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Everything posted by Dark-Eye
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][i]Meanwhile, a little ways down the from the entrance, an incorporal mass of darkness moves out of the shadows and begins to gather in the dim light there. The smoking mass begins to take form and move towards the entrance, slowy changing into what seems to be the shadow of a large skeletal figure. As it reaches the door it finally takes the form of what seems to be more acceptable, a tall, pale vampire with long black hair. In this form he entered the building and looked around to make sure that no one had seen his display of demon-like maneuvers out front.[/i][/COLOR] [color=Darkred][b]Flogral: [/b] I am glad no one is here, I would hate to have to kill a member of my "family" for finding out too much about me without my permission. I'd better go find out where they all are. [i]After saying this he moves swiftly up the stairway, this time staying in a vampire form.[/i][/color] (OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner but I havn't had time to get online recently and I have just been able to check my pms to see if Starlight would accept my late character entry. And for those who don't know, my charcter is a demon named Dâgalûr who has be posing as a vampire named Flogral for some time now. Flogral was a man killed by Shizen about 100 years ago and I took control of his body and integrated it into my being. Read my Profile on the recruitment sheet to know more about Dâgalûr and Flogral.)
[COLOR=DarkRed] [b]Played By: [/b] Dark-Eye [b]Surname: [/b] None but I often poses as a vampire of the Aylward Coven [b]First Name: [/b] Dâgalûr [b]Vampire Name: [/b] Flogral [b]Age: [/b] I have lived in the Abyss since long before my child that started the vampire race was pulled from my chest, but I have only just come unto the physical plane less than 100 years ago. [b]Species: [/b] Daemon (A Daemon is a higher order of demon) [b]Element: [/b] Water (Sub-Element = Blood) [b]Spells and Abilities: [/b] [u]Absorption: [/u] in any form I will, if it is not cleaned away in less than 25 seconds, absorb blood straight through my skin. This doth not allow me to pull it from someone else in the same way but if any blood is spilt on me it is more or less likely that it will be drained strait into my body. [u]Change Form: [/u] I have the power to alternate between three different forms and I can activate a forth, more powerful, form. The three always accessible forms are my vampire form, a form of smoke and shadows, and my actual form. My forth form is the most powerful. When I created the demon that would then create the vampire race I was a complete being but to create the demon I took something very valuable to myself from within me, my heart. This made me revert to a hideous and somewhat weaker form, but I can once again claim my true form for a short period of time: if I get covered in blood so that barely any skin is visible under the blood it is absorbed almost instantaneously through the skin and changes me, without my control, into my true form that existed before I gave up my heart, the form that was the Demon God of Blood. In this form blood is instantly absorbed through my skin and my strength and power grow exponentially but it is only temporary lasting about 10 seconds per pint of blood recently drained (9 pints are needed to cause the change so it lasts at least 18 minutes, the most fresh pints I can have that will affect the duration is 18 pints, 36 minutes). In this form I begin to crave the blood of everything that has blood within it with an almost insatiable lust. To restrain me seven vampires, or beings with strength that equals that of vampires, and I will have to be restrained for the duration of the time left in this form, 1 for each arm, 1 for each leg, one for each wing, and one for the head. [u]Blood Fealty: [/u] I can take control of any exposed blood within 10 feet of myself. (I also have the basic vampiric powers spoken of in Anne Rice's books: strength, mental comunication to other vampires, and the ability to sense other vampires.) [b]Appearance: [/b] In my vampire form I am 6 feet 2 inches tall with shoulder length black hair. My eyes are vivid and my irises are swilling pools of crimson. I prefer old fashion clothing... really old fashion. I wear a white smock, brown leather tights, and old fashion brown boots. My hands have ½ inch long claws on them. In my actual form I resembles Victor from Underworld before I was reanimated. In the sockets where eyes should be is just a crimson glow. In this form maroon lines are prominently visible under my gray skin, these are my blood vessels. My claws are only an inch or so long but they are still dangerous. You cannot see my heart because I tore it out to create my "child", the demon that possessed the blood of the first vampires and in-turn all vampires created from them. A thick cloud of shadow and smoke surrounds me at all times. From my back extends the skeletons of two large bat wings and at the tip of each extension of the wing is a vicious looking hook. In my true form I am thin and fair skinned with long black hair that seems to move on its own. My irises are black and my pupils are swilling pools of crimson. The once skeletal wings are now large black bat wings. I wear a long black cloak that exposes my throat down to my waist in a large V but covers my arms and from the waist down entirely. My claws are now 2 inches longs and crimson colored. My blood vessels are no longer visible but shadows and smoke still shroud me. [b]Personality: [/b] I am some somber but I hate to be taunted and thought to be boring. I am new to the material plane and the only reason I'm here is to check on my "decedents". I am also somewhat boastful am I feel that this coven should think themselves lucky that I chose to think of them as my direct relations. [b]Weapons: [/b] All of my weapons are natural. In my vampire form my claws, fangs, and strength are my weapons. In my actual form my weapons are my wings, claws, fangs, and strength. And in my true form I have the same weapons as in my actual form plus I can fly in my true form. [b]History: [/b] I have basically included all that