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Everything posted by Sensei-San

  1. It?s pretty obvious that mosquitoes don?t live a very engaging life. Perhaps, they may have some fun, but for the most part, they just fly around looking for some unsuspecting victim in which they can then suck his or her blood. Ironically, this is essentially the plot behind Mr. Mosquito. As a tiny mosquito, you?re placed inside the Yamada home. In their home, your objective is to, one by one, snack on the various members of the family. Each level calls for you to target a certain family member To some, this may sound like one really stupid concept, and to others, this may look very fascinating. One thing, however, is for sure, Sony has definitely thrown all their crazy ideas out on the table to make, possibly, the most unique game since Parappa the Rapper. Whether or not Mr. Mosquito is good, it should be pretty enticing mainly because you get the opportunity to explore a whole new concept in video games. Learning how to control Mr. Mosquito is critical in getting your blood and also to out-maneuvering the gigantic humans. It?s very intriguing, to be able to control such a small creature, that would likely be unimaginable as a main character in a video game. The most important aspect of flying is to learn is how to mix the turning with the speed. So, in essence, controlling the mosquito is partially similar to a plane or helicopter--learning how sharp you can turn at different levels of speed, managing your direction correctly, and so on.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Sensei-San, I wouldn't attribute the success of sim-oriented racers to connections to mainstream media, such as movies and such.[/B][/QUOTE] Yes it is true that movie based games are usually rubbish, however, many of today's games are inspired by movies. Take it to this point of view, if there were no "guns" and "violence" in today's films, we certainly wouldn't see them in most games, that's a fact for sure. For example, look at Driven, it is a powerful F1 racing sim which derivesfrom the Hollywood movie. After a considerable amount of crashes, the car will lose parts, ie-a wheel, or the bumper. It has been noted that these "parts" are the equivalent of a human's "parts", as if the car had lost a wheel as a human would lose an arm. Many games have some sort of correlation with each other, no matter what the genre is. Whether it involves killing or kids running in fields, you will be sure to see it in any other game.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lauren [/i] [B]Well,Since this is about GS help,Does anybody have any tips for me on how to beat Satorous in the Mercury Lighthouse?:) :D ;) :) :D [/B][/QUOTE] Begin the battle by using your defensive Djinni, that either increase your stats, or decrease enemy stats (Granite, Forge, Breeze, Sleet), next turn, use your other Djinn (Flint, Fever, Gust, and Fizz), and the next turn, unleash your summons (Ramses, Kirin, Atalanta, and Nereid). On the third turn, heal your most badly damaged characters, and with the ones that can't heal, use their strongest psynergy. Repeat this process, and after two or three times, you should win the battle easily. It is a very repettitive proccess, but it can prove to be very strategic and useful.
  4. There is only one reason for my liking of this show, comic relief. Game Network is of a poor standard, it really does suck. The picture quality is really poor, as is the sound, and for some strange reason half the show is in Spanish! Well, the only decent thing on their are the Game Clips, the music really supports the clip in many ways. Yeah Sephiroth, the female presenter [I]is[/I] on drugs, the way she pronounced "Hideo Kojima" was a once in a lifetime laugh: Heedeeo Kohjeemeh.
  5. It turns out that direct links to that site weren't allowed, hence the reason they didn't work. Lucky for you, I have managed to stumble accross this walkthrough/strategy guide. Destroy all air units and capture: This is a very easy thing to do. In the first day move all your AA and missles up. Also start to capture and make some infantry for Kanbei to capture. With Andy making tanks and after you capture all the bases on his side exept for three on top for Kanbei make Md tanks every other day or third day. Make artillery with Grit for the first part and also AA because Sturm's helicopters go after them on bottom, then capture all bases on his side. With Kanbei after capturing some bases make tanks and Md tanks every day(at least one tank a day to save up for Md tank every other or three days). Don't let Sturm capture the four cities on top of Andy's bases: Send all of the tank you're making with andy up to protect them. Send artillery with Grit and tanks and AA with Kanbei. After taking the enemy out of the bridges capture one city with andy of the four and the others with Kanbei. The sacrificial wall of units: Keep on sending and making units to the three bridges on top of Andy's bases. Slowly start moving the wall upward and sending more because of Meteor Strike. With Grit make Rockets and Missles from the base at the top. send them up and sideways, make sure one missle unit at least to fire on the airport on the left when he makes anything there. Use other missles to destroy any air attack from the other airport. The rockets should be the closest to the wall of units because it will damage the units in fron of the wall. With Kanbei start making Md tanks in between when you send some tanks to the wall. With the Md tanks go up and side ways to make the front lines of the wall and destroy . With kanbei also make some AA for those attacking air units from the right airport. Time to die and suffer Sturm: After you have the wall going up faster cover all the bases and airports. There are two ways to beat it after you cover up the bases. With the spare units destroy what's left of Sturms forces or capture his HQ if you have an infantry or Mech handy. Basic information for better score: Kill most things with Andy and let him do the most important things. Also don't let Andy take much damage, Use allies to distract Sturm.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B] I read in one of the game mags it is going to cost so much per month. That's the main reason I'm outta there. [/B][/QUOTE] In the UK, there will be a seven pound subscription fee for every person active in one server.
