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Darkened Skye

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Everything posted by Darkened Skye

  1. Sorry I haven't been on, my computer was messed up. Um...is anyone gonna meet up with Skye at any time? Or Dracula? Someome meeting up with Drac would be kinda' cool, especialy since the story is basicly about him and his eternal quest for vengence.
  2. ...Okay, you guys all scare me. Oh, yeah, Eagle - how'd Skye just get to her apartment if she'd just been bitten by Dracula, Prince of Darkness, Lord of Transilvania, the Dragon's Son, and just a generaly not-very-nice guy? She has to focus on blood right now. Ravenstortue: Calm down. Deep breaths. Don't have to have sex all the time. Jesus, I'm not as horny as you are, and I know some of the best free anime porn sites, or I at least know how to get to them... This is what my next part was supposed to be: Skye stumbled through the city. The very existance of a vampire depended on their blood. If it ran out, they became very naughty. Simply waking up drained them of blood, and they needed to feed. Every moment they existed, they drained blood from themselves. Skye needed more blood, now. A lot of it had been drained by that Methuselah. She had no doubt that vampire had been a legendary, mythic Methuselah. Only they would feed off of other vampires. As for the Dracula thing, maybe. Maybe not. She saw someone up ahead...a policeman. It would have to do. He had a gun, he had a batton. Neither could kill her, but immortality didn?t mean numbness. If he got out ot either...this could hurt. Skye stumbled up to the policeman, who had obviously noticed her already. ?Hey,? He said. ?Hey, are you okay? Do you need-? Skye cut him off then. She decided the easiest way to go about this was through fear, so she hissed and barred her fangs. Her fangs were large enough to be obvious, so she didn?t look like a fool. Only a monster. The cop gasped, reaching for his gun. Skye punched him, though, before he could get it out, then grabbed his batton and swung with all her might, hitting him across his head. The cop fell to the ground, unconcious. Skye?s first thought as she stooped low was to go for that glorious jugular, but she managed to control herself and grabbed his arm, ignoring the cloth and simply biting down. Oh...the blood seemed a sweet, sweet gift from whatever dark after-afterlife she was bound for. She brought her tounge along the cop?s shirt to get up ever last square inch that came out, and drank back the blood that still poured out. She stopped herself after a few minutes, then stood. The cop had pleanty of blood left in him, in fact enough was left to have sated Skye compleately. But she wouldn?t kill him. She wiped the blood from her mouth, then licked it off of her fingers. Then she turned around, and found that there was a pistol pointed right at her heart. Holding the pistol was a surprised-looking Vincint. ?Skye!? he exclaimed. ?What do you think you?re doing?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?? ?Been there, done that,? Skye said as she pushed the gun away from her heart. She knew if was loaded with wooden pellets, not bullets, and thus she realy didn?t want it going off. Vincint looked at the cop, and saw that he was still breathing fine. ?Why?d you attack him?? He asked. ?I thought you were living off of Kayla these days.? ?I can?t bite her every night, she?d be dead,? Skye said. ?But you?re right. I did bite her tonight. And then I was bitten.? ?You WHAT?? ?I don?t have much time to explain unless you?ll walk with me,? Skye said. ?I need blood. Lots.? Skye walked off, and after a moment, Vincint followed. ?What did the vamp think? That YOU were a human? I thought you guys could tell.? ?We can. He knew I was a vampire.? Skye said. ?I think he was a Methuselah. Hey, will you donate some blood to my cause?? ?No,? Vincint said. ?A Methuselah? Don?t think you ever told me about that.? ?Okay, I?m a neonate, right?? Skye asked. ?Less then a hundred years. Above me is an ancillae. A hundred years to two ninety nine. Then there?s the elders. Three hundred years. But there?s another. They?re realy powerful, and they?ll feed off of vampires as well as mortals. In fact, they prefer vampire blood. They?re cold, even for vampires, and they?re deadly, the deadliest creatures on this planet. They?re called Methuselahs. They?ve been undead for over a mellenia.? Skye hid behind some wall, then looked out, and saw two people, probably a boyfreind and girlfreind, walking down an alley. ?You might want to close your eyes,? Skye said as jumped and grabbed hold of a telephone pole, using the metal spikes sticking out to climb it. The couple passed underneath Skye as she hid up there, and Vincint did his best to look inconspicuous. Skye then let herself fall onto the woman as she punched the man in the gut, then elbowed him over the head. Both fell to the ground, unconcious. ?The Methuselah called himself Vlad Drakul,? Skye said as she pulled up the sleeve of the woman. ?Ring a bell?? As Skye fed, Vincint tried his best to think, though it was distracting to see Skye feeding. ?...no, it doesn?t,? he said when Skye was done. ?Oh, come on,? Skye said. ?When I met you, you were the biggest vampire idiot on the planet. You knew everything there was to know about Hollywood vampires. You mean Vlad doesn?t ring a bell? Vlad the Impaler?? She bit down onto the man as Vincint reached back. He had known a lot of ?facts? about vampires a while ago, but when he had met Skye and she had revealed her nature to him, she had taught him everything she knew about real vampires. ?...no,? Vincint admited after a few seconds. Skye paused even as she had her mouth on the man?s arm, and she sighed, then went back to feeding. After she was done, she stood and looked at Vincint. ?Drakul. DRAH-kyool. Sounds like...?? Vincint snapped his fingers. ?Dracula!? he explained. Skye clapped. ?Way to go! Now you?ll have to keep following if you want more of an explenation. I can?t afford to stop.? Skye walked off, and Vincint followed her. ?Dracula,? Vincint said. ?As in ?the Count??? ?That?s what he called himself,? Skye said. She?d have to eat a lot tonight, she realised. A full human?s worth of blood. She and Vincint then heard a scream and a gunshot. They both paused, then ran in the direction of the sound. Skye saw a black person, about twenty five of age-looking, wearing a black overcoat and holding a sawed-off shotgun. he had sunglasses which were over his eyes. They only saw him for an instant, however, as he swiftly left. Skye couldn?t believe her luck. She ran towards the body, looking the woman over. She was dead, shot in her chest. ?She?s dead,? she, said, pulling open the woman?s shirt and plunging into the blood. ?Hey!? Vincint exclaimed. ?You can?t do that! She was just murdered!? ?Not my fault,? Skye said, comming up. her lips and chin were dripping with blood. ?I need this more then she does now.? Skye continued to drink, as Vincint got a little jumpy. ?Um...? He said. ?Skye? Someone was bound to of called the cops.? ?I?m eating right now!? Skye said. After a few minutes, she came up from the body, licking away the blood on her. ?Oh...I have luck,? She said. ?Maybe I am lucky. Since being bit, I?m a better artist, I can go to Kayla and be with her whenever I want and she?ll just think it?s a dream, and I just was able to get back blood fast. Thank GOD...? She looked at Vincint. ?You?re jumpy,? She said. ?Come on, let?s go.? Vincint and Skye walked away. When they were a few blocks away, they saw police cars drive by them. * * * ?Look, I don?t know if it was realy Dracula,? Skye said. ?But it was a Methuselah.? ?Great...? Vincint said. ?Something else,? Skye said. ?If you try to track him down by yourself, you?ll die. You can barely take on an ancillae. A Methuselah would wipe you out. Any vampy-hunter freinds you can call in, get them.? ?I have a few,? Vincint admitted. They were at a bar, Skye had gotten a coke, whilst Vincint had gotten a beer. Both were waiting for their drinks. Skye was about to say something else, but then someone came up to her, putting down the coke and the beer. ?Thanks.? Skye said. ?How much?? ?No charge,? A regal voice said, and Skye looked up. She realised she was staring at a vampire. ?But,? He said, ?The Prince would like to speak with you, Skye.? Skye looked a little fearful. ?Wh...what did I do...?? She asked. ?It?s not about that painting I sold to DeGrei, is it? Because I told her I?m working on a replacement, free of charge. It?s almost done!? ?It?s not about that.? The vampire said. ?Nor is it about your...relations...to this mortal. The Prince disdains such things, but you present no threat to her, and as such she does not care what you do. It?s about the Methuselah.? Skye swore she felt her heart beat for just a moment. ?Word?s spread fast,? Skye said as she stood. She looked at Vincint. ?I?ll be back...I hope...? She said. Vincint nodded.
  3. There are seven Mellenium Items. I remember that pretty clearly, even if they do seem to show Yu-Gi-Oh! at random here. It doesn't even make any sense to me, the episodes. In one episode, Yugi recieved the Mellenium Puzzle, and it's said that he beat Kaiba. He then went on to figh Pegesus. But then, in the Kaiba episodes referd to in the above, he already had the Puzzle.
  4. Well, I think Vageta had the idea that if he was immortal, he could eventualy wear Freiza down to the point where he was just so pooped that he could no longer fight. What's the Japanese word for immortal? It might have several other translations, too, which included might be all-powerful and stuff. I don't know. I wouldn't want to be immortal, unless I was an vampire. That's a whole differant story. Or unless it was just to age and sickness. That'd be okay, too.
  5. Oh...I thought only mods could delete topics. DBZ animation sucks. Ever seen the animation of shows or magna like Magic Knight Raynearth, Blue Sub No. 6, Tenchi Muyo, or even Digimon? Everything in DBZ reminds my of The Aidyn Chronicles: the First Mage: blocky.
  6. ...okay, you scare me. Waste of a good virgin, too...