is needed to know about my influence on the material plane, but on the other planes my history extends much further. Long ago, before humans were even created, the outer planes were chaotic with battle, Demon versus Celestial, we were losing because they out numbered us extremely. After a long battle Orcus, our leader, commanded us to retreat back to the underworld to plan another, most probably failing, attack on Celestia. But meanwhile in Celestia chaos was growing and many of the inhabitants rebelled. Needless to say the rebels were defeated but instead of destroying them they were cast down to our home. Taking the new name of Devils these fallen beings struck hard and fast and we were defeated quickly. There leader cast us off but not to another plane, he sent us into a twisting and unstable portal. Through much willpower and control of the forces chaos Orcus created a plane from this blackness, we called it The Abyss. Eventually our forces grew and now a three way war known as The Blood War rages between Celestia, Hell, and the Abyss but I won't go any further into that. I shall now pick up at the point where I thought of coming to the material plane and my vampire history. I took the form of a vampire that is a member of Aylward by possessing and engulfing the body of one of Shizen's discarded victims one hundred years ago. Shizen is the only one who knows of my masquerade because he saw me or mentally heard me enter the body, destroy the soul and replace it. The only reason that he noticed me was because of his well developed telepathy but he still knows not who or what I really am... no one does. I came here to check on my "family" and that is what I plan to do. [b]Weaknesses: [/b] being a Daemon my weaknesses are somewhat different from I vampire's. The sun truly does not affect me in the fact that I die, but I more or less become weak, tired, and sunlight reveals my true form. Staking doesn't work that well either althought it does hurt me and if it is a precious metal it does burn the skin a bit. My one true weakness that applies to almost any being of light or darkness is if my head is severed from my body I die. This weakness is not so in my true form considering in it I am a Demon God but once I power down I become vulnerable again. [b]Estimated Level of Difficulty: [/b] Complex. [/color] I hope this is ok.
[color=silver][b]Name:[/b] Michael S. Angelus [b]Age:[/b] 25 (bodily at least) [b]Race:[/b] Prince from a very high ranking postion... VERY high ranking. But I am a mortal *cough*some what *cough* so you may consider me human. [b]Height:[/b] 6' 1'' [b]Weight:[/b] Unimportant but my weight is about 180. [b]Hair:[/b] Light brown. [b]Eyes:[/b] Golden. [b]Weapon:[/b] I have a long silver broad sword with a design of golden flames coming up from the base of the hilt. I have always had my sword ever since I was created, I mean born. I once used it to slay the greatest enemy of my ummm family. I also carry a spear but it has a grusome past, it was used by a man named Longinus to put one of my masters out of his misery but because my master and his blood were pure and the deed was done for a just reason (to end the suffering of a good man) the spear is a holy weapon. I also carry around some old fashion scales and a kite shield with a sun emblazened on it. [b]Magic:[/b] Fire- My sword ignites and becomes a blade of solid flames. Brimstone- I hold up my spear and call forth small burning meteor shards to strike down at my enemies. Light of Justice- I use my shield to call forth a blinding light to stun my foes. Final Judgement- I hold up my scales causing the sky to grow dark with storm clouds, the earth to tremble and lightning to crash down from the heavens. Transformation- You'll see. [b]Education:[/b] "Born" with the knowlege of how to fight, yeah thats it I was "born" with the knowlege. [b]Masters:[/b] The Almighty, The Son of Man, and The Holy Ghost, masters from the ummmm "Academy of the Sky". I am now a high rank master there also, I taught Serenol Ashenmist Muirin when he visited my "homeland". [b]Biograthy:[/b] Oh yeah I am biological. Well I came here to answer the calls of those who called me here. My mission is to protect those who exist here. I came to this Academy to check on my student. Also to protect those who need it. OOC: Incase you havn't guessed it I'm Michael The Archangel, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts... incognito.[/color]
May I join? [b]Name:[/b]Thorakrus [b]Weapon Name:[/b]The Aura of Orcus(resembles black vines that drain his health but act vampiric while hitting an opponent.) [b]Bio:[/b]when Asteroth was created from stone and magic the extra magic that was left over and scattered throughout the place. Originally thought to be harmless after blast of the magic it created it's own body from not only stone but also fire, water, and even flesh to form a more perfect imitation of a human. Thinking of himself as the proper avatar of Aires, god of war, he hated his "brother" Asteroth who was chosen for the position of Avatar of Aires instead of Thorakrus. And so to prove himself to his idol and master he set off to out do his "brother" and eventually slay him. He now travels throughout the world killing people in secret but since he was never taught to use a weapon so he kills people with something he gave himself when he made his body, an energy pulse much like that of Necrid's but instead of forming weapons from the unknown energies of the abyss, it is the uncontrolable forces of the elements of nature that seems to whip around like chains of fire, ice, lightning, etc. when he swings his claws. he is a ruthless killer and has a limitless thirst for destruction. To Thorakrus everything if worthless and too weak, so the meaning of his existance is to destroy everything and everyone so that he can make sure he has no competition for the Avatar of Aires. [b]Weapon Type:[/b]Force of Nature [b]Appearance:[/b]7 feet tall, long and messy black hair, red eyes, and large claws. Wears black pants, a red sleaveless shirt, and a white headband. His body temperature is 400 degrees feirinhiet because of he assembled his body with fire, his bones are stone, and his blood is water so if he is cut he bleeds boiling water. I'm evil.