  7. Kinetica seems to be one of a kind in its era, but future releases of titles like Stuntman and AutoModelista seem to produce some competition in the "Auto" gaming business. Games involving vehicles and racing sims tend to get more popular by the day, as many are influenced by films, or vice versa. Another factor which makes racing sims more influenced is the lifespan, you could sit down for hours and play. Realism is also something to think about. None of the car companies which starred in any of the GT games allowed them to have their cars wrecked, it would be great if we could see that happen for once. "The Getaway" has already made an appeal to this feature. Games involving vehicles can produce a vast evolution, it just depends on what the limitations in that particular game.
  8. [b][COLOR=red]SPOILERS[/color][/b] Braska's Final Aeon....hmmmmm...... The two pillars either side of Braska's Final Aeon (Yu Pagoda) regenerate his overdrive bar and his HP by 1500 or so, so if you're stressing over these, it maybe a good idea to destroy them. Each one has 5000 HP, though it will increase after every time you destroy one, since they re-appear after a couple of rounds. If you do decide to attack them, beware of the Osmose attack, which can cause some unpleasent status effects. Although your opponent is pretty formidable during the first half, you should keep your Aeons in reserve for the second round. You'll have no choice but to use Haste, Protect, and Regen....and you could do with some protection against Petrification. You can use Tidus' talk command to reduce Braska's Final Aeon's overdrive gauge, but you can only do this twice, so you may want to save this for the second half where his overdrive attack is even more devastating. The Jecht shot will zombify you. Depending on your defence, your opponent's normal attack could cost you 2000 HP or more. Use Rikku to mix Mega Vitality and Hyper Vitality, this will double the HP of all three of your party member. Yuna or Rikku could find Holy quite successful. Lulu's Flare or Ultima (especially when Doublecast) could also prove pretty effective. After the first round Braska's Final Aeon will draw a mighty sword. Although his Attacks methods remain the same, they will inflict rather more damage this time. Once his HP drops below 60000, he'll unleash the ultimate Jecht Shot. This formidable Overdrive will hit all characters, inflicting up to 5000 HP. As in the first half of the battle, you'll find Haste, Protect, and Regen vital, as well as anything else that maintains HP levels. You'll find matters a lot simpler if you've mastered Auto-Life and if you happen to have armour with 1 MP cost [b][color=red]END SPOILERS[/color][/b]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=crimson]He could have been worse. If Jin had had Jun's full Three Ring Circus combo, he would be even cheesier. But still, I'd say the cheapest character in T3 was Dr. B. Creepy old guy.[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Tell me about it! Especially his electro-shock move (the one where he dabs his remote control into you), if you don't know how to tackle that then you're going to have some problems. Just press all four attacking buttons to charge up and the status effect should be ridded. Jin still has some of his old moves, seeing as they were from his mother Jun, he had no beef with her. I don't see why he shouldn't have electric wind god fist, everyone cuts corners, lol. I think we are getting slightly off topic here though....maybe we should give it a rest now.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] the electric wind godfist is indeed in TTT! It is actually harder to pull of than on T4, like T4, it only uses 3 frames, but it is the timing of the frames that counts as for the move you said with kazuya, I indeed do know it, takes off a nice amount of damage too, 75% if I am not mistaken.... but a far superior and damaging move with kazuya, is while rising do a gut punch to stun them, then follow up with an electric wind god fist, as soon as it connects you must quickly do forward, diagonal forward and down+triangle for the rising uppercut, as it connects press X to follow up with a kick, nice 92% damage but worth nothing if you miss it, since it is hard to time it right.... A better way to throw off a ten string is to simply parry the low move within the 10 string, as soon as they hit low, hit diagonal forward and down at the same time to throw the move away and counter attack, with kazuya it is usually a gut punch, this parry works for all characters.... Jin was RAPED in T4, really, what they done to his moves list was disgusting, he is THE most overpowered and CHEESIEST character in the game, I mean, you can pick him and practice for half an hour, and already that Jin is good enough to fight against very experienced players. the other reason for this is that Jin has 0 recovery time, meaning after he attacks, he can instantly block anything afterwards, which simply just is not fair.... [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, my bad! I didn't notice it in Tag, although I can do it in T4, the amount of times I tried it in TTT were countless, and nothing came out. As for Ten hit combos, I don't really rely on those, they can leave you stranded, and can even cost you the match! Jin was RAPED? you are being too kind, he can't even perform a Godfist anymore, sheesh. His recovery rate is almost as bad as Ling's, but yeah, he is the cheapest character in the game. *****SPOILERS***** The reason Jin is totally different is because he unlearned his Mishima style Karate because he was so ashamed of his family bloodline. *****END SPOILERS***** There is always Kazuya as his replacement though, thank god for that!
