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Omega Tenpus

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About Omega Tenpus

  • Birthday 07/19/1987

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  • Biography
    I am the lord of all that is BOB!
  • Occupation
    Professional idiot.

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  1. THE HARLEQUIN: Like I said, start whenever you want, but eventualy I want us all at the Prince's place. Oh, and I said sex was okay, remember? If that's what you meant. Which it probably isn't, that's probably just my 15-year-old-mind going psycho on me again. Hang on a sec, I'm gonna see if I can logout so I can try to log in again under a differant username. Because I REALY don't want Omega Tenpus.
  2. WTF?! This is more successful then I thought. Oh, I have no clue what a Carpathian is, so PM me. Starting off before the Embrace is just fine, but it should happen fairly soon, if not imidiately. RAVENSTORTUE: Nitpicking alert! Feel free to ignore the pointless question comming up! If she's so psychotic that even other psychos flinch away from her, then how could her Social be four? Um...there were a bunch of other comments, I'll try to PM everyone who had one. In the meantime, feel free to start off however you want. Eventualy, however, I want us all to end up at the Prince's place.
  3. Um...that profile is wonderful, but please note what I said about how much you're not supposed to be an ancillae, elder, methuselah, or antedeluvian. You have to be a neonate. Oh, yeah, Dracula is the founder for his own clan, the Drakul. Um...did I say this already? Maybe. The Drakul all exist just to serve Dracula. They have no strengths or weaknesses. If you kill Dracula, then all his servent vampires die. And the profile doesn't follow the one I put down. Independant? Is that the same as Inconnu? I know that the Inconnu are, in V:TM are a bunch of old vampires who want to know the greater meaning of life, the universe, and everything, but in this they're like vampires who don't want to be vampires and prefer to just simply feed a little, then go home.
  4. ARIKEL: If you know the advantage and weakness of one of the Sabbat or Neutral clans, then by all means, be one. I don't know them, however, I just know the Camarilla, and even then my information is...well, lacking. Probably because I have only a 26-page-long introductory kit that only points out the strengths and weaknesses of the Camarilla vamps. THE HERLEQUIN: Well, who knows who's the first vampire? Who knows if the Cain story is even true? You'd have to find and ask an Antedeluvian for that, and many of them have been killed, the ones which are still alive probably don't want to talk to a neonate, an ancillae, an elder, or possibly even some Methuselahs. Speaking of Methuselahs, that's what out good buddy Dracula is. Oh, this takes place in New York City, and the Prince of New York is a Toreador named Rosa who's about 524 years old.
  5. The point is to point out my problem, besides spelling and grammar. i no i dont spell two wel, but I'm working on that as best I can. Oh, I put effort into these. OHHH yes, I put effort. I work on each RPG for about two to three weeks, nitpicking every last detail. I have had some sad ones, then again, everyone has some sad ones. And I almost always follow through, unless I don't get a single post after a day. Which happened once.
  6. I'm not new, I'm old. I came here about three months ago, me and the moderators for the DBZ board had a few...dissagreements...and I left before they could ban me. Apparantly, they did anyway, so now I have a new username. And now, I'm back, with a clean slate. Okay, so there's that coffee stain over there, but apart from that... Why wouldn't this go here? it conerns RPGs; therefore, it belongs here. I see no rules posted for this section, other then the 'how to make an RPG' thing, and as far as I know, this doesn't go against the rules. And, naturaly, I misspelled my username. Can the moderators change it? if they can, and one reads this, change it to Omega Tempus. with an M. I think that way it'll mean End of Time in latin.
  7. I already know I'm one of the greatest fanifc writers (You don't write a fanfic over two hundred pages long and one that lasts for almost five years if you aren't good), but my RPG skills seem to be...lacking. So, which kind of RPG do you like the best?
  8. No, I'm not here to brag. I'm not the best, I'm far from the best. Though I'm far from the worst, too...very, very far...:rolleyes: Anyway, I was just wondering. I'm posted twenty to thirty RPGs in the past, though not necisaraly here. Only two or three of them have been successful. I'm wondering...is this becasue I suck at RPGs, because I write too much, or becasue it's just random chance? By writing too much, I mean I cover every aspect of the game world before anything starts. I like detail. For an example, go to my Vampire: the Masquerade or The Legend of Zelda: Gannon's Return RPGs in the Sign Up section. Long, no? But detailed. What's my problem? Don't like the detail? Think they're bad RPGs with bad storylines? Or do people simply not go to them?
  9. I understand. It's my gift and curse. It's my gift because I have the longest-ever digimon fanfic (if not the longest fanfic ever). It's my curse because...hey, it isn't a curse! I'm serious about the digimon fanfic, though, called Neo Destined Redefined. When I finished the first part, I had over two hundred pages. That's the second version. The first version was seventy seven. Then I have to work on Dawn, which is part two. I plan on making that about as long as the origonal version of Neo Destined. Then I have to write the three moviefics, namely Nemesis, When Worlds Collide, and the Children of Darkness. And THEN, I have to work on my Tamers fanfic, called Neo Tamers. Which is already pretty far along - episode seventy two, meaning it's well over a hundred pages by now. And I have two moviefics planned out for that, namely Harsh Reality and the Kiddnapping. Then I have a launch-off miniseries for that, called Brave New World. Wow. I better get to work.
  10. oh...double posting [mumble grumble death not actualy angry just trying to crack someone up mumble] I'm planning on supporting the Vampire one. This one I posted because it was taking up space in my archive, but I didn't want ot delete it without posting it. It's actualy pretty successful on another board. I posted it, I got offline, I got online a day later, I had four pages. The RPGs aren't long, just the profiles on them. The chances of either of these succeading are minimal, though - I've made no less then twenty RPGs in my online days, and only the very first (Race for the Shard) was as successful as I would have liked. Then it wasn't. Oh well.
