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Everything posted by Sensei-San

  1. I really like those wall papers James, I'm at the moment trying to persuade my brother to replace our Devil Kazuya one with one of yours, lol. By the way, your banners, how do you get them bang in the middle of your sig.?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]I guess this is a matter of preference and nothing more, really, lol. The fact that a mere 2x4 with a protruding nail, can eliminate a monster just makes it hard for me to take them seriously.[/b][/quote] You have to keep in mind that it is always the most feeble looking weapon which proves to be most lethal. The Beretta in Resident Evil would do more damage if you hit the zombie with it, lol, the knife however took down your opponent only in a matter of a several slashes. [quote][b]Have you ever played Clock Tower? If not, I'll explain what I like about it. Like Silent Hill, your character is completely ordinary, only more helpless. In order to slow down Scissor Man, you must utilize background objects. If anything, this feature would be a proper middle ground to our opinions, as the main character is using whatever they can to survive. While it would be nice to see a more unique variety of weapons, I don't think that a board is the best permanent item. :)[/b][/quote] Clock Tower?.....rings a bell....I've only heard so much about it, but have never actually played it. Judging by your description, it is ok to compare Clock Tower to Resident Evil 2. Scissor Man sounds almost identical to "Mr.X" from RE2, almost impossible to stop, and can only be slowed down, however, the big difference between the two is that in RE2, you are fully equipped with a heavy arsenal, making it a tad more easy. It also comes to note that RE: Nemesis was something of the kind, choosing an option which determines yours and the Nemesis' path in the game really added some life into it. I was particularly pleased with that. :) Resident Evil's line of weapons will never change, exactly what other "gun" is there that isn't included there?
  3. Hehe, Al Bhed translator, of all languages......please.. I was going to also post up the translations from "letter to letter", but I thought it would kill the game, after all, collecting all twenty-six Al Bhed Primers is a fun side quest. :) It also contributes to getting a Perfect File.
  4. Yes, very similar indeed..... Anyhoo.....the only top titles I'll be getting for the X-box are Halo 2 and Shenmue 3, it's a shame that it will be in English this time around, I preferd it much more in Japanese. MGS: Substance is a possibilty, though I'll have to see some further reviews. As for the PC, Doom 3 looks worth the while, but I ought to get the Direct X 8.0 sound card first, non of my new games work without it......
  5. [color=red]This is a spoilers, so anyone who would like to get [I]all[/I] of the AL Bhed Primers solely on their own, look away.[/color] :) [b]I:[/b] The Salvage ship. [b]II:[/b] Besaid Village. [b]III:[/b] S.S. Liki. [b]IV:[/b] Kilika. [b]V:[/b] S.S.Winno. [b]VI:[/b] Luca. [b]VII:[/b] Luca. [b]VIII:[/b] Mi'ihen Highroad. [b]IX:[/b] Mi'hen Highroad. [b]X:[/b] Mushroom Rock road. [b]XI:[/b] Djose Highroad. [b]XII:[/b] Moonflow. [b]XIII:[/b] Guadosalam. [b]XIV:[/b] Thunder Plains. [b]XV:[/b] Macalania Woods. [b]XVI:[/b] Lake Macalania [b]XVII:[/b] Sanubia Desert. [b]XVIII:[/b] Sanubia Desert. [b]XIX:[/b] Al Bhed Home. [b]XX:[/b] Al Bhed Home. [b]XXI:[/b] Al Bhed Home. [b]XXII:[/b] Bevelle. [b]XXIII:[/b] Calm Lands. [b]XXIV:[/b] Remiem Temple. [b]XXV:[/b] Cavern of the Stolen Fayth [b]XXVI:[/b] Omega Ruins. It is tough to state where exactly they are. I guess this is better than nothing. :)
  6. Ah man, this brings back bad memories...... This is an animated TV series about a very romantic girl, whose belief in the power of love enables her to fight against evil forces seeking to reduce the love in the world. Seems kind of corny if you ask me, lol. Well, pretty much like what every one else said, it is in the genre of Sailor Moon, though it's quite a different show in many ways. To be honest, I hated it, I don't even know why I even bothered in the first place. I watched a very little bit of it before I threw it in the bin.
