Darkened Skye
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Everything posted by Darkened Skye
I don't think the Icejin are more powerful [I]per se[/I] , they just have the ability to become more powerful faster then Saiyins. So that would explain why Freiza, King Cold, and Coola are all radicly more powerful then most people they ever meet. I also don't think that Saiyins are toataly without equal in the universe, either. Icejin can get power faster, but they don't get more power simply by throwing a punch like Saiyins. There has to be some race out there that can counter that growth rate. For intents and purposes, whenever I mention them I call them the Kynen [KIEN-en]. Yeah. I'm writing a Dragonball fanfic with a few Kynens in it. One of them (named Skye, as I'm still play-testing the Skye character so she'll be in a lot of my stories) beats Vageta durring the World Martial Arts Tournement! I like that scean. She comes all shapeshifted to apear as a human, with a power level of seemingly twenty, then it shoots up to slightly above Vageta's when she shapeshifts to her true form. Takes place about five years after the Majin Buu arc. Sorry, rambling and advertising my fanfic. >>>EDIT: Hey, wait a tic. I read *sorta, I more looked at the pictures and asked my freind Takatoshi Yamagushi now and then for translations* a Japanese Dragonball Z magna. The magna started off right at the begining of the Cell arc, when Trunks shows up and defeates King Cold and Freiza. Then Goku shows up, and he and Trunks have a little sparring, and he's equal to Trunks, blocking his Trunk's sword with his finger. Did this happen in the show? If it did, then I think the Coola movie might actualy tie in - becasue Trunks easaly beat King Cold and Freiza, even though King Cold was much more powerful then Freiza. If Goku could spar with Trunks and hold his own, that would mean that he had experiance fighting an opponent more powerful the Freiza - that would be Coola. He couldn't of held his own against Trunks without the experiance of fighting Coola. So does the Coola movie tie in? Or is there some other explenation?
Of course, if Kami and Piccolo had still been together, then they could have done it. Anyway, no one's awnsered my question here, so I posted it instead in the Immortality topic and I am now going to go and edit the question out of this topic. Depending it's even here. I hate my memory...
I'm still confused as to actual power the Eternal Dragon has. Can he only grant a wish equal in power to the power of the Namekian [I]when the Namekian made them[/I], or equal to the Namekian's current power? I think only those Namekians within Kami's bloodline can create Dragonballs. Otherwise, every Namekian would have their own set, and the Namekians would rule the universe by now, 'specialy evil ones like Lord Slug (Or Lord Slug look Namekian, anyway...knowing my luck he's a shapechanger)
Toei does DBZ too? Wow. What DON'T they do? They've done Digimon and DBZ and Transformers...gods below, that's a lot.
Initally, only 4 did survive. Vegita, Raditzu, Nappa, and Gokou. As far as the series goes, thats true. Remember the movies have nothing to do with the series. So Taurus, Brolli, and Paragus aren't really included in that theory. -Raditzu sounds better then just Raditz. Sorry, compleately off topic. -Why would they make movies that don't connect to the series? uh...just because raditz said only four saiyans survived doesn't mean its true. He probably didnt know. -Yeah, but King Kai said it as well, and when two people in your show say it, one of whome can see across the far expanses of the universe, it's kind of like a common courtasy to abide by them. About your space response... When does a cartoon such as DBZ deal with real life events? I mean really, it is cool and all but it is a cartoon that doesnt have to bend to the physics of reality. So they can go whatever speed they want and get from point a to point b in whatever time they what. And also by your logic, goku wouldnt be able to instant transmit and the nether world wouldnt be able to exsist. K? Thnx. -I just want a more rational explenation. Okay, they can go from poitn A to point B, never mind the fact that it's thousands of light-years apart. In most sci fi things that I've seen, there's a point A and a half somewhere in there - Hyperspace for Babylon 5 and Star Wars, Warp Drive for Star Trek (plus the inclusion of massively powerful deflector feilds), Z Space for Animorphs, Subspace for Freespace and Freespace II: Colossus, Neatherspace for me. There should always be a point A and a half between points A and B. Otherwise they'll get lots of letters from the enlightened masses.
