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Everything posted by Subversive

  1. No, don't you know they are just toys in his world. They're for his enjoyment, they were gifts. Noone else is an individual to him, we're all his pawns, put on the earth for his enjoyment, its all about him. He doesn't know other people are people.
  2. A free buffet? Sorry I blanked out...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]My mother and brother went to go see it. Mom said it was Shanghai Noon all over again, just a different country. Mmmpff. oO;[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow everyone I talked to about this Jump kicking comedic masterpiece says its actually differant. They even dared to say it was better. WHAT a sequel of an Action movie better, yes that is what they said. I must see this movie!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i] [B]I, personally, am having trouble sorting out whether I'm gay or not right now! [/B][/QUOTE] I don't believe people are gay. People choose whether or not to do homosexual things but noone is gay. Just my opinion...
  5. ... I have no Idea what to say. Sorry for your loss, and keep on living my friend. There is always hope...
  6. Well, I do think it is the easiest controller to play with. The other to I absoulutely can't use. Its sleek, curved, and fits nicely in my hand. I have great control with it, the only complaint I can see one having is the fact that the Control Stick is a little sensitive, and the CAPvsSNK2:EO's fighting system uses lots of half and quarter turns. I find my self often jumping when trying to pull off a finishing movement.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]I think hes a total freak He's had one too many face lifts, scratch that hes had way too many face lifts. To be honest he looks grosser than Frankenstein. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually more like Eagor, hes smaller and twitches alot! :drunk: I wonder what would happen to him if he had to live in the real world, without all the personal assistants etc. I mean all celebrities would have a hard time (well not all) but he would probably die.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]I love the 80's hair bands. And those chick groupies... think Kelly from Married with Children. Ah, hilarious times. & the poppy trendy stuff was great, too. "We can dance if you want to, We can leave your friends behind. Cause your friends don't dance & if they don't dance Well, they're no friends of mine!" Plus, you know, it was the end of the true punk era. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Best Song Ever! No not really, but yes the Hair Bands did rule, did you see that special on VH1 over the Top Fourty Hair Bands of all time (Man, I watch way too much Music Television!)
  9. I still think the Dreamcast was one of the best systems ever. I never owned one, due to my extreme lack of money at the age of 12, but wanted one forever. My friend still owns one, and plays it all the time. Dreamcast failed for one reason I believe, It was far ahead of its time, and (OK two reasons) It took all of those crazy Japaneese games that the other guys don't release in the U.S. and released them. These led to its downfall by low exceptence from the game player lowlifes who play the ocasional GTA and some EA sports games and label themselves a gamer. But back to the subject of whether or not the N is getting worse, I couldn't disagree more. Sure I loved playing Baseball Stars and Bubble Bobble 2 all day long, but you know what I'm more excited about the third party games that should be released soon. And now SEGA is all over the GCN (except for stupid SmileBit) (I wan't JetSet's and Shenmue's) I am even reaching new states of Hapnisity! (I know its not a word) SoAL and PSO take all of my time anyway (and yes I mean all) and that is the greatest thing one can have, a quality game from the makers of our favorite system, the dreamcast, on our precious 4"x6"x6", hopefully black (I'm watching you), chunk of plastic and ATI graphics. I look forward for what the future holds for Nintendo. (Man do I like parenthesis) Thank you and good day! :naughty:
  10. Well I just got the game Sunday and am currently getting the Green Moon Crystal. I've found Rixis and am in it right now, how I loathe this area...but I can't stop playing this game. I can't believe I'm actually admitting its taking away from playing with my lv 90+ RAmar on PSO. Get this game...NOW!
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]Pfft, where am I?! Lol... Umm... it looks like Santa Clause, lol. It is pretty good though. Not the best thing ever, but it is good.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Ummmmm, Jolly ole Saint Nick?! Where do you get that? :therock:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth [/i] [B]Deus Ex Machina is right, now that I think about it. There is nothing funny about the death of a child woth her whole life ahead of her, I have always agreed on that part. But when I raced in to judge the parents without even truly knowing the full story past what OB members said here was hearsay, and it was wrong. From now on, I will do a little reasearch before opening my mouth. thanks DEM, you put a new perspective on it for me. [/B][/QUOTE] True, my friend, True. I think we all do this a little. I do it moreso in real life when speaking, for I can catch myself sometimes at the keyboard. Although, you'll still see me type some pretty stupid suff:drunk:
  13. I wish they still had that, and if they do I can't find it. Do you know if you can find episodes of that?
  14. Yes that was a pretty halfbaked comment, there is no way all of them have an education.
  15. must see, too interesting...why must my internet connection suck?!
  16. I can't wait to see, but I must go to a friends house. My 56k is so pathetic...
  17. some jobs don't require interviews man. Without those options you can always do manual labor for a set amount of money, like a onetime thing. Everyone has a talent, which people need, so you can make money.
  18. Sweet. Great concept and form 10/10!
  19. What is your favorite (or soon fav) Sega game on the cube? Mine is Phantasy Star Online!
  20. Yippeeeeee! More of a great series, I can't wait.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Bush: Goes to war with Iraq Even dumber America: Elects Bush as president [/B][/QUOTE] Why is that? I mean back it up atleast ^^ unless it was a joke, which I don't think is the case.
  22. My holidays are spent working out, everyday. So there like normal just no school. I guess they're better in that way!
  23. [quote]quote:[/b] [color=green]then why do we have so many uniployed people looking for jobs?[/color][/quote] While that is true, this maybe his only valid point, if you want work you can find it. Somepeople are just too picky about what kind of work.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]Well, uh, I'm kinda hoping that the sue will be sucessful since I DESPISE that show... [/B][/QUOTE] *Gasp* WhaT?! Wow, someone who actually dislikes are sponge friend. And yes, they kid should have had a life jacket on.
  25. Not the blur, you got me there, but the rest, yes. Here's a new version...do you like this better?
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