  11. It will be along time till we see Final Fantasy fade away into mist. Seeing as there have been many FF games produced up to this day. We have got to take into account the fact that Square have produced [i]so[/i] many FF titles, including Tactics, remakes of current ones, and ports onto other consoles. A mark for originality should be considered by Square now, seeing as they are over doing it now, lol. The job system for example, we'll see how long it will stay for before Square actually get fed up with it. It will be a great sight to see how long our most popular RPG series will last though.
  12. Final Fantasy I & II remakes are a great way of promoting Squares capability in the business. It can show us how much the series has evolved since then. FF I, II, & III weren't released over here in the UK, so this is a great opportunity for us UKers to take advantage of the situation. The release of FF Tactics for the GBA is confirmed, and it has been announced that the FF series is making its way back to Nintendo. Although this is true, there have been many rumours of FFX making an appearence on the Gamecube. Obviously this won't be a success, seeing as FFX is being ported onto the PC, giving the GCN and PS2 hard times since many people own PCs over games consoles. I look forward to seeing further Nintendo releases of future FF titles.
  13. Dark Aeons are basically the evil versions of the Aeons that you have gathered across Spira. They are cast against you by Summoners in certain locations. Below are the full details of where the Dark Aeons are and what they are capable of. [b]Dark Valefore[/b], Location: Beasaid Island, entrance. [b]HP:[/b] 800000 [b]Strength:[/b] 148 [b]Defence:[/b] 120 [b]Magic:[/b] 186 [b]Magic Defence:[/b] 220 [b]Agility:[/b] 105 [b]Luck:[/b] 48 [b]Evasion:[/b] 10 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 250 [b]Dark Ifrit[/b], Location: Sanubia Desert- West. [b]HP:[/b] 1400000 [b]Strength:[/b] 220 [b]Defence:[/b] 173 [b]Magic:[/b] 177 [b]Magic Defence:[/b] 163 [b]Agility:[/b] 124 [b]Luck:[/b] 27 [b]Evasion:[/b] 8 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 230 [b]Dark Ixion[/b], Location: Thuder Plains- North. [b]HP:[/b] 1200000 [b]Strength:[/b] 176 [b]Defence:[/b] 220 [b]Magic:[/b] 133 [b]Magic Defence:[/b] 188 [b]Agility:[/b] 180 [b]Luck:[/b] 36 [b]Evasion:[/b] 0 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 250 [b]Dark Shiva[/b], Location: Macalania Temple, entrance. [b]HP:[/b] 1100000 [b]Strength:[/b] 173 [b]Defence:[/b] 163 [b]Magic:[/b] 244 [b]Magic Defence:[/b] 255 [b]Agility:[/b] 255 [b]Luck:[/b] 73 [b]Evasion:[/b] 0 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 250 [b]Dark Bahamut[/b], Location: Zanarkand Dome- The Beyond. [b]HP:[/b] 4000000 [b]Strength:[/b] 245 [b]Defence:[/b] 234 [b]Magic:[/b] 222 [b]Magic Defence:[/b] 233 [b]Agility:[/b] 255 [b]Luck:[/b] 102 [b]Evasion:[/b] 0 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 250 [b]Dark Yojimbo[/b], Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. [b]HP:[/b] 1600000 [b]Strength:[/b] 244 [b]Defence:[/b] 210 [b]Magic:[/b] 131 [b]Magic Defence:[/b] 144 [b]Agility:[/b] 243 [b]Luck:[/b] 114 [b]Evasion:[/b] 0 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 255 [b]Dark Anima[/b], Location: Mount Gagazet. Before facing Dark Anima, you must do the first trial in the Mountain Cave again (target practise with Wakka). [b]HP:[/b] 8000000 [b]Strength:[/b] 155 [b]Defence:[/b] 230 [b]Magic:[/b] 255 [b]Magic Defence:[/b] 255 [b]Agility:[/b] 183 [b]Luck:[/b] 85 [b]Evasion:[/b] 0 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 255 [b]Dark Cindy, Sandy, and Mindy[/b], Location: Mushroom Rock- South The order of each of their stats are as in the title. [b]HP:[/b] 3000000, 2500000, 2000000 [b]Strength:[/b] 175, 186, 148 [b]Defence:[/b] 223, 201, 187, [b]Magic:[/b] 171, 207, 208 [b]Magic Defense:[/b] 105, 168, 132 [b]Agility:[/b] 185, 201, 233 [b]Luck:[/b] 40, 80, 130 [b]Evasion:[/b] 0, 100, 240 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 255, 255, 255 *****SPOILERS***** [b]Penance[/b], Location: Airship. Penance is the Ultimate Aeon!! Unfortunately you can't get him on your team, but there's lots of valuable AP involved. [b]HP:[/b] 12000000 [b]Strength:[/b] 255 [b]Defence:[/b] 240 [b]Magic:[/b] 255 [b]Magic Defence:[/b] 200 [b]Agility:[/b] 233 [b]Luck:[/b] 130 [b]Evasion:[/b] 240 [b]Accuracy:[/b] 255 You can only access Penance after defeating all of the Dark Aeons. It is only reasonable that you face him with attributes at the maximum 255, Luck levels of over 120, and HP levels of 40000 at the minimum. *****END SPOILERS*****
