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Everything posted by sweetie_rei

  1. sweetie_rei


    [color="#FF0000"][/color][font="Arial Black"][/font] I actually really enjoyed the movie, but I hated the ending. I had to go back and see it again, and i am still confused.
  2. I don't find them pointless, just a lot of work and most of the time they don't even look all that cool. My friend has a whole sleeve that goes into his chest, and turnes in to like a dreamcatcher that says "Chaos"
  3. "Leave out the rest" Linkin Park, brings a tear to my eye. Kinda in a senstive mood at the moment and ready to go home for the night
  4. Cartoons have taught me that it is okay to have an imagination, and that only in that fanasty land can I ecaspe and just get away with anything that I want and not suffer the consequences. That is an awesome thought and feeling, it is just too bad that doesn't work out in the real world
  5. I use it every day at work, I need something else to listen to other than ppl asking for tools and hazmat and quiet. My station is Bad Romance Radio, but it is very diverse.
  6. I usually listen to anything that helps me zone out on the world and helps me focus on the task at hand, and it kinda depends on my mood.
  7. sweetie_rei


    No i haven't heard of them, what genre are they, perhaps I can look them up and listen to see if I like them
  8. I listen to lots of stuff. When I am at work people are amazed by how diverse my Pandora account is, one min it is techno, then rock, the hard rock, the old school rock, then pop, rap, r&b, some country, and oldies. I am pretty diverse in my music selection. I have music for every mood, so that is good for me. Right now I am listening to pitbull then who knows what is going to pop up on the player and since I am in a pretty good mood, I don't really care what comes on.
  9. Well actually this is ls_gurl, I found out my other screen name, I did some researching, now I just need to know how to delete the ls_gurl profile, so then people don't get confused on which one I use.
  10. i finally remebered my password! now i can go delete my other one that i just created!