  7. There seems to be a lot people on these boards that fall asleep during animes, lol. The biggest flaw in Earthian is that it is too short. A series of four won't get much accomplished before launching into one of those typical anime shows involving martial arts and fighting. As much as I enjoyed the story, Earthian didn't impress me too much, mainly because there were many areas which were left open, for example, when there is a part which makes us fear for the characters' safety, why should we even believe that they are mortal? They must'nt be if they are angels. I'd recommend Earthian though, it's something nice to pass on time when you're bored. :)
  8. Crazy White Boy, apparently I like the idea of a 2x4 with a nail stuck in it. Unlike Resident Evil, where every weapon is gun or a knife, it creates a more horrific image, that the main character is using what ever he can find to his advantage. Which shows proof of Silent Hill 2 being a [i]real[/i] survival horror. :) Take a look at the inventory in the Resident Evil series, it almost always contains a huge arsenal of guns or explosive items. Moving on to Silent Hill 2, the maximum amount of weaponry you can obtain is very limited, it is obviously that this clearly gives the desired effect of fear and suspense. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]As an example, it would be terrific, if a version of the game started out of context with the current plot. Give us a school teacher and a few struggling survivors barricaded in a school, surrounded by monsters and you're starting out great. Especially if real-time actions came into play, like a timer counting down how approximately how much time you have left until the barricade begins to fail.[/B][/QUOTE] Although I respect all of your ideas, this happens to be one of the bad ones. There have been [i]too[/i] many occasions where Resident Evil ends with a timer. This is exactly what is killing Capcom's sense for originality. By all means, the idea of the school is something new, but it could really do without some of the unnecessary "add-ons". :)
  9. The irresponsible Captain Taylor is without a doubt an action/comedy genre. It was very hilarious indeed. I particularly enjoy it whenever Captain Tylor messes up really badly, only to wriggle out of the situation caused. However, I also felt the sense of a love story going on, I thought it changed Captain Taylor in a way, his whole attitude in fact. Frankly, I didn't like this movie that much, there are many hilarious animes out there, meaning that this isn't the only one to watch, personally, I wouldn't recommend it. :)
  10. Heheh, I just thought of another......In all shoot 'em up platformers, the main character is always a guy with big bulky muscles, and an immense gun which tends to have ammo lying around all over the complex in which you are fighting in. Plus, when this character jumps, he performs a somersault in a nice "perfect" circular shape, lol. Honestly, what would we do without the games of the past? :rolleyes:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Was driving me crazy trying to find that cham song too, kept d/l the Japanese vers., eventually I found the English one I've heard so much and now I can rest, ahhhhh. [/B][/QUOTE] What!? The Japanese version is much more better.....oh well, suit yourself, lol. There were many holes open too, a lot of stuff wasn't explained well, which was probably what caused me to fail to understand Perfect Blue.
  12. Most playable characters in games are able to make a [I]flashing[/I] appearance after being hit once, which gives the character the ability to remain invulnerable for a short amount of time. There is also a tendency in games where characters can spend how ever much time they want underwater before drowning. If not, then they'd have a ridiculously long oxygen gauge which moves slower than a tortoise.
  13. Definitely the Patlabor movies. They were very cunning and well plotted, but I hadn't the slightest clue of what was happening, not even to this day. :blush: The front cover was a "guns and knives" sort of illustration, which is probably what caught my attention at the most...... As for Eva (sorry, couldn't help myself), you will find the Manga a lot more understandable, especially since it's in the comic form, you could go about it as a source of knowledge, since it will always be there, and is as convenient to flick through as the TV series. :)
  14. To be quite frank, I didn't see anything wrong with the "helicopter part" at all. It all seemed the same to me, in the film, and out. To a certain extent, there are many scenes with crusty animation, and some which are supposed to look like they mean good. Take the car chase for example. With all due respect, it was one of the best car chase scenes I had ever seen, regarding the fact that it was from an anime, but some of the effect put into it really put me off of it, like the "disco light" background, with all the colours of the rainbow in it, lol. Queen Bee wasn't as expected, it could've been a whole lot more better. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to see it subbed without any sound at all. There were many improvements however, like the animation, although the character detail remained the same. The whole plot was rather too extreme as well, it seems like your average every day Hollywood action movie, which never really is a good thing in anime. Compared to Golgo 13: The Professional, Queen Bee doesn't live up to its standards.
