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About Starstryker

  • Birthday 10/18/1982

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    DBZ guy yea

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  1. I don't need dbz movies i just need to know how long they are. I don't have a store that i know of near me that sells them.
  2. Actually they have been played on tv I saw them both not about a month ago on YTV
  3. also i don't get cartoon network i Live in Canada but they did play the first 5 or so on YTV but i've decided i'll post exactly what info I have and maybe some people can fill in the blanks Once again all of these are subs NOT dubs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DB Movie 4: 10th Anniversary Special: The Way to Become the Strongest My runtime: 74 min (ends good has credits then a recap) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBZ Movie 5: The Best of Strongest versus Strongest My runtime: 45 min(Ends abruptly)[ends with Gohan, klillin, Oolong and Ha-dragon surrounding an injured Gokuu. I'm fairly sure it cuts off in the wrong place] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBZ Movie 7: Utmost Limits of Battle!! The Three Super Saiyajin My runtime: 49 min (ends good even has a crazy video of head-cha-la at the end) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBZ Movie 8: Burn Your Spirits to the Max!! Close Battle, Violent Battle, Super Bloody Battle My runtime: 70 min (Ends good, no credits)[not sure about the length of this one it looks right though It ends with a pan of Chi-chi, Gokuu and Gohan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBZ Movie 9: The Galaxy is in Danger!! The Super Awesome Guy! My runtime: 48 min (ends good wipes from a news paper with Mr.Satan on it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBZ Movie 10: Dangerous Partners! Super Warriors Never Rest My runtime: 53 min (ends good has credits) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBZ Movie 11: Crushing Super Warrior!! I am the Winner My runtime: 45 min (ends ok)[end with Gokuu eating and saying he has to go fight Brolly in hell. Does he actully go fight brolly??? if so i'm missing a large chunk, need info on this) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBZ Movie 12: The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta My runtime: 54 min (ends good has credits and a preview for movie 12 [not a typo]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBZ Movie 13: Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Can't Do It, No One Can My runtime: 52 min (ends good has credits) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBGT TV Special: Goku's Supplement! Proof of Courage is the Four-Star Dragon Ball My runtime: 46 min (ends good has credits) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well That was a hefty post! Info on any of the ones the don't end correctly eiter about how they properly end or how long they are would be apreacated Thank you
  4. well I guess I should have made myself clearer I'm interested in the length of the original Japanese movies, I've aquired a couple of them but they seem to cut off abruptly and i want to know what the actuall lengths are.
  5. Hi I've been looking for the running times of all of the dragonball movies (mostly DBZ but DB is also useful) Any info anyone can provide will be useful Thanks
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