  11. stupid character limit. Oh, so because I want to write a grand epic RPG, I'm punished. What? You want me to just say 'here's the villain, here's the plot, go kill him?' [mumble mumble...] HYKANA VILLAGE: This is the village where you have lived for a while, ever since Gannondorf returned. Hykana is generaly peaceful, and divided into sectors - the Hylian, Kokiri, Goron and Zora sectors. -HYLIAN SECTOR: Chopped wood and stone make up the buildings of this sector. the Hylian sector is where a Hylian will start. In addition to an inn and pub, it has a shop that sells arrows, bombs, sheilds, red potions, green potions, magic potions, bottles, as well as other common goods such as bread, water, ale, and such. The Hylian sector also has a shooting range where one can practice with the bow, and the central plaza has a grand fountain. For the most part, the Hylian sector is devoid of the other races, especialy the Kokiri, who dislike all the cut wood. -KOKIRI SECTOR: Kokiri start here. Located mostly in the forests which surround Lake Hylia, the Kokiri sector is a sylvan paradise. The homes are all in the treetops, grown from the branches, and there is little or no metal in the entire sector. The Kokiri Sector also has an inn and a shop, which sells Deku Sticks, Deku Seeds, Deku Nuts, Deku Sheilds, Magic Beans, Zora and Goron tunics (sized so that they fit the Kokiri, of course), bottles, and Fairy spirits. There is also several groves and a river which leads to the Zora Sector. Gorons rarely come except to hear the music, Zora are sometimes in the river. Hylian children, however, are not an uncommon sight, as Hylian children and Kokiri get along perfectly. -GORON SECTOR: The Goron Sector is located beneath most of the rest of Hykana, it is lit by torchlight. Any Goron character will find themselves starting in this sector. The Goron sector is three floors deep. It is compleately carved from stone, and has a river of lava running along it's middle. The Goron sector has a shop which sells bombs, bombchus, bottles, and Goron Tunics (adult and child-sized). There is also a rolling race track and a boxing ring, as well as an inn, a pub, and a stage for bongo preforming. -ZORA SECTOR: Few but Zora can be seen in the Zora sector, where all Zora characters will start. It is mostly underwater, with a few areas of air pockets. The Zora sector is bueatiful, with most homes made from gigantic shells. There is a shop which sells boomerangs, hookshots, longshots, bottles, blue potions, spring water, scales, and Zora tunics. They have a rock n' roll stage, a diving range, an inn, and a dojo. ITEMS For the most part, I will let you use your judement on how much some items cost, and most items pretty much give away what they do in their names. Don't be silly about it, though - a blue potion, which heals all damage and restores the potency of all magic potions, does not cost one rupee! A few prices are gonna be set down. SLINGSHOT: 30 Rupees MAGIC BEAN: 500 Rupees SILVER SCALE: 50 Rupees GOLDEN SCALE: 100 Rupees BLUE POTION: 200 Rupees HOOKSHOT: 60 Rupees LONGSHOT: 120 Rupees BOTTLES: 5 Rupees MAGIC POTION: 10 Rupees HYLIAN SWORDS: 20 Rupees (Longsword) 40 Rupees (Bastard Sword) 60 Rupees (Two-handed sword). BOMCHU: 200 Rupees per 5 Bombchus Okiedoky. Now, this is what a few items do. MAGIC BEANS: Plant them in soft dirt, water them, and in ten days, POOF! A Magic Pod has grown. Magic pods do something differant from what they did in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Rather then acting as hoverboard things, Magic Pods instead contain the necisary juices to create a Magic Potion. If you can buy one, then you don't have to worry about buying magic potions ever again - simply make your own! You can only ever buy one Magic Bean, so make sure you know it's worth it. SILVER SCALE: Powerfuly enchanted, someone who has a Silver Scale can last twice as long underwater then they used to be able to. GOLDEN SCALE: Similar to a Silver Scale, only instead of two times as long, it's three times! RED, GREEN, AND BLUE, POTIONS: Red potions heal all your wounds. Green potions restore the magical potency of the liquid inside all your magic jars. Blue potions do both of the above. HOOKSHOT: a chain with a hook at the end fired from a metal springloader, the hookshot can grab hold of a object that it can penetrait and bring you to it. it has a range of 20 feet. LONGSHOT: Similar to the hookshot, only is has a range of 60 feet. DEKU STICKS: Deku sticks can be used to hit enemies like a sword, however they are weak and break easaly. they are more useful as a torch. A Deku Stick used as a torch consumes itself in ten minutes. DEKU NUTS: When thrown on the ground with enough force, they create a blinding flash which stuns any who see it. DEKU SEEDS: Used as the amunition for slingshots. BOMBCHUS: the latest in destruction technology! A Bombchu is an explosive device set onto a walker. When armed and set on the ground, in scurries forward very quickly. Once yo release it, you have no control over where it goes. The bombchu explodes once it hits a target or after 10 seconds. GORON AND ZORA TUNICS: A person wearing a Goron Tunic can survive intense heat, although it does not protect them from fire damage. A person wearing a Zora Tunic can breath underwater. SONGS These 'Normal' songs, or songs which warp you anywhere, are: -ZELDA'S LULUBY - multible effects -EPONA'S SONG - summons your mount, depending that you have one -SARIA'S SONG - Allows you to talk to any one person, no matter where they are. -SUN'S SONG - if it's night, it becomes day, if it's day, it becomes night -SONG OF STORMS - causes it to rain, compleate with thunder and lightning -SONG OF TIME - multible effects The songs which warp are: -MINUET OF THE FOREST - Warps you to the Forest Temple -BOLERO OF FIRE - Warps you to the Fire Temple -SERENADE OF WATER - Warps you to the Water Temple -REQUIEM OF SPIRIT - Warps you to the Spirit Temple -NOCTURNE OF SHADOW - Warps you to the Shadow Temple -PRELUDE OF LIGHT - Warps you to the Light Temple There are also three new songs. These songs have powerful effects when played, in addition, in order to make Gannon mortal you MUST play all three songs in order. If you play them when fightng Gannon, they won't give their upgrades. -OATH TO COUAGE: This song fills you with unyeilding courage. You fight much faster then you used