You can grow. No, the matter will never be resolved, but it will cause you to think out your reasons thuroughly as people rise to chalange your ideas. Unless you come up with one final thing that can't be denied. In my case, I argue that it's geneticly impossible, and nature dictates it is and has dicated that for epochs, long before I was even a gleam in some prehistoric rat's eye. You can't argue with that. The best you can do is try to come up with some way around that argument whilst I laugh in an evil tone. Huh. Epoch. That's a fun word. There should be a DBZ enemy somewhere named Epoch. He'd be some kind of massively old and powerful thing that gives Goku in Ssj x4 a run for his money. And he'd end up being defeated by something that's been trying to kill him for eons. Not by Goku, becuase Goku defeates almost everybody, he's like Veemon from Digimon in that repspect. ---------------------------------------- My random comment of the day: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: I SEE YOU. . .
hmm i thought everyone knew "u" was computer lingo for "you". -I do know that, but your jargon annoys me. As for your first amendment rights (snicker) do u really think they apply here? If u post something the admins, and mods dont want up, feel is pointless, or against the rules, they will delete it, and eventually ban you. I don't think they really care about your freedom of speech, as you can start your own forums anytime you like. -Yes I do think they apply here, no I don't think the moderators care, yes, I have a problem with that, yes, I have started my own board, no, it did not last long, yes, everyone loved the rules I put down, 'cause they were simple. There are such things as pointless arguments, because you can ask a question about DBZ that is never explained and therefore can never be conclusivly answered, and because there is no answer, there will be an endless argument between the 2 sides and no one will ever be right. -Doesn't matter. Chaos spawns growth. Order spawns it, too, but chaos brings it quicker. DB Af is fake, and is not considered part of the Dragonball universe. I don't know if you are allowed to discuss it in General anime, or maybe another part of the boards, but here you are not. the rules clearly state andy topics about dragonball af will be closed and it is not to be discussed. -not a magna? Okay, then. As for the fact that you can't talk about it here, that makes no logical sense. It relates to dragonball, therefor, we should be able to talk about it here. Btw, Mr. Perfect, u spelt Organized wrong. -I never said I was perfect, if I was perfect I would likely kill myself after laughing at everyone else because I was perfect. I was simply feeling nitpicky, because when people shoot my ideas out of the sky I get very, VERY annoyed.
I'm notmaly not very nitpicky. Oh, look, I spelled normaly wrong. See? Even I make mistakes. Sometimes even I make mistakes. Sometimes even Dr. Stephen Hawking does. Dr. Hawking: NO. NOT ME. NEVER.
If u wanna quote someomne jus hit the qoute button and it will copy it automaticlly into a nice little box so its easier to tell its a quote. -Too much work. Spell check. I don't have the best spelling either, but at least I (most of the time) don't have to look at my spelling twice to get what I meant. There were actually 7 Sayains who survived, Goku, Vegete, Nappa, Radditz, Turles, Brolli, and Paragus. -Vegeta, Raditz. English dub spells Vageta with an A at the end, and Raditz has one D. Turles is in movie three the tree of might, and it does not say how he survived it. He is killed be Goku. -*ahem* -Turles is in move three: "The Tree of Might". -I don't come here to nitpick, but sometimes some people get to me, so I decide to start nitpicking. Brolli is the legendary super-sayian and Paragus is his father. When Vegeta blew up Brolli used his immense power to protect himself and his father. He latar came after Goku, because he was driven mad as a child be Goku's crying. I think Brolli is killed by a combo kamehameha (not sure from who) the first time and by trunks, goten and krillen when he is bio brolli. -Vageta blew up? Oh, you mean the planet. He 'latar' came after Goku? And just for Goku's crying, he decided he had to die? Toriyama isn't right in the head.
Actually he is adhering to the forum rules, Female SSJ leads to pointless arguments, spam, and often brings up DB AF. He knows the rules so listen to him. -Telling me not to post something is a violation of my first amendment rights. Arguments are almost never pointless, some just don't see the point. Spam is bad, though. DB AF is a magna to the best of my knoledge, therefore it ties in. Once again i have to say that ur post is a jumbled mess that's very hard to read. If u wanna quote someone use the button, so its in a seperate box and much easier to read. -Well, at least I know how to spell the word 'you'. And it's not realy a jumbled mess, it's pretty organised. I'm just used to doing things my way, and that way is my way, and it's hurting nobody, so I can continue to do that my way. Besides, too often the quote thing doesn't fit the entire quote, but I might wish to reply to one entire post.