Would it be okay if I joined? [b]Name:[/b]Burz Bos [b]Age:[/b]Longer than mortals have existed. [b]Race:[/b]Shape Changing Demon [b]Bio:[/b]Since almost the begining of time I have walked among humans. My job is to corrupt them and then when they think they are all powerful I slay them. My hobbies are corrupting people, torturing people, card games, and board games. [b]Appearance:[/b]I look much like a human but if you study me closely you may notice my black hair moves on its own, my eyes have a red tinge, and I have short claws and fangs. I wear a black suit with a blood red tie. [b]Weapons:[/b]Fangs, claws, and a dagger that has a hilt of bat wings and a wavy black blade. [b]Abilities:[/b] [u]Matum & Grazad:[/u]I can summon my two Hounds from Hades. Matum resembles a large bone white German Shepherd, and Grazad resembles a large blood red Doberman. [u]Smoke Form:[/u]I can turn into an incorperal being smoke that can pass through solid surfaces a will. It resembles an entirly black skeleton with claws and fangs, glowing red eye, and shrouded in flowing clouds of thick black smoke. It is actually my natural form but I prefer to look more like a human because at least as a human I can interact with objects on the material plane. [u]Corruption:[/u]I can easily take over a human's weak mind and alter it but the human's mind eventually becomes too powerful for me to control any longer so I kill them. [u]Drain:[/u]My final power allows my to absorb the life force substance(blood) of a human through their skin. I drain blood by having my skin soak it up almost like a sponge, only staying on my skin for a second and then fading into my skin. If I don't do this at least once a day I will regress to my natural form; a blackened skeleton and because of my weakened form I only have a thin film of smoke coating my bones, my fangs and claws are my only weapons, and the only power I have left is to drain. Sounds a little like a vampire though I am not supposed to be one. I can also drink the blood of beings not of this plane but they affect me in drifferent ways lasting for 30 minutes for every pint absorbed and it has to actually touch my skin because I can't drain it though their skin. :demon: Demon blood makes me temporarily more powerful, my eyes fill with flames and I I can incinerate any mortal being I touch with demonic fire and can use some what telepathic powers to control mortal and non-living objects within 12 feet of me. My additude doesn't change if I drain this kind of blood. :angel: Angelic blood makes me unable to use my corruption power but makes my dagger's blade become a 4 foot beam of light with angelic wings for a hilt and I also sprout Feathery wings. My additude becomes benevolent and merciful after draining this kind of blood. :devil: Devil blood makes me turn into a red addition of my natural form with flames instead of smoke, horns sprouting from my skull, extra long claws, and no fangs. Draining this kind of blood makes me go on an insane psycho rampage in which I burn, tear, and gore everything in my path. :evil3: Undead blood or animal blood makes me turn a pale gray, recoil from sunlight, and walk as if I were drunk. I become tired and uncaring about everything and do things without thinking (I only try to absorb undead or animal blood if no other blood is available). [b]Personality:[/b]I am a fan of combat events (wars, the battle arena, etc.), I also like games (chess, poker, blackjack, checkers, clue, etc.), I like to see mortals in pain, and I am too a fan of Poe's work. Also I'm a historian, I have great repsect for my superiors, and love to give long unnecessary speeches but they are not repeating the same thing over and over. I hope this is satisfactory for a character. Sorry for making some changes I just had to correct and change some things.