to be able to and take only half damage. This is the first song played when facing Gannon. -PRAYER TO WISDOM: This song makes your senses become hyperactive. you can see, hear, and smell five times farther then before. This is the second song played when facing Gannon. -CALL TO POWER: You become five times as strong as you once were. This is the last song played when facing Gannon. YOUR MOUNT What is a hero without a mount? Well, they're still heroes, but... Your mount is a very useful companion. it allows for much faster travel, and they can deal damage to foes, as well as most having special qualities. Depending on your race, you get a differant mount -HORSE: This is the Hylian mount. The horse is the trusty steed. A typical horse stands about seven feet tall. The horse is very powerful and very fast, and it can trample down foes easaly. Special Ability - None. Like Hylians, horses have no special qualities. -SHAMBLER: this is the Kokiri mount. A Shambler looks like a bunch of vines colected together to from a body and four legs, with no head, standing around five feet tall. The end of their forelegs legs are thorny. Special Qualities - Fire Thorns: A Shamble Beast can rear up and shoot out their thorns like projectiles, with deadly effects. -ROCKWURM: this is the mount of a Goron. A Rockwurm is exactly what is sounds like: a ten-foot long wurm made of solid rock. It is more agile then it apears, though, and is so strong that it can carry even a fully grown Goron. Special Ability - A Rockwurm can burrow through the ground, creating a tunnel for the goron to crawl through. The ground has to be dirt, if it is stone or harder, then they cannot go through it -DOLPHIN: The Zora mount. These playful marine mammles can be any of the myriad kinds, only your dolphin is special - it has been enchanted so that it can swim through the air! A Dolphin attacks it's foes by ramming it head on. Special Qualities - your mount can do a sonic blast that stuns your oponent. THE PROFILE Finaly! You think. Well, it was worth the wait. No, it wasn't, but I needed to get that out of the way. Anyway, here's the profile. -Name: Your character's name -Fairy's Name: Your fairy's name. Only fill this out if you're a Kokiri -Age: Your age. If you're a Kokiri, you can choose leave this part out. -Gender: Male, Female, or in the case of Gorons, neither (though they think of themselves as males) -Race: Hylian, Kokiri, Goron, or Zora. -Hight: How tall you are. Maximum hight of 7 feet. -Weight: How heavy you are. For most races, maximum weight of 150 pounds, although for a Goron it should be 900-1200 pounds -Hair: If aplicable, your hair color and it's style -Eyes: The color of your eyes. Automaticly black if you're a Goron -Skin: Only aplicable if you're a Hylian. This is your skin color. The other races have pre-determined skin colors. -Clothing: What you wear, if anything (Goron and Zora tend to wear nothing, at best they wear a necklae or earings or something). Please note that I will NOT have naked Hylians or Kokiri. -Mental Description: What you think like, your likes and dislikes, etc.
  12. I have this and my Vampire: the Masquerade RPG in my archives, so I decided to dig them up and post 'em. I won't be joining this one, however. Simply start when you feel it necisary. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: GANNON'S RETURN RPG STORYLINE It has been five hundred years since the Hero of Time, Link, saved all of Hyrule from the darkness that was Gannondorf, the Great Evil King. This has been a time of peace and prosperity, where all get along and there is little suffering. Then, he returned, as promised, with the Triforce of Power still in his grasp. Gannondorf again was able to plunge the world into eternal darkness, but he took no chances this time. the Master Sword, the legendary Blade of Time, lies shattered at the foot of it's pedestal in the Temple of Light. The Ocarina of Time was tossed into the heart of Death Mountain, and it, too, is gone, forever. The six temples are overrun by evil monsters and powerful generals that command Gannondorf's dread legions. Once again, Hyrule Castle Town is a place for the undead, but this time so is Kakariko Village, Goron City, the Kokiri Forest, and the Zora's Realm. Life presists only in one, small village named Hykana [Hie-kah-nah]. There, the Hylians, Zora, Goron, and Kokiri struggle to survive, constantly under the threat of seige from the dread legions of Gannondorf. They wait for their Hero of Time, but Link is dead and gone almost four hundred years. He will not return. Nor will Zelda, the legendary Princess of Time. The Triforces of Wisdom and Courage rest within unknown avatars...if they even exist anymore. You are a member of one of the races that inhabit Hykana. Recently, dreams of horrible things yet to come have haunted you. For when Gannondorf tore himself free from the Evil Realm, the portal was left open slightly. Evils, sent there hundreds upon thousands of years ago, are even now trying to widen that crack. Chaos will consume Hyrule...forever... To each of you, a powerful force has come in the night, after you woke up screaming. This force somehow, someway, has compelled you to stand up to the Evil King's rule. Your quest begins... RACES There are four selectable races. They're set up like this: -RACE NAME: Racial Description RACIAL STATS -Automatic Weapon: This is the automatic weapon of the race. You can choose to have a differant weapon, just inclue this in your profile. It must fit racial boundries: a Goron never uses any weapons, a Kokiri will not use metal weapons, a Zora will only use weapons that another Zora could make. -Automatic Armor: As above, except with armor -Automatic Instrument: As above, excpet any instrument you want if you want otherwise, with a special restriction for Gorons: they must be precussion of some kind (drums, bongos, etc) -Usable Items: Any items the race can use. You can NOT alter this -Special: Any special point about the race. You can NOT alter this -HYLIANS: Often called the yardstick by which all other races are mesured, the Hylians look like fabled elves. Their ears are pointed and somewhat large for their body, and most are lithe and thin. Hylians stand an average of five to six feet tall, and weigh anywhere from one-hundred ten to one-hundred fifty pounds. Most Hylians have black hair and pale caucasian skin, however