  7. Editor's Note: I realize it's probably Zoidian, but with my RPGs and stories, proper spelling and grammar have no place. Things are spelled the way I want to spell them. (Thus I spell Agumon 'Augumon', Moo 'Muu', and Zoidian 'Zoideen'. Plus, spelling it Zoideen gets you to pronounce the sylables the way I want you to. I don't want you to say "Zoid-ee-ahn", I want you to say "Zoi-deen". With two sylibals. This way, I have control over you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Ahem*. Anyway, on with the preveiw. This will be posted after my Vampire: the Masquerade RPG falls. ZOIDS - ANCIENT LEGACY RPG STORYLINE In the days following the destruction of the ancient Zoideen Civilization, Planet Zi was a chaotic place. The Zoideens had grown too advanced. In the end, their own technology wiped them out. Several centuries past, and new civilizations emerged, the Republic and the Empire. Eventualy, however, they, too fell, and as time went on, the people of Planet Zi began to have less and less respect for what they had created. They began to use Zoids as mere game units, used to fight in mock battles fought by contestants who dared call themselves warriors. This, too, could not last. Planet Zi seems doomed to advance, then be destroyed, only to advance again. It is a period just after the fall of the newest civilization. Planet Zi is more a desert world then ever. Water and food are scarce commodities. The few cities would barely be called towns on other worlds. The strong survive. The weak are preyed upon by the strong, if they?re lucky. But, as always, the legacy of the Zoideens lives on. Zoids can be found, as well as blueprints. They can be repaired, they can be used to dominate or protect. To rule or to lead. Those few that have them are lucky, indeed, because it means they don?t have to go from day to day worrying about what they?ll eat. They can just take it, if they are cruel, or have it donated to them by those who seek protection. But everyone who controls a Zoid, just like in ages past, can?t help but have a feeling that something dark looms just over the horizon...
  8. Okay, so what do you think? I know, I know, they suck. It's probably down there with Vance Moore right now. But, I swear, the episodes get better and longer, and I also swear that plot twists come in more often and things get more detailed and I think my spelling and grammar gets better. Keep in mind, though - if you say yes, you're saying yes to ninety-six episodes and two hundred nineteen pages. This is the longest digimon fanfic ever, if not the longest fanfic ever. It is brilliant, it is my baby, I have worked lovingly on it for years now. It had an earlier version (thus the 'Redefined" status of it), but that was only thirty-six episodes and seventy seven pages long, and it was all happy-go-lucky. this thing gets DARK.
  9. Episode Five: the Overlords One Hour Later The newcomer was named Kailine Tsamino, she had the Crest of Life, her Digimon was Halamon, she was from Japan, and that was all the group needed to know about her, thank you very much. She was holding Halamon, who was severaly weakened from the beating that Kaalmon had givin all them. They were all in bad shape, except Gheldingmon. He was sitting near a fire he had gotten Ieterimon to light via threats. But he had seemed much nicer after it was lit. "Lesson one: Fight through your pain," That was what Gheldingmon had said to Ieterimon first, after it had gotten dark. He had then revealed bleeding hands, givin to him by Gasimon's sword and dagger. He also had a few burns from the Web Flares of the Arachdramon, but he didn't seem to even know that they were there. Everyone else was sitting as far away from him as possible. "What is he?" Zack whispered to himself, but got an awnser from Halamon, though a weak one. "He is Kaalmon..." She said. "Th-the worst...O-Overlord...the...Dre-Dread Lord..." "Huh? Overlord?" "Don't," Kai said. "She's hurt. Don't make her talk more then she has too." Halamon tried to protest, but Kai hushed her. "So...who are you?" Zack asked. "Besides something basic." "I said," Kai said. "Kailine Odette Tsamino. Call me Kai." "Anything else?" Zack asked. "Y'know, a mom, a dad, a brother or sister-" He was cut off with an icy glare. "Shutting up," He said, taking the hint. "They are not ready," a voice said next to him. He jumped, and saw that Gheldingmon was now beside him. "What was that?" Zack said. "Why'd you-" "Self-defence," Gheldingmon said. "They attacked. I defended. Had I not beat them this hard, they would of kept coming. I might of had to delete them." Zack thought for a moment, then relised it made sense. They seemed to now hate Gheldingmon with a passion. "What are you?" Zack said. "Why do they all hate you?" "I am...was...an Overlord." Gheldingmon said. "There are now seven. We took control of Modem, then divided it up into sections that we ruled. I was called the Dread Lord. Whenever I had to put down a rebellion, not too often, surviving digimon would often kill themselves rather then live to feel my wrath. Not a bad idea, I was EVIL to the core." "You're not much better now," Kai said. "Point of veiw, there," Gheldingmon said, sighing. "I used self defence. had any Arachmon in that scouting party lived, we'd have a leigon on our heads now. a leigon of Arachdramon I can't defeat, the only reason I defeated those ones was because I had two elements: surprise and fear. One-on-one, I'm about as powerful as any of the other Digimon. Okay, a little better. They were just so scared that they were messing up. And I had fear on my side when I was taking on Halamon, Aziirmon, and the rest. Speaking of which, sorry Halamon. Little hard there." Halamon looked startled, and looked up. "Wha...?" She asked. "Sorry," Gheldingmon repeated, sounding sincear. "I was a little too hard. I didn't even relise what I was doing. I'm sorry." Halamon looked like she had just seen God come down and told her that she could take over his job. "You're...joking..." She said. Gheldingmon shrugged. "Fine," He said sarcasticly. "I can see there's no fooling you." to himself, he muttered "Am I going to have to put up with this the rest of my life?" "You seem to know a lot about here," Kai said. "Why are we here?" "You're the Digi-Destined," Gheldingmon said. "the Chosen Children. We're the Chosen Digimon. Each of you have a Crest that best exemplifies what makes up the youness of you. You're here to help us Digimon digivolve so that we can fight back evil and help out Modem. In this case, the Overlords. You can't get home until each is deleted, we made that, figuring we could pick you off one at a time." "Wait," Zack said, holding his Crest. "This means Darkness. You said." "And...?" Gheldingmon asked. "Isn't Darkness evil?" "Nope," Gheldingmon said. "Seperate thing. Darkness, and it's counterpart, Light, have the potentiality to become either." "Oh, cool," Zack said. "Tomarrow," Gheldingmon said, "We leave here. Scorpiusmon's base resides in the deepest part of the Dark Wood. We should make tracks for it. the Digimon should be healed compleatly by then; if not, too bad. We can't afford to be slow." He glanced over at Alex and Ieterimon, who were asleep next to Sarah. "I think we might have a chance," He said. "At least with him. Such strength for one so young."
  10. Episode Four: Kaalmon Unleashed Several Hours later, 6: 19 PM Earth Time "So what IS Your World like?" Gheldingmon asked. "Boring," Zack said. "Nothing interesting ever happens. Well, there was a small problem a while back with the Arabs stealing arms and taking hosteges again, but nothing much." "Stealing arms?" Gheldingmon asked. "Did the humans they were stolen from get their arms back? It has to be hard with only one arm, or no arms." "I meant guns. wepons." "Oh." Gheldingmon said. They were still away from the rest of the group, wanting to remain seperate. Zack had learned a lot about Digimon in that time. They were made of computer data; and there were many kinds. Gheldingmon was a Virus-type, classifide as the Demonic Page Digimon. Zack was a little offset by this, but Gheldingmon seemed nice deep down. Very deep down. They were all traveling through the forest, sticking together. Khymon and Ultaimon had digivolved to Ieterimon and Kysiramon. Ieterimon looked like a red and orange salamander with tiny batlike wings, and Kysiramon looked like a blue bird with a small horn sticking from it's head. "Were is a computer, anyway?" Zack asked. "Uh..." Gheldingmon said. "...Around. Somewere. Yeah. And you should be able to get home..." He thought "I hope..." Zack heard a sound like a twig snapping. Gheldingmon heard it too, they looked around. "Okay, did you hear that?" Ghedlignmon asked. "Yeah, I-" "WEB FLARE!" a voice shouted,a dn Gheldingmon maneged to get himself and Zack out of the way. a web that looked like it was on fire hit near were they had been. Everyone stopped and looked around. They formed into a tight circle, witht he Digimon hanging around. "What was tha-" John started. "Arachdramon," Gheldingmon interupted. "Virus-type champion digimon. Look like ten foot tall spiders. Servents of Scorpiusmon...uh, not that I know the guy personaly." "WEB FLARE!" that almost hit John, but he moved out of the way. They saw nothing through the trees. "They're great at stealth." Gheldingmon added. "But, I think maybe if one of us could Digivolve again..." "Done," Aziirmon said. He glowed with blue energy. "Aziirmon, DIGIVOLVE TO>>>" "FHENDURMON!" Fhendurmon looked like a twenty-foot tall version of Kadabra from Pokemon, colored blue. "WEB FLARE!" firey webs shot at Fhendurmon. He raised his hands and pointed at it. "DREAM WAVE!" Blue energy hit the Web Flare, and it disperesed. Fhendurmon turned and pointed at the trees. "DREAM WAVE!" Blue energy hit something in the forest, which screamed and fell out into veiw. It looked like a spider, all right, a black widow. "Arachdramon," Gheldingmon confirmed. Suddenly, they were surrounded by Arachdramon. "Uh..." Zack said. They were sevearly outgunned.... "HALAMON!" a new voice shouted from the forest. "DIGIVOLVE TO>>>" "GASIMON!" an angelic digimon cut through the trees, attacking the Arachdramon. aided by Fhendurmon, a few were taken out. Zack noted that when they were dameged enough to die they would burst apart into tiny fragments that would soon disapear. Then, the Arachdramon, no longer caught by surprise, attacked. Fhendurmon and this new Digimon would be overwhelmed quickly. "Can you do that?" Alex asked Ieterimon. "I can try!" Ieterimons aid. "IERTERIMON, DIGIVOLVE