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Everything posted by Subversive

  1. This is different...maybe too different...
  2. Here's an alternate banner I made when I was bored...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B]if u know who he is, then the sentrence makes more sense [/B][/QUOTE] WORST "sentrence" EVER! Nice use of Chiller my man, you don't see many people use common fonts on their banners anymore...
  4. I was calling you a casual gamer if you only play those, and now you say you play more, so I am not.
  5. Does anyone know a *chain* store that has ever sold these. Or will I have to pay loads to import them? *Probably*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GhostofSalvtore [/i] [B]PS-As to the remark Spyder makes bout game player lowlifes who play GTA and EA games and call themselves gamers, well I play those and I call myself a "gamer", so I am a game player lowlife, dont hate on those games, but I wont get off topic on that subject and just see you later. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes I meant only those games, and if thats you, I stick by this. Theres nothing wrong with just playing these, but claiming the label gamer for this, is a little broad and I think wrong. As to your GCN small library comment, maybe thats because you limit yourself to the above games. If thats all you want don't buy the GCN. Nintendo makes systems for the gaming community, not the casual player.
  7. Was anyone else throughly pissed at the ending? I mean possibly the greatest anime ever, and then bam typical anime ending. I mean I was already mad [COLOR=white]when Wolfwood died[/COLOR] well atleast that was well done, but all the episodes leading up to the end were great and then...>.<
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Perhaps the bible says it? Yes, the only difference between gay people and straight people is the fact gay people find their own sex attractive. Last I checked, plenty of straight people have anal sex, so you can't even throw that argument at me. The way we feel towards that person, the way we act around that person, the meaning behind the reason we make love to that person is the exact same as any straight person who oves their partner. Cloricus, you can't understand. You're not gay. You have NO idea what we think. The only reason we know what you (meaning straight people) think is because we get it crammed down our throat day in and day out. It's automatically assumed in life that you're straight. It's like "everything is traight, unless otherwise noted"... lol. It's ridiculous. The only time a straight person will ever know what a gay person thinks, is if they actually take the time to get to know one and get to know the way they act around their partner... My best friend knows how I think. Why? Because he has known me for almost 10 years. He's seen how I act around my boyfriends. I don't consider my friend a normal straight guy. He has a girlfriend, they've been together 3 years now. They live together. And he has a best friend who is gay. Not many straight people can say that. Not many straight people knows what he knows about me and being gay. If you asked him if the way i felt towards someone else was different, he'd absolutely tell you no. Why? because I do the same thing he does with his girlfriend... I kiss, I hug, I go to movies, I argue, I LOVE. There is no difference with love. It's one thing... love is one thing that differs in no such way. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes it is in the Bible. I totally agree, saying homosexuals don't love eachother is assanine, love is basically the same in every form.
  9. Going today!!!! Yipeee! I'm so happy! :wigout:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B] I'd like you to ask yourself something, what would Jesus do if he met a homosexual? He wouldn't turn him away, he'd talk with them and accept them. [/B][/QUOTE] Jesus did meet homosexuals, this isn't a new thing people. And no he wouldn't turn them away, he would talk with them and accept them. But does that mean he thinks its right, no. Jesus talked with prostitutes, tax collecters, the possessed, etc. Just because someones a sinner doesn't mean he'd turn them away. I never said that.
  11. *points at GotenksSSJ343* Its Him! But your right so lets talk about CAP vs SNK 2:EO has anyone beat ShinAkuma on Eight Stars? I can't do it *cries*
  12. I wish I could afford a GBA, even more reason to get a job. But I've played my friends copy and loved the game! Can't wait for the new one.
  13. Its big and small for use and concept clumsy fingers! Just kidding, but really I like the GCN controller and most prefer the PS2. It blisters my hands. Does anyone else feel the same and I all alone. I also want to know if you can get a GCN controller adapter for the PS2! Help me dear soul, Help me!
  14. What I believe (not dissing anyone personally) is Homosexuality is a sin. Sins are being made due to giving into temptation to the devil. Thus you have the choice whether or not to do this, for it is a choice when he puts this on you. People are not born gay, the Devil sees this as an outlet for sin and tempts people with this. This is just my own personal experiences I get from reading The Bible.
  15. Nice, very nice! Your good with the airbrush. Nice concept and layout! I love this banner! ^^
  16. Get Skies of Arcadia, wait I'm in the Sony forum, whats going on...*runs off screaming* Maybe you should get a game less indepth then a FF, being a first timer, something more along the line of action packed and a little less tactical.
  17. Maybe I will too. *wink, wink* I must see it, I love Jackie Chan. I have lots of his movies on VHS, and if I had lots of money I'd get them on DVD.
  18. My friend is finally letting me borrow the last two DVD's of Trigun...Tommorow. I'm so stoked. :wigout:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by 9Eagle7Dragon [/i] [B]Ah, I love my job. I'm not really paid to terrorize the Trigun Forum, but I still love it. Brace yourselves for another distrubing first-person account from Knives. Well, it was Lem who gave me and Vash our names. [spoiler]But I am not infact called Knives by Lem. I gave myself that name. She gave me the name Millions. Crappy name, so I changed it. [/spoiler] I hated Lem. She was weak, soft, and of all things, a human. I can't beleive there could be a paridise on gunsmoke for humans. It was little more than a foolish dream. An 'Eden,' she called it. Of all the rediculous things. *End rant* [/B][/QUOTE] OK...you can chalk that up as 3 you've terrorized...*runs off screaming*
  20. Thats good stuff. I wish I could have Vash's hair and not look like a total moron :naughty:
  21. My schools so small and country a whole 6 people would show up. Well, thats the number of people who publicly talk about Anime, for some reason some people might conceal it. (I don't know why)
  22. Stumper...I'll have to get back to you on that one! Stewart Gilligan Griffin What was written on the glass of the the gun box in the first episode? [i]OK it was easy, so sue me (spl?)[/i]
  23. Yes, for some reason people are in fear that if someone discovers their deep, dark secret of jammin to some ACDC. I sing 80's music all day long, so whatyagonnado?
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