blond hair is not unheard of, and two subraces of Hylians, the Sheikah and the Gerudo (neither are a selectable race) have fetures differant enough to mark them as unusual. Hylians fight with swords and sheilds made of iron or steel, preferable the latter. Hylian swords are normaly longswords, although some prefer bastard or even two-handed swords. Armor is kept light if there at all, it restricts movement too much. Hylians also like to use unusual weapons and items, and they can use all weapons and items presented in the game. Hylians play harps or lyres as a musical instrument, most Hylian children are trained in the playing of these. The have great respect for their royalty, and their symbol is that of the True Force. Hylians are omnivorous, they will eat both plants and meat (Kokiri are sometimes sickened by this). HYLIAN STATS: -Automatic Weapon: Longsword, Bastard Sword, or Two-handed sword -Automatic Armor: Steel Sheild -Automatic Instrument: Harp or Lyre -Usable Items: All -Special: None -KOKIRI: Though they apear like Hylian children with red or green hair at first glance, Kokiri are in fact plants, grown from specialy enchanted Deku Seeds. A Kokiri cannot die of old age, and most deseises that infect animals do not infect them. A Kokiri will never look older nor younger then a Hylian child of age ten. Kokiri however, have the weaknesses of plants. They also gather food like plants. A Kokiri must be out in sunlight for at least one hour every three days, or else they begin to do worse in everything until finaly they starve to death. Kokiri males tend to have red hair, and females tend to have green hair. They all have caucasian skin which is tinged slightly green. They dress in simple green tunics with black belts, rarely anything else. They have the same hight as Hylian children, about four feet, but they are considerably lighter, weighing only about thirty to fifty pounds (though they don't look it). Kokiri can use Deku Sticks, Deku Nuts, Slingshots and their Deku Seed ammunition, wooden sheilds, and other items of the forest. They disdain metal items, though they have no beef with glass ones, and any swords which they have are most commonly are wood that is hard as steel, grown to be perfect for the weilder. Kokiri play flutes, most commonly a pan flute. The symbol for the Kokiri is the casing for the Kokiri's Emerald. Finaly, all Kokiri have a guardian fairy. Once a fairy chooses a Kokiri partner, the two are bonded eternaly. The fairy, like all fairies, cannot die, however once it chooses a partner it is incapable is bestowing life energy. The fairy will aid his or her partner any way he or she can, most commonly by telling it information that the fairy has picked up since the begining of time. A fairy's true body is never, ever seen, it apears as simply a glowing ball of light with wings. Male fairies glow black with a purple outline and black wings, females glow white with a slight yellow outline and white wings. KOKIRI STATS: -Automatic Weapon: Wooden sword and Slingshot -Automatic Armor: Wooden sheild -Automatic Instrument: Any flute -Usable Items: Deku Sticks, Deku Nuts, Slingshots and their Deku Seed ammunition, the Lens of Truth, bottles, magic beans, Goron and Zora tunics. -Special: Immune to most desieses, photosynthisis (doesn't require normal food), cannot die of old age, guardian fairy, extra damage from fire and ice attacks, can last twice as long underwater. -GORON: Gorons are heavy creatures made of rock. They apear fat and slow, and though the latter is true, the former is not. If Gorons had muscle, then they would be almost all muscle. Gorons are created from specialy enchanted rocks. All Gorons are genderless in reality, although they look like and think of themselves as males. All Gorons also call each other 'Brother' as a title of respect, and their leader is always called 'Big Brother' and is expected to act like one to all the 'Little Brothers'. An average Goron is about six feet tall and half that wide, and can weigh up to nine hundred to twelve hundred pounds. They are made of solid rock, even their coal-black eyes which are, in fact, coal. Their bodies are colored a dark sandy color, and their backs are covered with dull spikes. All Gorons carry their symbol, painted onto their shoulders. Their symbol is the casing of the Gorron's Ruby. Gorons love hitting things, so naturaly, they love bongos. A Goron could sit down and play the bongos all day. Gorons also are surprisingly fast when they curl up and roll around. Gorons eat rocks. They especialy like the mineral-rich rocks in the Dodongo's cavern, however due to recent problems, namely Goron City being abandoned, they've had to settle for less. Gorons don't like weapons or armor of any kind. Their own hide is tough enough to protect them from damage, and even a child is strong enough to break bolders. They can use bombs, bombchus, hammers, the Lens of Truth, and bottles. A Goron character will have to cope with the fact that they cannot use ranged weapons, nor can they enter water that is over their head. GORON STATS: -Automatic Weapon: None (uses own body) -Automatic Armor: None (Their own body is good enough). -Automatic Instrument: Bongos -Usable Items: bombs, bombchus, hammers, the Lens of Truth, and bottles -Special: Immune to fire and electrical damage, double damage from cold and water. Cannot enter water that is above their head or they drown, can eat any rock. Can enter lava and not be damaged unless it is compleately over their heads, in which case they will drown. Can roll around on the ground rather then walking, this prevents slipping and is much faster. -ZORA: The Zora look like evolved fish. They have taken the onslaught of Gannon's legions hardest, as not only is their pride damaged but they absolutely need the water. They mate and breed in the normal way, with a mommy Zora and daddy Zora who realy like each other getting together and.... A Zora stands about seven feet tall, and is thin, wieghing only ninety to one hundred twenty pounds. Zora have no bones, rather they have cartilage They have light blue skin with green spots, and have fins at their waists and elbows, the fins at their elbows looking like wings. Male Zora have a fin that extend from the backs of their heads, and females have a crest that has two extra eyes on their sides. All Zora have webbed hands and feet. Females have