DBGT is an official series and a fanfic at the same time. It's a fanfic in the fact that Toriyama didn't make it, it's a series in the fact that FUNImation did. Remember, as long as Toriyama or FUNImation gives it the OK, it's an official series. Like the Star Trek books.
Pokemon. Pokemon has no story to it, the episodes are barely thought out. The entire plot supports slavery. Ash never leanrns anything, Togepi never grows older. The bad guys are obsessed with getting a Pokemon that's so incredably weak naturaly that it isn't funny. Finaly, it just ANNOYS me.
Let's cycle through your questions... -Lets. 'Shapeshifting': If Furiza and Coola could do it, we can only guess the rest of the race can. The purpose of them transforming is to get to their higher power. Their final form being their true form. The scale themselves down the way they do to conserve energy. It's stated even in the show. I believe when Vegeta, Krillen, and Gohan first face off against Furiza. So it's more like the rest of the race can do it, but they might not need to. If the don't want to conserve energy, they will just stay in their true form. -Ah... Power 1: My guess would be that that Furiza's race is just naturally stronger than the Saiya-jins. I mean, Furiza ruled over Planet Vegeta before Kakarot was even born. Even then, the Saiya-jin were obviously no match. It took many years until Kakarot finally got strong enough to even prove a challenge for Furiza. Even then, Kakarot was beat, until he transformed into a Super Saiya-jin. The one thing Furiza was afraid of. -Yeah, but Goku was still hard-pressed to beat him. Power 2: Cell, and Majin Buu were ressurected after Furiza had been defeated. Thus they weren't around to compete with Furiza for power. Although, Cell had some of Furiza's cells in him. They Saiya-jins were destroyed by Furiza with the only exceptions being Kakarot, Vegeta, Raditz, Nappa, and Turles. Kakarot was sent off to Earth before Furiza blew up the planet. Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa were forced to work for Furiza. And we really don't know Turles' background. -Turles? Hang on...one...two...three...four...five? I need to watch more DBZ. I could have sworn they said only four Saiyins survive Planet Vegeta's destruction. -Anyway, what I meant was, even though Freiza was powerful, there is ALWAYS a bigger fish. I was using Cell and Buu as examples of power level. Someone with that much power must have been floating around somewhere in the Universe, actualy alive and active at that time. Control: I see your point, but sometimes, when it comes to anime, it's better just not to question things. Sometimes they don't like to adhere to reality. I mean, DragonBall isn't the only anime series in which people travel through space. You just have to laern not to look to much into it. -Are you kidding? Anime should make little sense to reality - but I just think at least a small ammount of reality should filter through, and this should be one of them. No kidding. If we took time to delve into all the illogical things in DBZ we would be pickign apart almost every aspect of it. To watch the show u need a certian amount of imagination. The show is not exactly what u would call realistic. There are lots of qeustions should as this that even Toryami could not explain. -Imagination is my specialy. It wasn't easy comming up with Neatherspace, you know. Or the whole story I have behind Neo Destined, or my Dragonball Ancinet Destiny RPG which I later scrapped. Anyway, Toriyama could explain them, but I bet he doesn't want to. Like I said, anime shouldn't obey all of realities laws, but at least a few should shine through.