[color=firebrick][b]Name:[/b]Artem Kiltarnis [b]Race:[/b]Scav [b]Genus:[/b]Desperado [b]Age:[/b]397 [b]Weapons:[/b]Bayonet, Plasma Beam, Power Suit, Multi-missiles, and claws. [b]Bio:[/b]When his father was murdered by a Human patrol and he continued on to kill the rest of the human patrols, he was shot in the back and declared a rebel. Since then, he has sworn to fight to defend all the rebellious races and all races who fight against the Scavs. To make up for his injured and thus weakened abilities, he equipped himself with a Power Suit that armors as well as empowers him.[/color]
A friend of mine told me to join. So if it is ok this is my sign-up. [b]Name:[/b]Michael M[u]c[/u]Connell [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Grade:[/b]Freshmen [b]Bio:[/b]I way about 200 lbs., I have brown hair (sort of long but so far no teachers really care), my eyes are brown, I'm about 5' 11", I'm moderatly strong, I love everything fantasy (especially D&D), I usually wear black, white, red, or green and it will usually have some mythical creature on it, and I don't talk much.
Hey John is it ok if I join? [b]Name:[/b]Inatom [b]Race:[/b]Protoss [b]Class:[/b] I'm the pilot of the Arbiter Flynmik, my ship has:Recall and Stasis Field( it also has a little extra space so it can carry some passengers), but I'm when on foot I act as a Zealot with an energy blade like that of a Dark Templar. [b]Apearance:[/b]I have glowing orange eyes that turn blue when comunicating just like the pilot of any Arbiter pilot but my skin is a pale green/yellow. [b]Bio:[/b]I was born to a family of Dark Templat but never was truly interested in becoming one, my mind was more focused on the sky. I bacame an Arbiter Pilot as soon as I could so that I could take off for the Protoss homeworld of Aiur, Being born of Dark Templar I wasn't very welcome so I left almost as quickly as I arrived but not before recalling some high templar into the middle of a large desert. I was very surprised that Terrans came to help the people of Aiur when it was invaded by Zerg. I for one never wanted to help the survivers of Aiur because they never helped us really, but even tho I helped to help them anyway. I'm glad I never trusted them because eventually they turned on us and I was prepared to fight. Now I am just a common everyday Arbiter Pilot that travels around waiting for a mission.
[i][color=silver][u]Xion took to his opponents one by one, fiercely slashing through the fray. He felt some sort of kinship with his blade as the side-to-side and up-and-down cuts of his blade cut down his enemies. He yanked up his A-Buster, using the particle-thread and cutting through the robots. He cut through a guarding line of opponents, charging right into the building. He ran flat into a huge beast, twice his own size. The creature simply pointed to himself and drew a long breath, saying one word.[/i] [b]Massacre:[/b]Massacre. [i]Xion whistled long and shrill, calling Fenir and any others to aid him. He charged up his A-Buster, preparing it with the Vulcan jab abilities. "This is gonna be TOUGH!" thought Xion to himself. "I like it!"[/i][/u] [i]Xion snapped awake, his eyes on the ceiling of the [b]Alpha[/b]. It had all been a dream. He looked out at the barren landscape and felt a buzzing inside his personal comm unit. He opened the channel and found himself face-to-holographic face with Satina.[/i] [b]Satina:[/b]Xion, I need your help! [b]Xion:[/b]Satina, I can't. Not right now. I'm on my first mission as an Elite. I'll help you as soon as I get back, I promise, sweetie. [i]Satina closed the channel aftre nodding assent. Xion mentally slapped himself, cursing under his breath.[/i] [b]Xion(to himself):[/b]Did I just call her 'sweetie'?!?! Why did I call her 'sweetie'?!?![/color]
[b]Name:[/b]Cornell Wolfheart [b]Age:[/b]2o8 [b]Apearance[/b]Silver/grey hair and blue eyes. He wears blue pants, and an indigo shirt with a blue collar with gold trim. [b]Bio:[/b]He is a lycanthrope(man-beast) that has unleshed his powers from his clan's ancient seal. He and his fellow lycanthropes attacked a village and he found a young girl(Ada)in the rubble and adopts her as a sister out of pity. The reason he went after Dracula was that Dracula's minions, including Ortega, Cornell's best friend, stole Ada. After he rescued her and a teenager named Henry Oldrey. He found they returned to the forest. Recently Ada has been captured again and that is why he is on a second quest. [b]Weapons:[/b]He has large claws on his fingers, even as a human. [b]Abilities:[/b]He can shoot energy waves from his claws and he can also change into a human/wolf hybrid at will which triples his strength and stamina. Also, he can slide, excercise sleight of hand, and jump extreme distances.