visible ears, which look like extra, small fins, and males have ears which are covered by a thin lair of skin which enhances hearing. Most Zora have purple or red eyes. Zora are carnivourus, they eat fish of all kinds. They also absolutely require water. A Zora that is out of the water can survive for three days, maximum. After that three days, the Zora begins to sufocate, and unless they get into some sorce of water, they will die. It doesn't matter if the water is fresh or salt, although they prefer freshwater to saltwater. Zora are expert swimmers, they can move much faster in the water then they can on land. Zora cannot drown. Zora can speak while underwater telepathicly, though on land they will use real words. A Zora can use his or her underwater telepathy to communicate with any water creature, although the responce is limited to the creatures intelegence and general mood. So, a Zora talking to an average fish could ask "So, how's the weather?" and get the awnser "Oh, I'm not allowed to eat the lego.", whereas a Zora talking to a shark could ask the same question and get the awnser "How should I know? I don't go to the surface often. It looks sunny, though. What's for dinner? Are YOU for dinner?" Zora have no beef with metalic weapons, though their pride prevents them from using things that a Zora has not made at one point or another. Thusly, a Zora can use a boomerang, the Lens of Truth, a hookshot or longshot, and bottles. Zora fight using their martial arts, and most have large boomerangs which also double as sheilds. They play guitars, enjoying the sound of rock n' roll. ZORA STATS: -Automatic Weapon: twin boomerangs/skilled in the martial arts -Automatic Armor: The boomerangs double as sheilds -Automatic Instrument: guitar -Usable Items: boomerang, the Lens of Truth, a hookshot or longshot, and bottles -Special: Cannot drown, immune to water damage, double damage from fire and electricity, swim at three times land speed, underwater telepathy, females can see to their left and right while looking straight ahead with their main eyes, males have enchanced hearing. MAGIC The three magic spells that all characters can use, provided they learn them, are Din's Fire, Farore's Wind, and Nayru's Love. Spells consume Magic Potions, which are small potions held in small jars. A character can have a maximum of fourty-eight jars at any one time. -DIN'S FIRE: Din's fire is a spell that is useful when in a tight spot. When used, a circle of fire expands outwards from the user, dealing damage to every creature that can take fire damage surrounding the user. A Zora or Kokiri can use this spell with no negative effects, and if the user has compainions, then the companions don't take damage, either. Din's Fire takes up six magic jars. -FARORE'S WIND: This warp spell is especialy useful. When used the first time in a set, it creates a magical warp point. When used the second time, the caster and everything touching him, except the ground, is automaticly teleported to that point. The caster can aso choose to dispell the warp point at any time. The warp point can be set anywhere in the game world, not just in a dungeon. A wise caster could use the spell not only to be able to quickly return to a point after leaving it, but also have a warp point prepared to teleport away incase things went bad. This spell also uses six jars. -NAYRU'S LOVE: This spell is incredably useful, and uses up an incredable amount of magic energy - twelve full jars. When cast, Nayru's love creates a magical crystal around the user. It protects him or her from damage - all damage, ignoring normal racial problems, so, for example, even though a Kokiri normaly takes double damage from fire, the Kokiri would take no damage once this is cast. Although the caster could still be knocked and thrown around, it does not hurt at all. Nayru's love lasts for ten minutes. In addition to those spells, there are also special racial spells. These do not have to be learned; you gain them as soon as you gain magical ability. All of these are optional - a Goron that knows the Goron Fire Punch and throws a punch doens't have to use up magic energy, they can use the normal punch. For the Hylian Spin, it is assumed that, once you gain magical ability, the sword becames enchanted. -HYLIAN SPIN: A sword that has been specialy enchanted can do a Hylian Spin, where the caster spins around, with the sword held straight out. The spin will cause a wave of energy to damage every enemy within it's radius. A short spin uses up one magic jar, a big spin uses up two. A short spin effects everything within three feet of the user, a big spin everything within twelve. -KOKIRI LEAP: As a people of the forest, Kokiri must be very agile. Well, this magic increases their agility and leg muscles, allowing them to leap very, very high - twenty feet max per jump, with a garunteed safe landing. A Kokiri can use this to leap away from foes, leap towards foes, cover long distances, leap onto foes with painful consequence for the foe, or simply for the hell of jumping. A leap takes up one magic jar per ten feet jumped. -GORON FIRE PUNCH: As if a Goron didn't deal enough damage with it's punch already, with the Fire Punch they can burn their enemies. Undead and Plant foes are especialy vunerable to the Fire Punch. A Fire Punch has two variations, a strong punch and weak punch. A weak punch takes up one magic jar, a strong punch two. -ZORA ENERGY FEILD: When in the water, a Zora can generate a feild of energy around them that deals damage to foes. The feild extends for three feet outside of the Zora. When on land, however, the effects swiches. The Zora's boomerangs are charged with energy, and deal twice the normal ammount of damage then normal. Using the Zora Energy Feild consumes two magic jars while on land and just one when underwater for every ten seconds it is kept active. MONEY Money is mesured in Rupees. To understand just how much value a Rupee has, one rupee will buy a loaf of bread, a normal hammer, a fish, a belt, or ten sheets or parchment. Most children have a money wallet which can carry up to ninety-nine rupees. Most adults have wallets which can carry up to two hundred rupees. The especialy wealthy have wallets that can carry up to five hundred rupees. Some of the greedy foes, such as Red Dragons, have wallets that can carry up to one thousand rupees - that's a lot of money!