TO>>>" "CALDEDRAMON!" Calderdramon looked like a dragon from english myth. It's hide was colored red, and it's entire tail was on fire. "Lava BURST!" Lava spewed from his mouth and hit the Arachdramon, but there were still so many... "KYSIRAMON!" Kysiramon shouted. "DIGIVOLVE TO>>>" "CELESTIMON!" Celestimon looked like a giant blue bird, with a long mane of feathers coming from the top of it's head. "SKY ARCH!" wind colected at her wings, then shot forward. a few more Arachdramon fell. Zack moved away slightly from the fight, and bumped into someone, and they both quicly turned, Zack stupidly apologising. The newcommer was a girl, looking slightly younger then Zack. she had black hair and was weaing a white t-shirt and blue jeans, white sneakers. she had a Crest, which looked like a four-sided star inside a larger four-sided star, colored purple. she also had a D3, which was also colored purple. She had pale white skin that rivaled Zack's for lack of tone, and looked Asian. "Introductions later," She said, in almost perfect english, but he had a slight accent that hinted Japanese. "Right now, what can we do to help? I don't think Gasimon can hold them for long. Any ideas?" "Uh..." Zack said. He didn't know what to do...why did people always ask him stuff like this at the worst times?! "TYMORAMON, DIGIVOLVE TO>>>" "ASKITAEMON!" Askitaemon was about fifteen feet tall, and shaped like a human. She had green shiney hair and pale green skin, and was weaing very little. She held a staff. "VINE GROWTH!" a few Arachdramon were caught up in vines and were squeezed to death, but there were still to many. "Gheldingmon!" Zack said, running over to a crouched down form of Gheldingmon who looked very scared. "Why haven't YOU Digivolved?" "Well..." Gheldingmon stammered. "Uh...you see...uh..." At that moment, Askitaemon was hit by a Web Flare. Being a Plant Digimon, this severaly hurt her. "Awe, HELL!" Gheldingmon shouted, stepping up. "Gheldingmon...DIGIVOLVE TO>>>" Gheldingmon grew in hight to fifteen feet tall. his neck grew out to be long and his horns got bigger, his legs much longer as well as his tail. He had dark green hair that started from behind his horns and swept down almost to the bottem of his neck. His hands covered his face, but then he drew them back and slashed at two Arachdramon behind him, not even looking. they burst apart into data. he roared at the sky. "KAALMON!" He shouted, and suddenly all action stopped. they all looked at Kaalmon. Sarah said something under her breath, sounding like "Good GOD..." "Kaalmon?" One Arachdrmaon asked. "Lord Kaalmon?" Another asked. "Overlord..." Gasimon hissed with malice, but also slight fear. Kaalmon looked behind him, at the Arachdramon who were forzen in place, half with amezement, and half with that kind of gut-wrenching fear. "DARKBLADE!" Kaalmon shouted as he leaped forward and slashed before the blade was fully formed with his free hand. two Arachdramon were taken out in one swing. "CALL TO DARKNESS!" Kaalmon shouted, and black energy surrounded him. he slashed out, hitting another three Arachdramon. He had deleted those five in under a second. Kaalmon stood in the middle of a circle of Arachdramn. they relised what had happened and atacked. he leaped into the air and landed on two. He stabbed one and twisted the neck of another, and both were deleted. Only ten Arachdramon remained. most of them charged, two of them provided long-range cover. Kaalmon moved. Two Arachdramon fell, one was hit into a tree and knocked out, and then the others tried to run. Kaalmon chased them down and deleted each of them, then started walking back, qucikly, to the Arachdramon that was consious again. It was trying to back away. "No..." He said. "Please...mercy...MERCY!" Kaalmon swung a fist at the Arachdramon, hitting him away and into another tree. "There are others!" The Arachdramon pleaded. "I can show you...PLEASE!" Kaalmon ignored him as he stabbed is blade into the Arachdramon's gut. it screamed in pain, and then burst apart into data. Kaalmon turned to the five other Digimon, smiling. "Maybe this isn't so bad..." He said, before they all attacked, All of the humans shouting protest. Kaalmon stood, waiting for them to come. he then leaped forward, and hit Fhendurmon first, so hard that he de-digivolved to Aziirmon. he then swung his blade, hitting Askitaemon with it's flat side, and she too de-digivolved. he took out two of the others, Calderdramon with a backhand and Celestimon by headbutting her, leaving only Gasimon. He stood only a few feet away from Gasimon, who swung her sword. Kaalmon caught it, then twisted it out of her hand and threw it away. Gasimon tried her dagger, but she was again disarmed. she resorted to her fists, but Kaalmon caught the blow and twisted her arm so that she was kneeling before him. All this looked effortless to Kaalmon. He twisted again, and Gasimon cried out in pain. He then kneed her, and she flew back, de-digivolveing. the sword and dagger also joined in her bright light, and she became a small, mouse-like Digimon, colored yellow. Kaalmon looked at all the rookie digimon. "Easy," He said. he de-digivolved back to Gheldingmon, and stalked forward, making his way past the fallen digimon, kicking Aziirmon when he tried weakly to grab him. "Zack," He said. "We have to teach these guys how to fight, if we want to beat the Overlords."
  11. Episode Three: Modem John held Sarah, trying to calm her down. Aziirmon, the Abra-looking Digimon, was muttering something. Gheldingmon was relising that he was outnumbered. "What is that, Aziirmon?" John asked. "His name is Gheldingmon," Aziirmon said. "Virus-type rookie, and a powerful one. But, I think that Tymoramon and I combined can end his threat." "No!" Zack said, moving in between Aziirmon and Gheldingmon. "No, don't." "Nerd," John said. "Get out of the way. He just tried to hurt Sarah. NO ONE tries to hurt Sarah." "Wait," Zack said. "Okay, Gheldingmon lost his temper. We can all get that, right? Only he has more power then what a human has. Maybe this is just the way he's used to settling disputes. we can't kill him for that." "Watch us," Tymoramon said. "You'll have to kill me, too," Zack said, then he thought "AM I CRAZY?!" But for some reason, despite what he had just done, Zack couldn't let Gheldingmon die. "Do not force me to make you get out of the way," Aziirmon said calmly, but also sternly. "Just one more chance," Zack said. "That's it. one more. if he screws up again, then I won't stop you from doing whatever." "Fine," John said. "Aziirmon, he gets one more chance. But next time, get HIM out of the way." Aziirmon backed up a few steps, as did Tymoramon. Gheldingmon looked like he was about to have a heart attack, and also looked at Zack like he was God or something. "You..." He said. "You helped me...no one's ever done that for me before..." "I just didn't think you deserved to die on your first offence," Zack said. "But I won't get in the way the next time." "There WON'T be a next time," Gheldingmon said. His arm jutted back as if in recoil, and the SmallBlade disapeared. he walked up next to Zack, scratching the back of his head. "I'm...I...uh...thank you," He said, stuggling with the words. he looked up with nothing short of admaration. "you went against your freinds and risked death...for me..." "Okay, so where are we?" John asked, ignoring all the emotional crap between Zack and Gheldingmon. "This continant is called Modem," Gheldingmon said quickly, trying to be helpful and avoid seeing his past again via Aziirmon's attack, Psychosis. It was his worse fear. "This forest is called the Dark Wood, because the sun almost never shines here." "I didn't ask you," John said. Gheldingmon stepped forward, growled and beared his claws, but then he glanced back at Aziirmon and saw him staring sternly. Gheldingmon steped back, and moved his head into his shadow, submiting. "He's right," Khymon said. "This is Modem. We're in the Dark Wood." "Okay, so let's make tracks to find a computer," John said. "My parents want to know when I'm going to get a pizza, I think they'll want to know if I'm in an alternate reality." "My parents would probably be happy I'm getting out," Zack said as they started away. "Why? Don't you like sports?" Sarah asked. "Sarah..." John said. "What? Just trying to get to know him. I can do that. So, don't like sports?" "No, not really," Zacks aid. "Too physical. I haven't broken a bone yet and I want to keep it that way." * * * "Ultaimon...?" Dana Silverman asked the small, blue ball of feathers with blue eyes, a beak, and wings in her hands. "Were are we...?" "This is the Digital World!" Ultaimon said happaly. Dana looked down at her, and noticed that what she was weaing had changed slightly. Her previously black miniskirt was now blue, and her pink T-shirt was now a pink long-sleeved shirt. The sleeves seemed a little big, but it actualy looked stylish. cool. "So...like, were EXACTLY are we? Want country?" "Country?" Ultaimon asked. "I dunno what that is. This is Modem Continant, and we're in the Dark Wood." "That's not inviting," Dana said, somewhat annoyed at it's uninvitefulness. How did it expect to get tourists with a name like that? Well, maybe the freaky ones, like that Zack Bramner... Her pink-colored D3 beeped. She swiched from holding Ultaimon with both hands to one, and looked at the D3. it showed her, a pink dot, in the middle, then a black, green, blue, and yellow dot off to the right. "Uh..." She moved a step to the right, and the dots got bigger. "Okay, I get it. let's go see who this is," She started walking. "Okay," Ultaimon said. "Probably more humans and Digimon." "How d'ya know?" Dana asked. "Because you're Digi-Destined!" Ultaimon said. "That's the only reason why we'd of met. Our World and Your World are compleatly different, and right now Our World is in a lot of trouble, and whenever that happens, kids from Your World come! And eveything is better then." "Wow," Dana said. "What's the matter with the DigiWorld?" "I dunno," Ultaimon addmited. "But SOMETHING has to be wrong, why else would you be here? You will help, right?" She looked up at Dana with big baby eyes. "Uh...of coarse!" Dana said. "Why not? How hard could it be? Oh, Sarah!" Dana had just caught up with the other kids and saw Sarah. They ran to each other and hugged (as I've noticed girls often do), and were almost instantly babbling about what seemed like nothing. "Do girls from Your World always do this?" Gheldingmon asked Zack. They were standing away from the rest of the group. "Yeah," Zack said. "I never got why."