  15. It is obvious that Capcom are using the "swithcing characters" function as a test on one of their better Resident Evil titles. Personally, I can't wait to see how it turns out, and what others will have to comment about it. The Resident Evil team need to be careful and take deep pre-cautions though. Whether this will ruin them or not. Switching characters through out your adventure, during either a puzzle or a life or death battle, can create different forms of strategy. Discussions on different tactics against the monsters could prove very useful. This new function could revolutionise the Resident Evil series forever. :)
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B]Whilst I find Resident Evil becoming increasingly tame, I am continually amazed at the level of fear that the Silent Hill series can generate.[/b][/quote] The Silent Hill series are deeply terrifying, and far more realistic in a way. Capcom have created a habit of making their Resident Evil games as if they were a Hollywood movie, where the main character escapes a facility just before a bomb triggers managing to get the other survivors out swiftly. The fact is also always exaggerated, for example, a building goes off with a big bang, and the hero just manages to escape with a relatively big dive out of the front door. Silent Hill also know how to sustain their sense for originality. As in not ending all of the adventures with a timer and a bomb, lol. :rolleyes: [quote][b]I found that while Resident Evil: Code Veronica looked gorgeous, it was quite a boring and lifeless game. I didn't really enjoy the story, I felt that the environments (while pretty) were fairly uninspired and sterile...and there was really nothing scary about the game whatsoever.[/b][/quote] There truly were some astonishing backgrounds and character detail, but when you compare them to the likes of Silent Hill 2, it's almost as if Resident Evil is just child's play. The grainy graphics added so much more to the game, rather than just producing something smoother and swifter, Konami decided to push their levels of play to maximum. One factor fear which made the game that much more terrifying was the "long walk" in the beginning. Although it was a very risky step, it proved to be quite successful. Capcom could learn a surprising amount from Konami and the Silent Hill team. [quote][b]Resident Evil: Nemesis was somewhat more scary for me, simply because the addition of Nemesis (and his unpredictability) added something new and exciting to the formula.[/b][/quote] I didn't really like Nemesis myself, but it introduced many new features to the Resident Evil series, like the ability to dodge the fiends attacks, or the two options you could chose from when encountering the Nemesis. I do understand why Capcom let go of the Nemesis encounter option, only to show their sense for originality, but I see it as a great shame to see the dodging feature go to waste. I have not yet played the Remake yet, since it hasn't been released here in the UK, but even if the dodge feature is enabled in that, it seems a great shame, to let it pass through other Resident Evil titles unnoticed. Who knows, maybe it could've gotten Code: Veronica one step closer to heaven. I believe that Capcom need to go for a mixed approach. [quote][b]On the one hand, they need to keep focusing on the traditional "jump out and give you a heart attack" type scares...but moreover, they need to start injecting some freaky/horrific atmosphere and a deeper/more disturbing storyline.[/b][/quote] We don't see this much anymore, maybe it could be to a lack of ideas, or that the Resident Evil team are producing new ones. [quote][b]I also felt that the original RE's music was the best. Very moody and subtle...it was very good.[/b][/quote] Duely noted, it is unfair to judge the soundtrack in that manner. It mainly depends on the atmosphere you are playing in. Resident Evil had a very scary soundtrack, and scary did suit that particular game, as it does with the others. However, Resident Evil 2 was more on the tragic side, seeing as the [i]whole city[/i] had become infested with the T-Virus, so RE2 worked better with tragic sounds in order to produce the "tragic effect".
  17. It has been a while since it was released in Japan. As for the US release date, it has not yet been comfirmed, neither has the UK release. At this point, it isn't possible to tell whether the Gamecube and PS2 will have the exact same release date. If we must guess it at this moment though, it would all depend on when exactly the modems are released for either console, seeing as if there is no modem, there is no Final Fantasy XI. :)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]You said it yourself, Claire is now familiar with these manifestations. Why should I believe she's frightened by a simple zombie, when she's tackled a Tyrant in Resident Evil 2?[/b][/quote] Precisely, which is why Shinji Mikami needs to rid Claire from the Resident Evil series, she is pushing the lines of fear and suspense much more further in a ridiculous way. She is used to it, as is Jill in Resident Evil Nemesis. They both need to disappear from the Resident Evil universe. [quote][b]With the sense of fear vanishing from the onscreen characters, the sense of horror as a whole diminishes. In order for a survival horror formula to be successful, we have to believe that the characters are somewhat helpless. The insane acrobatics that Claire pulled off in that opening video didn't make her look like an underdog at all. Thus, survival isn't necessarily a big idea.[/b][/quote] The difference between Code: Veronica and all the other Resident Evil games is that Claire actually chose to go and infiltrate the Umbrella headquarters, unlike the heroes of the others, they have no choice but to fight. It also comes to notice that all of the Resident Evil heroes are police officers, with the exception of Claire, and are either trained well and able to work well, or just plain wimps, who compare training to the battle field (I got carried away there, sorry). If a police officer is set to escape and survive from a house of fiends, then obviously there is already nothing in store for the players. A new twist would be to start off unarmed, and be able to use your surroundings to your advantage, just blasting your way through a horde of villains isn't good enough. [quote][b]Hopefully, all of the current heros (except for Barry) will be killed off or something.[/B][/QUOTE] Hmmm...are you sure you want that to happen? Think about it, if all of the characters die (except for Barry :) ), what would that leave? Let me guess, the daughter of Steve and Claire, out to avenge her parents as a one man army against Umbrella. The plot and usage of characters really need to be thought out carefully, this isn't your average third person shoot 'em up.