I could have sworn I told you people not to bring it up. No one knows why they can't transform into Super Saiya-jins. It wasn't just Vegeta who said. Toriyama himself said it. So if you want to complain about how it "doesn't make genetic sense", go find him, and complain about it. We don't need that here. They just can't, period. Now stop talking about it. The only reason people do try to prove it is because of that damn "DragonBall AF", and we all know that is fake, so there's no reason to talk about it. Now stop. -Down boy - there's a good dog. Your a moderator, not a dictator, munkieman. Jeeze, give someone an ounce of power and they think they can override the Constitution of This Our Great Nation, the US of A. -Is Toriyama still alive? Probably. Okay, I'll add 'talk to Toriyama' to my list of things to do, right after the 'learn Japanese' thingy. SO I can acutaly speak to him. -Wait, how old is he? I don't want to disturb a realy old guy. -Dragonball AF is a magna, right? I think it is. If it is, then it counts as another series, because in order for it to have been made it would have needed wither Toriyama's or FUNImation's permission. Works like the Star Trek books. Just because it's not a show doesn't mean it doens't tie in. Don't bring female ssj's in juust yet...the explanation is that Toriyama and others were just not able to make 1.Why don't u try drawing a female ssj?Not so simple now is it?Unless you draw their original here and make it yellow.Not much of a transformation now is it?And if u put their hair up like guys have it, they would look like guys... -Female Super Saiyins (as geneticly they have the potential to exist) might actualy physicly look differant. Remember, the origonal Super Saiyin could only maintain that status when he was an Oozaru. So first off, concentrait on making a female Oozaru, and then try making one look like a Super Saiyin. Like I said - females have harder times building up the power. Masybe they need to get to an even HIGHER level of power first - perhaps, two million, as opposed to one million? -Anyway, the differant probably isn't that much. Muscles can't realy be defined more, because they just aren't as apparant on females -If Bra had been a boy, could she have gone to Super Saiyin? LOL thats 2 people who ahve ignored u thus far, and spoken on things u said not to bring up, Look like ur gunna have to hand out some asskicking to remind everyone whos boss around here -He's a moderator, not a dictator. -Are you sure that he said 'Females Saiyins cannot become Super Saiyins' and not 'There have never been any female Super Saiyins?' But wait a sec, why would it be such a big deal if vegeta gets beat by a girl? I like your idea aries, that would have been pretty kewl, but.... Red, there's no such thing as luck, just skill. ^_- -There is such thing as luck, but it has a tendancy to run out very fast, and half the time it's bad luck. Anyway, it wouldn't be a big deal. I'm sure that somewhere in the universe there's a female who could hand Vageta his ***. It's statisticly impossible for any other possibility. -Remember, there's always a bigger fish. Most males have a certain attitude about them that if you get your *** kicked by a girl, you're a wuss. I doubt it'd be anything you'd understand. While women are an enigma, a male's pride is something that you just can't explain. And oddly enough, that is pretty much exactly how I feel about the whole "pride" thing. Vegita, eat your heart out. ^-^ -I don't realy care. First off, we have to assume that I want to fight ANYBODY - which I don't, at least not physicly. If it comes to a physical fight, I don't realy care about who I'm fighting or what gender they are, I'll just be trying to think of any dirty, underhanded way to cheat I can. Women gave up the whole 'ladies first' thing when they got the right to vote. They want that back, then give up the right to vote. Skye, it's actually Bejiita, but who really cares? ;P This board is English based, so feel free to spell it Vegita. Or be a dubbie and spell it Vegeta. Whichever. Doesn't affect me any. ^-^ -Ah, spanish-sounding B (speaking of spanish, anyone think that the Namekian tounge sounds like it's spanish? It does to me when Dende's speaking to Porunga I could swear I heard "Me llamo es..."). And for an english-based board, I can name a few people who think that dubbies are idiots... -Anyway, thanks. Whoa... Neil is actually not pissed for once!! *puts on party hat* ^^ nice to see you in a good mood! -Hang on a sec, let's see who Neil is... -I see no Neil. Which one's Neil?