  12. Episode Two: Digivolution "What's with all the rain?" Sarah asked the small green ball in her arms, with eyes, a mouth, and a stem with leaves on it. She said her name was Herandemon. "It IS a rainforest!" Herandemon shouted back. "What did you expect?" "Just not so much rain!" Sarah complained. "I like the rain!" the small child near Sarah said. His name was Alex Mirimak. Sarah occasionaly baby sitted him. Next to him, a small, red and yellow pig like digimon ran around with him. Alex was wearing a yellow T-shirt with khaki shorts. Wait, he hadn't been wearing that when he came in- Then Sarah noticed that her clothes had changed as well, from a white t-shirt and blue jeans to a green shirt and a brownish miniskirt. Sarah looked at the Crest hanging from her neck. it was colored green with a black background. It looked like a cross, but instead of the left, right, and upper rods there were three circles, each with a smaller circle in it. the top one was bigger then the other two and had two circles in it instead of one. Alex had a Crest as well, it was a horizontal shaft with two spheres at either end. the left sphere had three triangles pointing away from it, as did the right. inside each sphere was a circle. it too was against a black background, and it itself was colored yellow. "What's this mean?" Sarah asked Herandemon. She had initaily been afraid of Herandemon but now she felt like she had known her all her life. Sarah was refering to her Crest. "Faith," Herandemon said. "And Alex-" "Has the Crest of Trust!" Khymon said, jumping up and down. his short fur as soaked through, as was Alex. "Alex, get out of the rain!" Sarah aid sternly. "You want to catch a cold?" "Jeeze, sorry," Alex said. "That's what I get for being a kid..." Khymon followed him and Sarah under the relitive dryness of a tree. Sarah's shirt was wet, and she could see a portion of her anatomy. But Alex was obviously to young to care. "How do we get home?" Sarah asked. "Don't worry, there's a way." Herandemon said. "Just give me a second. Oh, yeah, we just need to find a Computer." Sarah shook her head. "Were do we do that?" She asked. "Oh, we just gotta find one," Herandemon said. "There's all sorts of random items around here. It shouldn't be too hard." "Alex..." Sarah said as she saw him inching into the rain. "Awe, what can one rainstorm do?" Alex slumped. "You could catch pnemonia," Sarah said, being unusualy pesimistic. Alex's eyes widened. He didn't know what pnemonia was but it sounded bad. "We'd have to rush you to a hospital. You'd run up a huge hospital bill and make my life bad with your parents. You'd linger on life support for a few weeks, then die." Alex leaped away from the rain and was clutching to Sarah, Khymon clutching to him. "Syke," Sarah said. That calmed him down a lot, but he eyed the rain suspiciously. "Okay, so let's just wait for this rain to stop, then go find a computer." "It won't be hard," Herandemon said. "I swear." "Sarah?" A semi-familier voice asked. Sarah was startled and jumped, as was Herandemon. they both turned quickly, Herandemon leaping from Sarah's hands and looking suspiciously at the kid and Digimon that had come from the rain. He looked a little familier to Sarah, kind of. the digimon looked like a black, horned version of Hernademon. "Who're you?!" Herandemon demanded. "Cool yourself, data-type," the digimon said. "I'm not here to fight, especialy not against someone like you..." his yellow eyes flashed for a second. "Charming," Sarah said. she looked at the kid who had moved into the tree's cover. "Who're you?" This looked like a small blow to the kid. "Zack," He said. "Zack Bramner. We go to the same school." Sarah racked her memory. she knew practicly everyone in the school. "I...don't think I recognise you," Sarah said at last. "I'm not really noticed much," Zack said. "And when I am it's not useualy for a good thing." "Oh, GREAT," the small ball thing said. "I'm stuck with a looser for a partner. Could this get worse?" "Oh, your the kid John's always picking on!" Sarah said. "Never mind, it just did," the ball thing said. "Chances of getting to know Herandemon itemently: ZERO!" "That's Irikimon," Zack said. "I don't think I like you much," Sarah said to the black ball. "Yeah, I don't like Zack much either," Irikimon said. Zack gave Irikimon an icy glare, but he didn't care. "What? I'm not just going to like you because you have a Crest. you want my respect, you have to earn it." "That's not nice," Herandemon said. "You could of said that nicer." Alex said. "You need to learn manners," "Oh, and you're going to teach them, kid?" Irikimon asked, eyes glowing red. Alex cowered back, but Khymon steped forward. "I don't like your attitude!" He said. "I don't like you," Irikimon said. "So f*ck off." Khymon backed off in shock. It also stopped raining, but the skys remained cloudy. "Oh, NOW it's ON!" Herandemon said. "Herandemon, DIGIVOLVE TO>>>" "TYMORAMON!" Tymoramon looked a lot like a Bellsprout from pokemon. It was about four feet high and made mostly of vines. It had arms, ending in claws made of thorns. "Uh, Tymoramon, right?" Zack said. "Listen, I'm sure Irikimon doesn't mean any of this..." "I MEAN EVERY WORD OF IT!" Irikimon shouted. "IRIKIMON, DIGIVOLVE TO>>>" "GHELDINGMON!" Gheldingmon looked like a raptor, about four feet high. it's skin was scaly, and colored a dark grey. it had horns and two tail blades, as well as talons and claws. the horns, blades, talons, and claws were colored black. it's eyes were yellow. Gheldingmon roared a chalenge at Tymoramon, and said something inaudable. Dark energy surrounded his hand, and then formed up and into a blade. he said something else, and black energy creeped accrose his frame, making him look like he was outlined with black. "SPORE SEED!" Tymoramon shouted, throwing her arms forward. small seeds launched from them, and hit Gheldingmon. he was wraped in vines almost instantly, but he just cut through them with his blade. Gheldingmon roared, then leaped forward. Tymoramon leaped out of the way, but Gheldingmon kicked out and hit her anyway, and he hit her so hard that she fell over. Gheldingmon leaped onto her, tounge licking his lips. Zack then lunged forward, knocking Gheldignmon off of Tymoramon. Gheldingmon turned to Zack, shifting from left to right on his feet like a bird. "Oh, YOU want some of this?" He asked. Zack was kneeling, and was vunurable. Tymoramon suddenly leaped forward, to fast for Gheldingmon to react. "EARTH CLAW!" She shouted, and earth formed around her hands, extending them out to a few inches. she slashed across his back, and he fell to the ground, then quickly leaped back up. Gheldingmon hissed at Tymoramon, then leaped forward, slashing, and she fell. they were back in the same possition as before. "Gheldingmon!" Zack shouted. "SHE SHOULDN'T OF MADE THE CHALENGE!" Gheldingmon said. "FIRST rule of Modem: Don't chalenge what you cannot beat! Else, THIS might happen!" He looked at Sarah, and pointed his un-bladed hand. "You'll be next. I can tell." He raised his blade, but then he was hit with blue energy, which dispersed the black energy on him and covered him. he fell to the ground, shaking. his eyes darted around, like he was seeing something that only he could see. Zack looked at were the blue energy had come from. He saw a Digimon that looked like an Abra from Pokemon, and John Montag. "Great," He said, as he saw John running over to Sarah and the Abra Digimon circling Gheldingmon. John was weaing his red tanktop and khaki shorts as useual, but they looked cut different, and he was also weaing those cloth wristbands that sports people always wore. Alex was crying, he was scared out of his little mind. Khymon was scared as well, and looked like he was wiping his tears in Alex's t-shirt. Zack moved over to him, and tried to comfort him. "I want my mommy!" Alex said. Gheldingmon suddenly wasn't glowing with blue energy anymore, and he leaped up, but he looked much more unsure of himself. the Abra digimon eyed him, looking like he was about to cast a spell or something. John was holding Sarah, and kept on asking if she was okay. Zack studdied Gheldingmon. He at first acted like he was the best thing to ever happen to Zack, but now he had just tried to kill Sarah. Who's side was he on, anyway?