  13. Wrote it all myself. I was looking at the "Vampire: the Masquerade" introductory kit I had gotten, but I had to write it all down. You gonna join? PLEASE? And this is nothing. You should have seen how long my Legend of the Shard RPG was before I deleted it.
  14. Why is being shot a stupid weakness? And this puts too much emphises on super powers. Take a look at the superhero which is probably the most well-liked: Batman. He's a master of every known (and several unknown) forms of Martial Arts, he has a brilliant deductive mind, every third story he's saving the JLA from destruction. And he's just a normal man. A normal man, and probably an insane one. Batman has no super powers. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Neither does Nightwing, or Robin, or Catwoman, in fact, almost all of the villains that Batman goes up against are normal humans. Sure, Two-Face is horribly scared, but that's not a super power. the joker is compleately mad and loves it, and he's also a genious (give him any three chemicals and he can make a deadly gas), but he's a normal human. And yet, these villains could give even SUPERMAN a run for his money. And, according to Kingdom Come, Superman has a wrath inside him that could give pause to Satan himself. What's whith the emphises on superpowers? Also, what do you mean by 'no god characters?' How do you define that? Green Lantern has the most powerful weapon in the universe. he can create anything he can imagine (granted, it'll be green), and he barely needs to recharge it. Is that god? the Spectre is an agent of God himself. Does that make him a god? He has troubles. Superman IS a God to some people. He is the single most powerful metahuman. I mean, he cannot be stopped. If he wanted to, the world would be his. He could wipe out the JLA easaly. And the JLE. and the JLAs. And the JLAf. That a god character? Kids these days. Superpowers are everything to them. If forced to choose between being Batman and being Superman, I'd be Batman in a heartbeat.
  15. And now, the pre-story which sets up the plot. Let's see if they don't like it's size. Kayla spotted her again. That person she had seen at the mall, walking by her home, in town a few times, and now here, at a rave. Only this time, the person made it known to Kayla that she saw her, by waving slightly and smiling a little. Kayla decided to wave back, then shrugged and went back to dancing. Who was she? Kayla hadn?t seen her around before. Maybe she was new in town? Just arrived a few weeks ago? She stopped dancing for a few seconds to rub a sore on the back of her neck. She had that for a about a week now, it wouldn?t go away. It was only mildly painful, however. Oh well. Back to dancing. * * * She had no clue. Skye?s smile dropped, and she looked down, hands in her pockets. That mortal had no clue. ?Hey, BABY,? Someone said. Skye turned, and saw two guys, quite obviously drunk, or high, or both. They were using each other for support. Skye smiled. This would be easy tonight. That was good - she liked it when it was easy. ?Hi guys,? She said. ?Going my way?? The two guys smiled wide, and tried to high-five each other. One said ?Score!?, whilst the other just barely managed to gurgle out something. Skye smiled again. They were drunk, they wouldn?t notice a thing, especialy since the chances of them remaining concious were slipping fast even without blood loss. Now she just had to find someplace quiet... * * * Someplace quiet turned out to be their minivan. Skye liked this minivan, too - dark windows were a plus. ?Turn around...? She tempted the guys, as she unzipped her shirt. As the guys goofed up and turned around drunkenly, Skye stripped off her shirt, pants, and shoes as she climbed into the minivan?s back and lowered the back seat, then sat back in the sexiest possition she could muster, her legs spread enough to reveal her vagina. ?Okay, you can look,? She said. The two turned around. There was a moment?s pause, then they both fainted. Skye stared at the edge of a minivan for a moment, not believing her good luck, then shrugged and climbed over, pulling them in. She looked both over, neither looked more apeasing then the other, so she just grabbed the closer one. Skye rolled back the sleave on one, and stared at his inner arm, at the bent in the elbow. She then put her mouth to it, her fangs extending and biting down. Blood began to seep out, she licked up the stray streams first then focused on the main flow. This blood didn?t taste quite like what Kayla?s had, but that was probably because it was from a drunk. Skye closed her eyes, taking in the feeling of the blood against her throat. She?d grown accustomed to it, and that scared her. But she also kind of enjoyed it. It was newish to her. Twenty years of being a vampire wasn't an incredably long time to an immortal. Skye eventualy decided that was enough from this one, she stopped feeding and moved onto the other one, using the same port for the blood. She almost never bit the neck, and if she did, it was always the back, where little blood would escape. She wasn?t trying to kill anyone, after all. The blood of this one tasted much the same; she figured that these two had similar bloodlines, perhaps they were cousins or even brothers. She didn't know - it was getting hard for her to tell the differance between humans. Unless she knew their faces well, they just all blurred together. After she was done, she left the van and put her clothing back on, then closed the door to the van. She began to walk away, sated for this night. She decided that she didn?t want to spend the rest of the night admiring Kayla, although Kayla was most certainly one of the most beuatiful creatures Skye had ever seen. * * * ?I hate my unlife,? She said to Vincint. Vincint Schneider was a human, a mortal. He had dark black hair and a neatly trimmed beard, and Skye sometimes got the idea that maybe he was trying to look like Satan - because he did look like the common veiw of the Lord of Darkness. However, he most certainly wasn?t a Satanist, considering the cross around his neck and the fact that he killed others of her kind for a living. Not that she at all cared even the slightest. When they had met, Skye explained in simple terms that she?d never killed a human in her life or unlife and didn?t plan on starting, she was just trying to stay alive (or unalive). ?Can?t say I blame you,? Vincint said