No, you don't name what you think is the best anime. In this topic, I want you to tell me what you think the ideal anime movie/show/comic would have. You can refferance other animes, though. In my opinion... The ideal anime has action. Full out, intense fighting action, like durring a DBZ battle. A REAL DBZ battle, where they're all working hard and one doesn't clearly had an advantage. Like...like durring the Trunks/Goten battle durring the World Martial Arts tournement. But not nearly as fast. The ideal anime has magik. What is anime without magik? It's less then nothing. And I mean, real magik, not 'call out your attack name' magik. I mean "chant words from your Grimore and summon a dragon" magik. "Say 'malaneth khusa alik' three times and you can cause a massive explosion" style magik. Not "FIREBALL!" magik. Anime magik should also be flowing and organic, with a lot of shimmering (except when the spell takes effect - then it can do any number of things) The ideal anime has no modern technology, or if it does, it's a scarce commodity. A gun or cannon should only be present if the protaginist - and only him or her - has come from the future. The rest of the time, it should be swords, bows, spears, and the like. Crossbows should only be seen from time to time. Air ships should only be placed in an anime with extreme magik in it, where magik isn't as rare as some would like. The ideal anime has a wide range of characters to pull from. The protaginist should be thrown into a situation which he or she has no control over, and he or she should not have wanted to be there - like Van from Zoids: Chaotic Century. He didn't WANT to go find Zoid Eve, it just sort of happened. The ideal protaginest male has no skill with magik, but is fairly skilled with a blade. He has a cute female side-kick, prefferably of the same or younger age - the same if both are fairly young, younger if the guy is fairly high in age-dom (twenty-five to thirty, in which case, the girl will be around fifteen, sixteen or seventeen). For female protaginests, they should be skilled in the arts magika, and not have another human as a sidekick - prefferably, they should have some small, nonhuman companion, like a small gargoyle or talking cat with fairy wings, or better still a fairy. It should never be a normal animal, however. The female protaginest shoudl DEFINATELY be young - age eighteen max, or at leasy appearing age eighteen max (Remember that elves - which should be in the ideal anime - live to be very old, so an elf which looks eighteen in human years could actualy be somewhere in his or her nineties. As long as we're on that subject, the female character should be an elf, or at least have an elfin build - fluid and liquidy, with muscles which aren't as well defined, and of course pointed ears) The ideal anime has a third character that comes in somewhere, the "glass is half empty" guy, if the protaginest isn't like that already. Yes, guy - it looks better on them, and though I'm sure a gal could carry it off, it's easier to do with a guy. The guy has to only be with the protaginest - at least at first - because he or she can give them something or other that the guy wants. This works out best if the lead character is a female, so the two end up countering each other. If the protaginest is already negative, then the third character instead becomes a cheery girl - once again, females carry this off better then males, it's not a sexist thing - that ends up tagging along for no known reason, she just kind of ends up with them. She is prefferably of a young age, perhaps fourteen to sixteen, and prefferably has some skill in the arts magika if the lead character doesn't already. If the lead character is a magus, then she could be some kind of theif or rogue - but a happy one! The glass is damn near full for her. This balances out with a male lead character. The ideal bad guy (I'm using male terms, but 'he' could just as easaly be a 'she') is a powerful, evil lord named Necrosis or something along those lines. He is cold and calculating, and he does not think twice about killing people. The ideal bad guy has legions of servents ready to die for him simply because they're either A) stupid or B) summoned up evils. He has gray, white, or very pale Caucasian skin and black hair. The ideal bad guy, by the way, is a strong fighter, but a skilled magus as well. he idealy has armor that looks like it's made from bones or lizard skin, and his sword has a blade that's halfway to being an axe*. He mostly never actualy engages the lead characters directly, because he either A) considers them merely a nuisance or B) knows of some prophecy that says he'll die if he engages them - a la the Overlords from Neo Destined in both cases. The ideal bad guy also has a second-in-command. The second-in-command could be of all kinds of backgrounds or genders (well, actualy only one of two genders), but these two work out best: he or she is either a formerly loyal servant who plots to overthrow the ideal bad guy and then rule the bad guy's empire, or he or she is someone who was enslaved and is forced to do what the ideal bad guy says via powerful magiks. In the former case, the second-in-command is killed by the ideal bad guy, in the latter, the second-in-command is either killed by the good guys or freed. Note how I said empire. The ideal bad guy has something which they rule, weather the empire be an actual land, a guild of assassins, or something. 'empire' does not necisaraly imply that he's an Emperor, though it certainly helps. Anything else? What do you think is the ideal anime? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *In the case of a female evil person, they should prefferably have dark to night-black skin with silver or shite hair, and dress scantaly. She should have a sword, but rather then a massive, slow blade it should be a thinner, faster blade, and she should be more skilled with magik then with sword, and she shows more emotion then the male evil person. Prefferably, she's an elf, too - and if the lead character is an elf, then they could even be related! 'Course, in the end, she'll have to die.