  13. Episode One: the Crest of Darkness "Uh-oh," Zack said, waving the mouse around franticly. Finaly, something happened. a black egg apeard on the screen, and started cracking. "Huh?" Zack asked. This was weird... the egg hatched, and a small, black ball with yellow eyes, small horns, and a mouth with small white, pointed teeth came out. it looked at Zack. "Arik." It said. it leaped forward, and the screen, and the computer, shook with the impact. Zack leaped away from the computer. "Okay, what the heck?" He asked as the computer shook again. the small ball looked impatiant. "ARIK!" It shouted, slamming forward. suddenly, there was a sound like a stong wind, and the small ball thing was sitting on the ground. It looked up at Zack. "Arik..." it said impatiantly, then hopped away, down the hallway in an instant and then into the kitchen. Zack just stayed were he was, staring at the computer. it had returned to normal. "One to many bad days at school," he said holding his head and thinking maybe he had halucenated it all. Then heard a crash from the kitchen. he ran into it. the black ball thing was up on the counter, in the fruit bowl, eating more then it looked like it should of been able to eat. as Zack stared, it ate a whole aple in one gulp, then ate a bannana, skin and all. Zack didn't know what to do, obviously. Suddenly, the ball thing looked queezy, then glowed black. there was a flash of blackness, and when the anti-light cleared, the ball thing had gotten bigger. It was about a foot tall, with larger horns, bigger eyes and a biger mouth, and a foot-long tail. the thing looked at Zack. "Huh. This is what I have to work with," it said, in a voice that sounded like a baby version of Tarantulus from Beast Wars. It hopped of the counter and looked up at Zack. "Hi, we're parnters." the thing said. Zack just stared. "Wh...what are you...?" He maneged after ten seconds. "My name's Irikimon. I'm a Virus-type In-training Digimon." he hopped back into Zack's room. "Jeeze, what do you need all this stuff for?" He asked, and Zack heard crashing again. he ran into his room, and saw his display case of Transformers had fallen over. Irikimon was looking at Sandstorm, a helicopter Autobot Transformer. he was holding it with his tail "Uh...could you put that down?" He asked. "Why?" Irikimon asked. "because it's mine." Zack said. "Not anymore," Irikimon said, squeezing his tail. He broke Sandstorm. He. Broke. Sandstorm. "Why you little-" Zack started. Sandstorm could easaly be replaced, but that wasn't the point! "Little what? Come on, bring it on! I've got more then enough for you." he blew out bubbles which made Zack stagger back. They packed more of a punch then they looked like they had. Zack grabbed a woden staff he had carved one day when he was bored and swung it so fast that the little thing didn't have time to react, and it was hit up against Zack's wall, then fell. It turned halfway around, eyes glowing red. Then, it smiled. "Good," Irikimon said. "I thought I was stuck with a weakling. Maybe you aren't so bad, kid." "Awnsers, now," Zack said. "What are you?" "And strait to the point, too! I'm Irikimon, it translates to Little Demon Monster. I'm a Digimon, a creature made out of computer data. You are Zack, you're a human, and you have the Crest of Darkness." "No I don't, I'd know." Zack said. "Where did you come from?" "You have the Crest, alright," Irikimon said. "You just don't have it on you. give it time. Now, let's go to the Digital World. You're needed." "Where?" "Where I'm from. It's an alternate Universe, you can reach it through the computer." "How, exactly?" Zack asked. Now he was begining to get curious. "Well, let's see," he looked around, then under Zack's chair. "Ah, here it is." he came out with two objects. one looked like a pendant, and the other like a handheld game device. the device was mostly white, but had black outlines. "Put on the pendant," Irikimon said. "That's the actual Crest of Darkness. the device is a D3. Hold it up to the computer, and then we'll be there." Zack put on the pendant and took the D3. the pendant began to do some kind of anti-glow slightly when he put it on the Crest of Darkness was shaped like a black creasent moon, with the poins facing up. it was on a golden background. the D3 did nothing. Irikimon hopped up onto Zack's shoulder, wraping his tail around Zack's arm for balence. "Just hold it up to the computer," Irikimon said. "It's not that hard..." Zack did. there was a warping sound, then suddenly Zack was in a tropical jungle, were it was raining. hard. he could hear thunder. Zack was soaked through instantly. He noticed that his blue t-shirt had been swiched with a black leather jacket, and a white t-shrit. his green shorts had been replaced with loose-fitting blue jeans. "Welcome to the Digital World, enjoy your stay!" Irikimon shouted over the rain.
  14. The first six episodes. If you like, well, just say so. I might post it here. Digimon: Neo Destined Redefined Episode Zero: It's My Life Friday, April 25, 2002. 2:10 PM, Ashland, Massachusettes, USA. Cycle Theme: Digimon Main theme Twelve-year old Zachary Peter Bramner made his way through the hallways of his school back to his homeroom; stopping breifly at his locker to grab his backpack. It was dissmissle time, finaly. It had been another day in Hell, as useual. rarely did he have a good day anymore. He ignored the people trying to annoy him; it was nothing new and he and grown to almost enjoy their disappointment when they got nothing out of him. He briefly saw the one thing that he loved most in this damn world, Sarah Nelsini. Zack thought she was the most beautiful creature in the world. her hair was long and black like a raven's, and her eyes a startling green. she had tanned skin which somehow she maneged to keep tanned in the winter. She wore blue jeans and a white t-shirt that had a golden halo design on it's center, and multicolored beads in her hair. She was smiling, and though it wasn't directed at Zack it warmed him anyway. Then, he saw his arch nemesis, John Montag, put an arm around Sarah. Sarah and John loved each other; Zack knew that and he didn't want to get anywere near John if possible. He was one of those people who just got worse and worse as you got to know them better. Zack had been stuck knowing him since first grade. right now, he thought that Satan (had he been real) would of been nicer to know. John had red hair the color of fire and was wearing a red tanktop and khaki shorts. "Satanist," a kid that Zack knew (but didn't like) said as Zack passed by him. He hated that little subtitle people used on him. About a week ago, they had been studying the fall of the Roman Empire, and in one way or another it had come out that Zack was an athiest. So, people had taken to calling him a Satanist for some odd reason. Zack entered his homeroom, and practicly colapsed onto his desk. He just wanted the day to END. fortunatly, the school was small, so he could sit by himself. "How come you don't belive in God?" a voice asked. Zack looked over and saw another kid he hated two seats away from him. "Go away," He said, not taking the bait. the kid just snickered. "Maybe bus nine will be called first for a change," Zack thought. the buses were called in three sets at a time, and normaly his bus was in the second set. Zack checked his backpack quickly to make sure he had everything. Pencils, paper, notebook, Social Studies book. They had only one homework asignment, and that was to read chapter one of the Fall of Rome section of the book. He had already read the book back to front, on previous asignments he had forgotten to stop reading, so he didn't actualy need to read it, but he wanted to, in case he had missed anything. Unlikely, but possible. he belived anything was possible. Right, Zack thought. If anything was possible then the Earth would be under his control because he had used an army of those monsters he had seen on the computer about three years back. Naturaly, that wasn't going to happen. "May I have your attention please," the clerk at the office said when the PA came on. "We would first all like to congradulate-" Yadda yadda yadda, Zack thought. Just get to the buses. Yes, the football team won (again), yes, the D.A.R.E. program would be begining soon, you've only told us a thousend times. Finaly, they started anouncing buses. for a nice change, Bus Nine was called first. he got up out of his seat, taking off the "kick me" sign he knew was on his back and had been for the last two seconds. Ametures. Zack walked down the halway, and again he glimpsed Sarah as she hurried to open her locker. When she did, a rose fell out. Zack smiled. it was sad, the ways he came up with to make her smile. He had done that durring lunch, went into the teacher's room, grabbed the key, opened the locker, and put it in on the backpack, then maneged to put it back without being seen (it was fortuante that Sarah only went to her locker at the begining and end of the day, otherwise he might of missed the smile. once he had maneged to see her all day, though). the rose was real, he had snipped it from his mom's garden. taped onto it's bottem, in type on a small card were the words "your welcome". He saw Sarah smile as she breathed in the rose's scent, then hurry to her bus. Zack got onto his. He knew that she knew that it wasn't John who'd been giving her all these surprise gifts, he didn't have a big enough imagenation. Zack sat in the front of the bus, that way he didn't have to deal with anyone torchering him. He was also luckaly the first stop off of the bus, so he didn't have to wait long to get home. Once home, he went to his room, a well-lit room. he was very brightly dressed normaly, though he dressed in mostly one color. He moved the mouse on his small computer, and the screen flickered a few colors. "Hi Neo!" the messege read as the Magic: the Gathering: Oddesy screensaver he had downloaded turned on, and the password entry window came up. He typed in his password (It was "Sarah", easy enough to remember) the main screen came up. he checked to make sure the Internet was conected, then clicked on his AOL conection. he was online in under 10 seconds and alreay heading to check his E-mails(he was part of an Internet Forum run by EZ Board, and because of his signup he recived junk mail all the time). this time, there were only three E-mails. One was for a credit card, he deleted that. one initialy looked interesting, being a toy discount, but when he saw it didn't include Transformers he deleted that as well (he only colected those toys. his most prized was the origonal, Dye-cast Optimus Prime, worth around $300). the third one caught his eye. It's title read "Hello, Zachary Peter Bramner" and it's sender was [email]CD@dgtl.wrld[/email]. he clicked on it. the screen suddenly turned white.
  15. Oh, come on. 'they changed it all just to get the money'. Well, incase you didn't notice, the people who made Dragonball Z made it for the money. DBZ is a money-making-machine, pure and simple. Some fans can sit here and argue all day about how changing DBZ is like throwing a can of red paint on the Mona Lisa, but at the end of the day, DBZ doesn't even aproch the Mona Lisa, and, oh, by the way, the Mona Lisa was painted for money, so it's just as bad. Meanwhile, other fans are eagerly waiting for 6:30 PM so that they can watch DBZ which, by the way, isn't actualy half as good as it's made out to be, as we only get a good fight once every five episodes. It's like a soap opra with aliens. Nothing HAPPENS until you're about to change the channel out of boredom. And other fans of DBZ realise this, and are instead eagerly awaiting for monday, when Zoids: Chaotic Century starts airing at 4:30 PM, not 6:00 AM. Face it! If not for the fact that they changed it and edited it and 'defiled' it, then we would not be sitting here like loosers arguing about how they changed it and edited it and stuff. It's that plain and that simple and I realy don't see the point of arguing it any further. And seeing as I made this thread about three months back, I think I'm entiteled to say that I am sick and tired of seeing it's name and as such I realy, realy, realy, REALY want it to just DIE! Unless we all stop the flaming back and forth and just sit down and talk. I think that people should be allowed to delete their own threads.