  14. It has been considered that Raiden is despised due to the lack of "gameplay". Raiden's story didn't appeal to me at all, his past story wasn't as much as depressing as Snake's was, which is almost like Kojima [i]copying[/i] an exact duplicate of Snake, in terms of their past life. It is also true that Raiden's mission in the Plant was not as exciting as the whole Tanker ordeal. There are many weapons in which Raiden can obtain, wich can be good, but in my sense, I didn't like it, that made the game to easy, it holds the same status on the European Extreme mode aswell. Raiden's Plant mission has a tendancy to die down at certain parts, especially after defeating Fatman. There is no action or stealth involved onwards, just a bunch of cinematic sequences which seem pretty repettitive. Now take a look at Snake's adventure, on the Tanker, it is full of action, stealth, and has the right amount of codec calls, not too long, not too short. Also, the fact that Snake can access very few weapons in his adventure makes it very challenging for the player. This obviously gathers enough points to sink Raiden in the MGS series, and to put Snake right back on top.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Outlaw [/i] [B]I can just imagine online GTA! 100s of people packed into the city blowing crap up left and right. My guess is the avaerage person would last 5 minutes before dieing. [/B][/QUOTE] Rockstar's ideas for GTA3 online wouldn't be that dramatic, lol. It could be considered that there will be a rampage mode, where players from across the globe go all out on each other, as you said :) . GTA3 online could happen, especially with the up growing nature of its popularity. However, violence isn't GTA's key factor, online play could involve the mini-games in which you took part in as a mission, or a hunt to get all the hidden packages before anyone else, there are thousands of possibilities. As violent as the game is, I fear that there maybe some server bans, for being [i]too[/i] bloody, take State of Emergency for example.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=crimson]Hate to disappoint you, but I was working from a T3 basis. Never played 4, and I don't have an arcade nearby. And trust me, I've worked on the timing. Once I've started it, you can't get out of it with any risk to me.[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Cool, I always found it quite difficult to perform juggles in Tekken 3, I guess it was mainly because there wasnt as much freedom in a character compared to other beat 'em ups in the day, pretty much the same in Tag. Tekken 4 offers unique styles of fighting, allowing every player to come up with their own new stuff, ie-juggles.
  17. Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix has improved much since its predecesor, with outstanding graphics, vast amount of detail, and amasingly good storyline. The game runs on an Unreal engine, and online play is said to rise to the standards of Sierra's Counter Strike. In a way, I pity it. SOF2 could've been so much better. I admit that it is good, but not great. The sound quality isn't perfect either, the gunshots seem to be too common, making it nothing special, which prevents the player from experiencing the full battlefield effect. The music applies a loud rock n' roll type of theme in most of the levels, which can be good in a sense, since it may suit the type of position you are in, but it could ruin the atmosphere if you are in a slightly tense situation, like in a level which requires stealth and espionage. Overall, the results for SOF2, as compared to SOF, prove to be satisfactory. It is one FPS which shouldn't go down the drain.