as he drank back a bottle of beer. ?No, but I mean, I REALY hate it,? Skye said, drinking a coke. ?I mean...I?ve told you about Kayla, haven?t I?? ?Yes, you have,? Vincint said. ?Well...? Skye said. ?Look at this. Can you imagine me trying to ask her out? ?Hi there, my name?s Skye. Hey, wanna go out on a date?? ?Sure, Skye, why not?? ?Cool! Just make sure that it?s after the sun sets, becasue otherwise I?ll burst into flames?.? ?Depending she says yes,? Vincint said. ?Oh, she?d say yes,? Skye said. ?Toreador, remember?? ?Refresh my memory,? Vincint said. Skye sighed. She looked around the bar, then spotted a pretty-looking young woman. She waved a tempting finger, and the young woman came over, seemingly very happy. ?Hi, my name?s Skye,? She said. ?Ever been kissed by a woman?? ?Never thought about it before you...? The young woman said. Skye leaned over, bringing her lips to the young woman?s, who shuddered a little under the cold touch. Then Skye pushed the woman away, and turned back to Vincint. ?That?s what I?m talking about.? She said, as the woman stumbled away. ?It?s EASY! I hate drinking blood, but humans make easy prey, especialy for a Toreador or Ventrue.? ?Um, excuse me, not as easy as you think,? Vincint said. ?I?ve killed two dozen of your kind.? ?They?re not ?my kind?.? Skye said, leaning down on the bar. ?If they were ?my kind? then you?d just be a pawn that I use. Probably would have sucked you dry a year ago.? ?I only met you six months ago,? Vincint said. ?My point exactly,? Skye said. ?Look, here?s a thought. Go grab a wooden steak and just impale me, okay?? ?What? Why?? ?Because you kill ?my kind?, remember?? Skye said. ?Come on. This way I?m out of the picture, but I don?t have to die, exactly.? ?Nope. Not gonna do it.? ?Come on!? ?Nope,? ?Please?? ?No. You?re too valuable an information sorce.? ?What are you TALKING about? I?m a Neonate!? ?You never know,? Vincint said. ?I happen to have incredably good luck - ow!? He yelped when Skye hit him over the back of the head. ?If you luck?s so good, then how come you, a slayer, couldn?t stop me from doing that?? The Toreador asked. ?Oh, go to Hell.? Vincint said. ?Maybe you are lucky; I?m already on my way there.? Skye said. She leaned back against her chair. ?This sucks,? She said. ?I?m thirty two years old and I look seventeen.? ?I thought you said you were nineteen when you were bit,? Vincint said. ?Yeah, but my ?expansion? was going slow.? Skye said. ?Damn. Do you realize I?ll never be able walk into a bar and just ask for a beer?? ?Yes you will,? Vincint said. ?Come on. Pull some of that mad Toreador power to get me out of paying the bill, becasue I know you don?t have any money.? ?Oh, fine.? Skye said. ?But if I have to use my body in any way, YOU?RE gonna owe me big time. Get it?? ?Got it,? Vincint said. ?Good,? Skye said. * * * She had to use her body, in a way she didn?t realy like all that much considering the size of the barkeeper, but it wasn?t like she hadn?t done it before. Skye had then tracked down Vincint, and he had payed her a rather large amount if money which involved high numbers with three digits, almost four. He would have been much better off just paying the tab, but then again, he came from a long line of vampire slayers with a long line of money behind them, so it wasn't like he couldn't spare the cash. Skye smiled as she counted the money, walking down the alley and getting back to her lair, it was getting late. Or early. Depended on weather or not one?s point of veiw was that of a vampire. To her, it was late. Her ?lair? wasn?t a crypt or a vault or a castle, it was an apartment. She got out her keys and unlocked her door. Her apartment was almost utterly bare, anything in it was there simply to entertain anyone who might come who didn't know she was a vampire.. There was a couch, a table, two chairs, and a small TV. It had come with a fridge, but the fridge was empty and had been for the past three years. The windows had thick, heavy curtains. Skye realised she had slept late last night, she was still wide awake when the first rays of sunlight would be shining. That meant that she had time to spare. She went imidiately to her art room. Skye had always loved to paint, that was were most of her money came from whenever she needed money. She used to paint happy, joyful pictures all the time, but she had kind of toned down on them. Her latest one looked like something Whistler would have drawn - ?incompleate? looking, but actualy that was how it was supposed to look. She was fond of painting night sceans, or ?nocturnes?, as Whistler called them. This one was a veiw of the city from her window. Skye grabbed her art brush and her paints, and began to apply them almost randomly. She always kind of entered a trance when she worked, as the part of her vampiric mind that was connected to the long-dead Antedeluvian of the Toreador went to work. Her art skills had been magnifide when she had become part of the undead. That was a plus. One of the few. Speaking of Toreador, she thought when she looked over the painting, maybe she should find some Toreador who'd want this. Yeah, that would be great...she could get thousands for it. Rip off some poor Toreador Neonate, or some poor Toreador elder. Then she heard a knock at her door. A knock? Who could it be at this hour? She checked her watch...it was only five in the morning. Five...? The sun was up. Damn. There was another knock, and Skye spared a moment to grab a knife before opening the door. ?Rent.? Was the first word she heard, then she sighed in relief. She had thought maybe it was some vampire hunters, or maybe some ghouls sent by some vampire she might have accidenlty pissed off. ?Hello, Ms. DeGuaff,? She said. ?Hang on a sec, I?ve got it in cash.? Skye put her knife aside and reached into her pockets, pulling out the cash that Vincint had given her. ?How much?? She asked. ?Three hundred dollers.? Ms. DeGuaff said. Skye counted out the money, and then handed if over. Ms. DeGuaff, a seventy-year-old woman who should have died ages ago, sneered. ?And DON?T be late again!? She said. As Skye closed the door, she heard Ms. DeGuaff say something about ?stupid kids?. Skye shook her head. Damnit, she hated Ms. DeGuaff. What the Hell kind of name was that, anyway? She?d looked it up in a French name dictionary once and found nothing. Maybe Spanish? She didn?t look spanish. Skye closed the door, then