  16. I posted what follows in the other Immortality topic, but in differant words. 'Immortality' does not mean 'Impermiable' or 'Cannot feel pain' or 'all powerful', it just means 'not mortal', thus, cannot die. My example is from the book "Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn". Abdel, son of Bhaal, had just transformed into a killing machine, and he tore apart the vampire Bodhi, who, as an immortal, realised that even though she could not die, she would have to spend the rest of eternity in pain, dismembered. She begged Abdel to kill her, and he did with the wooden steak. The point is, even though Bodhi was immortal, she could still feel pain, and could still be dismembered. Wishing to be immortal is dangerous unless you know exactly what you're doing. The best bet is to be realy specific or wish to not be immortal [I]per se[/I], but rather with some kind of loophole. For example, in a digiparty I once played in (The Second Annual Meeting of the Board of Fanfic Digivillains), Cyborg Freiza got his hands on an artifact called the Shard, which could grant you any one wish. Realising the above problems, Freiza instead wished for something else - he wished that every single time he was defeated, he would come back stronger then before, and with a new form just for style. Well, his wish was granted - he ended up going back to his origonal form, but throughout the digiparty, we had to deal with Freiza forms I, II, III, IV, V (Cyborg), VI (Freiza IV with horns), VII (Freiza VI with horns and two extra hands with crablike pincers), VIII (Freiza VII with wings), and IX (Freiza VIII, black, with two more wings and severeal feet biger) before someone finaly used the Dragonballs to go back in time and prevent Freiza from making that wish by killing him beforehand (actualy, it was me who did that I saved the world!).
  17. I think the main reason why no one (to the best of my knoledge) ever became immortal is because immortality doesn't mean all-powerful. Even if Vageta had gotten his wish and had become immortal, he still wouldn't have enough power to of beaten Freiza, so he'd have to put up with being knocked around by Freiza for the rest of eternity. Plus, immortality doesn't mean that you can't be hurt, it just means that you won't die. If Vageta had wished to be immortal, and then had been sliced in half, he wouldn't die. No, he'd have to live with the pain for the rest of eternity. The Dragon says so himself: Make your wish, but beware, for it will come true. Ths means that if someone with a naughty wish makes a wish, the Dragon is perfectly willing to screw around with it. Wishing to be all-powerful could have the Eternal Dragon end up with you becoming so powerful that you end up like the first Super Saiyin - a bunch of stardust. Wishing to have all the money in the world would give you that, but with all the money in the world belonging to you, everyone's gonna be after you. Wishing for a pet dragon could end up with you having a pet dragon who doesn't like you one bit and decides that he wants to eat you. That's why you make a simple wish, or are realy, realy specific with your wish. Like, instead of saying 'I wish I was immortal!' You should say 'I wish I was immortal and impermiable and could feel no pain! Not let's get on to my other two wishes (assuming it's the Namekian Dagonballs)'. Or, something like "I wish that every time I was defeated I came back alive more powerful then I was in the last life! And with a new form, just for style". Actualy, Freiza once made that wish in a Digiparty I was part of. Only with the Shard, not the Dragonballs. But the effect was much the same. Has anyone ever actualy succeaded in wishing to be immortal? If someone has, it doesn't make sense. Name the last Guardian you've met who could make someone immortal.
  18. Why would I want to keep people from playing just because their grammar or spelling is bad? That's just mean. Besides, my spelling leaves something to be desired. I cant spel two gud, yu no and my gramer is pretty bad, two. Heh. I'm gonna do that a lot nowdays.
  19. Seriously. How the heck did Yu-Gi-Oh! get this popular? Oh well. What are the mellenium items? All I know are the Mellenium Puzzle, the Mellenium Eye, and the Mellenium Ring.
  20. Okay, here we go. I'll post the pre-stoy again. Kayla spotted her again. That person she had seen at the mall, walking by her home, in town a few times, and now here, at a rave. Only this time, the person made it known to Kayla that she saw her, by waving slightly and smiling a little. Kayla decided to wave back, then shrugged and went back to dancing. Who was she? Kayla hadn?t seen her around before. Maybe she was new in town? Just arrived a few weeks ago? She stopped dancing for a few seconds to rub a sore on the back of her neck. She had that for a about a week now, it wouldn?t go away. It was only mildly painful, however. Oh well. Back to dancing. * * * She had no clue. Skye?s smile dropped, and she looked down, hands in her pockets. That mortal had no clue. ?Hey, BABY,? Someone said. Skye turned, and saw two guys, quite obviously drunk, or high, or both. They were using each other for support. Skye smiled. This would be easy tonight. That was good - she liked it when it was easy. ?Hi guys,? She said. ?Going my way?? The two guys smiled wide, and tried to high-five each other. One said ?Score!?, whilst the other just barely managed to gurgle out something. Skye smiled again. They were drunk, they wouldn?t notice a thing, especialy since the chances of them remaining concious were slipping fast even without blood loss. Now she just had to find someplace quiet... * * * Someplace quiet turned out to be their minivan. Skye liked this minivan, too - dark windows were a plus. ?Turn around...? She tempted the guys, as she unzipped her shirt. As the guys goofed up and turned around drunkenly, Skye stripped off her shirt, pants, and shoes as she climbed into the minivan?s back and lowered the back seat, then sat back in the sexiest possition she could muster, her legs spread enough to reveal her vagina. ?Okay, you can look,? She said. The two turned around. There was a moment?s pause, then they both fainted. Skye stared at the edge of a minivan for a moment, not believing her good luck, then shrugged and climbed over, pulling them in. She looked both over, neither looked more apeasing then the other, so she just grabbed the closer one. Skye rolled back the sleave on one, and stared at his inner arm, at the bent in the elbow. She then put her mouth to it, her fangs extending and biting down. Blood began to seep out, she licked up the stray streams first then focused on the main flow. This blood didn?t taste quite like what Kayla?s had, but that was probably because it was from a drunk. Skye closed her eyes, taking in the feeling of the blood against her throat. She?d grown accustomed to it, and that scared her. But she also kind of enjoyed it. It was newish to her. Twenty years of being a vampire wasn't an incredably long time to an immortal. Skye eventualy decided that was enough from this one, she stopped feeding and moved onto the other one, using the same port for the blood. She almost never bit the neck, and if she did, it was always the back, where little blood would escape. She wasn?t trying to kill anyone, after all. The blood of this one tasted much the same; she figured that these two had similar bloodlines, perhaps they were cousins or even brothers. She didn't know - it was getting hard for her to tell the differance between humans. Unless she knew their faces well, they just all blurred together. After she was done, she left the van and put her clothing back on, then closed the door to the van. She began to walk away, sated for this night. She decided that she didn?t want to spend the rest of the night admiring Kayla, although Kayla was most certainly one of the most beuatiful creatures Skye had ever seen. * * * ?I hate my unlife,? She said to Vincint. Vincint Schneider was a human, a mortal. He had dark black hair and a neatly trimmed beard, and Skye sometimes got the idea that maybe he was trying to look like Satan - because he did look like the common veiw of the Lord of Darkness. However, he most certainly wasn?t a Satanist, considering the cross around his neck and the fact that he killed others of her kind for a living. Not that she at all cared even the slightest. When they had met, Skye explained in simple terms that she?d never killed a human in her life or unlife and didn?t plan on starting, she was just trying to stay alive (or unalive). ?Can?t say I blame you,? Vincint said as he drank back a bottle of beer. ?No, but I mean, I REALY hate it,? Skye said, drinking a coke. ?I mean...I?ve told you about Kayla, haven?t I?? ?Yes, you have,? Vincint said. ?Well...? Skye said. ?Look at this. Can you imagine me trying to ask her out? ?Hi there, my name?s Skye. Hey, wanna go out on a date?? ?Sure, Skye, why not?? ?Cool! Just make sure that it?s after the sun sets, becasue otherwise I?ll burst into flames?.? ?Depending she says yes,? Vincint said. ?Oh, she?d say yes,? Skye said. ?Toreador, remember?? ?Refresh my memory,? Vincint said. Skye sighed. She looked around the bar, then spotted a pretty-looking young woman. She waved a tempting finger, and the young woman came over, seemingly very happy. ?Hi, my name?s Skye,? She said. ?Ever been kissed by a woman?? ?Never thought about it before you...? The young woman said. Skye leaned over, bringing her lips to the young woman?s, who shuddered a little under the cold touch. Then Skye pushed the woman away, and turned back to Vincint. ?That?s what I?m talking about.? She said, as the woman stumbled away. ?It?s EASY! I hate drinking blood, but humans make easy prey, especialy for a Toreador or Ventrue.? ?Um, excuse me, not as easy as you think,? Vincint said. ?I?ve killed two dozen of your kind.? ?They?re not ?my kind?.? Skye said, leaning down on the bar. ?If they were ?my kind? then you?d just be a pawn that I use. Probably would have sucked you dry a year ago.? ?I only met you six months ago,? Vincint said. ?My point exactly,? Skye said. ?Look, here?s a thought. Go grab a wooden steak and just impale me, okay?? ?What? Why?? ?Because you kill ?my kind?, remember?? Skye said. ?Come on. This way I?m out of the picture, but I don?t have to die, exactly.? ?Nope. Not gonna do it.? ?Come on!? ?Nope,? ?Please?? ?No. You?re too valuable an information sorce.? ?What are you TALKING about? I?m a Neonate!? ?You never know,? Vincint said. ?I happen to have incredably good luck - ow!? He yelped when Skye hit him over the back of the head. ?If you luck?s so good, then how come you, a slayer, couldn?t