  18. In a sense, Raiden helped us see Snake for who he really is, and what he's really like. In the begining of MGS2, Raiden states that he is a newbie to the battle field, which gives us the first impression that he is no good. Now when Snake enters, the immediate impression that one would get is that Snake is experienced in war, hence his older looks, the beard, the messy hair, his voice, it alllows Snake fans to take advantage over Raiden, proving that Snake is far more superior. Other than that, Raiden talks like a girl, as compared to Snakes way of saying "Freeze", and holds his weapon like a wussy. GhostofSalvatore: I hope you do realise that it took 3 years to make MGS2, and for Konami to produce something to the standards of MGS2 every year would be virtually impossible.
  19. Pretty much the same problem with me SuperSayian, the specs for the PC version seem to be very high, and much more advanced than your regular PC game. I purchased it last week, only to find that it didn't work due to a compulsary requirement called the "DirectX 8.0" sound card, which I didn't have. I'm guessing that the xbox version will have a lot on stall for us, it would be great if online play was considered.
  20. Tom Clancy's: Splinter Cell has produced some rather unique techniques in graphics and detail. Although the game owns a higher recommendation rate than many other stealth and espionage games, I believe that MGS2 holds the most points storywise. The real question here is what will the online play be like? Will it share the same properties as 1 player in game mode? or will we be seeing something more exciting and vastly improved? Now that there is news on an xbox release, it could be that online gaming may evolve from one console to another. I believe that many things can come from Splinter Cell, giving it a reputation for unmatched gameplay and realism. It is possible that this game can revolutionise the genre, and not only the series. As a matter of fact, Tom Clancy's: Splinter Cell may even have some influence over future espionage games to come.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Here is what makes you an experienced Tekken player.... Juggling The ability to combo your opponent even when they are in the air, its a beautiful sight when seeing someone choose kazuya, use a wind god fist, or even better, a electric wind god fist, to launch the opponent into the air, follow it up with a punch, then another punch, then hit em with 2 more electric wind gof fists just before they hit the floor.... easy, I hear someone say? hah, I think not, it literally takes WEEKS to master the move, if anyone wants to see how good I am in the game, then pm me and I will show you some of my fight videos for tekken 4.... [/B][/QUOTE] Heh hey! I'm surprised that someone actually knows what that is. It seems that you know something with Kazuya Sephiroth, but need I remind you that the electric wind god fist is only in Tekken 4, and not TTT. But hey, try this one out for size, gut punch your opponent, then a godwind punch (or the electric god wind punch :D), then pull off three more punches and the Forward+Triangle punch, that's all with Kazuya of course. If anyone would like to know more, just PM me. Ten hit combos aren't as useful as they look my friends, countering them is child's play, better yet, if you manage to side step during your opponents attacks, you are then free to pull off move from the behind, preferably a back grab. As far as the questions go.... 1) The move is in fact the middle of back and down+X+O. SPOILERS 2) The only time you'll ever see the two seperated is in her ending, where the human punches the demon, and destroys it. END SPOILERS Harlequin: Timing during juggles are a very important factor, it can depend whether you pull it off, or not. I am guessing that those cool juggles are for TTT, since Jin doesn't have a Ten string in Tekken 4. In fact, Jin doesnt even have half the moves he had in TTT, what a shame. Crouchdashing needs practise, timing, and skill, if you can produce the move then many juggles or combos can connect, however, if you slip, then you are left very vulnerable to your opponent, which could cost you the match.
  22. Ok, I've edited the post, they should work now. It's strange though, they seemed to work on my computer the first time.
  23. Heh, yeah Tofu was pretty cool, he produces the added effect of humour to a very violent and serious game. It's still too early to tell if there is going to be a [I]Hunk based[/I] game. Capcom are still working on Resident Evil 0, which stars Rebecca Chambers, and on top of that, the UK release for the first adventure on the Gamecube has still got to be planned. There are officially going to be remakes of the other Resident Evil titles (besides the Gun Survivors of course), but so far there is insufficient knowledge of a Hunk game release. I personally do not think it would work. Hunk's resemblence has no correlation to the Resident Evil story, except for being a thug in RE2, but that's it. This is probably the main reason why neither of the Gun Survivor games were not that successful. We'll see what the future has in stall for us though.
  24. I'm not really a fan of this game, so I wouldn't exactly know where you are in detail. Anyway, I've found two URL addresses which might come in handy. Walkthrough: [url]http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/file/advance_wars.txt[/url] Strategy Guide: [url]http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/file/advance_wars_c.txt[/url] Good Luck :)
  25. Alright! Some more Trophies! SSMBM gets more interesting by the day. I just got my 280th one last night. Maybe this is something to tell my grandchildren. As for Samus Aran's hair colour, it is officially brown, like Desbreko said. I remember it this way from my copies of the Super Metroid series, but we'll see what Metroid Fusion (the GBA release) has in store for us. Semjaza, are you ok man?
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