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Everything posted by Subversive

  1. Page still loading....but all I've got to say is DevART ownz all! A guy I know runs the site.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]My friend let me borrow it, so I've played it. I didn't beat it, I got pretty far though. Graphics, I can't say anything really. There like most GB games. The gameplay was good, I'm still surprised I didn't beat it. The plot I didn't quite understand at first, then my friend told me about it, so I played it more. I hope I can buy the game so I can beat it, and make another file trying the girl. I always do that to these kind of games. [/B][/QUOTE] Once again you're speaking of the second game....I never got that one. I've beaten the first and have a good current team, I thought maybe I could compare it to someones, but evidently I am the only one with the stinking game.
  3. 15 month owner here...I'm screwed *Cries* :EDIT: I called Nintendo. I did a series of things, none of which work. I'm left with one question: Who will let me borrow $75? *Throws GCN through window*
  4. Disk is clean...does it on other games. Going to clean around Cube then try again. :EDIT: I cleaned around the fans, placed on cooler smoother surface, cleaned inside, cleaned disks, cleaned lense (very, very gently with safe material) now its a red box at the opening screen saying it can't read the disk
  5. Yes, but every time you do the right thing it does make a difference, no matter how small.
  6. Read these [url]http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml[/url] and welcome ^^
  7. Earlier this week I was playing PSO and that stupid can't read disk thing came up. I was a little mad, but it was no big deal. It started doing it like 3 or 4 times a day all week, which really was making me mad. I finally settled down and adjusted to it today. About 5 mins ago I turn my GCN on, now it won't even recognize there is a disk in there. I tried another...the same. I'm so friggin PISSED OFF! I'm about to kill someone or throw my computer monitor out my window. Does anyone know what in the hell is going on?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Do you actually know how many people keep friends from high school? [/B][/QUOTE] Statistically Harry is right, but its only a statistic not a decision maker.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B][color=green]i was saying that most mods can't make good banners. does it really matter that i said he was a mod? if it makes you feel better, i can deleat it?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *Burst out laughing* I like it and wish I could afford 3DS...and you can see the exclusion...which is slightly different from difference.
  10. Two words: Bizzzzz Addddddd ^^ I love it, how did you get time to do that. I need to sit down this week and draw again (I normally don't have much free time.)
  11. Heres a mono version of my sig currently...its so cool!
  12. I would say paper mario or that. Both great games, I'm into RPG's and still like to play those. Simple, fun, intreging (spl?) its perfect. Now go find your self an SNES or N64, wait you can borrow the one at my house...I don't have the game though...
  13. If your going for mature anime (I hope) I suggest Cowboy Bebop and Trigun. I mean these are well known and mature, i.e. teenage years. If you mean like screwed up crazy killing madness get Akira, its pretty weird. And if you haven't seen all of EVA get that. So many Anime DVD's so little money...I need a job.
  14. Subversive


    I have one thing to say. Walk is the greatest song for getting pumped...EVER! I love that song ^^
  15. [b]Who would play you?[/b] Early years this kid I saw in the mall, he looks just like I did...freaky. Teenage me...I don't know... Adult Me...Conan O'Brien. While his head is much fatter we have the same heritage (Ireland). He'd have to lose a few pounds (I hope). [b]What music would play when you were... Happy? [/b]Clint Eastwood - Gorrilaz ... I don't know why. And ofcourse some others. [b]Angry?[/b] Chavelle - The Red, Deftones - My Own Summer (Shove it), and much much more [b]Determined?[/b] Metallica - I Dissapear (spl?) [b]Sad?[/b] I'll speak of this when it happens *knocks on wood* [b]Love?[/b] I'll speak of this when it happens o.o; [b]What would happen in the end? [/b]I die defending my son from the Japanese Mafia (we both know kick boxing, really cool scene). [b]How long would it be? [/b]It would be a trilogy, all of a couple hours ^^
  16. Subversive

    X Men

    I hate everyone who likes wolverine so much, unless you have a really good reason. I've always liked Gambit, NightCrawler, and Ice Man! I never have even seen the first movie, but I don't see that many movies unfortunetly...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Yes, well I'm sorry that I am myself and your attempts to change me have failed. Bit of a shame but thats the way it is. See you shouldn't have expected much. :P (Am I still blocked?) I don't expect much, which is why I'm really happy when I get things. (*Points to new computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*) ..Oh wait you people don't care because your not geeks... *Goes off to PC/MAC forum* Eps - 3 POSTS TO GO!!!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] If you meant expecting material possesions I don't expect much either. I meant expecting stuff as a basis from others and yourself, why you don't have to do this to live, most seem to do it subconsiously. For example you expect people not to punch you for no reason *jumps under table*
  18. Nice concept, can't wait to see when polished up ^^
  19. I've only heard it once and liked it. In My Place is soooo goood, Coldplay ownz!
  20. without expectations you have no goals, without goals you have no point, without a point you wander through life without a purpose. Is that anyway to live? I don't think so, but thats up to you...
  21. Sony is Second Generation, Microsoft First, Nintendo....oops ran out of fingers ^^ Yes, Dreamcast didn't quite work out. Why? Who knows, it was probably too far ahead of its time.
  22. I don't see Nintendo letting Gamecube "Die out". They won't run out of money, they don't have to rely souly on The Cube (GBA). Nintendo is in this thing for the long haul. Bill Gates is just too rich, and PS2 is selling too well. I don't see any of these bowing out this generation.
  23. Yeah, there is no way that it would be used in a lobby. Just think of the headache...@.@
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Let's just hope they don't have weapons we're unaware of.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, you never know with a psycho. They're probably the only people crazy (or bitter) enough to use nuclear or chemical weapons.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]I know this is kinda off the subject, but I have a question regarding connection speed. I was wondering if anyone knew how choppy it would be to play PSO with a slow 28,800 bps connection? I was thinking about getting it, but because of my slow connection I am not sure I would get very much enjoyment out of the game. [/B][/QUOTE] Probably very frustrating. I have 56k, it averages around 48.0 kbps. That works fine but ocasionally it will connect at around 26.8kpbs, It lags, you can't see peoples chat messages forever, it seems like your the only one playing because their actions and talking is delayed on your screen. I thought my connection sucked but....wow!
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