stop me from doing that?? The Toreador asked. ?Oh, go to Hell.? Vincint said. ?Maybe you are lucky; I?m already on my way there.? Skye said. She leaned back against her chair. ?This sucks,? She said. ?I?m thirty two years old and I look seventeen.? ?I thought you said you were nineteen when you were bit,? Vincint said. ?Yeah, but my ?expansion? was going slow.? Skye said. ?Damn. Do you realize I?ll never be able walk into a bar and just ask for a beer?? ?Yes you will,? Vincint said. ?Come on. Pull some of that mad Toreador power to get me out of paying the bill, becasue I know you don?t have any money.? ?Oh, fine.? Skye said. ?But if I have to use my body in any way, YOU?RE gonna owe me big time. Get it?? ?Got it,? Vincint said. ?Good,? Skye said. * * * She had to use her body, in a way she didn?t realy like all that much considering the size of the barkeeper, but it wasn?t like she hadn?t done it before. Skye had then tracked down Vincint, and he had payed her a rather large amount if money which involved high numbers with three digits, almost four. He would have been much better off just paying the tab, but then again, he came from a long line of vampire slayers with a long line of money behind them, so it wasn't like he couldn't spare the cash. Skye smiled as she counted the money, walking down the alley and getting back to her lair, it was getting late. Or early. Depended on weather or not one?s point of veiw was that of a vampire. To her, it was late. Her ?lair? wasn?t a crypt or a vault or a castle, it was an apartment. She got out her keys and unlocked her door. Her apartment was almost utterly bare, anything in it was there simply to entertain anyone who might come who didn't know she was a vampire.. There was a couch, a table, two chairs, and a small TV. It had come with a fridge, but the fridge was empty and had been for the past three years. The windows had thick, heavy curtains. Skye realised she had slept late last night, she was still wide awake when the first rays of sunlight would be shining. That meant that she had time to spare. She went imidiately to her art room. Skye had always loved to paint, that was were most of her money came from whenever she needed money. She used to paint happy, joyful pictures all the time, but she had kind of toned down on them. Her latest one looked like something Whistler would have drawn - ?incompleate? looking, but actualy that was how it was supposed to look. She was fond of painting night sceans, or ?nocturnes?, as Whistler called them. This one was a veiw of the city from her window. Skye grabbed her art brush and her paints, and began to apply them almost randomly. She always kind of entered a trance when she worked, as the part of her vampiric mind that was connected to the long-dead Antedeluvian of the Toreador went to work. Her art skills had been magnifide when she had become part of the undead. That was a plus. One of the few. Speaking of Toreador, she thought when she looked over the painting, maybe she should find some Toreador who'd want this. Yeah, that would be great...she could get thousands for it. Rip off some poor Toreador Neonate, or some poor Toreador elder. Then she heard a knock at her door. A knock? Who could it be at this hour? She checked her watch...it was only five in the morning. Five...? The sun was up. Damn. There was another knock, and Skye spared a moment to grab a knife before opening the door. ?Rent.? Was the first word she heard, then she sighed in relief. She had thought maybe it was some vampire hunters, or maybe some ghouls sent by some vampire she might have accidenlty pissed off. ?Hello, Ms. DeGuaff,? She said. ?Hang on a sec, I?ve got it in cash.? Skye put her knife aside and reached into her pockets, pulling out the cash that Vincint had given her. ?How much?? She asked. ?Three hundred dollers.? Ms. DeGuaff said. Skye counted out the money, and then handed if over. Ms. DeGuaff, a seventy-year-old woman who should have died ages ago, sneered. ?And DON?T be late again!? She said. As Skye closed the door, she heard Ms. DeGuaff say something about ?stupid kids?. Skye shook her head. Damnit, she hated Ms. DeGuaff. What the Hell kind of name was that, anyway? She?d looked it up in a French name dictionary once and found nothing. Maybe Spanish? She didn?t look spanish. Skye closed the door, then went over to a window. She made sure to stay as far as possible from the sunlight, leaning against a wall, and then pulled she curtain back slightly. Sunlight poured in, bright and, to Skye, anyway, hot. The sun was probably fully in the sky. And all of a sudden, she was tired, a natural instinct for a vampire upon seeing sunlight indirectly. Skye tentively put the curtain back, then went to her bedroom. Her bedroom didn?t have a coffin like the common vampire slayer idiot might think, it had a bed. A rather nice bed, Skye thought. She?d enjoyed a number of days and nights of it, sometimes not alone. Something Skye had noticed was that male vampires almost always went after female humans and were almost always straightforward, whilst female vampires, including herself, had no prefferance in gender and tended to seduce. Something in their very nature? Or was it that female vampires still liked to do things the easy way? Who cared? Skye lay down on her bed, sighing softly as she pulled she sheets over her. She wished she could have stared at the sun. Well, she could have - and then burst into flames a second later. She wished she could look at the sun without that nasty drawback. Oh well. Skye closed her eyes, and let herself drift off into sleep. * * * Kayla awoke to a sound ?Hello, Kayla,? Someone said, standing over her bed. Kayla?s eyes slowly drifted open, she saw a young woman, about her age, standing over her. ?Uhn...?? She asked. The young woman put a finger to her lips. ?Shh,? She said. ?You don?t want to wake yourself up.? ?I...wha...?? Kayla asked. The young woman smiled. ?Just relax,? She said, pulling off her shirt and revealing her humble breasts. Kayla?s eyes widened, as the young woman stripped down, getting toataly naked. She reached a hand forward, and pressed Kayla to her bed as she got on top of her. Kayla moaned softly, anticipating somewhat incorrectly what was comming. The young woman?s hands softly traced across Kayla?s nightgown and to her breasts, then one hand drew a soft line down the middle of Kayla?s night gown. Kayla was begining to get warmer as she became more exited. The young woman enjoyed this, she unbuttoned Kayla?s nightgown. Then she leaned over, her hands cupping over Kayla?as breasts and her lips pressing against Kayla?s. Kayla moaned at this sensation, and at the fact that, for some reason, whoever this was seemed to be as cold as a corpse. The young woman?s hands traced away from Kayla?s breasts and to her hands, holding them down, as the young woman?s breasts touched Kayla?s. She gasped then, as the young woman began to kiss along her neck. She WAS cold... Kayla felt a small, sharp pain at the back of her neck, and some kind of wetness. Her vision was begining to blur, and she felt herself drifting from conciousness. She also felt something licking at the back of her neck....the young woman, who had shifted positions to be behind her, so Kayla was on top of her. the young woman?s hands clasped tightly onto Kayla?s breasts, kneading them gently. It felt nice...this was a great dream... Skye finished drinking, making sure that no blood got on the bed or anywhere. She then pressed a hand firmly against the wound, and waited for the bleeding to stop. Several times, she thought of things that she kind of liked the idea of, involving her taking advantage of the unconcious Kayla. But no. She wouldn?t do it. If Skye had anything, it was willpower, and she managed to fight off the temptation to do something which she probably wouldn?t regret and Kayla wouldn?t remember. * * * Skye was now wandering aimlessly. That's what she did with most of her nights these days when she wasn?t painting. And, of course, as she walked down the city streets she knew that she was being followed, and she knew that it was by a vampire. And from the way he carried himself, he was very confidant, thusly probably very old. Skye reached a wide, open street. She finaly turned, looking at the vampire. He looked old. Very, very old. She could tell simply by looking at this vampire, with pale white skin, long black hair tied back in a ponytail, and a dark trenchcoat. His eyes seemed to carry his age. Skye suddenly felt a little fearful. ?Who are you?? She asked. The vampire smiled. ?I think,? He said, in an accent that Skye couldn?t quite place - something European, that was for sure. The vampire began to pace around Skye, although he kept a distance of about ten feet to make sure that Skye didn?t feel to uncomfortable, ?That it is more important as to who you are. Skye Endawi, no?? Skye looked at this vampire. ?Yes...? She said. ?Yeah, that?s who I am. Skye. Um...what...do you want?? ?Simple,? The vampire said. ?What we all want, isn?t it? Blood. But I want more then that. I want to have unlimited access to it. I want the Camarilla gone.? Skye gasped. She had no love for the Camarilla, but it was the most powerful vampiric sect and it managed to keep some order in the vampire world. ?You?re a Sabbat!? She said. The vampire laughed. ?I most certainly am not part of those fools,? The vampire said. ?I belong to no foolish clan or sect.? ?A...and why do you want me?? Skye asked. ?What do I want from you?? The vampire asked. He chuckled a little. ?I thought we had gone over what I wanted already.? The vampire suddenly shifted into nothingness, then was suddenly behind Skye. he grabbed her hands and held her in place. ?Blood,? He said. Skye tried to struggle, but couldn?t. She felt a sharp pain in the side of her neck, and she felt blood begin to drain from her in painful ammounts. She was already dead, so she couldn?t fall into blissful unconciousness. Rather, she could only stay awake, and scream. But Skye didn?t manage to scream, the vampire glasped a hand to her mouth. After what seemed like an eternity, the vampire let go. Skye fell to the ground. She used one hand to support herself, and her other one clasped her wound, trying desperately to keep the precious blood in. She?d have to feed again...and feed a lot... Skye found herself in tears. She looked at the vampire, who was walking off. ?Who are you?!? She demanded. The vampire stopped, and turned. he bowed deep. ? Count Vlad Drakul,? He said, and Skye suddenly remembered the accent. It was Transilvanian. ?But you may call me...Dracula.? The vampire burst into a cloud of bats, which flew off into the moonlight.
