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Everything posted by Sensei-San

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lauren [/i] [B]BEYBLADES!That cartoon is simply horrible...I thought CUBIX was the lamest Anime,But me and my friend watched part of Beyblades this morning...looks like we have a winner.The Drawing is good,the animation is okay...but really...The toy Beyblade [I]Might[/I]Have been popular in the start,but it was in no condition oncever to make a cartoon! [/B][/QUOTE] I wouldn't call Cubix an anime, although it was load of garbage. I see the anime series of Beyblade as a promotional product for their "merchandise". Maybe this is why Beyblade isn't doing so well, they aren't focusing into the series as much as they are on their merchandise.
  2. I don't know what to think about Yu-Gi-Oh actually. I haven't seen it yet, maybe because I don't want to ruin it for myself the way I did with Dragonball Z.:flaming: It just always turns out that Toonami/Sky One always show "cut " versions of their anime broadcasts.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Uriel5 [/i] [B]True, true.You sure know your Anime Sensei-San. : ) [/B][/QUOTE] Hehe, I get a lot of that. ;) I'm a big fan of the battle scenes in Ninja Scroll, they weren't that bad, but I'd sometimes miss the old traditional Samurai Sword battle, where just cold steel's involved. Actually, Ninja Scroll did quite well in terms of this, where in all of the occasions, Joubei relied on his sword, against a different range of weapons, whether he was battling a piece of string, or a horde of snakes. There will always be some sort of momentum going on.:)
  4. The concept of this one is simple: if you haven't seen [i]all[/i] of the Macross episodes, don't bother watching Do you Remember Love? It is said to be "squeezing 30 episodes into 150 minutes", lol. I haven't seen it yet, although I don't know whether to actually buy it. The story is involved with the Macross timeline, and is anything but a "re-hash". There has been no word to me about new characters and stuff, but I'll look into it, and Edit this post when I find out more.:)
  5. SPIDERS!!!!!!! Yes!!!!DAMN THOSE SPIDERS!!!!! I also hate eggs.:D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Uriel5 [/i] [B]Oh, I loved Nija Scroll! I agrre with everything that you said except that romance, love, can never be corny. ;)[/B][/QUOTE] Sure, a little bit of love in a movie is great, however, it can only help a movie, and not make one. ;) The way it was used in Ninja Scroll didn't suit it at all. As a matter of fact, I don't see a love theme fitting in with that particular genre, seeing as it [I]almost[/I] ruined the movie. :(
  7. Exactly. There is not much that Rare have left to offer, they have basically re-hashed Perfect Dark's multiplayer options from Goldeneye, maybe adding in some new ones. All that is left to do is to see if you're basically better than everyone else! :p
  8. It feels refreshing to see a martial arts genre anime that isn't too farfetched in certain scenes, lol. Taking into account that it was made in 1993. One astonishing feature you should notice straight away in Ninja Scroll are the incredible visuals, and the realistic style in which it is displayed. Although the character animation could've been vastly improved, the light and shade almost makes up for it. :) If there is one thing that Ninja Scroll deserves credit for, it's its stamina. The premise may seem typical of its genre: one man army against all of the bad guys, but the plot actually has some depth into it, as Ninja Scroll can get somewhat confusing at times, whilst keeping enough intrigue to keep matters interesting, which is what many animes of today lack. What really impressed me was the fact that all eight of the devils of Kimon were individually unique in their own ways, whether it is by personality or appearence. The film makers have not also let the villains appear in successive order of strength, making Ninja Scroll a well balanced movie. Apart from the "corny" romantic subplot which stressed the whole genre of Ninja Scroll, I personally liked it in a numerous manner of ways. What did everyone else think? Further more, what are your views on the concept of the genre, the way it is laid out in this movie?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B] [color=indigo]No, you don't need the Expansion Pak for all of the game. You can play the multi-player challenges, 1 and 2P multi-player in the combat simulator, and have up to eight simulants, all without having the Expansion Pak. It says so in volume 131 of Nintendo Power, at the start of the article on Perfect Dark, where it has a list of what you can play without the Expansion Pak (what I mentioned above), and what you can play with it (all of the game).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, you got it, but what I meant was the Story mode is completely dead without the Expansion Pack, capice? Multiplayer can be great, especially in the format that Rare have put it in, whether it's online play or not. Making up your own games can be one of the most funiest most deadliest forms of combats in the game, I remember one which Crazy White Boy stated for Goldeneye: 3 on 1 handicap, where the goal is to capture the opponent and take him to a prison and brutally execute him, lol.