Actually I know how X Omega acts from a vidio game called Megaman Zero ask EFK he knows and owns it.
[color=royalblue][b]Name:[/b]X Omega [b]Age:[/b]Indeterminable [b]Weapons:[/b]O-Buster, X-Sabre, OmegaBeam [b]Appearance:[/b]An upgraded version of MegaMan X, though he has wings and several protruding spikes on his arms and back. [b]Bio:[/b]He was upgraded and made to serve Arcadia. His mind is full of arrogance, and he is ready to fight his former comrade to prove that he is the strongest. However, if defeated by a centuries-old reploid, he will relinquish his sword and buster and return to his former glory as MegaMan X.[/color]
[i]Suddenly Chaotix appears from out of no where and attacks Vampant Bat with his katana.[/i] [color=darkblue][b]Chaotix:[/b]Taste pure atamantium Vampant Bat.[/color] [b]Vampant Bat:[/b]UGHH! [i]Vampant Bat falls to the ground in pain.[/i] [color=darkblue][b]Chaotix:[/b]Take that Maverick.[/color] [b]Vampant Bat:[/b]You shouldn't have done that. [i]Vampant Bat grabs Chaotix and begin to drain him of his energy. After being mostly drained Chaotix breaks free and jumps to the nearest wall.[/i] [color=darkblue][b]Chaotix:[/b]Great attack but how do you handle this.[/color] [i]Chaotix knocks out all the lights with his energy star and dons his shadow cape. All of a sudden loud slashes are heard in the darkness and the lights come back on showing Vampant Bat Layingon the ground in pieces and Chaotix standing at the door.[/i] [color=darkblue][b]Chaotix:[/b]Zero I'm reporting back to the base to recharge I'll be back after that to help. Seeya.[/color]
[color=red][b]Zero:[/b]I'll cut the power. Chaotix, you get in and and get rid of the security.[/color] [color=darkblue][b]Chaotix:[/b]I understand you better give me 100 more zenixes for infilltration and disabling because I was paid for spying and assasinating.[/color] [color=red][b]Zero:[/b]Just do it I'll pay you don't worry. Get in there and disable them.[/color] [color=darkblue][b]Chaotix:[/b]Ok I'll wait until the lights go out.[/color] [i]The light go out and 10 minutes later come back on because of auxiliary power but Chaotix is gone.[/i]
Great poem John it was very deep. you should keep writing new poems that are just as great.
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Chaotix:[/b]I'll take out Boomer Kuwanger.[/COLOR] [i]Draws katana and dagger and runs at Boomer Kuwanger, jumps and slashes him.[/i] [COLOR=purple][b]Boomer Kuwanger:[/b]You are fast but are you fast enough?[/COLOR] [i]Boomer Kuwanger charges and grabs Chaotix with his horns then tosses him at the ceiling.[/i] *CRUNCH* [i]Chaotix hits the ceiling hard but then grabs it and continues to hang there for a moment with his claws, then fires five energy stars at Boomer Kuwanger two miss but the other three hit.[/i] *thud* [i]Boomer Kuwanger falls fast than he moves.[/i] [COLOR=darkblue][b]Chaotix:[/b]I've defeated Boomer Kuwanger, Zero.[/COLOR]
This is a great poem you should right more. I can never write anything this good. Good job Hunter. sign,Dark-Eye
[color=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Chaotix [b]Type:[/b]Ninga/Mercenary Reploid [b]WOC:[/b]Energy stars(shoot out the palms of his hands) & Atamantium Katana [b]Capsule:[/b]2 [b]Arms:[/b]Climbing Claws(allows one to clmb walls) [b]Body:[/b]Stealth Cape(allows one to not be seen when not moving) [b]E-Chips:[/b] Shadow Cape(Can't be seen in pitch black room) Atamantium Dagger(Used with Katana) [b]Appearance:[/b]If you've seen Shadow Man you know mostly but add a black cape and no silver star on the chest. For those of you who have no clue who I'm talking about he has a black assasin hood w/mask over his mouth all his clothes are black and has silver belt. [b]Description:[/b]Quick and agile Chaotix Has no respect for athority he will do mostly anything for money and/or energy power-ups. He does not take jokes, tricks, or sarcasm well, to him it is always business never pleasure. He won't turn on his employer easily but if insulted will turn in a second. [b]Bio:[/b]Nothing really available about him because he keeps his past a well kept secret. All you need to know is that he is helping the Maverick Hunters right now.[/color]