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About Sensei-San

  • Birthday 04/09/1987

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    Sushi san 00

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  • Biography
    I like martial arts , I have my brown belt in Tae Kwon Doe.
  • Occupation
    University Student

Sensei-San's Achievements


Member (2/6)



  1. Ok, now I'm really feeling the need for a moderator around here. I feel sorry for this forum, I really do. :( Yes, favourite topics aren't allowed, you should read the rules before registering.
  2. Kingdom Heartsis Square's newest hit title after Final Fantasy. Many of you will get put off by it because Square are co-working with Disney, but it can't all be bad. ;) We'll be seeing the likes of Cloud, Squall, Yuffie, Cid Highwind, Wakka, and many more.
  3. Ummm.....I think that Ultima is at the very bottom of the Magic list since it begins with a "U", lol. You should find it there. You can use Ultima at anytime, although it is very consuming of your opponent's HP [i]and[/i] of your MP.
  4. Number 1: There has already been a thread about Kingdom Hearts. Number 2: This belongs in the Sony forum. Number 3: Kingdom hearts will be released on the PS2, not the Xbox. Finally, if you at least thought it was going to be released on the Xbox, then why put it in the Nintendo forum?....o.O
  5. I didn't really understand Eva that much, but between Misoto and the henchmen, I'm guessing that it were the henchmen. Sephiroth knows Eva inside out...you should take his advice definitely. :)
  6. It doesn't really depend on the "popularity" of a certain anime for it to be expensive. It usually is on how new the anime is, in terms of when it was released. Most animes are quite old, and were originally released on VHS, so once they are transfered across to DVD, they become new, thus why they are so expensive. :)
  7. Blue Gender is definitley talking about the Crashed Gelnika, a home to many useful items such as Cid's final Limit Break skill, and Yuffie's ultimate weapon. The only thing which you need to watch out for while in the Crashed Gelnika are the enemies which you encounter. Kizu, you still have at least 7-9 hours of play maximum before you can actually have access to the Highwind. Only then will you be able to breed Chocobos.
  8. Nope, favourite threads [i]aren't[/i] allowed. I'm not a big fan of cars anyway, as long as it has four wheels and an engine it's fine by me. :D
  9. I don't have any "real" accomplishments in my life so far, although I'm about to participate in a Tekken 4 competition in a little town called Luton in England (which I intend on winning), though just being a part of it is a great honor! I've a long life ahead of me seeing as I am only 15, but who knows, I just might fail Chemistry this year. :D
  10. I talk to my pet hamster called Hazuki-Sensei, about how I can rid my life and become one happy being of the after life...... Other than that, I'd just sit here in front of my computer.....reading other members posts......
  11. I don't see it to be possible that Ghost in the Shell would ever be broadcasted on Cartoon Network, it seems too extreme for the likes of that channel. I haven't heard anything about the new T.V series, maybe because it's new. I'd like to see how it gets on exactly though. :)
  12. I guess I kind of over did it then, lol. Heck, I don't even know what a "Fanfic" is, in fact, I don't even know what OOC is!
  13. In my opinion, the ideal anime would have to have mystery and supense, these two elements [i]always[/i] get me into the story that much more, whether I am watching a film, or even reading a book. Unfortunately, many animes of today concentrate solely on action and romance. Sure, anything can be good with those two elements, they just have to be used right. ;)
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Def_Kun [/i] [B]Haven't really read the manga. Just saw some shots of it. But some of my friends have read it and they say it was totally different from the movie and anime. :) I did see the series though. It's quite different from the movie. The storyline didn't follow that of the movie. For one thing it was wayyyyyyy better. More character development, more fight scenes plus a much more complex storyline that would surprise almost anyone. [/B][/QUOTE] Motion Animes and Literature are two very different things. In a Manga, you can read with different moods, meaning that you defy the way the characters speak, whether you want them to be big and angry, or small and feeble. I for one don't really read Mangas, but it sounds like this one could get me started. Thanks. :)
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