  11. well I don't like hosptials either, I try to advoid them at all possible costs. In fact a new study that just came out said that the average ER room for the United States doesn't rate any better than a C-. If the Us were to have a major problem or a national emergency the ER rooms would never be equipt for it. Of course the blame it on the lack of money...so yeah...I will try to advoid them at all possible...it ridiclous what they do....oh well.
  12. wow...I listen to a lot of hard rock and stuff liek that...I dont even know them! Man now I have to go investigate!
  13. okay here we go. Everyone has a name right? Everyone has a story behind how they got their names. This is just to see what kind of names we get and they can be nicknames. This is just a thread to tell the stories of how you got your name/nickname. Here is mine my name is Alisha Michelle Greenlee I am named after my fathers friend. My mom wanted to name me michelle but as you can tell that didnt work out at all, that is how I got my middle name. Greenlee is my fathers last name because my parernts never wedd. My last name was my mothers: Reily, but that only lasted for six hours. My nickname is Pisha. My friend Sam gave me this name. We were sitting in World Studies sophomore year bored out of our mind and then she poppes off and says, " alisha I have the perfect name for you! Pisha! Ya take off the Al and put a P. It is so perfect cuz it has nothing to do with you." Then about a year after that a girl named Ashley Prettio thought she was orginial and called me Pisha and started to call me that and then everyone caught on to it. It was a week and everyone was calling me that, so that is how I became Pisha. :sweat:
  14. Well my background eh? Well I am primarily Italian. 1/8 to be exact. I've got almost all of Europe in me I think. I havent been able to track it all though. I have some native american in me, cheeroke and black foot sue. And that is it I believe. Im a very mixed up girlie.
  15. well as we all know audioslave has out a new CD. What do you all think of it? I believe that it is more laid back and not as kickin as the new one. It is sorta driving me nuts. Maybe they are trying something new.
  16. Me personally it is stupid and kiddish, like middle schoolish I would never do it. Everyone experiments with things and we can not control that. What other people do is what they are going to do and we as a society can not really change that; if a person is going to go onto a computer and sit there a cyber with someone, okay have fun, that is their thing. But if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and they are really far away and you are having cyber sex that is a different story, but only if the both of you are into that. But is it cheating, yes it is in my mind, your doing something that the other person may not like at all, and with someone you totally dont know at all. It is just wrong, I would feel so horrible if that were to happen.
  17. I went over to Europe with nothing in mind really, I wanted to keep my mind open to many of the possiblities that could come of it. I loved it there, though I do have to say that Austria was more expensive than Germany or Hungary. :catgirl: I felt like I was so close to home. Most of my family is from Italy so I was exicted. I think my next trip will be to Italy and stuff. Yeah the people there didn't seem to like some of the rudeness that our students gave to them. We had a handicap kid with us and her and I would get dirty looks espcailly in Hungary. It was very uncomfortable to her, but I told her that it was because they weren't used to seeing such a young person in a wheelchair in her situation. But now she lives in Minnestoa. I miss her dearly.
  18. well I have been busy lately but I think I may have found the pix...Youll have to let me go get it. [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] okay to all of you pretty art makers. I finally have some picture. Im big into colorguard (yes, the flaggie people in the shows). So here we go. Well how about i give ya the link? Its not working. so yeah here it is [url="http://www.ictuslimited.com/products.asp?id=59&pg=2"]http://www.ictuslimited.com/products.asp?id=59&pg=2[/url] and there are more pages, I like all of the flags there. Thanks a bunch ya all. :wave: [color=teal]EDIT AGAIN: [color=black]hello to all once again! Um I found something even better.[/color] [color=black] [/color] [color=black] [/color] [color=black] [/color] [url="http://www.thebandhall.com/Scripts/prodList.asp"][color=black]http://www.thebandhall.com/Scripts/prodList.asp[/color][/url][color=black] [/color] [color=black] [/color] [color=black] [/color] [color=black]They are much prettier![/color] [color=black] [/color] [color=black]P.S at the left of the page there is a advanced search for flas type in 143! Then you wil see them![/color] [color=#000000][/color] [color=#000000][color=teal]Seeing that you already seem to know how to edit your posts judging by the marks left under one of your posts, I suppose all I really need to say is that we do not allow double posting on these boards. :) Please edit them in the future instead. -Syk3[/color][/color] [/color]
  19. Hello to all. I am requesting another banner and avy. The others ones sorta went oh I dont know, one day I signed on and they just werent there anymore. But i dont care what it is really. This is a chance for all of you creative minds to be creative. WEll okay it has to have something to do with anime tho. OR umm NERD!! if you dont know who they are they are also known as the Neptunes! So yeah...Have fun!
  20. So I've been gone for a long time!! A very long time for those who sorta know me from the past. Sorta like a blast from the past. So anways I've seen some of europe in the time that I've been gone. I've been to Austuria and Hungary.I love them so much, I think that I'm going to move there...lol. I've been busy with that and running the German Club and since I was part of that I got to go to Germany this summer!! It was so cool. Who else loves Europe?? Isn't a fanstaic place? If any one wants to talk about it just post it up here.
  21. [FONT=Arial]undefined[/FONT][SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE][COLOR=Purple]undefined[/COLOR] okay the concept of loosing the virginity lost its meaning in like the late 80's in my mind. I am 17 and tired and almost but never did. I was "scared" but really it was that I didnt want to do it. In my family its around 18-20 that we all lose ours, (unless your my mother, 13, in her case.). So it starts to get werid around lets say 25, then it sorta becomes unacceptable around 35. But hey that is me, and with each generation (no offense to the young ones) the loosing of the virginity will get sooner and younger its just a fact of socitey with everything that surrounds us. That is the part that worries me. Guys are happy to see me and get to know me and know that i havent lost mine. They really do respect me for that, and that i stood up my ex and told him that I didnt want cuz I wasnt even ready.
  22. i love 'em too!!! To me they feel like a equal balance of GNR and STP...well hey that is me. I missed them comin here where i live...and yes scott is hott as ever..really hott for a stoner...hehe
  23. well since i live in washington u guys probably dont know them but they here we go anywayz.... BXF is a really good band underground....they are so ********in tight...i went and saw them in concert Flipstick was kick A** too they are really hard rock and along with BFX. Awww man i cant remeber the name of the frist band that played that nite along with Flipstick and BXF...but they were good man i love them... :love:
  24. I want to see that movie!!!! It supposed to be the next best horror thrill since Silence of the Lamb...and that movie is kick ***!!! Okay here is the plot.... This guy takes people lives...such as everything to their eyes! and just competely taking thier life....and then competely living thier life...i suppose some cops finally catch on and now they're going after him! Or I thinks that is sorta how it goes...i've only seen previews and stuff! So yea what do u guys think its guna be like? Sweetie_rei
  25. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Franklin Gothic Medium[/FONT][COLOR=DarkOrange]DarkOrange[/COLOR] Hey hey, Can someone please make me a new banner and Avy....can it be with Rei like my screen name! Thanks that would be great!!! Luv ya all..... Sweetie_rei
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