Extremely high speed? You don't seem to get it. The Milky Way galaxy is twenty thousand light-years accross. This means that, even traveling at light speed, it would take twenty thousand years to cross it. Not to mention the fact that light-speed is impossible in real space due to the fact that there are things all around us, photon rays and micrometeorites and the like, that are goign that fast. So, anyone going that fast would have to cope with the fact that they are getting constantly bombarded by trillions of tiny things. They may seem small, but remember this - one bee won't kill most people. An entire hive will. With these, we're talking HUNDREDS of hives. Let's get a few points about the universe down, courtasy of the Ultimate HitchHiker's Guide: AREA: Infinite [The HitchHiker's Guide has this to say about the term Infinite] Infinite: Bigger then the biggest thing ever and then some. Much bigger then that, in fact, it's really amazingly immense, a toataly stunning size, real 'wow, that's big' time. Infinity is just so big that, by comparison, the term bigness is a bit titchy. Gigantic multiplied by colossol multiplied by staggeringly huge is the point we're trying to get across here. IMPORTS: None It is impossible to import things from an infinite area, there being no outside to import things from. EXPORTS: None See imports POPULATION: None It is known that there are an infinite ammount of worlds, simply because there is an infinite ammount of space for them to take up. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as to make no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the universe can be said to be zero. From this follows that the population of the whole universe is also zero, and that any people you might meet from time to time are merelpy products of a derranged imagination. MONOTARY UNITS: None In fact there are three freely convertible currencies in the Galaxy, but none of them count. The Altairian doller has recently collapsed, the Flainian Pobble Bead is only exchangeble for other Flainian Pobble Beads, and the Trigantic Pu has it's own problems. It's exchange rate of eight Ningis for one Pu is simple enough, but since a Ningis is a triangular rubber coin six hundred eight thousand miles along each side, no one has ever collected enough to own one Pu. Ningis are not negotiable currency, since the Galactibanks refuse to deal in fiddling small change. From this simple premise it is simple to conclude that the Galctibanks are also a product of a deranged imagination. ART: None The whole purpose of art is to hold a mirror up to nature - and there simply isn't a mirror big enough. See point one. SEX: None There is quite a lot of this actualy, largely due to the toatal lack of money, trade, banks, art, or anything else that might keep the nonexistant people of the Universe occupide. However, it is not worth embarking on a long discussion on it now because it realy is terribly complicated. For further information see Guide chapters seven, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one to twenty-four inclusive, and in fact most of the rest of the guide.
I'm just wondering what we know about Freiza's race, the Icejin. Any information on them would be nice, but try to concentrait on these points: -Shapeshifting: Can they all do it? Freiza can, and I think Coola did, but is it just those two or can they all do it? [By shapeshifting, I meen cyclicng through the four forms] -Power 1: In order for Goku to beat Freiza, he had to become more powerful then him, and even then he almost lost. Does this mean that the Icejin have a natural power that's set aside from their actual power level, thus making their power higher then it realy is, or does it mean that Icejin are jut better then Saiyins? -Power 2: How the heck did they get to be so powerful with creatures like Cell, Majin Buu, Saiyins, and the like floating around? -Control: Freiza is feared throughout the universe, right? Wow. That's pretty big, especialy when you take into account that the space between one galaxy and the next is big enough to fit hundreds of additional galaxies. Just how big a scale are we talking about? Yeah, PiroMunkie will probably say this has been posted already somewhere and close it, but that's okay.
>>>EDIT: No one awnsered the question; therefor, I have moved it to a differant post. To keep my ego well-fed, I'm going to imagien that you're all very sad about this, therefor, I shall put down something to entertain you for a small while. :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :ball: :wigout: :love: :tasty: :flaming: :babble: :smirk: :laugh: :devil: :cross: :sleep: :blush: :angel: :smooch: :bawl: :blackeye: :butthead: :excited: :drunk: :freak: :box: :toothy: :mrt: :naughty: :nervous: :therock: :worried: :whoops: I apologise for any inconviniance this may have caused...:demon:
Wait, why can't female Saiyins go Super Saiyin? Doesn't make genetic sense. Even if males are made for fighting by evolution, a female can still get massively large muscles. It's easier for guys, but females can do it. So why can't a female Saiyin go Ssj? Or is this just Imperial Japan shining through? Or was Vajeta just being sexist? Origonaly Posted by Red XIII: "A Female beating Vegeta no way that aint right by any account, Android 18 beating Vegeta was simply just luck...yeah I wish but he still is class" Okay, I was going to comment, but the last part kind of didn't connect in any way to the first part. So I'll simply say that to beat Veijita (did I get the Japanese spelling right?), all a female has to do is be stronger. Perfectly reasonable, especialy if the female comes from a race that has all the growth potential of the Saiyins (like Icejin, for example, which I'm convinced are superior to Saiyins). 'Course, we don't even know if there are female Icejins. They might be like the Nameks, for all we know. Do we know? I don't think we know.