  10. Hehe, Geekshelf.com How could you make that guy from "Angel" Sephiroth? you should have put my picture there. :p
  11. To be honest, I haven't really payed much attention to my Gamecube, I played Melee a bit, but I guess there are no other games [i]worth[/i] getting at the moment. I'm thinking of getting Super Monkey Ball, then again, I don't know whether to wait for SMB2 or Kirby.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]even with the Expansion Pak which is required for most of the game.[/color][/b][/quote] [i]Most[/i]?...Let me rephrase that....you need the expansion pack for [i]ALL[/i] of the game, lol. [quote][b][color=indigo]As for online play, that really would go a long ways. The Combat Simulator in the original was really cool by itself, letting you have up to eight CPU players, and letting you save your own match set-ups and stuff. Online play would enhance the multi-player even more! :drool:[/color][/B][/QUOTE] Regarding the fact that I never actually did play the original Perfect Dark adventure, I think that Online Play wouldn't contribute to the game's success likewise, it would just basically share the same plot and concept as any normal four player death match, something highly unoriginal to the least. Only if Rare could pull off something as exciting as Halo or Counter-Strike multiplayer wise then they would have something new on their hands, seeing as many FPSs of today lack the game play and AI contained oin those two stunning titles. Perfect Dark was only eligible of being one of the best only because it filled in the gaps left in Goldeneye, possibly the best FPS yet, many other companies producing their "sequels" and "prequels" could follow Rare's technique.
  13. Angel sanctuary is an interesting work. The animation is amazing, and you can hardly believe the type of eye candy being used. The dub was a little disappointing though. There are some moments that are just stunning in this OVA. Yet again, it seems to be one of those "short" animes, where the action is very tightly concealed. :( It is very much like Dragonball in a certain concept. The way that Setsuna's rage is let out after Sara gets kidnapped, I kind of like that in an anime. By the way, Def_Kun and Darkened Skye, use the "Quote" function in the future. :)
  14. How about Gren from Session 12? His hormonal problem did come as a big shock to me, although it was very surprising, and it did add a big twist to the episode. I shed a tear after seeing the whole music box ordeal. The fact that Gren looked up to Viscous so much, only to be betrayed by him.
  15. This brings back memories. I know how this feels. I saw the Dragonball movies with different dubbing, it didn't really make any difference to me though, that's why I'm not putting too much concern into it I'm not too sure about it [I]already[/I] being in process though Snake, although you may be right. :)
  16. Bah, what can I say? I don't think there has been [i]any[/i] anime which I have disliked to it's maximum hate limits. Anyhoo....if it must be something......I'd say.....the Patlabor movies, they were way too boring.
  17. Yep, gores galore! I recently had the opportunity to see this popular anime import in my friend's house. X was originally released in Japan in 1996, meaning it's quite old, lol. It is just so typical though, seeing as Kamui is "the chosen one", and that Fuma is his mystical counterpart. X has all the elements you've come to expect from anime, from character emotions to gore. One thing I didn't really like was the X's anti-climatic battle sequences, they were quite poor. I never had the chance to read the Manga, somebody beat me to it. What was it like Def_Kun? The only thing which I don't get about X, even to this day, is what "X" stands for.
  18. The Vision of Escaflowne was the series' official English title. Escaflowne offered its viewers something new, if not, then something that hadn't been done in anime in a long time. Escaflowne went for an iron-forged technological look that was miles off from the high-tech "crafty" cyberpunk works such as Macross, or Ghost in the Shell. Romance in anime in general is something that's only recently come full circle with anime hits such as Sailor Moon and Fushigi Yugi, but it's also something that Escaflowne's story creator, Shoji Kawamori, had been involved in previously, in the show that put idol singers into the sci-fi mecha universe. Character designs are okay, but I'd have to agree with amiboshi here, that coat was stubby looking, lol. Escaflowne should definitely be one of those animes which you put over the likes of Macross and Gundam Wing.
  19. Most definitely a favourites thread, which are most definitely not allowed. Besides, there has already been a thread on this topic.
  20. The storyline to Lain is very depressing indeed. The fact that Lain is part of a dysfunctional family, and that she has very few friends maks the matter even more.....sadder. Lain's depression is sketched quite well. Her gradual submersion into the outside world is very much alike that of many other anime characters, like Rei from Evangelion. Surprisingly, Serial Experiments Lain features some of the most litterally drawn characters and settings in recent anime, as are the artworks in the series that stunning. From sewers to streets, the graphics in Lain never seem to disappoint.
  21. The new Kirby game is just like Super Monkey Ball. Unless you like that, it's nothing special. :)
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]er....i feel left out, how pathetic>:( im such and idiot.....i hate myself...:(:( what is this thing you speak of? [/B][/QUOTE] The Irresponsible Captain Taylor is just basically about a really dopey Captain who always manages to wriggle out of the messes he makes. There is a hint of love, action, and most definitely humor. It really is worth the while. :)
  23. The limited ammo feature in Resident Evil is great, it happens to be one of the better factors of endorsing fear to the player. It's true, whoever did say that Silent Hill was supposed to be all about combat? SH is all about tactics, strategy, and survival. However, the Resident Evil series have got one big advantage over Silent Hill with this "limited ammo". If Silent Hill were to add this feature to the series, then that would change the game's style completely, after all, like said before, SH isn't all about combat.
  24. Well, I'll sum it up for you in a few lines or so.......BEWARE, SPOILERS**!!! Mima Kirigoe (the main character) is one a members of an extremely popular pop group called "Cham". She decides to leave the group, and start an acting career solo. Mima's first role is to act in a sexually explicit murder movie. Which will cause a drastic turn in her life. She begins hallucinating and then eventually loses her innocence which was her charm factor in Cham, the line between her nightmares and her reality become blurred.
  25. There aren't any episodes of Perfect Blue, only the movie. :)
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