  19. The end was a smooth finish. It's almost as if Golgo 13 has gotten use to a life of killing. The way he just walks off after being shot at from behind. Regarding Snake, Gold and Silver were a real shame in my opinion. Both of them were introduced right in the towards the end, which is useless, since no one has gotten the chance to see what they're capable of, you just have to judge them by their attire. This can be a good thing in some points, but definitely not in Golgo 13's case. The game sounds like one of a kind in its era, don't know why I never thought about trying it :o . However, it seems highly unoriginal to base a game on its predecessor, it would be way too predictable. :)
  20. Well, I wouldn't call Perfect Blue "new", it has become relatively old now, but none the less, it truly was a classic. Yes, it is hard to understand in some areas, and may become one of those "you need to watch it twice to understand it" to many people. Frankly, I was quite disapointed with the storyline, the way it took such a twist right in the middle of it. I was really happy with the animation though, definitely one of a kind, as was the sound and music, Cham really inspired me in away, of how could a song in a movie be so great and well though out, especially since there is both a Japanese and English version to the song.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I don't think it's a [i]bad[/i] ending, but the ending to Golgo 13 always drove me nuts. Does he get killed? Does he live? Was he hit? What was she aiming at? And what does she hit instead? It doesn't answer [i]any[/i] of those questions at all. Since then Golgo 13: Queen Bee has come out, so obviously Golgo survives... but I saw the original several years ago for the first time and it was always really annoying. [/B][/QUOTE] SPOILERS Golgo 13 was not at all bad. :) Nor was the ending, I really liked it, even up to this day. Golgo 13 does get shot at by Robert's wife Lora, and the shot did hit Golgo, but all you see is he turns his head and walks off. This states the obvious, he is immortal, and he can't die.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon [/i] [B]God, you post so long....If only I had the time or the finger stamina to do that :D [/B][/QUOTE] That would be called spamming. If you have something of relevance to post, then be my guest. :) Die Hard: Vendetta will be a great asset to my collection, I don't know of any other good First Person Shooters, besides Turok (which I don't intend on getting), coming out for the Gamecube. Vendetta is also something new, where Die Hard Trilogy was based on all three of the movies. At least this time around we won't be seeing something the same, something not too predictable.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Also, I didn't like Code Veronica's action approach. The game just didn't strike me as survival horror. Even the opening cinematic screamed "action movie." I guess this is due to the fact that the characters have grown used to these monsters by now. The feeling of helplessness and fear just isn't as strong.[/B] [/QUOTE] Well, it is true that the essence of fear and suspense is dying down, as are the attitudes of the heroes towards the incidents, but I wouldn't really say that it is due to "getting use to the monsters". Code: Veronica didn't really appeal to me either, there was just a few new features which worked quite well with the game, like the ability to have two guns of the same kind at the same time in a Tomb Raider format. Even if this made Code: Veronica that much easier to complete, I would still go for it. :) The Resident Evil team are yet again taking another short cut. They are re-using an old story plot, but in a different manner. When Clair Redfield was first introduced to the series, she was totally unaware of anything, no zombies, no lickers, no Umbrella. She was also, as Rebecca was in Resident Evil One, inexperienced and new. This whole criminal on the loose ordeal is just another "add-on" so gamers feel as if they are experiencing a brand new storyline. I'm with Resident Evil 0 all the way, and am even more eager to get it than the remake, but I'm upset with some of the plots and twists. :)
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twinzam v [/i] [B]I would say that golgo 13 isn't that good. I hate lots of things about it the characters, the story line, that mental guy, the dialoge and many more The film isn't good in my opinion:mrt: [/B][/QUOTE] Mental guy? You must mean Snake. Yeah, he was quite freaky, but I don't understand how he can have such power like that, this really ruined Golgo 13's reputation in a way, how such an almost perfect movie was ruined.
  25. It is great to see that Nintendo and Capcom are working together to produce a vast amount of good quality titles, one based on another. Street Fighter and Resident Evil both come from different genres, and the success of either one of them are all due to different reasons. Although they are both are Capcom titles, Street Fighter, unlike Resident Evil, tend to reach out and grab any opportunity available to nab a console and start reproducing a new life cycle on it. The difference between Resident Evil 0 and any other Resident Evil remake coming to the Gamecube is that zero is introducing something totally new, who knows, it may even change survival horrors for the future to come. Resident Evil 0 and Rebirth aren't the only RE titles being developed for the Gamecube, many gamers may get sick of the cocept, although me myself see it as a new experience, even though there have been many RE games of the kind.
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