went over to a window. She made sure to stay as far as possible from the sunlight, leaning against a wall, and then pulled she curtain back slightly. Sunlight poured in, bright and, to Skye, anyway, hot. The sun was probably fully in the sky. And all of a sudden, she was tired, a natural instinct for a vampire upon seeing sunlight indirectly. Skye tentively put the curtain back, then went to her bedroom. Her bedroom didn?t have a coffin like the common vampire slayer idiot might think, it had a bed. A rather nice bed, Skye thought. She?d enjoyed a number of days and nights of it, sometimes not alone. Something Skye had noticed was that male vampires almost always went after female humans and were almost always straightforward, whilst female vampires, including herself, had no prefferance in gender and tended to seduce. Something in their very nature? Or was it that female vampires still liked to do things the easy way? Who cared? Skye lay down on her bed, sighing softly as she pulled she sheets over her. She wished she could have stared at the sun. Well, she could have - and then burst into flames a second later. She wished she could look at the sun without that nasty drawback. Oh well. Skye closed her eyes, and let herself drift off into sleep. * * * Kayla awoke to a sound ?Hello, Kayla,? Someone said, standing over her bed. Kayla?s eyes slowly drifted open, she saw a young woman, about her age, standing over her. ?Uhn...?? She asked. The young woman put a finger to her lips. ?Shh,? She said. ?You don?t want to wake yourself up.? ?I...wha...?? Kayla asked. The young woman smiled. ?Just relax,? She said, pulling off her shirt and revealing her humble breasts. Kayla?s eyes widened, as the young woman stripped down, getting toataly naked. She reached a hand forward, and pressed Kayla to her bed as she got on top of her. Kayla moaned softly, anticipating somewhat incorrectly what was comming. The young woman?s hands softly traced across Kayla?s nightgown and to her breasts, then one hand drew a soft line down the middle of Kayla?s night gown. Kayla was begining to get warmer as she became more exited. The young woman enjoyed this, she unbuttoned Kayla?s nightgown. Then she leaned over, her hands cupping over Kayla?as breasts and her lips pressing against Kayla?s. Kayla moaned at this sensation, and at the fact that, for some reason, whoever this was seemed to be as cold as a corpse. The young woman?s hands traced away from Kayla?s breasts and to her hands, holding them down, as the young woman?s breasts touched Kayla?s. She gasped then, as the young woman began to kiss along her neck. She WAS cold... Kayla felt a small, sharp pain at the back of her neck, and some kind of wetness. Her vision was begining to blur, and she felt herself drifting from conciousness. She also felt something licking at the back of her neck....the young woman, who had shifted positions to be behind her, so Kayla was on top of her. the young woman?s hands clasped tightly onto Kayla?s breasts, kneading them gently. It felt nice...this was a great dream... Skye finished drinking, making sure that no blood got on the bed or anywhere. She then pressed a hand firmly against the wound, and waited for the bleeding to stop. Several times, she thought of things that she kind of liked the idea of, involving her taking advantage of the unconcious Kayla. But no. She wouldn?t do it. If Skye had anything, it was willpower, and she managed to fight off the temptation to do something which she probably wouldn?t regret and Kayla wouldn?t remember. * * * Skye was now wandering aimlessly. That's what she did with most of her nights these days when she wasn?t painting. And, of course, as she walked down the city streets she knew that she was being followed, and she knew that it was by a vampire. And from the way he carried himself, he was very confidant, thusly probably very old. Skye reached a wide, open street. She finaly turned, looking at the vampire. He looked old. Very, very old. She could tell simply by looking at this vampire, with pale white skin, long black hair tied back in a ponytail, and a dark trenchcoat. His eyes seemed to carry his age. Skye suddenly felt a little fearful. ?Who are you?? She asked. The vampire smiled. ?I think,? He said, in an accent that Skye couldn?t quite place - something European, that was for sure. The vampire began to pace around Skye, although he kept a distance of about ten feet to make sure that Skye didn?t feel to uncomfortable, ?That it is more important as to who you are. Skye Endawi, no?? Skye looked at this vampire. ?Yes...? She said. ?Yeah, that?s who I am. Skye. Um...what...do you want?? ?Simple,? The vampire said. ?What we all want, isn?t it? Blood. But I want more then that. I want to have unlimited access to it. I want the Camarilla gone.? Skye gasped. She had no love for the Camarilla, but it was the most powerful vampiric sect and it managed to keep some order in the vampire world. ?You?re a Sabbat!? She said. The vampire laughed. ?I most certainly am not part of those fools,? The vampire said. ?I belong to no foolish clan or sect.? ?A...and why do you want me?? Skye asked. ?What do I want from you?? The vampire asked. He chuckled a little. ?I thought we had gone over what I wanted already.? The vampire suddenly shifted into nothingness, then was suddenly behind Skye. he grabbed her hands and held her in place. ?Blood,? He said. Skye tried to struggle, but couldn?t. She felt a sharp pain in the side of her neck, and she felt blood begin to drain from her in painful ammounts. She was already dead, so she couldn?t fall into blissful unconciousness. Rather, she could only stay awake, and scream. But Skye didn?t manage to scream, the vampire glasped a hand to her mouth. After what seemed like an eternity, the vampire let go. Skye fell to the ground. She used one hand to support herself, and her other one clasped her wound, trying desperately to keep the precious blood in. She?d have to feed again...and feed a lot... Skye found herself in tears. She looked at the vampire, who was walking off. ?Who are you?!? She demanded. The vampire stopped, and turned. he bowed deep. ? Count Vlad Drakul,? He said, and Skye suddenly remembered the accent. It was Transilvanian. ?But you may call me...Dracula.? The vampire burst into a cloud of bats, which flew off into the moonlight.
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