learn the techniques he learned.
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