  21. Eh? Wha? Oh...this is only signups?! Agh, this is an annoying little board. Oh well. Give me a sec. Oh, yes, ways to kill a vampire 101: There are only three ways to kill a vampire and keep it dead: sunlight, fire, or decapitation. A vampire can last about six seconds in open sunlight, twelve in indirect sunlight, etc. After that, they die, having burst into flames. If a vampire goes for more then one hour in a frenzy and has no access to any kind of blood, then they enter a state called topor. Unless they are fed some blood, they enter the Final Sleep one hour after that, If a vampire takes a large ammount of damage, say, from being sliced through by a sword and shot in the head and a bucn of other stuff, they also enter the topor, and unless they're fed some blood, withon one hour they stay dead. Garlic, silver, and running water are useless. A sword with a silver blade or a blade with silver on it is as useful as any other sword against a vampire - aim for the neck (unless the blade is pure silver, in which case, it'll probably snap upon hiting bone and you'll have a very angry vampire on your hands. a cross is useless to actualy kill or hurt a vampire, but it the person who has it believes strongly in the power it represents, the vampire may feel a little ill. Holy water does not burn a vampire, unless the person who put it on the vampire believes strongly in the power it represents. A wooden steak through the heart does not kill a vampire, however, it will paralyze them until it is removed. When a vampire dies, they are a corpse. They don't burst into dust like a Buffy vampire does. They cannot be re-animated again. Of all vampires, only Cain is truely immortal - he could not die. So he's still out there, somewhere...but, each progressing generation of vampire has grown weaker and weaker and weaker. If a neonate vampire from today was to go back in time and take on a neonate vampire from the middle ages, they would find themselves outclassed.
  22. America's system has worked for three hundred years and has not failed us yet. Let's face it: it is all about money. Money gets you power, it gets you land, it gets you women (or men, if that's your thing). Money gets you freinds. Money gets you almost anything - it just can't get you love, true love. But it CAN get you almost-as-good, second-rate love! I never said I hated CHRISTIANS, I said I hated CHRISTIANITY. Most of my freinds are Christian, a number of them are Hindu, one or two are Islamic, and I think I have a Jewish freind as well. My mother is a Christian. I hate Christianity for eight reasons: 1) ROME - Notice how things started going downhill in the Roman Empire AFTER the Christians seized power? Romans were so busy thinking about the afterlife that they forgot about matters here on Earth. Someone once said 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'. Well, the Christians did it, and as such I'm not speaking Latin right now. NOOOO, I'm speaking bloody ENGLISH and SPANISH!!!! Spanish SUCKS! I didn't even WANT spanish! I told my school that I wanted to learn FRENCH!!! But NOOOOO, they put me in SPANISH! If not for the fall of Rome, I wouldn't even HAVE THIS PROBLEM!!!!! 2) SINGULARITY: One God? One allmighty, all-powerful deity? You mean that DOESN'T scare you? What happens if, one day, he gets into a bad mood? No one can stop him (refuse to do the capital 'H') from just going THWAK! and obliterating the planet. 3) FEAR - BELIEVE IN GOD OR GO TO HELL! ONLY HUMANS HAVE SOULS! DOGS WILL GO TO HELL! TREES WILL GO TO HELL! Come on! There could be a Hindu out there who never, ever, ever hurt anyone or any thing, but because he's hindu, he's going to Hell. How fair is that? Besides, if only Christians go to Heaven, and only good Christians at that, then the current Demon/Angel ratio is 1,000,000/1. Which is okay, Demons look cooler and for all we know Satan is actualy a fairly nice guy. All we ever hear is the Christian's point of veiw, we never here what Satanists have to say. 4) LIES - Jesus was not the messiah, he was not a son of any god, that's just something someone somewhere made up. Jesus was just a carpenter and probably a healer who said "hey, here's a thought: How about we all be nice to each other for a change?" and got nailed to a cross for it. One thousand bucks says his name probably wasn't even Jesus Christ. 5) DENILE: NO GOD BUT YAHWEH EXISTS! (Yahweh is the origonal name used for God by the Hebrews. Okay, actualy it's YHWH, but translated it's Yahweh). Saying there's only one supreme Overdeity is bad enough, but denieing the existance of all others? Come ON! The Romans were great about this. They said "Only Roman gods watch over Romans - but then again, only Egyptian ones guard Egyptians, only Greek ones watch over the Greeks..." And so on. They believed that all Gods existed, but certain Gods watched over certain people. Which was very nice of them. Smart people, the Romans. 6) CRUSADES: Do you know what the Crusades were fought over? Jerusalem (probably an SP there). Do you know who owned Jerusalem? The Muslims, specificly, Saladin (another probably SP). The Christians decided they want it, so they went out to go conquering 'In the name of God'. Hundreds upon thousands of humans died just to get to that one blasted land with little or no stratigic value. CHILDREN died. There was a Childrens crusade, where the Children believed one sea or another would part and let them cross to that godsforsaken peice of land. Do you know what happened? DEATH! Most DIED! They DROWNED! And what was this all for? the Muslims were perfectly happy to let the Christians in before. Hell, they all worshiped the same God, just in differant ways, so who cared? And as an added bonus, they were getting money out of it - the Christians who came would need food to eat, clothes to wear, and a place to sleep. 7) WAR PIGS: Yahweh is one of those deities who came from a warlike people. When life was just starting in Africa, man and woman were equal. The man hunted for food and did all the muscle work. The woman birthed and raised kids, tended to the home and hearth, and gathered food usch as fruits and vegitables. Hell, the earliest deities were goddesses. Then the warlike nations came. They came and they conqured. One of these nations was called the HEBREWS. They blew away and enslaved a peaceful civilization. 8)...DAMNIT! I knew this one. I HAD IT...agh...I'll probably edit this later when I remember it.
  23. Woah. . .time out. You said America SUCKS?! Okay, this is no longer about me being insulted. This has transended that plane of existance and is now heading straight to a very dark plane. This is now about the millions of Americans who DIED just to that you could say "DBZ dubs suck". They DIED so that you could bring your whining, complaing, authoritian *** in here and say "my way is right and your way is wrong" Like Apocalymon. "Oh, my life sucks so much! Everyone else must suffer because of it!" I don't care if I'm double posting, I won't be angry at the moderator that moves this up to my last post. I don't LOVE America - I would never risk my very, very important life to defend it, I don't have the courage or some silly sense of pride that says that fleeing is dishonorable. But I respect and honor those who DO have the courage and DO have the pride to do it. I have respect for ANYONE trying to do that, in fact - weather it be a Christian Matyr (and I HATE, repeate, HATE, the Christian religion), a Kamakazi, or "Divine Wind" pilot who was willing to throw his body, plane, and life away for his beloved country, or even just the old, forggoton WWII vertan who said "I can make a differnace". Aries...I can't even think of some kind of insult or remark. Saying what you just did, even as a joke, is just. . .just. . .wrong.
  24. I know that. I'm not a COMPLEATE idiot. Before I continue, don't get me started on my level of maturity, 'cause it's either not there or so large it's mind boggeling. Oh, darn, here I go. . .I'm more mature then most of the people I've ever met. Online and offline. Wouldn't try to insult me right now. Thunder and lighting and rain outside of my home. This means that I'm at my happiest, my smartest, my brightest, my cheeriest, and I don't want to continue about that. now, onto the nitpicking: ORIGONALY POSTED BY ARIES: In the famous words of..someone...'you're an idiot Jim'. -Oh, realy now? If I had a dime for every time I'd heard something along those lines, not only could I prove to everyone just how massive my brain is but I could also re-stabalize several Third World nations. The first thing I have to say is that this was completely immature.. -You forgot a dot. It's not ".." It's ". . ." Spaces between each dot, and there's three. Granted, my spelling and grammar leaves something to be desired, but come on. That's a third-grade mistake. "*coughpirocoughcoughmunkiecough*" What the- that is comepletely idiotic. -Have you heard of COMEDY?! Secondly, I don't care that they took out the blood, cuss words, and everything else, but that's not all they did. They implemented those corny jokes, they took out 13 (count 'em) 13 episodes, and SO much more that I can't remember right now. -Ever stop to think of why they might have edited those episodes out? by the time they reached them, DBZ was probably well underway in America. BTW: The reason it's not on the second page yet, is because it's called a discussion, that's a new word for you. People keep bringing up new points, and talking about it. That's what people do, have done, and will always do, because it's a discussion. -I have been in more discussions, online and offline, with myself and with others, then you could possible dare to dream, Aeries. I am single-handedly responsible for many, many people on another board stopping, thinking, and deciding that Hiyako (Hikari/Yolei lesbian relationship in Digimon) isn't sick, that newbies aren't out to ruin boards, and that I am the greatest. Okay, I lie about the last one. But the other two are ture. Thirdly, if you can't find the topic they talked about, you're an idiot, and they usually put a link to it anyway. -I dunno, I looked around quite a bit. Say, if you're such a smart guy, then show me where the last threat about your most favorite DBZ villain is. Next point, if you don't like the forum, don't come! That simple, if you're going to sit here and trash talk, then go away, shoo, shoo! -Well, I never. What right do you have? In case you didn't notice, there are no laws as of yet governing the Internet specificly. I'm free to come and go on most sites as I please. How dare you kick me out? What kind of Philistine are you? One more thing, the shows weren't MEANT for little kids, maybe digimon, but DBZ? Hell no. America sucks, as well as the other countries that dub it, and they only dub it like this because they are money hungry freaks, and know that little kids will buy anything. -You think I don't know this? Did you actualy READ my above topic? Let me go over the story again... -Once upon a time, there was a little girl who everyone loved. She had a red cape, and...GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS! Oh, wait, that's Samurai Jack. -Once upon a time, there was an American-made anime called Invasion: America, that aired on the WB. It lasted for less then one season. The story was great, if it had aired as a live-action show, then it probably would have lasted. But guess what it aired as? A cartoon. HMMM... -Even some very dark animated movies are underrated due to the fact that they're animated. Titan: AE has more blood in it then the whole of the dubbed DBZ, but it's rated PG. DBZ would be lucky to be rated that. -Hell, even live action movies get no respect. Was Jurrasic Park made for little kids? No. But, oh, look! There's a toy line for it! A crappy one, too.
  25. You guys start and do whatever you want. I'm not gonna moderate this one. [this was formerly Omega Tenpus]
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