Hey! Don't dis Hurcule. Yes, he's full of himself, but then again, give him some credit: He is the strongest human on the planet who hasn't been to some alien world or something. He's not weak like everyone's making him out to be, in fact, past Roshi, Yamcha, Krillen, Videl, Uubu, and Gohan (who kind of counts), and probably a few others I might of forgot, he's the strongest human. It sounds like a lot of people, but keep in mind that there's six billion people on the planet. He's definately in the top twenty, and he should technicly be within the top five because his next closest going up stands head and shoulders above him. Just because he can't shoot out blasts of KI energy doesn't make him weak.
Yahweh casts his own negative light, just most people don't want to see their precious deity cast that way. ---------------- I finally saw Angel sanctuary a week or two ago, and I'm sure that it could be the most twisted anime ever! -Watch a tentical rape anime. I mean, there's cross-dressers, -There's ntohing wrong with being a cross-dresser. incest, -Love is love is love. Love is not bound by shape, gender, continants, relations, worlds, heaven, hell, light, dark, good, evil, nothing can stop it. God being cast in a pretty negative light; -See the above I could go on, but I want to know anyone who has seen it opinion! I'm want to know what YOU think of the concepts! -I think that this sounds like an anime worth watching. Very twisted indeed. -I like twists. Here's another one of those anime that attacks the fundamentals of Christianity. -It does not attack them, it re-shapes them to fit it's needs. Everyone will re-shape what they come across to fit their needs. For example, rather then Agumon (from Digimon), I say Augumon, rather then Moo (from Monster Rancher) I say either Muu or Mu, rather then Clow Cards (From Card Captor Sakura) I say Clou Cards...the list is endless. The incest part was really unacceptable for me. -Wait, what kind of incest are we talking about? Was it that the two loved each other, or was it rape, or what? I have nothing against incest if they love each other, but brother/sister rape or something it pretty sick. But it was too short to make any major impact so I'll probably forget about it after a few months. -That's the way most animes are.
I know what you mean. My first RPG may have had fourteen pages, but the fourteen pages moved everyone five feet from where they started. They weren't even paying any attention to the main plot, they were making up their own. Agh. Maybe I should make a Digiparty instead. That way, the entire point is to make up the plot. Yeah... Unfortunately, I've never been overly good at them.
Writing Neo Destined: Redefined sneek peek.
Darkened Skye replied to Darkened Skye's topic in Creative Works
Ouch. That hurts, guys. Not one reply, not even one veiw. -
Anime Japanese and American versions - what's the real differance?
Darkened Skye replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Zeta is both a Greek and Latin letter, but two differant ones (kind of like, in Greek, Omega is Z, but in Latin, Omega is O). I think in latin, Zeta is E, but I could be wrong. I origonaly thought it was Z, but then I learned that Zed is Z. Lord Zed. He rocked. Sorry, off topic. See, isn't this better, when everyone ISN'T yelling at each other? I feel happy. The animation in GT also looks much better. I dunno, I've only seen a few pictures, but the pictures look like they've been handles with painstaking effort. Blue Sub wasn't all computer graphics, I'm talking the parts that aren't computer graphics, like with the characters inside a hallway, or durring the whole Antartica part. But you're right, even then, Blue Sub is to DBZ what WarCraft III is to Atari. Well, maybe not THAT far off...maybe more like WarCraft II to StarCraft. -
Garlic Jr. Actualy suceaded? Cool. Okay, then...um... Well, the Universe still has ways of screwing around with you. Garlic may be immortal, but because of that he's stuck in the Dead Zone for the rest of eternity. It's kind of like how changing the past is impossible, because Time will always find a way to stop you from doing it. Huh. Hey, when Kami dies, and the dragonballs disapear, does that mean that - A) the go on to the afterlife with him; B) They remain as inert, useless stones; -or- c) they phase out until Kami comes back?