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Everything posted by Subversive

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080] Those of us who own GameCubes and who [i]have[/i] played a wide variety of these games can make accurate comparisions between the GameCube and PS2, in terms of what kind of content they're offering. And I think most people can see the strong merits in GameCube, even if those merits might not be immediately visible to all gamers.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Why do you think I bought a GameCube. Nintendo knows what they're doing, and have the longest. BTW James I adopted a Blob ^^
  2. Oooh! Nirvana banner! Show it Show it!
  3. No way! Shy liked the black and white banner. :/sarcastic:
  4. well obviously, If there was a keyboard, I'd rather have that. But you'll be up for constant verbal abuse by some 13 year old loser who thinks he's all bad.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GhostofSalvtore [/i] [B]But Xbox has.......Smile Bit, which I know you like so very much. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, sadly Smile Bit has strayed...Follow your big bro Sonic Team to victory!
  6. I started off without TV. My friend bought EVA, I went, I saw it, I was anime fan for life ^^
  7. Well here is a touch up of the one I have now...
  8. Does anyone like this besides my friend. I don't think its that great but...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hiachi [/i] [B]No, every game they make AFTER Crystal Chronicles is going to be on GCN and PS2, which will not include FF X-2 or XI since they will be out BEFORE Crystal Cronicles [/B][/QUOTE] .:Does Happy Happy Square Officially (Even though I thought) Square is back with Nintendo Dance:. Can't wait for another great RPG on whats looking to become a great RPG console.
  10. I still think Nintendo will stick to NINTENDO stuff, I don't see them going outside for a long time.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B][color=crimson]I'm not really sure what is going on here, but you yourself GoS only said you knew two good games for the X-Box and said that Halo and Splinter Cell are the only exclusives you knew. Also the fact Splinter Cell is coming multi-format as well, but I'm not sure if you were trying to say SpyderDragon is oblivious to the consoles exclusives. Maybe it's just something more simple than that like SD may not want these consoles right now, could be saving up for something else, waiting for a birthday or maybe doesnt have the money (or waiting for price to be lowered), etc. You shouldn't just jump to conclusions! Anyway I think that all the consoles have good exclusives! :toothy:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm saving up for the new Game Boy! I'd like to buy a PS2 and may when I get a job. I'll never buy the XBox *knocks on wood*, how I loathe it... -_-
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B] The truth is, although we all hate war, there are times that we must do things we hate. [/B][/QUOTE] so true my friend...War is inevidible maybe not now but sometime.
  13. No, thats the second, I never got that one. The first looks better to me anyway, I used to train for hours. I'd fight my friend, but he wasn't even a match for me.
  14. Did anyone have this Enix masterpiece on their lovable gameboy color? I do, I just wanted to discuss it with some other people, infact I feel like playing this game now...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sniglefager [/i] [B] I will probably buy XBOX,but not until it's down to $100 [/B][/QUOTE] In other words: NEVER! Microsoft is already supposedly taking huge hits on all XBOX sales at $200. GoS-Well your missing out on those great PS2 and Xbox titles. OK, you buy me the system and I'll get the games ^^
  16. Unreal, get the PC one too. Unreal is so much fun, its too adicting! I have 8 GC games: (in order of getting them) Madden NFL 2002, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, NCAA Football 2003, Capcom vs. SNK 2: EO, Phantasy Star Online Ep. 1&2, Animal Crossing, Lord of the Rings, Skies of Arcadia Legends. I have 0 PS2 games (and no PS2) and I am proud to say I do NOT own an XBox.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]Pokemon is as large, if not larger, than it's ever been before. The TV show and such may have died down, the the franchise's presence in [i]game[/i] format (and let's face it, it's primarily a game; the anime is tacked on for marketing purposes) is still incredibly popular. As I said earlier, the sales numbers don't lie. As far as variety...we're seeing a lot more variety on the GameCube than we ever saw on N64. Everything from Killer 7 and Viewtiful Joe to Resident Evil 4 to Mario Kart and Pokemon. I don't think we've had this kind of variety in a while. Really, I don't think most people have much to complain about. The only thing I [i]may[/i] complain about is the lack of RPGs for GameCube. But even that is less of a concern now that it used to be (when you consider that games like the "Tales" series as well as titles like Lost Kingdoms II and Harvest Moon are on the way). It just depends what your priorities are. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, I'd recommend GCN over PS2; if you're not going to be buying many games anyway...you might as well buy a system with the industry's best (as far as certain franchises go). But if you have more money to spend regularly on games, the PS2 might be the best solution for you. And of course, if you have even more money...get more than one system. It just depends on what your priorities are (how much you play games, how often you buy them, what type you like...etc).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm glad the TV show, toys, underware, etc. died down. That makes the game more legitiment as a great RPG. The hype is what pissed me off, people took a great game, and made it a friggin crime almost for anyone over the age of 10 to play it. I still get made fun of for that till this day, but frankly--I don't care. Make fun of me if you want Pokemon was a good game.
  18. Impact Player ThePikasElbow hiachi GhostofSalvtore
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]What about Capcom's work on the GBC/GBA Zelda games? Nintendo and Capcom worked pretty closely on those, and they did a really good job. From everything I've been hearing, Nintendo and Capcom have a pretty good relationship. Whether or not they'd let Nintendo use some of their characters in an SSB game, though, I have no idea.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I didn't even know that! Thanks ^^ (I have no GBA, nor do I own a single Zelda title *cries*)
  20. How would one get in one of these "focus groups"? They probably wouldn't let people like us in anyway. We're to "true gamer" for our own friggin good. That GTAIII comment, it sounds like I said it (Hahahaha, GoS will be pissed). And Mr. Mosquito, that game looks so cool. And wasn't Roomainia (spl?)--that game where you are a ghost and you do stuff to mess around with this guy--announced for the PS2? .:250th Post:. ^^
  21. Once again: sorry for the double post. I have to to put this pic up. Its kinda trying something new for me, well here ya goes...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080] If it were up to certain members of society (who share your beliefs, but are more extreme), we'd all be living under a Christian theocracy. So, as I've said...extremism is dangerous in general, whether it's liberal or conservative.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe but I don't think so. Typically Christianity is taught about freewill when it comes to decisions (God made it where we are not all robots)--Theocracy is not what would most likely be backed, but what do I know, I'm not the extreme. Possibly a theocracy would be supported, but I wouldn't. I agree with our founding fathers, we should support our diverse religious beliefs, but definetly keep them seperate from being the government. Theocracy would be making the religion secular--look what happened to the pope throughout history when this happened. Its not a good thing. And Gokents: thats exactly what I was saying. But..wow..you said it great. ^^
  23. Its so cutezy. Its perfect! Its great for limejello.
  24. Thats whats sad, we should make it work, but we are the few- the proud- the marines--I mean the Gamers. Man I wish people were more like us so we could get more stuff in America!
  25. I doubt it will ever be as strong as it was. Most was hype and trend, but you can't diss it, thats how most of us got introduced to RPG's.
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